Sunday, February 9, 2025

Ox: Hard toil will bring me to the boil

Disclaimer – this article contains no transfer speculation.

Having ended his season with a cracking strike for England in the Maracanã, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is rightly feeling positive about the future having endured a testing second season at the Emirates.

The Ox spoke heartily a couple of weeks ago about his desire to make more of an impact at the Emirates and has reiterated that determination following his successful jaunt to Brazil.

“It has been an up and down season for me but I have learnt a lot,” Oxlade-Chamberlain is quoted as saying by the Mirror.

“No-one knew what to expect from me in my first season at Arsenal and everything I did was a bonus. This season people expect you to continue in the same way, and so did I.

“I have made a few steps forward in certain areas of my game, and had a few setbacks that have helped me to learn.

“But I am happy with how my season has gone, and the way we finished with ­Arsenal. I’m really looking forward to next season

“I’m still young, and every day I am involved with ­either Arsenal or England will help me. I have to make sure I keep working hard and hopefully things will go well for me.”

Yeah it’s a slow news day…still good to hear from the Ox, he seems like a nice lad.

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Oh wait…

Loop A Hole

Interesting, we love the Ox, COYG and Arsene knows..

… but you can understand MY FRUSTRATION!!!!


What a lad


He’s definitely got the potential. Exciting times ahead! 🙂 BritishCore!


Top guy. Real future here along with a few of the other lads.

Long Dong Silver

The Ox looks like a thug.


People forget his age. Ox is undoubtedly the best 19 year old in the Premier League.


best premier League player who is 19 years, 9 months, and 26 days old for sure.

Arsene's Zip

So that makes him under 21?? Still Stuart Pearce can fuck off.

Gunner From Another Mother

Hopefully all the way to the unemployment line…


Its hard to argue against Lukaku being a better player after the season he had.


Ox can be very one dimensional a crash bang sort of striker. The goal against Brazil for example was a real thrash but some how it went in. Ox could be the next Ian Wright or he may end up being Girvinho the second. Hopefully it will be the former and he will score 20 plus premier league goals this term.

Zorro in the box

He seems really versatile, not 1-dimensional at all! He’s got strength, speed, awareness, passing ability and technique. You can see why Wenger would move him in-field though, he’s got a Giggs-ish feeling about him that he could play anywhere across the pitch or a Lampard style attacking/goal-scoring midfielder, certainly has potential when he gets to an age where his legs run out of gas. For now though he’s an exciting prospect. I’ve wondered, certainly with Wenger’s penchant for doing this, whether the Ox would make a decent centre-forward. Don’t know if he has the height, but he certainly has the… Read more »

TO Gooner

No offense, but that is the worst description of Alex’s game you can come up with. He is nothing like Ian Wright, at ALL, although I do hope he bangs them in like Wrighty at some point. The only thing common between Gerv and Alex are they both like to dribble. Nothing else. And is it possible you find him to be a bit one-dimensional, crash-bang sort of player due to some unrelated similarities with our boy Theo?

Unyoke The Ox

Let’s hope that the true unyoking begins next season.

Robbie Rotten

Hope he does well this season, he is a genuinely likeable lad who gives it his all every time he plays.

Come on the Ox!

Arsene's stylist

Bloggs: I know this is off topic, but i’m only posting this here because I know you’ll be reading it, and it is an issue that is bothering me :
I have a problem accessing the News stories on ipad 3 FW 5.1.1 . It crashes both Chrome and Safari (the news homepage works fine btw).

As for OX: er.. I got nothing…


Either download the app or reformat your iPad!!

Arsene's stylist

The app doesn’t have comments. And all other sites work fine on my ipad. 🙂


Think the Ox will prove himself in the coming seasons.

Digging our British Core lots these days. Honestly can’t see that kind of concentration of young homegrown talent in any other team in the Premier League. Between Wilshere, Ramsey, Walcott, Oxlade Chamberlain, Gibbs and Jenkinson, we’ve got the future in our hands.

Rad Carrot

Mmm, think he’s more effective in the centre, so we’ll see where he ends up. Good player with bags of potential, but can’t shake the feeling he’ll ditch us in a few years if the club continues to underperform. Would love to see him more regularly next season.

Jamesy Boy

Great player…
Great attitude…
Give him time


None of this matters because when Rooney comes to Arsenal and Fabregas joins United I am going to quit watching PL football, forever!

I still can’t decide what makes me more sick, Rooney at Arsenal or Fabregas at United.

and on topic… Ox, good lad, bags of potential, hope he forces his way into the first team.


Must admit I was quite depressed this morning reading that shit from Denis Irwin. Special mention to Irwin F**K OFF!

Arsene's Zip

Rooney is a granny shagging shrek-a-like, but the second his ape-like palm hits ink then an Arsenal contract I will immediately take back all the (very large amount of) abuse I have levied on him and proclaim my love for him like I once love a dutch man.

Cesc will never sign for utd.. he has too much class. Unless he does, then he will be a cunt.

Who says football fans are fickle?


Ignores disclaimer.

Wenger out for not signing xyz.


Really like the OX but would like to see more of him in the midfield.


GreenZoneGunner, that lot you mentioned have the potential to form the core of a fantastic team – but could any of them help Arsene’s stylist with their iPad issues?


Top lad. Exciting prospect. Can’t wait to watch him next season.


Hey, he ain’t saying, I want to win trophies, but if I don’t… Or, of course if a bigger club came in for me I’d have to think about it. Or, I am The Greatest Striker That Ever Lived. Or, I will be just as happy to pick up my wages whether I am shit or good. Or, spell my Na$me with a $.


Great improvement from the Ox next season me thinks.


I like the ox, good strong player, I say he be good at anything he puts he’s mind on, he’ll have a good future I’m sure of that,


Ox, boiling…still pondering about beef!

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