Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mertesacker has pop at German press for repeating British press

Although we didn’t see the story in the British press about Per Mertesacker wanting to leave Arsenal/being made surplus to requirements in the middle of the season, we’re quite sure it existed.

This is the same press that gleefully announces the departures of players who have been dropped for a couple of games. Such are the sensitivities of these special snowflakes that they can’t even think about the prospect of, you know, working hard to get their place back and playing better so they keep it.

So when Per Mertesacker, away on international duty, was asked about the possibility of he and Arsenal parting ways, he wasn’t slow in reminding his countrymen that they ought to do a bit more research.

“You all just re-printed a news item from the British press without even researching it,” scoffed the BFG.

“They don’t just drive on the other side of the road there, things also work differently in the UK media – there’s more unfounded speculation than on the stock exchange! I’m very happy at Arsenal and want to stay to build on the reputation and respect I’ve earned so far.

“I don’t consider a return to Germany. I am under contract with Arsenal and I am planning to stay on at Arsenal for more years from now.”

Consider yourselves told, Gernalists!

Thanks to Arser, Wolfi, for the translation of the Kicker story.

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We have deffo got a big fucking german


Never have liked the abreviation “defo” .. sounds too much like that midget buck toothed sp*rs striker.

Did I just ruin it for anyone else? Good.


Sorry, it’s my essex roots, init blud.

the only sam is nelson

indeed, it’s why i don’t have a Roberts radio in the house. It’s also why I turned down a job as a hod carrier, and why i won’t sit on a bale of hay (although at festivals where they’re used as pissoirs i’m only too happy to oblige). I only hope and pray they never sign anyone called Lager.


I know what you mean. I was in a spot of bother last year: either keep my Arsenal-colours duvet or stop having brief periods of sleep in the day. Never both.

the only sam is nelson

too right. i had to leave the krishnas a couple of years back for the same reason. do you know where they were when I joined? ROCK BOTTOM that’s where. Down to the bare bones.

Gearoid Kelly

Fantastic! And what an analogy, comparing the media to the stock exchange. Now I see why Arteta was praising Per’s intelligence in his Arseblog interview.


Wow blogs interviewed arteta?
One question, Did you…..did you touch his hair? *giggles*


Gotta love Per!


Fuckin’ love Mert, class act.

gunn cabinet

Per-fect response.


Per fect


There’s more unfounded speculation than on the stock exchange!

some absolutely top class German humour right there, made me giggle.


I am friends with a German girl who works for a magazine in Berlin. Her job is to write travel reviews about holiday destinations. The problem is she doesn’t visit the destinations, she just gets it all off of the internet but writes the articles giving the impression she has been there.


Does she shave her armpits?


I think they ( German ladies ) have caught up with the rest of the world with shaving now but you can’t beat a bit of bush…


Indeed you can’t my friend.


You can beat around it, but its widely advised, not to.


Dive into the jungle head first my friend !


Per is awesome! I am glad he is at arsenal!

jack jack jack

Good stuff, you tell ’em Per.

Also the Carl Jenkinson’s dad-related headlines are killing me.


Speaking like the boss you are! Always the boss,the per-fect boss


Training ground enforcer!

The Dude

I am glad we have Arseblog News to act as a bullshit filter for the press, although I do secretly enjoy reading the utter horse shit sometimes, with the accompanying comments from African people praising Song.


How do I know this story is true?

This may all be an elaborate bluff by Arseblog, knowing that people won’t check any German sources to see if he really did say these things, in the hope that they repeat these things elsewhere, in order to prove your story on the front page about people posting things without checking sources.


The translation Is Not Great though.

He Said that speculation is Not only on the Stock Exchange but also in Football.

He also questioned why he Would want to Leave when he PlayS regularly and Enjoys the Trust of the Manager.

Sorry for all the capitals im using a non English iPad


I don’t like this guy, I mean as a footballer, cb.
Too slow. Clumsy. N I find him very nervy and shaky. Not good in the air as well, all that height just an illusion.
Him at the back doesn’t quite give that assured feel. Not that kos’s any better or the capable vermaelen has been this season.
I would love to see a new cb paired alongside vermaelen.
Bye per, kos. Djourou, sqid idt I need to mention.

Jim Jimminy

Safe to say you might be missing something.

Jim Jimminy

Eyeballs for example.


You’re Bizzare.

TO Gooner

Hey Michu, is this a continuation of the hissy fit you threw after the way Kos and Mert owned you last game?

yea well

I don’t like you as an English speaker.

A N Other

What a Per-former?


Ok, all those who think he got what it takes, mark my words, he’ll cost us games. Kos has already cost us so many.
We need bullies at the back. Per, n kos both are plain weak.
And this particular wish of mine to see a SOLID CB PAIRING looks like, will have to wait at least another couple of season.
I hope the attack can compensate. 4th place trophies for another couple of years again. I’m slowly getting used to. Happy to finish above spurs and play the CL. Oh, to be a gooner, these days.

Jim Jimminy

Let me guess…chris samba?

A Twat with a Keyboard

Don’t be ridiculous, he is clearly talking about Gary Cahill for a paring I’ve heard Mark Lawrensen saying that helps. And he should know he talks to Alan Shearer one of the finest pundits in the business.

Sorry blogs, I know you don’t like people turning to insults but this Michu guy really is a brainless cunt.

A Twat with a Keyboard

Gary Cahill has English passion, the only thing a centre back needs. Fuck positioning, speed or a brain. Just English Passion. Our centre backs lack that. Get in Cahill or maybe even Bramble.


Give it up, most of us on here are sensible enough to know his qualities to trust him as one of our decent center backs. What is more surprising to us is you having a pop at Mertesacker and not caring to mention Vermaelen in any sentence at all. Of course you’re citing his physical attributes, but you don’t coach him, and you ignore his performances that have helped us greatly to victory. While Djourou might have a case in saying he wasn’t used properly, it’s highly disrespectful to the German international (mind you, Germany one of the best national… Read more »

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Well we’ve only conceded one more than the Mancs and two more than Chelscum. So we can’t be all bad. Personally, I think its a combination of finishing, ball retention in the final third and most of all confindence that have cost us games. Michu, you’re just stuck in a cycle of negativity where you can only see the bad in players. Plus you probably don’t have the intelligence to see the good Per brings to our defence. I agree, he is ungainly and not the quickest but I seem to remember a certain Mr Adams having the same qualities… Read more »


I don’t understand y is it so hard for everyone to see the obvious shit defenders we have?
I dont think I find any of our cbs assuring.
Verm has dropped so much form this year, I still believe in him but then the stats are against him. And I wouldn’t wanna argue with an idiot bringing out stats to defend.
Bottomline, kos n per are shit. We need replacements. N it’s not the grass is greener on the other side. Johnny evans is even shitter. Fact.


Oh cool, someone who thinks stats are a shit tool to measure a player’s utility.

Rather than papering cracks of a player, shouldn’t stats paint a picture of a team and the gears’ cohesiveness as well as its weak / strong points?

You know you’re delusional when you think someone who uses stats as a way of interpretation is stupid. You’re just like them pundits at this point.


N do you realise you sound so annoying?
I’m just saying you can’t always rely on stats.
It’s not that hard to see and make out how good a player is after some 10,20 games.
N so far, kos and per don’t look top quality, by a long long shot.
Verm everyone knows has had a poor season, but you know the quality is there.


How did you just try to objectively rate Kos and Per and rely on subjectivity to rate Vermaelen? Did you realize you lost a lot of credibility there? You should go to your school’s debate club to learn fallacies and logic etc.

The '92 Away Kit

As lovely as i’m sure your posts are, i’m not going to be reading them until you spell words.


@Michu, I don’t need stats to tell me you really need to F off.

Jim Jimminy

Seeing as you like stats, have you seen the one where arsenal has the best away defence this season? The defence isn’t nearly as bad as you are suggesting. I also dont see how replacing 2 out of 3 first team CBs would help at all. We would be back to new players settling in and familiarising themselves with players they dont know.


I didn’t know Vincent Kompany was mouldy.

We’ve produced the 3 of the current best left-backs in the league (Cole, Clichy and Gibbs).

Toure and Sol Campbell were pretty good.

Lauren, Eboue and Sagna were pretty good right-backs.


Oh, it seems the post I was replying too was deleted, which makes my post seem pretty random now….


Wtf? I noticed another comment of mine deleted as well. I thought it was an error n I reposted the comment.
Wtf blogs??? Now I can’t just post my opinions???


You should read the comment policy before you start.

“We reserve the right to edit/delete comments as we see fit.”

Reading your posts, I understand why you’re surprised.

yea well

And. It’s fucking AND.


Michu: TROLLED!!!!


I’m talking cbs.
The full backs we have right now are excellent actually.
Gibbs, jenki, monreal, sagna no problemo.
The cbs, big problemo.
Idk y every fucking body gets so defensive when I’m nothing more than stating the truth.

Jim Jimminy

You’re stating opinion.


I’m. But, I’m surprised so many have a different opinion or is it the way I said it? Idk.
Cos I dont think anyone thinks we have two top quality cbs in kos and per. That’s nuts.

Jim Jimminy

Clearly they do. It seems you are in the minority on this one.


B: “I’m nothing more than stating the truth.”
A: “You’re stating opinion.”
B: “I’m. But, I’m surprised so many have a different opinion or is it the way I said it?”

Wow. Just wow.

Kos and Per aren’t the best, but they are good. Per has his own strengths the way Vermaelen has his own. Just dismissing Per as absolute shit because he is slow is like saying Jenkinson is great just because he has pace.


for me personally i think if vermalean is at his best and kos is at his best, kos is better! kos in matches against barce and some others a few years back was incredible


Sometimes the best response to ignorance, that or trolling, is the cold shoulder I guess. Here’s a collection of the classic hits to convince you that he is either ignorant / troll: “I’m nothing more than stating the truth” “I don’t understand y is it so hard for everyone to see the obvious shit defenders we have?” (obv because you are still 12) “We need bullies at the back. Per, n kos both are plain weak.” If only you coached Bayern Munich… “Idk y every fucking body gets so defensive” are we? You’re the one using absolutely weak arguments to… Read more »


I guess you sound more like the troll or the 12 yr you see in me.
I’m merely putting in my opinion and frankly gobsmacked(or a better word) that ppl think per and kos have what it takes to make it at the top level.
I can’t wait to see their back and some solid machines recruited.


And what was your arguments again? Just that they are not bullies? Do you have any facts other than your subjective take on them?


Can’t make it at the top level? You should go rewatch that tie against Barcelona in which Koscielny basically made Messi his b*****.


Why have you chosen the name of an enemy player? Not ‘the’ enemy admittedly but ‘an’ enemy? Statistics, if you are avid and follow, actually show how good they are and how wrong you are. Top of the league united have shipped 31 and tottenham 37 to our 32. We have the 4th stingiest defence in the league whereas even Liverpool have scored more. The problem is the balance and thus not an issue brought about by ‘shit’ cb’s but either an inherent weakness in all positions or the sign of a team that started its last game with –… Read more »


May be it’s a sly dig at the kind of signings we should be doing. Ok, trying but failing miserably.
Chamakh, squid, per, kos, park, gervinho, giroud.
But, honestly, I think michu’s super cool. I wish the defenders we have had half the composure he has.


I can imagine you going slightly red in the face at our ignorance.


So a few hours ago I copied Mertersaker’s full response and submitted to Skysports as a comment to their article that was edited to leave out his criticism of British media. And, three hours later it is yet to appear – despite only 7 comments, mostly nasty, appearing. What would we do without a free press?


Lol. N what have we done at games that matter? Shipped in lousy goals. 3 against bayern, all avoidable ones. That’s where we need them stats, where’s the stats now? We need consistent, reliable cbs. Kos, per totally don’t fit the bill. N I’m not trolling. I’m not sure if I’m totally unbiased or going may be a bit over just cos the response although negative it generates, the troll prolly enjoys that. Whatever, I’ve been thoroughly disappointed with the recruitment of kos and per. I was expecting top quality and they aren’t, by quite a long shot. Anyway, idt… Read more »


“Shipped in lousy goals. 3 against bayern, all avoidable ones.” You do realize Vermaelen was playing at left back that day and most of Bayern’s attack came at the expense of our left flank right? You do realize that defending is a team game and you can’t expect the center back to have a great game when their left flank isn’t the best and they still have to deal with other top class players. Kos and Per, again, were never ‘the best defenders’, they have their own strong niches, and your completely ignoring of that has been so apparently ignorant… Read more »


Ok I clearly remember the first goal, not closing down kroos. N I’m preety sure verm isn’t to blame. Moreover, against spurs, where’s the so called positional awareness of per gone??? Super lousy goals. Ok, I think verm was playing as well, but these are mere examples. Sometimes we concede, sometimes we don’t despite a dodgy defence. The bayern 2nd leg was bayern unlucky not getting a goal, if you’re honest with yourself. They had far more attempts and basically unlucky not to score one. N they didn’t even need to. N I’ve said per is shit cos he’s slow,… Read more »


You trying to blame Per for the goals we conceded at WHL?

Watch this, http://youtu.be/rKm85q3t6bQ?t=8m25s Gary Neville analysing the goals. His criticism of Vermaelen and Monreal. He doesn’t blame Per.
Do you want to say G Neville got it all wrong?

Johnny Jensen's Bender

‘Super lousy’
‘Ultra slow’

You are either 60+ and trying to be ‘down with the kids’, or under 16 trying to play grown up.

But clearly you’re more intelligent than all of us and Arsene, so colour me a dick.



Save it for the end of the season!!!!

yea well

It’s MAYBE not MAY BE.


@MICHU- among other things you can’t type or spell,but can you read?If so I’d try the ‘Arseblog comments policy’…
it’s fuckin’ excellent.

Jim Jimminy

Ok michu, give us some examples from this season where mertesacker has been directly responsible for goals conceded…


His mere presence. He’s slow. Can’t rely on him as last man.
He doesn’t deal with air balls, that’s a cb’s job if you ask me.
He isn’t strong, or fast basically and never wins the ball on his territory. A faster or stronger player easily gets before.
Now if you observe kompany or vidic, you see them totally dominating their territory.


He has been capped 86 times by Germany since 2004, missing out on additional caps through injury. Germany are second in the FIFA World Rankings. Your assessment is clearly not shared by the German selectors who have a track record of success.


It seems you have a hatred for Per and so you are trying to blame him for every defensive lapses.

Every defender can make mistakes. All our defenders have too, in some game or the other; including Vermaelen. This year there has also been a lack of cover from the midfield for our backline. So trying to blame Per for it all is grossly unfair.

You are entitled to your hatred for Per, please do not try and shove it down everyone’s throat. We all watch our matches and are capable of judging for ourselves.


My hatred is nothing out of football.
I’m may be massively disappointed at what he turned out to be after all the hype.
I was expecting a big fucking german who can well fuck the forwards.
But, heck, he’s WEAK!
I think strength and composure are the key attributes to a cb and sadly, per has none required at a top level.

Jim Jimminy

Answers my question perfectly, thank you. .


I gotta say I share (a little bit) Michu’s thoughts about Mertesacker. He’s a decent defender and seems like an intelligent guy, but too often he’s beaten by attackers. You can see the technical abilitiy : his passes are perfect, his tackles are clean and he’s good at intercepting the ball. But every time he’s one-on-one with the attacker, I’m thinking ‘oh shit’… and he does NOT get enough balls in the air considering his height. Considering Kos, I have to disagree with you. I think he’s a top-class defender. Fast-paced, good tackler, great in the air and almost as… Read more »


This is the style of argument that I can get serious with, and whoever that guy is can learn from. Considering Per, right now imo he’s something like the Arteta of our defence. Teams like to press high against us usually because we’ll just be passing between Arteta and Mert (stats don’t lie), and honestly I would be more worried if it was Arteta to Kos/Verm. Per rarely loses the ball while in possession as well with his 92% pass success %, while in truth he does get dribbled twice every 5 games (okayish) and he is poor in tackling,… Read more »



To put context to the “get dribbled twice every 5 games” (0.4), Nacho who as we know has been prone to not covering wingers that they can come inside has 0.8 (in 5 games and the most notable team was Sp*rs as well) while Santos who has had a bad day has 1.5 (3 apps, 5 subs)

TO Gooner

I very much agree with most of that. Especially your point about a ‘niche’ defender. I think any team in the world would be happy to have Mert, especially teams with strong midfields who press high up. Mert isn’t the best one-on-one because of his size doesn’t allow him to accelerate as quick, but his reactions (given his blocks and interceptions figures) are excellent. His flaw is only really exposed when tracking back from the high-line, especially when defending quick breaks, but honestly that is more of a team job than anything else they do on a pitch. Our fullbacks… Read more »

A Twat with a Keyboard

By the way what to people think about Wigan’s Callum McManaman getting away with that horrendous tackle on Massadio Haidara? Same old “not that type of player business”. A Also that ridiculous rule that if a ref sees it, it can’t be punished later. I mean, what? “Sorry we can’t send this rapist murderer to jail, I know he raped and killed someone, but the policemen who saw it didn’t arrest him.” F.A. need to sort this out, it’s happened to many times before. Apologies, I know it has nothing to do with the article but I wanted to know… Read more »

Tenacious Defence

Utterly ridiculous. The linesman says he saw it, didn’t consider it serious, so they can’t “re-referee” the incident. Common sense should prevail and the guy should be given a 3 match ban for a reckless studs-up challenge.


Michael Owen’s professional career actually ended in the summer of 2004, when he lost his soul in a game of chance with Satan.


The Arsenal defense is average, the midfield is soft and up front we need someone who knows where the goal is.
24 points off the pace out of all the trophies, eight years of failure. Time for a change

Mate Kiddleton

What if I told you supporting a club is not only about trophies


Time indeed for you to change to something that brings you joy, if such a thing exists.


davo57…. meh


They’re twats then they’re Davo57s’- bigger twats.

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I think Michu finally slept. Please don’t wake him up…


Koscielny’s not good enough? Trying telling that to Lionel Messi.


Per was actually at fault for the 1st and second goals we conceded against brighton.. Brighton aren’t exactly barcelona are they, although I believe per isn’t far from being WC,once he gets a tad more pace,he needs to communicate with whoevers standing between the sticks more

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