Saturday, February 8, 2025

Walcott: Bould isn’t a yes man

Putting aside Theo Walcott’s contract mumblings, the winger (for that is what you are sir) has some interesting things to say about the defensive improvements being implemented at Arsenal.

Having bid farewell to Pat Rice in the summer, the benchwarmer confirmed that specific defensive exercises are a much more regular occurrence on the training ground under Steve Bould’s tutelage and that a sense of collective responsibility has subsequently been forged.

“We do a lot of defensive work as a whole team, as a whole unit, getting your positions, getting into the habit, which we never really had before,” Walcott told ESPN.

“It’s definitely coming along. Steve has been fantastic. He says what he thinks. He wouldn’t be a yes man. He’d disagree at times. It’s great. He’d be honest with you, which you want.”

Unbeaten in the League thus far, the mood around the Emirates certainly appears to be positive, especially given the tough hurdles already overcome this term. Reflecting on the aims for the season, Walcott continued:

“It’s only five games in and we’re going to get better as well. It’s a gradual process. You can see the positive vibes at the moment. The next step is to win trophies.”

It’s interesting that a number of Arsenal players have been so forthright in praising the appointment of both Steve Bould and Neil Banfield to the first team set-up. While you wouldn’t expect any of them to say a bad word about Pat Rice, the freshening up of the coaching staff does seem to have brought a little extra to training sessions.

Perhaps it’s down to a new attention to defensive details, maybe some new ideas are being banded around or maybe the players, as you sometimes see when a new manager is appointed, are just trying that bit more in the hope of making a good first impression. Whatever it is, let’s hope the focus doesn’t slip anymore than it has in the last couple of games.

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Tenacious Defence

I’m enjoying not being terrified when the opposition counter-attacks so far this season. Further improvement would be awesome.


Sorry for the thumbs down, mistake…




That terror is much more suited to the opposing fans. I mean, come on- Gibbs the OG machine, TV, Kos- the Arsenal FC Defence(tm) scores when it wants! Now with more clean sheets!

glory hunter

Whatever those guys(Bould & Banfield) are doing its definitely working & long may it continue.

ps: its all about opinions but it appears that Arseblog(& co) have already decided that Theo is a villain, it’ll be interesting to see/read your views if he does extend his contract, which im obviously hoping for.

And if he doesnt extend cant we just wish him well at his new club, im getting tired of hating all our ex-players, its exhausting.


Why can’t all our players leave in a dignified manner, or we sell them with two years on their contract if they won’t extend.
I don’t hate Song for instance – apart from having to watch that slow motion dud for the first 80% of his time with Arsenal

Dave Gooner

I agree. But its not the ex players, its the manner of their departure. Is there any other club where players feel so free to air their dirty laundry in public? Its got to stop.


You can’t blame blogs. seeing RVP fucking off to manyoo, its hard to trust footballers. In fairness blogs defended rvp throughout the last season saying he’s not like them, he genuinely loves the club, he’s a fan etc etc
In the end he turned out exactly like other cunts, as of now Walcott is no different.

big black clock

Who says we hate all our ex players? We only hate ex players who disrespect our club. And that’s only the minority.

As for Theo, I don’t think many fans will hate him if he chooses to leave, bar a few idiots. He hasn’t disrespected the club in any way so far. If the club promise Theo what he wants then I’m sure Theo will sign. Or at least I think it’s as simple as that.


So do you think we should offer Theo more than 100 grand a week if that’s what he wants??


i guess Arsene has done the right thing by not playing theo. If theo wants to play fucking signup or rot in reserves.
Who the hell is he trying to fool with his statements.Arsene played him almost every game last season sometimes even as a centre forward but that didnt change theo’s mind to sort his contract out.
Sorry but this time around no one gonna pity if you play or not theo we are on the verge of setting up a nice team but to disturb the system just to keep you happy i dont think so.


See i’m not so sure it would be that radical to give him a shot at cf. Gervinho is being given chances so I think Walcott should be given a couple. Maybe at least play him there on Wed and see how he does?


“ps: its all about opinions but it appears that Arseblog(& co) have already decided that Theo is a villain” Perhaps its true that some fans in this blog fall into this category but I think the majority just disagree with what Theo’s camp think he’s worth and for the fact that he’s gone public to air the negotiations.

On the same token, there are players who tried to play the “good guy” or “victim” and portray the club and AW as “villains”.


Then don’t hate them. No one’s forcing you to.


No, I think I’ve been quite clear on here and in today’s main blog – – how I feel about it.

Very much que sera, sera. We might need him as the season goes on but let’s not pretend this isn’t about money, that’s all.

fight against fickleness

That’s fair enough but if he signs for a lesser team than Arsenal, just cos they agree to play him up front, then you’ll have to agree that it wasn’t about the money!!


Well, a lesser team could still pay him more because they’re getting him on a Bosman.

Cazorla Want For Christmas Is You

Blogs, I agree with you, but also I think that because of ‘previous player behaviour’ fans treat ‘wanting to be a gooner’ and ‘wanting the best contract’ as completely separate things…

For example, none of us would ever leave Arsenal, but just because we and the club would both know this, doesn’t mean we sign any contract the club would throw at us.

That said, all info about the contents of theo’s contract offer is mere speculation.


I wouldn’t hate Theo if he went to some clubs. But if it was Chelsea, he’d have to join the cunt list I’m afraid…..

Master Bates

He’d join my cunt list too…what a long list that is


First, when they’re at Arsenal, and when they’re doing well, they’re Gods. It’s pure adulation, there’s 60,000 screaming your name every other game, people sacrifice bunnies in the hope that that knock you picked up from opposition thug doesn’t keep you out of the team. This adulation is required by footballers. They live off it. Quite literally – the sheer amount they make off marketing and merchandise is because of the love they feel from fans. So our adulation feeds them. So if you’re willing to lap up the love, you have to be ready for the hate. From the… Read more »


Well put.

Also, if he’s serious about wanting to be an “Arsenal legend,” he’d have put pen to paper a long time ago, but he hasn’t. The legend bit is just clever rhetoric. And it’s not that clever.

You can damn well be sure that if I played for Arsenal, I’d sign whatever they put in front of me, and I’d play whatever position they wanted me to play. That’s what you do when you love a club.


“Walcott is not one of those. He’s got a very specific skillset, which has been used in a very specific way by an incredible manager.”

Heh. This made me picture Walcott in Taken.


Pretty weak dude.

Walcott's agent

Can’t say the same for you Theo, can we ?!

Adam Mcdougall

I agree with the glory hunter. I actually believe theo wants to stay, although i agree with arseblog cannot see how he can slot in as a striker in the current system. Be a shame if he left, and he seems like one of the good honest guys in football. Think arseblog should cut the anti-theoism….for now anyway…


I agree and Blogs, you’ve been quite vocal in either derision of Theo prior to this situation or post season end and contract stalling.

I’m with glory hunter and unfortunately the subjectivity shown by Arseblog/news spreads to its wider audience. I find it particularly interesting that van persie WAS going to city for the money and erm he didn’t. Maybe you’re wrong about Theo too?

Cygan's Left Foot

Don’t worry, they will do/say anything here to keep people coming. It is ok to call anyone cunt, but it is not ok to say I am not happy and disagree with the club direction if it is going to upset the happy piles takers.


All we’ve ever done here is report what’s going on, publicly, and added the information that we’ve received. I don’t see what the problem is. Would people prefer we kept information to ourselves? We’ve never been anti-Walcott but if there’s an air of ennui about the way the stories are reported, perhaps it’s down to being slightly fed up of footballers who feel they can hold the club to ransom. Plus, at a time when this looks like a real team, who work hard for each other and are committed to doing that, I’m just not that bothered about what… Read more »


This is turning into a cat fight,and I for one am getting a little bit turned on!

Midfield Corporal

Mutiny on the HMS Arseblog!!!! They’ll hang for this! 🙂

Charlie Georgious

I’m no great fan of Theo’s but this is one of the few occasions that I disagree with you. I think you’re slightly over egging the financial aspect. If a player has a vision of where he should be playing and it’s clear that he’s not going to get that role then he’s not going to sign a new contract. It’s human that he doesn’t want to regret not trying to fulfil his ambition (however unrealistic it may be). So, yes the money is in the mix as well but I tend to believe its not the determining factor. Also,… Read more »

Dave Gooner

Theo Walcott as centre forward? How tall is he?

He’s a really good player, bags of pace, and a great grabber of opportunistic goals. But as a centre forward in the EPL? Sorry, I just can’t see it, certainly not at Arsenal, or I’d say, at any of the other top clubs. He just isn’t big enough.

Sorry Theo. If I was his agent, I’d tell him to want something else…


Come on arseblog, you know better than that. Every scummy tabloid claims only to report the facts. The value of the articles on here is that they are openly biased and funny, yet typically avoid insidious trashing. It’s a fine line though, perhaps just a matter of tone. But then again, John Terry.


These commenters act like this is a Theocracy. It is not. It is the Arseblog Empire.


Got me scrambling to my Theosaurus Casper. It’s got ‘footballing dinosaur’ as a synonym.


Wait, wait, wait, what the fuck does “ennui” mean? Now this shit is getting ridiculous.

Mikel Anon

“I’m just not that bothered about what one guy wants for himself.”

By not being bothered, this means proactively trying to criticize Theo Walcott’s character as a person, and even unnecessary underhanded insults in news articles such as this.

The winger quip, I could take. OK maybe arseblog (AAllensport as well) are just bitter for a bit. And then there’s the quip about ‘benchwarmer’. You don’t even do this when you talk about Andre Santos or Aaron Ramsey. This bias has just really gone to far. It’s as if Walcott did a Van Persie, hint: HE DIDN’T.

Goon Goon Goon

Bould is doing an awesome job. It’s good of him to come out and personally include Neil Banfield in the praise that everyone is piling on him (and rightly so). With regards to Walcott, I’d like to see him stay as a super sub you bring on in the 2nd half whether it be up front or on the wing for when the other team is knackered. With gervinho now firing on all cylinders, podolski solidly on the left and the ox waiting in the wings (Santi is also a classy winger lets not forget) I’m finding it hard to… Read more »


He’s not getting anywhere near the striker role he fancies at Newcastle. Nobody is doing well at Liverpool for the foreseeable future. Theo will need through balls to score and Gerrard’s passes tend to be at 90mph, flying over the bar.


Speaking of ex-players one doesn’t hate, have you seen ManCity TV: At about 6 or 7mn in, Wenger passes by Clichy, who then mumbles something like “It’s only been eight years…”. I don’t think AW snubbed him – but Clichy shouldn’t expect a hug.

It’s pretty neat to see what goes on the tunnel. I for one would like Arsenal to publish similar videos…

Dr Baptiste

So he joins a title rival and then feels sad that Papa Wenger didn’t ruffle his awful new hair cut???
While I have no gripes with Clichy, as he’s one of the only recent departures to not say anything against Arsene or Arsenal, he still left for a rival and as such, I doubt Wenger is going to view him as a friend at the beginning of a game. Maybe he spoke to him afterwards to joke that he couldn’t beat Jenkinson……


love the way arsene and Vieira have nice chat before the match and then we have some spanish love all around. the camera is awesome can we have it too at the emirate that would be awesome
wtf chef rob is saying to theo !!!!!!!


There was one from last season’s match at Anfield that was… well… not interesting, but Song was wearing some cool clothes.

BTW: Check out Gibbs mugging that old man at 7.24. He should be kicked out of the club for that kind of behaviour! Broken Britain!


Gibbo! Is he trying to prove to Blogs that Santos isn’t the only left back interceptionista?


The minute “Benchwarmer” was introduced into the conversation, its was pretty obvious arseblog is going to cap on Theo. I don’t blame the guy for wanting more money, everyone does… but I do blame him for having a high opinion for himself. Does he watch himself on film? Has he made THAT much improvement over when we signed him, assists yes, goals – not so much. Is he going the extra mile to earn 100K. How can he be a lone striker when he really has only shone us a few glimses of what is to come? Proof of services… Read more »


Please note the byline on pieces before you comment, thanks.


Arsenal looks more solid, if theo wants a striker role then give it to him if he does well give him a new contract, if not sell him plain and simple.

glory hunter

But its not that simple, what if Squllachi demands a spot on the wing? does that mean we should play him there!!!
Theo hasn’t demanded to play there, all he’s asking for is a chance to play there.

I don’t see what the problem is to be fair, imo its a brilliant idea, its like almost like an audition to show what he can do! And if he’s not up to it and flops badly, then he cant say he wasn’t given a chance and he’ll probably sign whatever contract he’s offered.

Dick Swiveller

Personally, I’m tired of fucking around too much with projects and different ideas, we have a team that’s working and unless it’s a game like So’ton which is *relatively* easy, stick with what’s working and that’s Theo as an impact sub atm and not a starter, let alone a starting striker. We’ve waited too long to get a team this good together and if Theo isn’t committed (which he doesn’t seem to be) to working in it and being a part of a front three which gives him ample opportunity to move centrally, especially given his pace, then screw it… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Firstly, I’d like Theo to stay, we’ve spent alot of time and money on him which would be wasted if he gives his best years to another club. I see his frustration, he signs as a striker but never gets played there, however if it’s goals he wants Podolski has shown he can get them starting from wide positions. They aren’t really wingers, beating full backs, getting to the byline to whip on crosses anyway. I’d like to see a front three of Gerv, Prince Poldi and Walcott, each of them taking turns down the middle as they all have… Read more »

Walcott's Tongue

I am just licking bould’s ass so that Wenger p(l)ays me (what)where I want


Here are the factors that.make walcott think he’s ready to be arsenals no. 1 striker

He’s just an excited kid who likes to kick balls into the net. It takes more than theo. I reckon he goes through all of henrys arsenal goals and thinks to himself…….”i can do that!”


Let him start upfront against Coventry, surely that’ll shut him up


I’m no manager but my reaction on FIFA12 when a player whinges and says “you never play me, waaaa I deserve to be in the team yada yada” is to bench the cnt.
The squeaky wheel doesn’t always get the oil I’m afraid, he should shut up, do well when called upon and have a serious think about whether or not the grass is actually greener. If he truly believes it is then I’m prepared to say thanks and adios


We love you Bouldsy!


anyone watching Bouldy in his playing days would know he is a no sh*t man. and does anyone know how much Santi is getting p/w ? if its less than Walcott things will have to change


I not sure what Theo’s problem is the front 3 are “free” in their movements when we have the ball. So he will often find himself “down the middle” regardless of his position on the team sheet.

When we don’t we are rigid 4-4-2 and it seems the position you take up in that 4-4-2 is dependant on your position on the pitch when we lose the ball.


Spot on mate, that’s exactly right


“It’s great. He’d be honest with you, which you want.”
Clearly Walcott lives in an irony-free protective bubble.


Damn Walcott can’t get a break, can he? I mean I’m not the guys biggest fan but I do think the frustration that he brings to people, specially here at Arseblog is a bit too much. Yes, he is only “consistent in patches” but if you look at his stats he’s improving for each season, with last season being his best, both in goal scoring and in assists. Few other players get so much flac for their lack of consistency, maybe Nani in that team what’s their name… And yes, it is a bit alarming that so many players go… Read more »


On the other hand he’s had around 5 yaers if, when fit, being first choice and gettiung way more game time than he would have at any other top club. Plus the opportunity to train with the likes of Henry. In that time his progress as a footballer has been glacial.
If you can’t learn from the best, maybe it’s just that you can’t learn…..


True, he might have peaked and won’t do any better regardless of what happends and I really have no problem letting him go to Liverpool or Inter or where ever there’s interest, but I do think there’s a problem at the club because these things keep reaccuring.

toruc macto

so walcott wants to be striker….hey arseblog, let me write your next post.


Or start your own blog, and see if anyone bothers to read it..?


i think he was highlighting the fact that players don’t dictate where the manager will play them.

unless i misread that

Agent 419 ITK

I don’t have a problem with Theo leaving or staying, as long as he doesn’t disrespect the club and the fans publicly. And so far he hasn’t.

I think the tone of criticism of Walcott is a bit harsh here, and the “winger” part seems a bit unnecessary (even if it’s true) and slightly at odds with the general tone/class of Arseblog.

Anyway, part of the reason I’m not fussed about Walcott may be down to me not really thinking much of his abilities, and the RVP and Song sagas have just drained me emotionally.


I think you can choose to buy the Walcott PR thing, or you can choose to trust the evidence of your own eyes. Walcott is not ready to play centre forward as amongst other things he hasn’t exhibited the control and subtlety of movement required. Feeling sorry for him doesn’t help pay his wages nor does it help us to move on to the next stage of our development as a club where youngsters are less coddled as we have the money to invest more in older steady state players.

Dick Swiveller

I dunno about that, the general tone is of being a news blog by Arsenal fans so whilst there’s an element of effort for even-mindedness, bias is inevitable. Especially when it involves players getting arsey over things just to make it look like the only reason they’re not signing a deal is due to some imagined slight.

I do agree that most fans feelings towards players is a little coloured after the RvP thing, seems to have worked on the guy who’s decisions matter too though, hence the hard ball I think.

Arsene's Something

Lol. First time Blogg’s less subtle about a player and he’s almost turning Walcott into a victim!

Sign on or go away Theo. Best of luck anyway, and give your all while you’re still here.


“We do a lot of defensive work as a whole team, as a whole unit, getting your positions, getting into the habit, which we never really had before,”

Says it all right there! Something I’ve wondered about for years as to why our team just look so off defensively. There’s only so much offense you can play. In 2 words… Thank You! to Steve Bould. Honestly one of our best signings of the summer.


I’m loving the support from Bould from all quarters However, can’t believe I’ve seen so many comments saying “Give Theo a few games up front” to prove himself. I would hate to see that – unnecessary tinkering with a team that has done very well so far (only game I consider we dropped points was Sunderland at home – Theo’s only start). If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. And certainly if you are only doing it so that a player who cannot get in the team can justify his extreme salary requests – nonsense. TW needs to know his… Read more »

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


I’m intrigued by this from Theo’s Jessie J based statement yesterday – “I’ll just wait for the club to get back to us now and go from there”.

So, if we take his word that it’s not about the money, money, money, I wonder what he’s waiting for the club to say?

We guarantee to play you up top for 5 games, 10 games, or the rest of the season? Cos none of that is happening, and nothing like that would obviously be written into a new contract anyway.



The criticism that Theo can’t hold the ball up or head it is irrelevant. He has terrific pace, makes excellent runs behind the defence and is a decent finisher.The problem for him will be whether in a crowded area he can make space to create a shooting opportunity and can he improve his first touch. It may turn out that he isn’t a new Thierry but he is certainly worth a try up front.

Midfield Corporal

I tend to agree with you Phil, those who say he can’t play down the middle are looking at him playing the role of a hold up centre forward, but if he plays on the shoulder of the CH and can time his runs it need Santi to slip passes through to him.


Wenger has seen thousands of hours of Walcott on the training pitch and, so far, obviously hasn’t been convinced. I agree that that he doesn’t need to be built like a boxer to succeed but I I just don’t think he has the technique.

donal doherty

Think back to that day against united last season,the treatment walcott gave jenkinson.with jenkinson now clearly being a far superior player I for one would like to see them play together again,just so he could boot the little bolox up the hole


Far superior player? Mate I think that comment just highlights how fickle we fans are now. Im loving jenkinsons improvement but lets take each game as they come & not get carried away. Theo’s had some great moments for us.


Can’t bring myself to thumbs you up donal, but this made me proper laugh.

the only sam is nelson

it’s a bit of a more subtle spin on the “wrong direction” bollocks that van Persie came out with he’s forcing the club’s hand by saying it’s about time to play him up front – either the club have to play him up front, which they can’t do because that would tell other squad members that all they have to do to dictate to the manager is go to the press – or they ignore him, and he goes blaming “football” reasons in$t£ad of money In a sense it’s a better way to handle things than RvP because it avoids… Read more »


Come on, mate. Think Wenger is not thick enough to sell two players at United in one season.

the only sam is nelson

If he goes on a Bosman then Wenger will have the square root of fuck all to do with where he goes. Walcott also has the option of refusing to be sold in January and holding out for his signing on fee come the summer.


Ok people lets all smell the coffee here… Theo is not being made out to be the problem child, villain or trouble maker. You only need to read between the lines and apply logic to the situation to see that all this is about is money – nothing more – nothing less. Walcott like v Persie last season had one of his most consistent an productive seasons which coincided with the following year being the final year of his contract. The problem is whereas v Persie had his finest season in the red and white and was one of the… Read more »

gooner odst

Apparently that ginger nut on Talksport thinks that Theo isn’t playing at his full potential because he’s surrounded by rubbish players…
i had a good chuckle at that

Midfield Corporal

He had the best full back in the country behind him and the best striker in the country beside him. It’s not their fault he doesn’t have a trick. I don’t know what that ginger twats problem is with The Arsenal but it must kill him that his lad supports them.

Red and White Stripey Socks

I like Theo…….but I wonder how he think’s he’s a striker.

If in his own mind he see’s himself as such then he should be able to put a ball in the back of the net from just about anywhere. This is in my opinion not the case.

I’d be tempted to stick him up front on Wednesday and see how it pans out.


I think walcott has already decided he won’t sign a new contract and this whole ‘wanting to play as a center foward’ is bollocks. Me thinks this is same thing as RVP’s open letter, but more subtle and clever. And so far its achieving its aim, cos the fans are now divided and he will get some sympathy WHEN he eventually leaves. We all know wenger has a knack for switching players positions, and he still said it recently again that walcott will end up as a striker. Walcott saying this now and knowing that wenger will not budge, because… Read more »

Absentia rose

Why there’s a “tottenham hospitality” banner on this web site? What a disgrace!
On a subject though. Hopefully Bould learn a lot from Wenger too, so one day he can step in a big shoes and manage Gunners maybe Henry as an assistant.


Banners are based on your past browsing history. Maybe you have a confession to make Absentia Rose?


I’d prefer Walcott to stay. If only because I have his name on the back of my shirt… In any case, I’d like to see this work out. I think we are a better club with the option of Walcott’s pace, but I can understand why he wouldn’t want to be fourth choice. My only issue with the general tone is the certainty this is about money. Let’s face it, few people outside of club, player (and his management) know what this is really about. In fact, why focus on Walcott at all? He will leave or he will stay.… Read more »

Dial Square

When exactly are we supposed to ‘experiment’ with Theo up front,Wednesday night ? what would that prove if he scores against second rate defenders ? he was doing that before he came to Arsenal. If he plays up front in the league for two or three or games, what if its not a success and we end up dropping points just to appease Theo, that could cost us so dear in the final shake up….we all love Arsene, so lets just let him run the team how he sees fit !!!!!! sign for whats on offer, or fuck off…..


Theo wants to be a striker, I want to be a porn star. It ain’t happening either way. Sell him.

Dial Square

more chance of Theo being a porn star than a centre forward for Arsenal, more chance of you being a centre forward for Arsenal than a porn star….lol


bould is beautiful


The idea that people believe Theo is playing a subtle game to prevent him looking bad when he leaves in the summer is a sad indictment of how footballers are viewed.If true it is a sadder indictment of what they have become.For know I want to believe he is a better than that.


The idea that Theo can’t be a striker because he isn’t tall enough is madness and a mentality English coaches and some fans need to rid themselves of or all your going to be watching is one dimensional Andy Carrols! Defoe, Owen, Tevez, Villa, Messi are just a handful of players who are midgets and can play as CF at the highest level. It’s about movement, control and finishing. Unfortunately for Theo he only has finishing with control ‘in patches’ his movement is ok but I think his decision making is questionable. I could see him being a good striker… Read more »


let’s get it straight. our system requires a strong forward that is also capable oh holding up the ball. Theo is not. so he can either be a substitute forward – when we switch to countering – or a winger. Theo won’t accept any of those roles, and it may be understandable. hence it should be a goodbye for him in january, with no hatred directed at him. who knows, maybe if the Saints will be doing well enough, he can come back to them (loan + transfer). if that’s not about money.. anyway, i’d like him to suceed, just… Read more »

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