Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Wenger: time to cut out the mistakes

Arsene Wenger has called on his team to cut out the errors which have seen them fall to cup defeats to Borussia Dortmund and Chelsea.

A Carl Jenkinson howler contributed to last night’s Capital One Cup defeat, while Aaron Ramsey was culpable for Dortmund’s first at the Emirates last week. The German side’s winner also came when Arsenal allowed themselves to be caught on the break, and with big games against tough opposition coming up, Wenger wants more focus from his team.

“It is difficult to swallow that happened to us in the last week, but the mistakes are so big that it can be corrected,” he said. “We have to keep the basis of our game and go into it with that and get our mistakes out.

“In football it is always difficult to be definite. People always go quickly to definite conclusions. Against Aston Villa, we were relegated, we have a revolution, but today we are in a strong position in the league.

“It is down to how we get rid of those mistakes without losing belief in our qualities. That is what is at stake.”

Arsenal face Liverpool, Dortmund, Manchester United and a Southampton side that have conceded just 3 goals in the league this season, in the next couple of weeks, but Wenger is backing his team not to be weighed down by the two recent losses.

“Look it’s better to win if you ask me. Of course it’s difficult but that’s part of the season you know you will not win all of the games but we have to respond well on Saturday against Liverpool.

“We are in a strong position in the league and we have a good opportunity at home and we we have to turn this round because away from home we are very solid but at home as well you know that it is important and vital to win the big games.”

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Runcorn Gooner

All teams make mistakes.Hopefully Ramsey and Jenkinson will learn from their errors and the rest of the team
will tighten up.
The big mistake in my opinion was to chase the win against Dortmund when a draw in a tight group
would have been a good result.


Makes me wonder what sort of proactive messaging goes from the bench to the pitch during games.


I’d prefer to be optimistic and call it injuries instead of mistakes…we were better than Chelsea last night..just missing our clinical players..Poldi..AOC Walcott etc.

What’s the story with Gnabry by the way?


I also prefer to be optimistic about things. But to say we were better than Chelsea just isn’t true.
If we had our injured players back then we may’ve made a game of it, but we didn’t.
I really wanted Bendtner to do well when he came back but yesterday he really was terrible. I know he’s not had much game time and all that, but even so.
Anyway, with the depth of our squad I’d much rather have gone out of the COC than any other.
Hopefully we’ll put it all right against Liverpool on Saturday


We were not better than chelsea. for a good amount of time we never looked like scoring and thats stressful especially considering the excellent midfield we had on. chelsea came with a plan and stuck to it. and by plan i mean bus. really need our wingers back coz when we are stuffed out through the middle its like we are done for goals.

Jose mourinho….jose mou… *now look what that stupid chant made me do.


I realise it might be a bit delusional to think that we did, in fact play better but truth is we outclassed them in midfield..for long periods too… the quality that Giroud provides in games where he starts is usually the clincher when it comes to outscoring opponents..

..we had Bendtner for this one

Coming back to delusion, it could be helpful in winning a title. Just ask that gum-chewing-autobiography-writing-ex-manure fiend


Lets just say chelsea used the ball better. yeah……..so our “ball playing midfield” may knock it around real good but with no real conviction or end product. Though given Bendtner was on the end of all our midfield/wing moves its understandable we never got ourselves a goal.

Fergie does chew alot of gum…..i agree.


Ah, now i know why Bendtner and Fergie piss people off so much. Its not the personality, its the gum.


We were certainly not better then Chelsea last night in any way

Though I don’t give a damn about capital one cup and in some way I agree with blogs that maybe losing is a good sign so we can concentrate more on the treble..

But we certainly weren’t better then the Chelsea side, even with the likes of Ramsey wilshere cazorla in team and likes of ozil an giroud playing for 20-30 minutes


Lucky for me I woke up this morning not feeling bad at all. it’s when we get less than 4points against lfc and utd that I’d consider drinking poison. COYG!!


Gatorade……drink gatorade instead.

Finsbury Park Gooner

What’s the difference?

Dr Baptiste

We’ve got a partnership with Gatorade, so it’s cheaper than poison, probably does more damage and goes towards helping the club….


This has been my problem with all our losses to Chelsea… They have never actually been ‘better’ than us, we just handed them the victory through silly mistakes or by being caught on the counter. This stretches back to the champions league loss during the invincibles era


Being caught on the counter is them being better than us. Mistakes I accept your point but counter attacking football is a legitimate offensive strategy.


Lets just say chelsea used the ball better. y




Poor Jenkinson. Thats what you get for watching city play over the weekend.

The boy just did a nastasic…..


Just want us to win the next 3 bloody games anyhow.

1. Liverpool because they need to be put back into their place.
2. Dortmund to secure qualification.
3. United because of that cunt and to widen our gap at the top.

I hope we can.

Dark Stein

RE 3. Which C**t? You’ll have to be more specific, there’s quite a few of them at Utd


Agreed. I am not too fussed about this loss as long as we bounce back well in the next few games. Flamster is going to be quite a miss for all 3, really unfortunate timing with his injury


I’m still not panicking as I didn’t really rate our chances against a squad as big as Chelsea’s. The longevity of this team’s consistency in the Prem will come intto question in the next two weeks. My cousin, a United fan, keeps calling this Arsenal’s hell week. He keeps mouthing off abount how every season we always have that one week where we go out of every competition. What I would give to have Arsenal stick it to United when they meet this month.


Who gives a damn about Capital One. At the moment our only problem is lack of effective striker whith different characteristics than Giroud.


What have we done to deserve such treatment from who so ever controls the injury world? This would surely have been a different game had oxlade, flamini and podolski been available. Well i’m no too worried we just had to cut short our job now we concentrate on the LEAGUE, FA CUP and UCL and with our injured players on there way back and the transfer window just around the corner we are so far away from crisis or any form of decline. COYG


If anyone cares to know my january transfer wish.. Its simply get me
1. Lewandowski(£20 @most)
2. Mulumbu/Lars Bender(£20m would likely get you bender whereas mulumbu would be around £12m)
3. Pato/Luis Muriel(@most £17m)
Then Let TGSTEL go!


1. Lewandowksi is more than likely Bayern-headed. It is probably more out of respect than anything that it hasn’t been announced yet.

2. Cannot see AW purchasing any midfielders. To be fair, once fit, we have enough.

3. Pato isn’t the sort of striker we really need. We need 2 Girouds.


1. Lewandowski denied any deal has been strucked with bayern, the bayern-bound issue are under probability/rumours just as the recent issue that he will be offered to english clubs but atleast he hinted at being open to EPL move so if anything all are classified as rumours for now so me being optimistic fancy our chances of getting him in january. 2. I want a mulumbu or bender not because we need more bodies in the middle but because we need a solid flamini backup or replacement, i’m not asking for a cazorla or ozil type of mf you can… Read more »

good old jens

patos clearly a write-off, are you completely unaware of his injury issues

Dr Baptiste

At this point, I think that at least six people don’t care about your shopping list.

Also, I’m not sure Dortmund would sell us Lewandowski for £20, it seems a little cheap


Thats better than getting nothing, aint it 🙂


*The ‘2 Girouds’ comment was meant light-heartedly.

1. I will eat my hat if Lewandowski doesn’t go to Bayern Munich. It’s 100% man-made fibres as well, so really horrible to digest.


jenks needs to shake off that jinx or he cuts his head off…I was gutted cos he does that again and again.

Ak 47

Why all the blame on Jenkinson? His header back wasn’t exactly great but hardly the worst I have seen. It was an awkward ball and he was stretching to reach the ball. Fabianski having best view of the situation didn’t even anticipated the situation. He should have gone a few steps forward towards Jenkinson as he knew he was heading the ball towards him. That would have averted the situation. In fact I blame the keeper for his lack of anticipation in that situation for that goal.

Mark Hughes

I blame Wenger for picking Fabianski. If that had been me, I would have put Crouch in goal as he’s tall


Yea we have to reduce our stunning defensive err but many of us are being too hard on carl jenkinson after just one bad game and he is not good enough? He is rubbish? He needs to be loaned out? And who serves as backup to sagna then? Many fans don’t think, this was the same jenkinson many rated above sagna not too long ago especialy after that horrible err vs van pusky last season it seems we quickly forget all the good games and performances of our players after they have just one bad game, i didn’t fancy the… Read more »


Time to face facts we have come up against two good sides in Chelsea and Dortmund played ok but didn’t create much in either two and lost , we not testing the keeper and getting hit on the counter expect lots if possession against Liverpool and Suarez and Sturbridge Clinnical in counters against us , no flamini then there’s no protective screen !! Part on jenkinson I now ur arsenal boy and u love the club but I don’t think ur good enough dodgy header last night warning signs were there at Napoli in emerites cup dodgy header for insigne… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

The problem is; in both games we haven’t played badly or been outplayed, all we’ve done is produce errors and mistakes that lead us to having to chase a game. It’s been the problem for the last 8 years. This season it looked like the players finally had their heads screwed on but it seems that being top of the league, beating Spurs and beating Marseille and Napoli has caused the players to become over-confident rather than thinking to themselves ‘We need to win something here to allow us to be confident’ as they’ve done nothing so far. The players… Read more »


villa? wake up call for what? did you not notice a cunt with a whistle robbing us of a home win with ridiculous calls ?

sick and tired of mugs in media or forums ignoring the result altering officiating display of that ref…..

Dr Baptiste

Did the referee cause the mistakes in the Dortmund game or last nights game? Oh, so the referee’s should also win us games and it’s nothing to do with the players. Thanks, I didn’t realise it was so simple….. If the referee is trying to influence a game for what ever reason, then as a team, we need to make sure that we fight through that adversity. My original point is the fact that right now, the players are looking like, as we’re top of the league, they don’t really need to try as a result will just happen. It… Read more »


While it was a silly mistake to make (clearly not in the same league as Calamity Joe/Nastasić), to be fair to Jenks, if you can bring yourself to watch it back again, the ball bounced really awkwardly due to the horrendous amount of spin on the ball and he obviously didn’t read that. For a normal bounce, he was well positioned to get a comfortable knock back to Fabianski. As it happened, it bounced so far behind him, he just couldn’t get any power on it. While Jenks is clearly not ready for the first team yet (“calling Bacary Sagna,… Read more »


Everyone knows our squad depth isn’t great, but it doesn’t matter. We have a group of around 14-15 players that, as the boss would say, are top top quality. 14-15 players which are more than good enough to deliver results in these upcoming games. Forget about the League Cup, I couldn’t give an arse about it, it’s time to refocus on this next week ahead. Mugsmashers, Dortmund and 8th, let’s support the lads and get max points which would reaffirm the transition that we’re challenging for the premier league and not the capital one cup anymore …


Our worst fears are coming true. We’ve not played anyone of quality this season (Napoli and a ‘new’ Spurs side are not quality). We are flat track bullies. Our equivalent results are actually a bit worse than last season. If/when Liverpool,Utd and Dortmund all beat us, it’s back to square one. We are so short of centre forward options. We lost last nights game before it started.


So if we beat Liverpool and United, would they then be classified as quality or not?


Probably not, ’cause we beat them.


Yes. Obviously.


Was he chewing gum when he came off?

Wenger Banger

I feel sad for the younglings and the 2nd squad players. Their season ended yesterday.


Chelsea fans took the fucking piss for 90mins last night. In our own fucking back yard. We were half hearted in this game…didn’t want it and didn’t want to be there. Chelsea were properly professional which comes from a manager who wants to win everything.

Williams 08030660697

Arsenal can never win trophy with likes of Jekinson,Bendtner, Sagna. These people need replacement for Arsenal to succeed. Also Arsenal needs more strickers.

Dr Baptiste

Of course they do….. Why can’t our fans just be realistic after a defeat. Yes we lost, but suddenly our most consistent RB, who wasn’t even playing, is not good enough. It’s always one extreme to another with some Arsenal fans. Did Montpelier win the Ligue 1 trophy with the best players in France? Are Roma at the top of Serie A with the best players in Italy? Are Athletico Madrid second in La Liga best they have the second best squad in Spain? The answer to all is no. They are there because they were/are the best team as… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

Also, I’m not sure Arsenal need a load of Steve Strickers running around the pitch. I don’t think his studs would be long enough to give him good balance on the grass while running

Le' Cheupez

The perfect result if you ask me. We are all too aware of our squad depth. In seasons past we have been guilty of not prioritising targets and with good reason; largely as a result of poor starts. So we may have looked at cup games to try and regroup. Not this season. Given our incredible league run(Since Jan if you like) we could do with less distractions, and COC is one.


Smooth waters don’t make good sailors. I’d rather drop out of the mickey mouse cup than drop 3 points in the league. Let’s just make this and the dortmund defeat the catalyst for pushing forward in regular competition.


Maybe we should grow our grass a little, or away record ain’t that bad. .. .

andrew m

No one is above mistake but when will they correct it? The wise thing to do when ball is around your 18 box is clear it out not drilling. Jekinson made a lot of mistakes, think twice before including him in premieeship. Arsenal don’t take shot when necessary.

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