Saturday, February 8, 2025

Wenger: Xavi’s got-a-no respect

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has responded to the latest comments from Barcelona midfielder, Xavi, about his desire to see Cesc Fabregas join the Spanish champions.

In his latest plaintive plea, designed to pull on the heartstrings, Xavi told Barcelona’s official website, “I spoke to Cesc in Ibiza and he said he was suffering because he wanted to come.

“It’s more like, he did everything he could to come and wants to leave Arsenal, although he made it clear that now everything depends on the selling club.”

It’s not the first time Barcelona’s short-arsed, very good at passing, Silvio Dante lookalike has made public his desire to have Cesc move, probably to see him naked in the showers more often, but Arsene Wenger remains less than impressed.

Speaking earlier today after Arsenal’s first pre-season game of the season he said ,”What is important is that Cesc Fabregas is contracted to Arsenal.

“That is a fact. Arsenal wants to keep him and all the rest is comment. If I found Barcelona in exactly the same position, I believe a mutual respect between the clubs should stop this kind of comment. If it is true then it is very disrespectful and it is not the first time that Xavi has been disrespectful to Arsenal”.

Xavi’s comments come after David Villa spoke earlier this week about how his ‘weakness’ was the Arsenal captain. Far be it for Arseblog News to proffer advice to multi-millionaires who are better at football than all of us put together, but perhaps they might stop and think about why it is, if Barcelona want Cesc so much, they don’t pay what’s necessary and instead blow most of their transfer budget on Alexis Sanchez.

It just makes them look like twats.

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David Villa, not SIlva. 🙂


Doesnt xavi know chesc isnt gay? he just whant him so bad!


Xavi is indeed a salacious little cock goblin.


Why don’t we stop all this fucking about. The underlying issue is that Fabregas is deeply unhappy at Arsenal and it’s in everyone’s best interests that he’s sold for a reasonable price. I would call £32m – for a midfielder – reasonable. Fabregas is not even first choice for Spain.


he’s first choice, and captain for Arsenal. if they want someone, who isn’t for sale and is contracted, then they need to make us an offer we can’t refuse.. which they aren’t doing…. simples


So? This bollocks every year is destroying team morale and leaving the club in a state of perpetual uncertainty. Fabregas is not a fit captain, that much is fucking obvious to even the biggest moron. Instead of focusing on peripheral shit like tapping up from twits like Xavi – what difference does it make anyway – none?, how about focus on why Fabregas is unhappy and what can be done to rectify it. If nothing can rectify it then it’s in Arsenal’s best interest that he is sold, even if at a slightly undervalued price.


What would you suggest James- sell him for whatever Barca offer us because he wants to go?? That is typical small club mentality and no way to win respect.

That is an invite to Barca and any such club to be picking at our talent at will as if we were Beveren or Lorient.

Arsene is doing the right thing. Cough up the right amount or sud off!!! Was so proud when Arsene said we’d hold on to Nasri even if he means he goes for free the next year. We’re a football club damn it, and not an academy.


Cant angry more with your comment. If Barca want him so bad then they should pay up. If not, sud off. As for Nasri, Arsene is spot on. If we are going to have any chance of being successful next season, we will need to keep our best players this season. If we end up empty handed come may, Nasri walking out will be the least of our problems. RVP will have one year left on his contract and will seriously consider whether to extend or not. Not to mention whether we will be able to attract top players as… Read more »

vidar Knuse

FAB is not unhappy. If he was unhappy at Arsenal he would made an official statement and request a transfer. So far he has done or said nothing of the sort.

I say keep Cesc for as long as he is under contract or until Barca show some real cash and pay up front, not installments, and when the season start, Cesc will enter the field in the beautiful red and white Arsenal shirt and inspire the rest of the squad to some major trophies.

Akhil Nayak

I read your two comments and you are right about some things. Even i think that at least 40 % of the Arsenal failings is that it’s captain ain’t stamping authority and filling confidence leading by example(playing extraordinarily like he used to before all this)………..And about his worth——If you people think he is worth so low,why do you want him in the first place………Barca is a great club and it can bring up its own superstars….If not, the players they buy from outside should be absolute world class and very highly priced……


Like I said before the players of Barcelona and the club itself has no respect for anyone and are above the law. No other club gets away with obvious tapping up. If he hates it at arsenal so much let him go and move on. The boys hiding behind his barca friends now and gets them to do all his talking now.


Spot on James. Couldn’t agree more


What proof is there that Fabregas is “deeply unhappy” at Arsenal? He issued a statement just a couple of weeks ago stating he is very happy at Arsenal. Obviously Barcelona has a place in his heart and he’ll want to return there, but he’s wise enough to realise Arsenal aren’t going to let him go cut-priced. £40m is the very least Arsenal’s asking price should be, when the likes of Neymar, without any top level European or International experience are being quoted for that figure, not to mention the price of the likes of Carroll, Milner, Alexis Sanchez etc.


If Cesc was so happy to stay don’t you think he might ask his “mates” to leave it cos his happy where he is. He must see that these friends of his are coming between him and the fans. A club captain would not put his supporters and club through this all the time.


so Dave…

if You owned a house and someone come looking would you sell your house at a far less price than you value it at…just because the misses in the couple who wanted it cried a little..
dont you honestly think that the whores from barca should behave like men not crack addicted whores..
obviously good luck on your high moral Sir..



There is a value on Cesc. If they want him, they should just pay up and take him. They want to have him cheap and Arsene is not prepared to sell our Captain cheaply.

They are praying for a forced sale through unsettling the player and promising heaven for him but thank God, Arsene won’t buy it.

Barca just pay up and shut up. Barca is too arrogant. They’ve even forgotten that between 1999 and 2005 they won nothing with Xavi playing.


james n dave….r u that fuckin stupid….u dnt realise value of cesc….


His hearts not in it anymore. This isn’t just barca talking here. They know he wants to return. He’s your club captain but doesn’t want to be at your club. No good


Are you that fucking stupid that you can’t see we won’t get the best out of a player whose head is all over the place? He WILL leave, that is certain. Hamstring my arse.


Oooo James, you sexy wee minx. Maybe I will, maybe I will.


Your right perry we do need to screw them for every penny but if no deal goes through I don’t think we will see the best of Cesc and that rubs off on the other players. The boys been with us a long time and has done an amazing job but it’s time to cash in now


No class at all from the inflated egos of those Catalan cunts. Yet again we go back to our previous statement of CUoCO

Or to quote Christopher Moltisanti, “This ain’t negotiation time. This is Scarface, final scene, f**kin’ bazookas under each arm, “say hello to my little friend!”


About time we had some official comment about those Barca twats. Does anyone honestly think Barca and their cunting players would be doing this if Cesc wasn’t an old boy? And they’re using that fact as leverage in not coming up with an appropriate price. You only need to look at the reported fee that Sanchez is going for. No previous Barca links there, so no fuckin about, they pay what they think is market value. Until they recognise the true market value of Cesc, realise there isn’t a Barca Old Boy discount available, and pay up, he remains our… Read more »


They want a bit of pay back cos we screwed them when they developed him as a 16 year old boy and we only paid half a million compo

Akhil Nayak

Arsenal didn’t screw them…….They could have kept Fab like they kept Pedro,Iniesta,Xavi, MESSI and many many others but didn’t keep him……It’s their bad problem not to keep him…………Now don’t tell money brought him here……..BARCA pay the highest wages after MAnCity………..It’s just carelessness on their part…………….What about FC Mataró whom barca picked FAB from when he was a 10 year old super talent and FAB left at 15…………I don’t know how DNA is implanted in 5 years………………. I think you are a ManU fan because Barca fans are not no interested in this matter and Chelsea and Spurs fans are too… Read more »

Akhil Nayak

And what about Overmars,Petit,Van Bronkhost and other GROWN superstars you have unsettled and screwed us, by BARCA???????


I love Cesc, if he wants to go I think we should let him go. Forget all this contract nonsense he’s Spanish he’s Catalonia he’s in love with barca and there is NOTHING we can do so let him go. I want him to stay forever but it’s not gonna happen. I feel sorry for arsene he always try’s and do things what he thinks is best for the club and football in general. AFC


Oh and xavi is a CUNT


Perhaps ManUre can sell them Evra – two cunts to play with each other!


Why does everyone think £35M for a 24yr old of Cesc’s ability is enough? It’s bugging me so much that Barca will just say ‘..there u go’. Who will we bring in for that much.. Assuming all of it will be available? It will be arise Sir Jack a knight (not bad except we already have both of them now). No, £50M or eff off.

dan werren

Wasn’t it half a million plus gio van bronkhorst to sweeten the deal?


CUoCO Barca it’s a simple solution to this whole saga


wenger needs to take a hell of a lot more of a firmer stance to this nonsense now, this is getting very tiresome. he should come out with a statement which says to barca or any of their players, that anymore of this unsettling shite talk aimed at our club captain & the club will launch an official complaint (why have we not done so already) & do everything in it’s power to make barca pay for it’s damaging behavior towards both club & player. also he needs to slap a £60m price-tag on cesc. payable in one lump sum,… Read more »


I’d like to know where the evidence for Cesc being “obviously deeply unhappy” is. Doesn’t seem obvious to me. But maybe Dave and James are his best pals, I dunno.


Those Barca cunts should be told to f**k off.They have no respect at all.


Great blog. Pity there are more f*ckwits on here!


James and Dave cesc is our club captain he’s 24 years old and has 4 years on his contract. He has a value which is well in excess of 40 million yet barca ‘we ain’t got much cash guvnor’ think they can mug us off with paltry offers and public unsettling of the player. They are taking the Piss and your happy to let them because cesc us homesick? They know the price they either pay it or fuck off it’s really that simple. They say cesc is the no1 transfer target yet they find silly money to throw at… Read more »


Ps a message to Xavi

Shame I will never now remember you as a great footballer just a greasy DNA obsessed little cockgoblin


Basically, Xavi and his “DNA” can Fuck off! What a slimy bastard and just like his club! Arseholes!


They can buy Denilsson for 60 mill tossers!


I don’t mind Wenger defending himself, but this is pointless for three reasons:

1) We already know this.
2) Nothing will change.
3) Just let Barca do all the talking and continue making fools of themselves.

P.S. Good job today Gunners!

[…] ‘suffering’, although for some reason he didn’t mention anything about DNA, which prompted the manager to respond: What is important is that Cesc Fabregas is contracted to Arsenal. That is a fact. Arsenal wants to […]

Dave Gooner

If Barca offer 60 million plus, then Arsenal and Cesc will probably have to look inside themselves. Sub 50 million offers are frankly an insult to both (especially) the player and the club. Sub 40 million (plus some after the fact nonsense about 2 teenagers who have already signed for Arsenal) isn’t even worth consideration, and I am surprised Barca’s ‘offer’ (if that is what it is) has gained so much coverage, so unrealistic and wildly off the mark it is. For that kind of offfer, disrespect and insult, Cesc Fabregas is going nowhere. For that kind of money, I… Read more »

Fed up of Barca

I’d absolutely love it if Xavi dropped dead. He can take window licker Pique with him


haha…I love Silvio’s picture up. I must say, it’s a comparison I have made quitely myself, Xavi and Sil. That Xavi is a morbid cunt goes without saying, I really pray that he has a car accident on his way to the training ground, maybe after that he’ll learn that value of shutting up. Same goes for Alex Ferguson, what business does he have on where Nasri would go if he’s not coming his team. What is this madness??

Sean Dixon

I have heard from several Barca players “Personally” (by which i mean pure speculation and tabloid newspapers) that Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Pique, Villa, Pedro, Valdes, Pyuol and even Guardiola want to Link up with Fabregas. So Arsene Wenger has accepted defeat. He will offer them all 5 Year contracts to join Arsenal on Minimum wage as dinner ladies. See how “Desperate” they are to Join Fabregas then!! Can you imagine Pyuol in a hairnet? YES!!



Midfield Corporal

Has anyone considered the possibility that Xavi is a mouthy cunt who has named his gonads James and Dave and asked them to comment on Arseblog news to gauge public opinion?


Sorry Xavi but you have misunderstood Cescs statement. When he said he ‘was suffering because he wanted to come’ he meant that the bird he had pulled was such a moose that he was unable to reach a climax sexually and the buildup of lovejuice was making his groin ache. Cesc is happy at Arsenal – the interview when he said that is probably in the archives somewhere. And I would far prefer to believe words that I physically heard myself rather than the 3rd party repetition of words Xavi may have said after hearing them in one of… Read more »


Spot on with that last paragraph there, Alf.

As I’ve said before, the only offer I’d accept for Cesc (or for any of our other players, bar Denilson) from Barca is full repayment of the stadium debt. They’ve behaved like complete cunts. FIFA and UEFA will do nothing, as they’re bought and paid for by Barca like the Republican party here in the US is owned by Exxon-Mobil.

Simply put, we hold all the cards, and Barca should put up, or shut up. Stop behaving like little sniveling shits and cough up the cash the player is worth.

Team spirit

leave denilson alone! I for one will be glad to see him stay How come u guys ccan see clearly that sesc form suffered from injuries and yet cannot see that denilson was also recovering from injuries.

[…] already dismissed the pint-size playmaker as a troublemaker, Wenger again stressed his disappointment at the manner in which Pep Guardiola’s squad continued […]

[…] feed the media Vultures will his foul-mouthed stories of Fabregas suffering at the club but Wenger responded back to the aging bloke. He […]

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