Saturday, February 15, 2025

Arsenal announce interim financial results

Arsenal today announced the interim financial results for Arsenal Holdings plc for the six months ended 30th November 2011.

As the AST predicted last week, the results show a profit of £49.5 million – a figure predominantly attributable to player sales during the period.

Commenting on the latest results, Chairman Peter Hill-Wood stated:

“We are proud of Arsenal’s record and consistency over many seasons and have the foundations in place, at every level of the Club, to ensure we remain a force in the seasons ahead.”

For more on the questions raised by these figures and how they relate to on-field performance check last week’s article outlining the AST’s concerns.

The main points are highlighted below…

·        Group profit before tax was £49.5 million (2010 – loss of £6.1 million).

·        Profit on sale of player registrations amounted to £63.0 million (2010 – £4.0 million).

·        £74.7 million of investment in new players and extended contracts pushed amortisation charges up to £17.3 million (2010 – £10.1 million).

·        The resulting profit from player trading was £46.1 million (2010 – loss of £5.9 million).

·        Turnover from football rose to £113.5 million (2010 – £97.6 million) with increases from match-day (4 additional games played) and commercial income streams.

·        Operating profits (before depreciation and player trading) from football increased to £15.2 million (2010 – £9.4 million).

·        Period of minimal activity, as expected, in the property business with turnover of £3.2 million (2010 – £22.5 million) and operating profits of £0.5 million (2010 – £3.3 million).

·        Group has no short-term debt and continues to have a solid financial platform from cash reserves of £115.2 million (2010 – £110.4 million).

The full Arsenal Holdings PLC statement can be viewed here.


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Cygan's Left Foot

“Group has no short-term debt and continues to have a solid financial platform from cash reserves of £115.2 million (2010 – £110.4 million).”

Can we safely say we would add to the squad some REAL “top quality” players to challenge for the title???????????

I really fed up of wining the top 4 trophy every year, give other teams a chance to win it. Lets lower our aim this year and win the first place trophy for a change!!!!!!


watch ivan the terribles interview over on the dot com. The 115 million isnt all for player transfers, running costs etc. I think arsenes got more like 50 million this summer + whatever he gets from player sales (which will NOT include van Persie)


Thank God my experienced anticipation for the “Goodbye Van Persie” statement was quickly disappointed, well done in not being a cunt, but it’s too early to say he won’t go, though my gut feeling says he won’t.

Cygan's Left Foot

I thought last summer we had 50 mil to spend + what we get from players sell!!!!!!!!!!

and we ended up making around 20 mil profit!!!!!!!!

My math is bad but did this money going to cover DJ and Theo pay rise????

Ahhhh anyway. Who needs world class players, they are over rated and we are wining a trophy every year ( Arsene made me believe top 4 is a trophy too), so what is the problem some are moaning????/


Might be bit late for this year mr c…


Not too late for 3rd–which means the Spuds finish below us, as is only right.


Im finding this whole self sustaining model thing to be a bit like eating vegies is a kid, we know the green stuffs good for us and will benefit us in the long term, but in the short term it tastes like shiet and so we don’t like it. If self sustaining means that arsenal fc will forever be a strong team, and that every year we will have more money to spend on more/ better players without being forced into bankrupcy or corupt russian money or without our club becoming some rich sheikhs play toy to pas away time,… Read more »


Doubt many fans have the ability (or the financial luxury) for such patience.

Ticket prices are going up and it’s hard to fully agree with what you’re saying, although it’s very reasonable.


Ticket prices are being held except for Club Level which will rise by 2%. If you can afford Club Level now I guess you can probably absorb the increase. Me, I’m going to have to wait for my lottery win and as I don’t buy a ticket it could be some time.


Surely the model will cease to work (at least in the same way) once other teams are self-financing and therefore can’t pay the inflated transfer fees they have been for players like Na$ri and Cesc?


What better players?

The model is not working. The majority of profits have come from player sales. We cant sell Cesc every year.

Anyway AW and the team deserve so much credit for yesterday. The man is a modern day magician.


Mate, the model IS working, hence the vegie reference, this is the shitty bit, we wont reap the benefits of it until later you know paying for our stadium and the development of the highbury area put us in alot of debt, which were gradually paying off, with nothing other than self generated money and sponsorship deals ( the one weve got with emirates is apparently pretty crap, Ive heard sunderland have got a better deal than we do). So clearly when all the debt has been paid off and we get a better sponsorship deal, we will have more… Read more »


The problem is that the model is outdated, but that’s not the fault of anyone at AFC. The current model was designed to be self sustaining in a market in which clubs spend the money they generate or go bankrupt, and 10 years ago it was a great model for the future. Unfortunately Chelsea and Man City happened, clubs who spend more money than they could ever hope to generate commercially. This has raised wages and transfer fees to a ludicrous level, clubs like AFC have to keep up so you see the wage bill getting higher and higher. There’s… Read more »

Red Fred

“No short term debt” that’s fine. What is never mentioned is the long term one. The Stadium. How much is still owed, how much are we paying annually towards this & when are they “Hoping” to have that debt cleared. only when these questions are answered can we start getting excited about when we might be able to buy the likes of Hazzard.


Please, please, won’t people stop mentioning Hazzard? I swear, it’s about to make my ears bleed…


Really? It’s the first time I’ve actually heard of a Hazzard though.

Maybe it’s deja vu but it feels like I know that name, but it’s not a name that I really know.

Midfield Corporal

What Hazard? But Hazards really good. I hope we get Hazard. 🙂

damien joyce

So long as it aint ex-spud Micky Hazard!!!!


Fred, you can find all the info you need on the stadium (and a huge amount of other stuff) here –


Arsene had an excess of over 30 mil in the summer and obviously again in January. As he said last week he has been without jack and diaby( yes he said diaby ) all season and the defence has been unsettled all year.and that was the reason for a poor season. Do not count on the signings coming in in the summer. If we get fourth then arsene sees this as a trophy and justification for the way the club have gone about things. If we don’t get fourth then arsene will want to balance the books as always and… Read more »


I don’t get why people keep underestimating Diaby.

Sure he’s always injured but we have never really seen him play for more than his odd customary annual game.


I don’t under estimate him, I think he is crap and every time I have seen him play he is crap. Plus he is injured 80% of the time, so needs to be offloaded. At least Denilson who was always a comparison, could find another Arsenal player with a pass, albeit sideways.


The wage bill is not out of control. Follow the SwissRamble link above and get informed. Stop reading crap like Arsenal Truth and Arsenal News Review and become happier overnight.


Well said…. ffs Myles of shite Palmer compared ‘The Ox’ to being not any better than Jermain Jenas…. I think he is a Manc in disguise…


Wage bill not out control? Assumed your referring to my post. I have no idea what arsenal truth is or the other one but I’m referring to the fact that we supposedly pay squillaci 60 k a week bentner 50 k djourou on a new 50 k a week contract, and not to mention vela and dennison whom maybe out on loan but no club can afford to pay a transfer fee plus there high wages, hence no permanent moves for so many of our so called unwanted players.. That’s what I mean by a wage bill out of control,… Read more »


Great game by Arsenal yesterday. Walcott and Sagna impressed me particulary, I feel the thing Walcott lacks most is confidence, if he can gain that I think he will hit the back of the net far more in the latter half of this season, he currently looks reluctant to shoot and instead looks to assist


I feel the thing he lacks most is all-round play. He’s excellent when defenders are feeling rather clumsy and let Walcott do his crazy runs and all, but when a proper defender latches on to him he does a magical impression of Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak, only it’s a bit more like hypnosis. But I do believe if he was played as a striker instead of a winger it’d really suit him. He can’t really play as a midfielder, but he’s a great, pacy forward when he’s high on confidence (the way RVP is now). Besides, if he… Read more »


maybe, but i can’t see him working as a sole striker in the system we play. in order to do that he would have to have the experience and smarts to drag defenders out of positions, create space around him and play with his back mostly to goal. it took rvp a long time to become a master of that job and theo is still very young. don’t forget he didn’t really play any organised football until he was in his early teens, which is quite unusual for a pro footballer. if we played two up front, then i think… Read more »


I would love to see RvP playing “behind” Walcott. van Persie’s round the corner passing, trickery and timing will create many opportunities.


Anon, isn’t that precisely the point.


You mean Diaby missing out all the time and so Wenger shouldn’t be saying they’re missing Diaby because he’s never been in the side or contributed that much anyway?

If so then fair point, but I just can’t help feeling Wenger thinks Diaby should’ve gotten a lot fitter this season and so Wenger expected him to play more (but got another setback) and thus put him up as an explanation for their lack of midfield options.

Diaby :S


Anon. Yes I mean diaby, and agree wenger may well have thought this was going to be his year. I think as many fans do that diaby could have been brilliant for us, but you can’t keep hoping for him to get fit and in arsene case relying on him to do so.
At some point after this amount of time you have to replace the bloke however sad it is and certainly not use his absence as an excuse for this seasons shortcomings.


Happy birthday Arseblog.
The best blog in the world.
Nice pre-birthday party yesterday

damien joyce


(sorry for caps lock but was all excited after watching MoTD again and Mr Neville Neville’s son “creaming” himself over RVP)



[…] Below are some more financial details for Arsenal [Source: Arseblog] […]


Can folk please stop giving neville neville’s offspring, credit …PLEASE!!!

He’s made 1 positive comment against the dozens, no hundereds of negative one’s.

This bloke is now and will always be a northern monkey & a manc cunt!!! We would all do well to remember this.

damien joyce



For the fellow gunner’s who were trying to figure out the Mike Dean conundrum, check his reaction to Saha’s goal:


damien joyce

Brilliant 3rd eye there!!!!


I bet Ivan was relived we beat the spuds yesterday, can you imagine the vitriol if this had been released on the back of three defeats?


I know it’s massively unlikely, because every Summer we say this and it never happens, but we really need to spend some of that cash this time around. Arsene owes it to himself to go out on a high. Mr. Wenger has been the most influential manager we’ve ever seen; maybe the most influential ever. What he has done for the club is phenomenal. I’d been following Arsenal for a couple of years before my dad took me to Highbury. It was the tail end of the George Graham era and things were pretty grim. On a miserable evening, we… Read more »


If you tot up the player trading results over the period starting season 03/04, excluding the recent windfall, the club has actually lost £25m on player trading. It’s a paltry sum in comparison to the annual wage bill (a mere 1/4 of one year of current player remuneration), but on average, Arsenal is not a selling club. But it is exceptionally well run. Since peaking at £320m end season 07/08, net debt has been halved, simply by making money, year in year out. In the long run, this could make Arsenal masters of the football universe. But it does require… Read more »

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