Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Van Persie: I want to improve

Despite 25 goals in 26 Premier League appearances in the calendar year 2011, and 29 goals in 36 in all competitions, Robin van Persie believes he’s got room for improvement.

Speaking to the BBC after the game, the captain said, “Every time I’m on the pitch, if I start or if I come on, I try to give 100%. The one thing I think everyone should do is give 100%, if you do that nice things can come out of it.

“Hopefully I can improve more, if you’re a striker you want to score goals, but for me I’m not a striker like Drogba and Torres, there to score goals. I want to make more assists as well, I want to improve that part of my game. I’m happy with scoring but there’s room for improvement”.

“Since 2011 it’s been going well. It’s quite new for me because I’ve never been on a run like this before. but I love it, I enjoy it and the main thing is for me to be important to the team”.

And with both his goals set up today by Gervinho, owner of football’s most voluminous forehead, the skipper was full of praise for Arsenal’s new boy.

“He had a good game overall, he passed a couple of players really well. He has this extra quickness in his move, he’s running, then he can step up an extra yard which gives him a bit of extra space to play again and a bit of extra time.

“He had one goal and two really good assists so for me he’s the man of the match today”.

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I must say I didn’t see your comment before I made mine. I’m glad to see we are in agreement on his swoon factor.


How can he improve upon perfection? Swoons :c)

Eric Irish gunner

Get the board to improve your wages van p and sign up you legend


You are freaking superman me captain!! Improve and become wat!? Super duper duper flying dutch man!!??


Robin, please do not improve. Stay with The Arsenal.

xie jin

Oh, Robin isn’t happy with his position at the moment 🙁


Of course, he’s going. We have seen this all before, so many times. If he was staying he would have signed up like Vermaelen. It’s all finished when VP goes as we know Wenger will not spend big to replace him and there’s no-one quality coming up through the ranks that you can even imagine being half as good.

TN Gooner

The commentator for today’s game is the one who needs to improve. And by improve, I mean get a new job.


We need the rest of the Arsenal players to step up their game and convince him to stay because this man, is simply incredible.

Ejiro Esiri

”And with both his goals set up today by Gervinho, owner of football’s most voluminous forehead” One word, LMFAO!


It’s actually a lot of words clubbed together.

The invincible arse

Can’t you guess he was referring to the word, LMFAO ?


@The invincible arse: Can’t you guess that LMFAO is not a word, but an acronym?


Wenger bought RVP for somewhere between 2.5-3M. Wenger = Legend. RVP = Legend. Lets keep them both at all costs.


How much you think VP is worth? Priceless IMO… What would we do without him..? Makes me shudder at that thought alone…

Hywel Evans

If only he really knew how much he means to us all! The giants will never appreciate him, his commitment and passion like we do! Please stay Robin, be a legend and earn unrivaled devotion from your gooner fans!


He is going to go as we don’t pay the wages all world class players demand these days. It’s not wengers fault he is the guinea pig the board are using as scapegoat so they can absolutely cream us fans. Season ticket holder for almost 25 years now the board Kroenke and co are a disgrace u don’t deserve me wenger. Put season tickets up…..sell best players…..leave a stupid yank gazidis to throw bull crap jargen at meetings to cover cracks. Before anyone says support the club I do every year with my hard earned money and will continue to… Read more »


RvP isn’t going to leave us for wages. If anything he’ll leave for trophies like Thierry did. Here’s hoping he doesn’t!


Sabrina……..we’ll just have to win some silverware won’t we then?


I just noticed I left a bit out of my comment. I meant to say “Here’s hoping he doesn’t have to.”

Thanks Weedonald ;c)


RvP is as *swoontastic* as Bobby P…
The boy deserves to win trophies…
Over to you Kroenke & co. to make it happen..
*(sound of not holding breath)*. COYG!

Mike Hawke

Now, that´s a captain…


So does this seals the October Premier League Player of the Month for him? I think it should.


Swooning as well. Also, looks like he’s put on a lot of muscle recently. SWWOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!

[…] 25 goals in 26 league games in 2011 (via Orbinho) and 29 in 36 games in all competitions. That he says he wants to improve is a wonderful attitude to have and watching him is a real pleasure, but concerns over how we might […]


Your not guaranteed trophies anywhere football careers are short so finiancial implications are important as is the chance of winning trophies as we fail on b


Attached to above as we fail on both the big players leave is it exciting for RVP to play with service from Walcott song and co? I love arsenal but if I was a player I would wanna play next to dzeco aguero silva and co also be on double what I’m on now cos Im world class. Players like Walcott don’t lace players we used to have boots and until we invest properly we are only finishing around the sixth spot it’s remarkable wenger has kept us competitive for this long.


Play next to Dzeko, Aguero and Silva like Nasri who has shown he’s so incredible that he was on the bench yesterday? Say van Persie goes to Man City and they change tactics to suit his style, won’t the other strikers start causing problems when they are not picked (Tevez is a great example). Robin is better staying at Arsenal and doing what our old captains used to do (I’m talking Adams and previously), which is dragging the team by the scruff of the neck and lead us to a trophy. Also, everyone forgets that Walcott is still only 21.… Read more »

Kolawole olufemi

pls dont leave us


Steve your deluded RVP will leave as will scznezy and wilshere under this regime and I don’t mean wenger I mean the board. As proven for last six years fact. Policy needs to change that’s so obvious your point about Adams is wrong as he was one of highest paid in league? Walcott already had six years this potential line will still be said about him in six years time. Regards kos he has alwAys been regarded as decent it’s the guy next to him that’s been crap especially whilst verm has been injured. We are a good side no… Read more »


Adams had also been at the club since the age of 14 and in the first team for 19 years. If you had been at a job for 22 years, wouldn’t you want to be one of the highest paid? RVP is also almost 30 and so injuries will be harder to deal with, so he would do better staying where he is as the medical staff and Wenger know how to deal with him best. Walcott signed when he was 16 (so only 5 years) and he has improved a lot since then. Watch videos over the last 5… Read more »


RVP is an absolute treat. Something that has gone unnoticed, however, is the way Ramsey played, post-rest. His last few games for us, especially the one at spurs, have been extremely poor. But yesterday he had a sterling performance. The sooner we have wilshere and diaby back, and have some genuine competition between them, ramsey and arteta, the better. once we can rotate between them we can find the best combinations – whilst at the same time can keep them all fresh. Second point – there is something about Walcott that really frustrates me. It is not the fact that… Read more »


(See what I did there – on the TROT to the OX…) (Haha, I sincerely apologise….)

[…] skipper seems to be unsatisfied, and believes he can still improve. Someone said this to me, that perfection can’t be improved. Well, if you want to pick a bone […]


So my point is correct then this is walcotts sixth season personally I think he gets worse? Chamakhs getting ten goals is not enough even though he wouldn’t get ten my friend he always looks fatigued but doesnt play? I’m not digging wenger here you get my post all wrong I love him its the people above him. You say Adams was at club for ages so he warranted big money doesn’t van p in today’s day 8 years is very long regardless of injuries. The real world says u need to pay your players and sign one big signing… Read more »


He’s skilled
He’s Dutch
He scores with his first touch
He has no mersy
He’s Robin van Persie !!! 😀 :))

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