Sunday, February 9, 2025

Wenger ‘positive’ on Sagna, not so much on Walcott

Arsene Wenger says he doesn’t understand speculation over the future of Bacary Sagna and says that talks with the defender over a new deal have been positive.

Stories emerged this week suggesting the Frenchman was unhappy with an, as yet unconfirmed, offer of a one year extension, but the Arsenal manager revealed today that talks have been going well.

“I don’t understand the speculation,” he said. “He has one and a half years on his contract and we are in positive negotiations.”

The speculation, however, obviously comes from the fact this is a familiar scenario for Arsenal fans, with another established player heading towards the final year of his contract.

Much like Theo Walcott last season and Wenger admitted it’s not looking good with regards the England winger.

“‘I have no news, I’m not directly involved. I am frustrated. He knows what I want and he has to make up his mind.

“We have been in negotiations with Theo for a long, long time, and we have not been late in our renegotiations with him. We always try to extend the contracts very early.”

It’s likely that Walcott has already made up his mind, hence the situation we find ourselves in right now. And ahead of the game against West Brom, the manager is hoping his team will turn things around and bring something of a smile back to fans faces.

“I am here to make the fans happy, if I don’t do it I am not happy. I ask them to support the team and get through this. We know this is a very important period for us.”

Updates via @arsenal.

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Big Dave

“I don’t understand the speculation, he has one and a half years on his contract”… Have you learnt nothing from RVP and Walcott!!? ARGH!!

*Starts to sob into pillow*


Just thinking the same thing dave, he is so detached and thick skinned that he really cant see why the fans are worried and the press speculate.
Beggars belief sometimes that bloke


We then need to prepare ourselves for one and a half years of moaning about how other teams cannot get our Sagna and try to lie to ourselves that he even wasn’t that important when he eventually leaves. All this while taunting jenks to be the best thing since sliced bread……….

Oh to be a gunner.

Or we could offer this man a contract and skip all this.


oh its going to be epic!

fuck epic.

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

Is Sanga going to be a money grabber cunt too????. This fool offered him one year contract while he is 29, but useless like Squad 3 years while 30, Rocsicky 2 years after 21, Diaby for life and hmm yes Park 3 years. Arsene is that another excuse to say we tried to sign him and he said no, so no one call you making our club a FEEDER CLUB. You are not any more mentally fit to manage THE ARSENAL, you are a man that left in the past and just here to collect money. By the name of… Read more »


just sign him the fuck up that’ll end the fucking speculation.

Jamie Arsenal

Let me get this right…Sagna, the one player to stick with us and show loyalty is basically getting shafted like Pires. Wonderful. No wonder why players leave.


Given Bac’s two broken legs, I can understand the hesitation and the one year extension, but given his talent and unrelenting stamina of running up and down the sides, he’s easy got another 3-4 years in him, they really need to give him a longer extension and sign him upp!


@AGunner, your right mate, not like we can’t afford to give arguably the best, reliable and consistent player on the squad a bigger and better contract.

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

How can he offer him more than one year while he want to blame him for living the club?????.

We have no more world class players to sell and Bac one of the few that has value. EVERY year he comes with this lies to sell players and show it is their fault. The only reason Sagna will be sold because he question Arsene. Useless player can get long contact as long as they don’t question his lack of ambition.


broken leg* …and the club knew it was a clean break and that he would be back, unlike Ramsey, Eduardo and Diaby’s. That they didn’t offer him a new contract before he could see an escape route has noting to do with injuries. Look at Diaby in 2010 and Rosicky last summer, neither of them can put a run of 10 games together and yet they’re offered new deals. Sagna will follow RVP and Theo out the door and all of the fans who can’t see it are either in denial or they’re idiots. Every player who has ran his… Read more »

Master Bates

meh , even the ones who have 3 years on the contract can still leave .

Have you learnt nothing from Song!!!!?? AAAARGH!

Los Polandos

Wenger should talk more to his wife, she would have told him that when it comes to making happy, shopping is the answer.
Seriously now – it would shut some mouths, draw some optimism and bring confidence to the players (apart from Gervinho who’d suddenly find himself playing in COCup only).

Robin's horse placenta

I would settle for Frank Lampard


If he’s not good enough for Chelsea, he’s sure as fuck not good enough for us.


ahhhh… that old maaaannn?

i cant remember


On Lampard, I am puzzled too why people would like to see him in an Arsenal shirt.

Then again, I remember that AW was a big fan of him and actually wanted to get him before he eventually chose Chelsea.

Arsenal has done similar things in the past: Gallas an Yossi

Ze only way eez up

Even Lumpard’s bird is strange looking!


Lampard in his day was a very, very good player. Not having seen him play in quite a while, I can’t say what he’s lost with age, but one thing he does that none of our players do is shoot on sight. How many times have we identified this as a problem with our squad? Nobody shoots. We just pass and pass and pass. One of things that annoyed people about Lampard is that many of his goals seemed to be deflected. Well, a goal is a goal, and I don’t care how it goes in. All that says is… Read more »


So that’s it then
Theo is out of here… meaning Arsenal.
Enjoy him whilst he plays for us this final season because he will return to terrorise us in future years playing for the opposition.
Bye Theo…it was good knowing you.
Frustrating little so and so.

Dr Baptiste

Or we will watch him come up against us and know that he is a headless chicken most of the time. It can’t be that hard to defend against him, other teams do it on a regular basis

furious arsenal fans

Yes, but he is becoming an anchor man this season. He scored 9 goals. You can see he is really making progress when Arsenal vs Everton

Dr Baptiste

He then went back to type against Swansea

M Jordon

Walcott’s off. Whether we miss him or not only time will tell. The issue is whether Wenger has world class replacements lined up in January. If he has (& to be fair it’s not his strength) then Arsenal will no doubt continue to be at top 4 level. If not then this may well be a ‘real’ period of transition which may leave us trailing in the wake (more so than now) of others.


If or when Theo leaves, I believe he has only just shown his recent form of decency. He still hasn’t mastered his trade and only at Arsenal will he be able be a deadly CF or what ever position he wants to play. The Ox is by far a better footballer, who has much better vision and confidence to defy the impossible. Also if the rumour mill is true about Zaha, who is a Gooner as well, why would we even hesitate to let Theo jump on his bike and peddle on to somewhere else. As gutted as I would… Read more »

Ze only way eez up

At best the little boogger is inconsistent – at worst he’s an oxygen thief! Sell him – just get the best price possible and remember how many ex-players do we really regret selling (RVP excepted)?


I really hope Sagna stays as he is one of our most experienced and consistent player. I think he should be rewarded for his involvement and receive a 70K/week contract until 2016


Unless we’re in the business, it’s a bit hard to presume the best deal isn’t it?

Either way, I’m more confident about this than Walcott.


So now is not the time to start calling sagna a cunt then.
Walcott what a greedy money grabbing useless cunt.


He might be greedy, but then again most footballers are. And I wouldn’t call him useless seeing that he is our top scorer this season and had the most assists last season. Anyhow he’s is doing that contract situation with far more dignity than most players (especially ours) so I give him big props for that. He’s not moaning, he tries to deliver most of the times and it’s frankly not fair that everyone says that in certain games he looks like the man who’s about to leave and does nothing (which also happened in the seasons past when there… Read more »


Chair, I agree with everything you said mate, I was being sarcastic, most players that leave us are called cunts etc without fans looking at the bigger picture as to why we lose our top performers every year. People can sat what they like about theo being shit but he’s our top scorer as you say and I can’t see who can replace those goals in a team that struggles to score. Yes he’s bad a lot of the time but who ain’t in this team, is he worth 100k. Week of course not and that’s why manure or city… Read more »


Yeah I thought that was sarcasm the minute I sent the reply. 🙂
Oh well, live and learn.


Walcott out, Jesus Navas in! Sevilia are facing some financial problems at the moment.


navas has homesickness problems. I think we’ll sign some unknown again like Zaha


No I heard from an internal source we would sign a long term deal with Zahia the Hooker in order to enhance players performance 😉


Yes, he has that sickness. But anything can happen, mate! We did not expect that Dutch skunk leaving us. But he did and left for the rival club.


@orash, some of us absolutely expected Rvp to leave. We’re he went didn’t matter.


Can’t blame ’em.

Club has no ambition (“It’s not all about winning”) and we pay less than others, why would they want to stay and waste their careers here?


Why do you waste your time here?

Dr Baptiste

We pay less than 3 other premier league teams, with 2 of those owned by 2 of the richest men in the world. A bit of perspective is need I think.


I know Sagna is a true gunner. I’m not that kind of person that just says positive shit to make myself happy, but I’m correct on this. Proof? Go watch when we were vsing man united this season, in the tunnel where van persie was greeting the players , sagna didnt hug him and sorta ignored him and showed not much affection as the other players. Even when we were vising spurs , adebayor greeting all the players , sagna just shaked his hand looked the other side. He truly loves the club, and he’s one of the best right… Read more »


Spot on mate! If he wants to leave then we cant do much but we wont be calling him a cunt because clearly he isn’t but if he wants to stay if offered more money we really should offer him that much! I say max 120k he deserves it.


Walcott leaves no problem with me, he is not top class we can replace him but given Sagna situation i love this guy for all his hardwork, dedication puts in everytime he plays for us and has never let me down in any of the games.Sagna deserves a contract and a pay rise, yes you can talk about his age and ffp crap but why are we assuming about his age and him getting worse as he gets older, he hasnt shown any signs yet or is it just because he is a right back. I did read about his… Read more »

Andrew Morgan

Replace him with who?

Arsene doesn’t replace players with better quality players.

And don’t say Oxlade-Chamberlain, he is miles off Walcott in terms of productivity even in his most inconsistent of phases. And he wants to play centrally.


Walcott is leaving…”he was never that good, traitor! Theo walcunt! Ox is better anyway” in 5..4…3…2…1
i for one will be sad when it happens. Why replace when we should be strengthening? Theo delivers! Might be on and off but he will get the consistency sooner or later, its not likely he is going to get worse..he can only improve.


He chose not to sign da ting. He clearly has had other intentions. Wasnt there a story going (i dont know true to ne honest) thar he would have left for Juventus if van Pursie had gone? My honest opinion is, if he wants to go – let him. He says he wishes he wants to extend, but it’s not happening is it? He’s only appeared to do well since this contract situation became a big thing. He wants to be a striker, what has he done to prove his ability? Has he got great movement, can he handle being… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

While I know a lot of people are weirdly blinkered by his stats (even Denilson looks good based solely on stats), Theo has had, what, 7 years to gain consistency. Instead, he’s spent the time complaining and harping on about not playing in a position he hasn’t played in for around 10 years.

If he had knuckled down and learnt his trade properly as a wide forward, then he might have been even more effective through the years than he has been these few months (which I put down to putting himself in the shop window)

iain miller

Why is he not directly involved? He is in everything else! Price of yorkies, mop supplier etc. Wenger just slap gazidis and tell him to take a holiday and sort it yourself. This is the most frustrating club in the world, o 2 be a barnet fan.


The simple reality is that if the boy won’t sign, there’s absolutely naff all the club, or Arsene for that matter, can do about it. “You wanna stay and get more money, sign here and make us pay you more! ” I suspect he’ll have done a Robin already and has a club. Let’s face it, it’s no secret RVP had a pre-nup with Alex Ferguson long before the season ended, and not long after Ferries clocked home shaking his head at Arsene’s now famous substitution of The Ox for Arshavin. Sadly, it would appear most of the time Arsene… Read more »

Ill Ting

Did I leave my copy of Football Manager 2013 in here?


I can come back guys?


I dont see us replacing walcot with someone better. I just dont see it. Of all the players we have sold, how many times have we actually signed someone that can be termed as an “improvement”? we dont improve, we replace.


ah man i dont want theo to go……you know he will go to like liverpool and probably smash a load of goals in as a cf. but good luck to him. Now, moving swiftly on, i can now start druelling at the prospect of signings in the january transfer window. Tello or is it Navas, Lewandowski or is it Llrorente……ahhh to dream. Just start winning, COYG


on the other hand fuckig sort it arsene and het him to sign da ting!!

loop a hole

“I am here to make the fans happy, if
I don’t do it I am not happy.”
This from the same man who got furious when asked about the subs he made and retorted he had to explain his decisions to no one and that only he is his own judge?
Ouch Arsene. Ouch.


Usmanovs in – DEIN in, kronkshit out

Adam, Watford

Usmanov is not the answer. How many times does it need to be said that it is unclear what that will do to the stability of the club at board level, which will have ramifications on the pitch. Will he be another Abramovich ? Yes, spend loads of money, fine; but will he hold the club to ransom over it ? Would he want to tinker in the affairs of who plays ( see the sorry saga that Torres deal has played out as, so much so that Benitez has been appointed to stop torres pouting like a little schoolboy… Read more »


The present model is corrupt and rotten and turning us into a mid table team in front of our eyes. There manifesto is what exactly……..
Some guy named Fox spelled it out for you yesterday are you happy that that is the ambition of our club. If so you are full of shit mate.

Adam, Watford

Weedwacker, unlike some I don’t live my life on these boards and don’t see everything written, neither do I read every comment here religiously because I don’t have the time. Suffice to say, THEIR [ Kronke and the board ] manifesto is no doubt to make a profit for Arsenal but not necessarily at the expense of trophies. What idiot board would, in the long term, just wish to tread water ? Sure, maybe it’s a short term goal seeing as we have just got rid of a lot of debt. Maybe this is the turn around, so hold your… Read more »


A million apologies Obi-Wan


We did not replace anyone with someone better.
Does anyone here really believe that player of Teo level should earned 75K while playing in top 4 team?
It is a joke…


Think he is gonna do a RVP and move to united and replace nani and then tell us he wants to win trophies. Anywhere else i see him being an expensive sub and its too early to say weather liverpool are back as a force.

If he is not carefull he may become another shaun wright phillips.

Adam, Watford

Shaun Wright Phillips is exactly the point, well said, gee.


If you was to list the players who have left us in recent years in terms of technical quality Theo would be pretty low and his main asset pace will not last forever.

I don’t believe he will be that difficult to replace Ryo for example given the same opportunities as Theo would probably end up a better player.

Adam, Watford

Theo ? Meh . He has done some good things and has taken his time to develop. He has been under the spotlight at Arsenal since he arrived, admittedly a lot to do with the media’s incessant need for poking at things. We, as fans, raise our expectations and they are dashed. Theo inevitably gets the fall-out. I don’t dislike him as a player but as has been said here, he is not world class, he is a nice lad who tries his best, more often than not even if we don’t appreciate that all the time. The fact is… Read more »


Adam. Who do you replace theo with ? Where do his assists and goals come from?
I agree he ain’t worth 100k a week and is shit most of the time but we are not exactly full of world class players. It’s not about his market worth. It’s about his worth to us and because we are struggling we need him. In an ideal world we could sell him and replace no problem as he is average at best but i just can’t see who will give us the goals in this team.

Adam, Watford

Well, Voldey, that is a very good question and it rather sums up my position, to a greater or lesser degree ! That Walcott is supposed to be staying till the end of the season suggests that Wenger has no immediate player to replace him with, in terms of Chamberlain or any other current squad member, or youth he can just stick straight into the whole created or any potential transfer target. Perhaps he has a cunning plan for the summer, with negotiations going on furiously under the radar in deepest, darkest Peru. I am not suggesting we will be… Read more »


Santos ain’t a bad shout mate not sure about the Gerv, but I agree its a tough one because we know how bad theo is and to be honest I don’t think he will all of a sudden find that consistency that we and he needs. I’m not a theo fan by any means but it just worries the fuck out of me as to where we find his goals coming from. If we buy a rvp/Henry type player in the window, one that runs onto the through ball or can get behind defenders with his speed theo won’t be… Read more »

Adam, Watford

Voldemort, I see your point, and due to having to dash off I can’t fully do your response justice, however, yes, maybe a top class striker is the answer but who is available in January and even if there is one, will he adapt in time to save our season from being the nightmare scenario some of us are convinced it will be and others merely fear it will be ??? As I said before in my previous reply, Poldi could probably do a decent job in there with Giroud if Santos could do a job on the wing with… Read more »


I hope walcot gets injured badly just before the contract ends and is forced to sign a fresh contract with arsenal only to realise that his injury wasn’t that bad afterall and recovers to score 20 something goals the next season and win a trophy which makes him rethink his priorities and remain at arsenal for the rest of his career 🙂 ………… ·_______· i think i need to get some help

Adam, Watford

Pass the dutchee to the left hand side, mate ! Don’t keep all that natural herbal medicine to yourself, now !!!!!



1) Theo if you wanna call yourself a central striker so much go to Man $ity and sit on the bench on Kolo Toure’s lap. Serge Gnabry is way better than you anyways.
2) Bacary Sagna say it ain’t so! I’ve got your name on the back of my beloved Arsenal uniform. If you leave I don’t know whose shirt to replace yours with.
3) Usamov is no Abromovich. If he were able to dislodge that asset-stripping, money-grabbing Kroenke then Arsenal will return to PL champions guarantee AND maintain the ‘class’ and ‘character’ that Arsenal has built over 125 years.


the third point actually made me laugh. funny when people are able to sacrifice absolutely everything they’ve got to some imaginary belief that things will be better with some money laundering cunt.


Walcott will be absolutely amazing at another club with good coaching and who play to his strengths. He could play for any top club. We will regret the day he leaves and watch for the next 12 years as he gets better and better and accumulates medals just like Ashley Cole….just for the sake of a few quid.
To replace him will cost millions anyway….so why not give him a pay rise instead. He loves Arsenal.

Monkey nuts

No I’m sorry, Theo will not, nor never will be amazing at another club. He has pace and sometimes gets the ball across to RVP and on occasion he finishes well, but he’s far from consistent, lacks belief in himself and has hardly any technical ability. When he plays for England he looks even more shit. He looks like he’s the luckiest sod in the world to be playing football at that level. What we see is as good as it’s going to get for him. He can’t improve because that’s all he has and as someone else has already… Read more »


It is a FACT that our squad has greatly diminished in quality in recent years:
Then Now
Almunia Szczesny
Gallas Mertesacker
Clichy Gibbs
Denilson Cazorla
Arshavin Arshavin
Bendtner Giroud
Chamakh Chamakh
Eboue Jenkinson
Traore AOC
Silvestre Koscielny
Nasri Gervihno
Vela Podolski
Fabregas Wilshere
RVP January?

Dr Baptiste

Szczesney > Almunia
Mertesacker > Gallas
Clichy > Gibbs (but only temporarily as Gibbs is already looking like he’ll be as good if not better than Cole at the same age)
Cazorla > Denilson
Early Arshavin > Present Arshavin
Giroud > Bendtner
Pre-RvP Chamakh > post-RvP Chamakh = Present Chamakh
Jenkinson > Eboue
AOC > Traore
Koscielny > Silvestre
Nasri > Gervinho (unfortunately)
Podolski > Vela
Fabregas > Wilshere (but Wilshere is better than about 90% of current midfielders. He made Iniesta and Xavi look ordinary in the games against Barca before his injury)
Jeffers > RvP

Dr Baptiste

I’ve also realised that you left out Arteta, Vermaelen and Sagna.

Arteta = Song (I say equal as they are both totally different players and both have their own strengths and weaknesses)
Vermaelen > Toure (This is based on last season rather than the weird Vermaelen imposter we’ve witnessed so far)
Sagna….. We haven’t really had another right back since Eboue and Lauren. I’ve already said that Jenkinson is better than Eboue, so Sagna > Eboue??? Lauren was part of the Invincibles, so he was probably our best Wenger bought right back.


I think we are pretty much in agreement. I went to the U19 NextGen game against Athletic Bilbao last night; there is some incredible talent in that team. Hopefully a number of them will develop into first team regulars over the next three to four years.



Dial Square

We all know that Theo is leaving and Arsene will replace him with Zaha from Palace, it’s a move that has got Arsene written all over it, is it a good move for us? only time will tell…


Lets just swap Theo with Zaha! Theo would love that club!


A club can have reservations about offering big wages to Walcott but never a player like Sagna. He’s got consistency and class.

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Though he adds pace and goals, I would sell Walcott in Jan to a European team. He has become an individual player and we need a team effort this year.


When you’re a club with limited financial resources, you don’t pay players based on past performance, but on future prospects. Sagna, I believe, will be 31 when his contract expires, has become a bit injury prone, and we have an up-and-coming RB in Jenkinson. I love him as much as any Arsenal fan, but let’s not kid ourselves, anything more than a one year extension is probably foolish. And it wouldn’t surprise me if the one year extension was just a way to ensure we can sell him and get a return in the summer of 2014.


Sorry but AW will be proved wrong on this. Why will the Sagna outcome be any different to any of the departures in the last 3 years? Serious delusion. He was ‘confident’ on Theo up to a few weeks ago….


Would love to be able to field 9 Sagnas and a Giroud and woj, we would easily get fourth and grab a cup. Even during the dullest games or grimmest defeats it’s always worth watching Bacary work for the half he’s on your side, motoring up and down the line, being exceptional, winning the little things.

Sagna, Bacary Sagna, the hardest man north of Havana (to copacabana)

Large Dave

Shame about Theo

[…] In the meanwhile, the manager has reiterated that the talks between the club and Bacary Sagna have been positive, contradicting the media reports, that the France right back is unhappy over what was offered to him. Wenger also revealed frustration at the contract situation with Walcott. […]

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