Monday, February 17, 2025

Dortmund 2-0 Arsenal: Player ratings

A truly dreadful night at the office as Arsenal went down 2-0 to Borussia Dortmund, and in truth it could easily have been more. Here’s how we thought the players rated.

PLEASE NOTE: We’ve changed the system slightly, you rate each player then click the ‘Cast Vote’ button down at the bottom, rather than voting for each player individually.

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Poldi’s shin pad.


He had a higher chance of finding it than Sanchez did with his pass.


I was going to say the best teamwork in the game was Ozil just kind of tossing his shin guard over to Podolski

Don Cazorleone

and oh how begrudgingly he did that too


3 for Özil is very generous


He wasn’t any worse than the majority of the team. He wasn’t any better either though.

Thought Gibbs and Jack were the pick of a bad bunch tonight. The Ox was very good when he came on and if he doesn’t start at the weekend, questions need to be asked.

And oh how i’d have loved to see Rosicky in there tonight. Now I know where he gets his fight from. Dortmund were brilliant tonight and their pressing and energy were everything I wish we had in our team. Hard not to like them or their coach.


I don’t think Wenger has figured out his best midfield/forward combination yet. It’s as if he’s compelled to play certain players. For a game like this, he’d know we needed energy and grit. Today was the day Rosicky would have been perfect. It’s almost as if having too many options in midfield forwards is doing us harm. Guys like Cazorla, Chambo, Campbell (!), Rosicky and Podolski aren’t getting a game. In any case, we need the Ox to play against Aston, Santi too. Rambo and Ozil need a game off to rest, reflect, and maybe recuperate.

Bould's Eyeliner

That’s a bit unfair – Wilshere and Ramsey combined brilliantly against Man City. You expect a manager to keep a good combination going. That being said, it’s rare you see Wenger make subs at 60 minutes… just shows you how utterly pathetic we were on the pitch tonight..


Yes I understand they played well against city, but then Ramsey didn’t look fit and some of the others ran themselves into the ground. Alexis, wilshere as good examples. Wenger does not know how to use a squad which is one reason why we get so many injuries. And also there is no variation in tactics, just the arrogant belief we just need to turn up and play the same way no matter who the opposition.


it is really baffling that Wenger used the same line up as Saturday. After a game of that intensity (on Saturday) you expect some change to give so energy to the team which didn’t happen! I was specially surprised that Santi didn’t play! I expected him and Ox to be in the starting line up. In the past years we were complaining about lack of depth but now that we have quite descent bench (Santi, Poldi, Ox, Campbell, Rosicky) we keep the same tired line-up! I am a fan of Wenger but many times I cannot understand his logic


And pay the extra 10k contract clause?


I like Ozil so much but let’s stop making excuses for him. First part of solving a problem is recognizing there’s one and he’s not planning well. He has the technique to thrive in any of the forward positions he’s been played in so far. If not then we have another Arshavin on our hands with people claiming he wasn’t played in his best (no.10) role. At the moment Santi is playing better and for me he should start games ahead of Ozil. He’s simply more versatile and in games like these where you’re ganged up on by the opposition… Read more »


I voted 0; dunno whether the system accepted it


Ozil actually had a decent first half hour, then faltered like the rest of the team. I saw him track his man, defend, try and get involved in the few attacking moves we tried, but he was just off the boil, same as everyone else so cant be too harsh on him. Saying that though, I gotta say, I’m very disappointed with Welbeck. Honestly speaking I wasn’t too fond of us signing him because he’s not a proven player. Yeah he had a decent stint at Sunderland, but for a guy that couldn’t break into the united team last year… Read more »


Ozil wasn’t that bad. Playing him the way Wenger is is borderline unforgivable. 4-1-4-1 doesn’t work and it makes Ozil look bad. Play him ina 4-2-3-1 and he looks great. Wenger is as usual trying to let all his “best” players play and forcing them into a formation that doesn’t work to accomodate it, resulting in an unbalanced team and making many of those players look pedestrian. Play two of Ramsey, Ozil and Wilshere, not all three, and move back to a 4-2-3-1 and the team will immediately do much better. Why Wenger can’t see what a disaster 4-1-4-1 has… Read more »


I posted last season that I was underwhelmed by Ozil and that opinion hasn’t changed. If we’re not going to play him in the centre then put him on the bench, playing wide is not his game and it’s criminal to leave Poldi, Ox, Tomas on the bench to accommodate an out of position Ozil. Ozil is a good player when surrounded by players who do the hard work for him and players with movement around him to pick out (Alonso, Ronaldo, Benzima, Higuin, Schwinsteiger, Muller, Kros, etc). If he’s going to do well for us it’ll be when we… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Ozil cost £42m and we had first refusal on Fabrregas for £26m. Why-oh-fucking-why (didn’t we cut our losses on the German)!!! Arsene knows (i’m not sure)!!!


Our back four left totally exposed by our midfield pushing too high and Arteta showed us why we need a dedicated defensive mid. Szc really needs a kick up the arse, his decision making is so poor and his attitude is just way too casual. Welbeck really should’ve scored at least one of the three chances, and Ramsey has been very disappointing this season so far.

That being said, I still really like this team.


Could have been Calum Chambers, if only there had been a Verminator replacement.

What’s that you say? Nacho Monreal is our other CB? Oh, right. Well that solves it.


I actually thought Szczesny was fantastic today. Quick out of his box for long balls and loose passes. Fast to close down the striker with the ball. Spread himself well at the right time. Almost always in the right position. In fact with a lesser keeper I reckon we would have been down by six goals or more. I actually think he was the only one on the field with his head on straight. Everyone was running around like headless chickens while Szczesny put in a remarkable and calm performance. You may mistake it for “casual”, but you don’t want… Read more »


He played well until the second goal where his positioning was very poor when he came rushing out. no excuse for his second big mistake when he was closed down either.


oh shit up,
chezzny was probably our best player…….thats saying something.

when a team has 24 shots at goal, kind of hints the problem is defending not the keeper.


This was exactly my point, if you’re defense & midfield allow the team 24 shots on goal and countless free runs into the box then you can only expect so much from your keeper. Szc was easily our best player, you can blame him for our 2nd goal but without him that could have been the 5th or 6th goal that was going in at that point! Him, Wilshere & Alexis are the only players that can come off of that pitch knowing they put a shift in everyone else were truly abysmal including Wenger, he needs to kick this… Read more »

bims lay

well, Szczesny was at least, our busiest player for sure!


I also think that Sczezney had the most touches of any Arsenal player (not counting the two retrievals from the back of the net…) Abject is the most positive adjective I can think of or that waste of time…. I am going to support another team, I don’t know who I watched last night, on Saturday I will be watching a team called The Arsenal playing in RED and WHITE not in special forces night time camouflage. PLEASE DO NOT LET THE TEAM PLAY IN DARK MIXED COLOURS AT NIGHT FOR FUCK SAKE! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK you and your… Read more »

Kos the boss

Time to play coq in dm?


Harsh on Szczesny and Ox was great, did all he could for the time he was on. Bellerin’s debut in a match away from home in a CL game in front of 75k+ of the loudest fans in the world, doesn’t deserve to be put as low as the rest.

Other than that, agreed everyone was below par.


I’m not down on the boy bc he wasn’t terrible at all & this will be just a small blip on his career for us……….but if everyone was saying “if he’s good enough he should play” before the match than he needs to be judged that way after the match also & he was not up to par, simple.


I agree. Szczesny was too casual but he also made some great saves to make the scoreline less embarrassing. I agree with Blogs in that Oxlade-Chamberlain and Cazorla need to be starting games. Ozil, although not playing centrally (IMO the only position he should ever play in for us), has been woeful whilst Ramsey has worryingly regressed back to his old self (his ill-timed showboating on/with the ball in recent games just tells me that his form from last season has gone to his head just a little too much, which can happen to most players I guess, but he… Read more »


a big team doesn’t need a keeper who makes some great saves and then screw up on one or two occasions per match! that’s Szcz pattern for the last few years! that’s why Szcz will never be a top keeper. Don’t get me wrong he’s very good keeper but not among the best. I expect Ospina to take over. His stats are way better than Szcz. Let’s give him his chance and see. My prediction is that he is the world class keeper we need.

A Yank

Agreed, if not for Chesney we lose by 4 or 5.

Dave Gooner

I find it strange that the Ox who really looked up for it when he came on, didn’t start? Yet [insert name of any other player here] looked disinterested and started ahead of him.

Bonus rating 10 for the away support. They deserved more commitment from the team.


You have just watched Ozil play poorly again, which is reflected by the rating. I am a fan of his and hope that he turns the corner soon. I posted the first comment on the Arseblog News article yesterday, where AW defended Ozil’s performance against Man City. See link to article below: My comment was that I disagreed with AW’s view that Ozil “worked hard and played well”. Even though the average reader rating was below 5 for Ozil on Sunday, there were 131 opinionless sheep who downvoted my comment. I am specifically talking to the 131 who thumbed… Read more »


Well I’ve downvoted, because I ain’t gonna just do something because someone tells me even if that someone is as wise as spinner.

Seriously, read that back to yourself with the word ‘patronising’ in mind and then ponder on the downvotes.


Lol at patronizingly calling someone a patronizer.


How about pedantically correcting someone’s spelling of ‘patronising’? This is all getting very inception…


the concept you are referring to is recursion, inception is placing an idea in someones mind.

Chairman Meow

Clarkeycat haha, seems like the team needed a few of those to perk up eh


Uhh, the 131 people DID have an opinion–it just didn’t happen to agree with yours. Sorry they can’t come and comfort you for your hurt feelings.


Was that comment Inception? A comment inside a comment? Either way, that was pathetic


You should start rating Wenger too!


Wenger’s inability to address Arsenal’s defensive failings year on year is beyond a joke at this stage. It seems like every football fan in the world knows Arsenal have needed a good DM for years yet he refuses to buy one.

And his tactics in big games have also been questionable. 0/10 for Wenger tonight.


dont think we need a DM, but would be nice to have the option. we had one of the best defensive records in the league last season so I just think we needed some cover for the defensive positions once sagna and vermaelen left.. but we didnt do that. shocking bit is even wenger said we were short and did nothing – thats the bit that pissed me off tbh.

We need a DM and a Striker

Yes, on paper we did. But that was because in most games that we dominated and our defense was not really put to test. The few games against the top teams where we could not dominated we suffered terrible defeats. We need a DM! Go watch Ozil’s game at Madrid, he is the same player. Nothing changed, he played the same way for Germany. The reason why he did well was because he did not have to do dirty work. Just lay on the passes for the attackers and that is where a DM comes in We need A DM!… Read more »

We need a DM and a Striker

Please pardon my English I promise to get better with it.*****


Thats an idea. Personally think Wenger tried to set us up defensively and hopefully nick a couple goals when the chances presented themselves; but I think he forgot that our defense is shit at the moment. With Welbz upfront whose hardly clinical in front of goal just ensured today would be a shit result. Dont know what hes got against Podolski, but hes the only fit natural left winger we have in the squad, surely he should be played every game. He may not put in the work rate like sanchez, rambo etc, but at least there would be more… Read more »


I’ve been making a lot of excuses for Mesut Ozil, and now my wife (gloatrng ManU fan) suggests I should burn my Ozil jersey. How the mighty have fallen.


Just tell her to burn her RvP shirt. It will help your marital peace.


Actually she has a Rooney shirt. But I probably shouldn’t admit that.


Oxford definition
Rooney: /who?/


She’s a granny?

I miss Bergkamp

The only good or remotely positive thing that I saw was that Bellerin wasn’t completely overwhelmed. The thought (prayer) that I have is that this is the nadir of our season, our 8-2 if you will, and that we will improve from here.


Your name should be spanner

Pin Finish

What vote does Wenger get for not signing decent defensive cover and a decent defensive midfielder? Attacking players were so poor tonight.

AN Other

I think Sczesny needs his head examined. His positining was awful for both of the goals. His attitude during the press conference stunk. His distribution against man city was all over the place which ended up us conceding the second goal and could have resulted in another. Shot stopping is just part of the overall goalkeeping. I know he is good at that but he needs to focus and be humble.

alex cutter

He was the only reason the score wasn’t 5-0.


We have Mkhitaryan to thank for that as well.


Well, that and Mkhitaryan’s woeful finishing…

bims lay

Bless him!!!


Probably need to trot Ospina out just to remind him that he is not irreplaceable.


Arsene doesn’t have the balls to drop him without some mysterious “injury” happening first. Time to stop cuddling these players, they are professionals ffs…..if they have a clanger, drop ’em & make it known.


Can’t agree with that more, Wenger is far too loyal to players and doesn’t seem to have a ruthless streak that more successful managers do.

Arsene's Apologist

Now, that’s top-drawer man-management…. You can’t honestly expect to grow a team, especially young players like Ramsey/Wilshere/Ox/Bellerin, by dropping whenever someone has a clanger and “making it known.” Shaming is no way forward for most folks. I agree to being a bit nonplussed that Ramsey and Ozil are trying to be played into form when we’ve got Cazorla and Rosicky waiting in the wings. But professionals have their pride and dignity too, and a manager has to try to take those things into account for future development rather than just the short-term. We as fans have the luxury of only… Read more »


Feels like we have thrown away the momentum from last season.

alex cutter

We’re paying $8 a year for fucking memories.

Enough is enough!




I don’t know about you, but I’m paying my therapist a hell of a lot more to forget a lot of shit.



bims lay


alex cutter

If only there were an edit function…


My point stands!

La Dèfense

Calum Chambers for CDM!



I’d love to see that. You’d just have to make Mikel Arteta the third-choice CB as cover.

See what I did there?

La Dèfense

I see what you did, and I raise you an Isaac Hayden!



Is it the 4-1-4-1 formation Or is it just lack of motivation We. Were very very poor tonight I feel sorry for the awat fans Maybe it’s time to make big decisions Rest Ozil Rest Ramsey Rest The Pole Alas we can’t rest Per Rest Arteta Forget about the CL this season Concentrate on the EPL We are losing a player per game at present By the end of October we will have no healthy players Palace : Gibbs Everton: Giroud Leicester : Ozil Etc etc But we may just make 2nd in the group and play Real Madrid Money… Read more »


Hmm… You’re right. We are losing a player a game.

Palace – Gibbs
Everton – Giroud
Leicester – Ozil
Man City – Debuchy
Dortmund – Wilshere

That’s so ridiculous that it’s actually quite funny.

Who’s next I wonder.


How long before we’re sixth, fourth looks impossible, we get dumped out of the cups, then the team above us bottles it and Wenger is heralded as a hero for leading us to fourth, then everyone spams the social media and blog sites and says ‘Give Wenger a chance with money (despite sitting on an ever growing pile of it, with no defenders…) , he’s a genius, tactically smart, we were unlucky with injuries and he pulled fourth out of the bag!’

And rinse. And repeat.


If you want an answer to how long…….it’s 7.5 months until May

alex cutter

Some might say this has already happened, to a lesser degree.


I’ll say this for Alexis–he at least put a shift in. Was working hard most of the night, even while others decided to fuck off. I like the guy’s effort, most of the time.


Alexis is a genuinely world class player. Stick him in a good team with a good manager and he annihilates the Premier League. We finally have a world class players who gives 100% and he’s being wasted.

alex cutter

In six months, Sanchez will be as despondent as Ozil.


I love the guy’s effort too but my god, I think he was the second worst player on the pitch today after Arteta. Couldn’t complete a pass to save his life, and seemed to need 3 touches minimum before passing it on. Certainly I don’t think he was any better than Ramsey or Özil. Hopefully we’ll see more of the vs. City Alexis and less of this one.


That was painful to watch.

Lucky to get away with 2-0.

Really hope Rambo finds his mojo again soon.


Koscielny and Per were terrible. Arteta had a couple of misplaced passes but I dont think they warrant a 3 especially when PEr scores more than him

Wenger boy

Ox by far our best player even with just near 20 mins under his belt tonight. Needs to start at Villa


Welbeck cannot afford to miss chances anymore. Second game in a row. You can forgive him for everything else because he needs time to develop that instinctual arsenal movement but he should have scored at least one today.

Dan D

I’ve said it here twice already since the end of last season but unfortunately I need to say it again. What we needed more than anything this summer was the purchase of a quality midfielder who sees defending his back four, breaking up the opposition’s play and giving it simple to our creative players as an art form. But Wenger failed to deliver that. And it was exposed, once again tonight by top quality opponents. Sanchez was a good signing, Chambers was a good signing, Debuchy a good replacement signing and Welbeck while being a must due to injury could… Read more »


I think it’s a fucking waste to have Cazorla on the bench!


And Thomas, why oh why was he on the bench too?


all the people praising Dortmund… They were not even close to world class today, just showed their usual effective counter attacking football. the reason they “looked so good” was because of our shambolic and complacent defense. what a shocker from the boys today. this kind of weak mentality and attitude would not be acceptable at Chelsea/Man City and that’s why we won’t win the league. so disappointed today about my favourite CB partnership Kos and Mert as well as our captain Arteta. No leadership, no fight, just shambolic. there is nothing devastating about losing or even playing bad. the worry… Read more »


Funny how, when there’s a fast break it’s always Kocielny trying to close down the striker in the box. Mertersacker is upfield impersonating a statue.


On another note, is it just me who thinks that refs don’t give a damn about what happens to Arsenal players? Wilshere was pushed from behind, pulled back by his shirt, blatantly blocked and tackled, sometimes even after he passed the ball away, without any consequence for the offenders

Sometimes I feel that the refs are against playing beautiful football and would rather football be played like rugby.


what's my name??

I blame Blogs for not using his connections inside the club to tell Arsene that Ozil is no winger and that it’s ok to rotate players and rest those not on form. Heard that, Blogs? 😉


A team celebrate together in victory. A team supports each other in defeat. A team is an indissociable unit.

Therefore I give everyone a 0.


This formation is not working. Please stop trying to make it work. It does not play to our strengths. All it does is accomodate Wilshere and Ramsey in the same team. Why try fix something that wasn’t broken. 4-2-3-1 worked perfectly for us until we lost key players last season. All we needed to do is be more conservative in the bigger matches.


Sir, you just won a medal. Play Ozil in his nom 10 role, Sanchez and Walcott on either side. With Ramsey and Arteta in the middle two.

It worked for most of last season and led to us conceding very few goals.

Lloyd Townsend

Where does Wilshere fit in though? Honestly I’d rather him than Rambo on current form!


That’s the problem, we are trying to shoehorn in the both of them, and that only seems to have benefitted Wilshere at the expense of Ramsey.


Completely agree. The only reason 4231 didn’t work was due to Ozil/Ramsey/Walcott injuries, and some pretty naive tactics away from home against the biggest teams (sending both full backs forward at the same time etc). Beyond that, we looked a whole lot better than we do at the moment.


I still believe ozil will be the player of the year, Wenger said he would.

It’s getting harder to defend him though. Even mates that are usually sympathetic to “poor old Arsenal, every year the same” are calling Ozil shit.

He’s a world superstar, he’s only 25 and we got him. He should leave us salivating with his wonderful skills.

The dream scenario is quickly turning to a gruesome nightmare. This can’t be happening!!


Just a bloody awful performance with a team that not for the first time this season didn’t seem to have a bloody clue what they were doing.


It was a mess, a disjointed mess… throughout. Wtf was AW thinking?


Dortmund played like warriors, we never really got going. Says it all really when, towards the end of the match, Mkhityaryian (however you spell his name) sprints 30 yards just to put in an interception. We couldn’t even string a few passes together. Thoroughly disappointed 🙁


That he cannot even find his basic kit probably sums up Podolski – prepared for a photoshoot, but not for a game, despite his talent. Massive shame. Passing generally from the team – Conference level. Really strange.


what a stressful game!

and just found out basically, welbeck = sanogo. I mean c’mon, those were pretty good chances but a damn poor finishing. How I miss Giroud now. Arsene should have bought Balo instead of welbeck really …

good thing the other team was draw, so still have chance to catch up.


actually for me the only thing that isn’t terribly worrying from this game is Welbeck. today we saw again how raw Welbeck is in front of goal, but it does not mean he will stay like that. we all knew when we bought him that he isn’t yet a good finisher, but don’t give him 2 games to conclude he won’t come good. i believe he has the potential, just needs game time and a goal to raise his confidence and calmness in front of the keeper. btw, he is currently a much better option than Sanogo, don’t even compare… Read more »

King Tah

We don’t have that luxury of time.


Stupid comment Chris

Toby C

The transfer market mistakes are obvious to everyone but we can’t do much about that now. What Wenger can do is start picking players based on their form, not their price tag or reputation.


Hope these Fuckers realize, we have family and friends who we have to show our faces to.


ha ha ha ha! Your comment made me smile!
What is wrong with Rosicky? Did he say something to Wenger?
It might not be a bad idea to rest some players and refresh the team, as some others have said above. We have a very good complement of midfielders.

Didn’t Wenger say he eventually sees oxlade chamberlain as a midfielder? Strength, pace, and a good attitude, but he won’t become one unless he trains and plays as one. How about easing Arteta in while the Ox has a go at that position?


Remember all those snide comments from Arseblog about a defensive midfielder? Mocking fans who said that we needed someone to break up the play of counter attacking teams like this? Ripping fans who said Arteta was too slow for the job and he leaves out defence open?


No, I don’t remember anything like that. I said all summer I’d take an upgrade in any position and that while I thought this was an area we could improve in, I didn’t think the manager would make a signing there. And he didn’t. I didn’t ‘mock’ or ‘rip’ fans. If I came to Arteta’s defence it was because he was getting abuse he didn’t deserve. He played very badly tonight, no defending him on that, but he’s been an important part of the team and somebody who has always given 100% for us in a professional way. I’m quite… Read more »


It also has to be said Arteta is not to blame for this result. It’s a team effort, and as a team we failed completely. Having a brilliant DM, such as Gustavo, would not have a made a difference. In fact, Luiz Gustavo played for Brazil in the 7-1 match against Germany, and he obviously had no impact at all.

This was a collective failure, including both the manager and the players, and there’s no point in trying to pinpoint the blame on any single individual.


Why can’t we vote for the manager too? He could’ve ended up with nothing at all for not strengthening the back line. What a disgrace?

Mach iii

Want to know the biggest problem? At one point the kilometers ran per team showed up; Arsenal 70km, Dortmund 77km. The players looked genuinely tired all over the pitch. It seems that the only supremely fit player out there is Sanchez – with Wilshere a little behind him. The other players seem as if they are completely out of gas. I wonder if the different pre-season schedule with travelling to the US and bringing players back at later times coupled with a new fitness coach in charge is what’s set us back a bit. I think he’s bringing the best… Read more »


Apparently, in the end, Dortmund ran 11km more than we did.


We play the same team every game, with only injuries changing things up. I think this is probably one of the major reasons we have so many injuries. Players are played into the ground.

Dortmund made like 5 changes from the weekend. We made like 1.


I think we have a real problem with Ramsey at the moment. Yes, he pops up with important goals. Yes, he’s the welsh jesus and all that. But as a general central midfielder he’s been seriously poor, and I think he’s been a big part of our lack of fluidity. Ozil hasn’t been great either, but I don’t think moves get broken down/possession lost with him as much as Ramsey. I’d drop Ramsey for the Ox (looked good tonight) or, if he isn’t also dropped, Ozil in the centre. (We’re like a broken record about that, aren’t we?) Wilshire can’t… Read more »


I’m still convinced this 4141 thing isn’t working. It leads to Ramsey and Wilshere covering the same area, so only one of them shines. The other just seems to be getting in the way. At the start of the season, Wilshere was virtually invisible and in the last few matches it’s been Ramsey.

I don’t think they’re incompatible, the way Lampard and Gerrard were, but our current formation doesn’t grant them the space and freedom they need to both excel at the same time.


To all fake & plastic Arsenal fans…to all of you: Fuck off & go support another team!!! You are a disgusting lot. Get behind your team, support it especially at times like this.For fuck’s sake…we are one of four English teams playing un CL. We are still unbeaten in PL.
If you cant be your team each time it loses a match…or even draw a match…go look for another team to support.
Arsenal doesnt need you & you dont deserve Arsenal!!


Calm down, nobody I have read so far is really having a go or going over the top. People are just analyzing what happened and what could be better.
There is some talk about the DM, but we can forget about that because the window is closed till January.


Complaining about a poor team performance doesn’t make you a bad fan, we have the right to be critical, these are professionals who are earning in a week what the average person makes a year! They should hear about it, if you wanna protect Arsenal when they are playing like shit then you don’t deserve to be an Arsenal fan. Arsenal is a great club with lots of history, who take pride in playing beautiful football and make it a joy to watch. I support my team through thick and thin, but we the fans have every right to complain… Read more »


I make 30K in a year. They earn 3 times my salary in a week!


For me the problem is that our team core just isn’t good enough. Far too pedestrian going fwd although the Ox changed that when he came on. Also far too open especiay under counter attack. Remember Drogba saying about 5 years ago that Mourinho just told them (Chelsea) to play us on the break as we’re wide open/slow. Have we improved that area at all in those intervening years? no, no, no. Ozil needs dropped and soon. If we carry him for many more games we’ll get hurt further. Arteta was very poor and showed no leadership. Start with the… Read more »


DanD is spot on in every aspect. We are unbalanced in midfield. Too many dainty-footed midgets who usually look good going forward, but defensively are a shambles. Wenger is entirely responsible for his annual failure to address the squad’s shortcomings. I’m so pissed off that he got a 3 yesr extension instead of being retired on a high last year.


1/10 for those jerseys. Ugh. Makes the guys look like members of the Seattle Seahawks Cheerleading team. I gave them a 1 because they are just slightly better than the horseracing jockey shirts from a few years ago. I don’t think I’ve liked a blue jersey since the 04/05 ones.


I want to vote on the tactics!

A blind spud could tell you that the way to beat arsenal is to press and press and press. We have only 1 way to play, nullify that and we falter. So…

Why the hell do we not use the players we have to try a plan B?!

Colin Pates

Shit game. Played like cunts. Frustrating thing about dear old Arsene is his rigidity in tactics. Play the opposition. Otherwise every ‘big’ game will be a repeat of last season, and tonight. LOUD NOISES!

Top Gooner

Woeful. What an embarrassment!


I’m fucking depressed now

Adam Richards

We can beat Villa. So far we have not totally embarrassed ourselves with the results (not a league winning or even top 4 performance yet either) but let’s have a tiny bit more faith; and then maybe a tiny bit more.


I second the idea of having a ratings box for the Manager. Wenger would get a 0.

gooners n roses

Lowest of ratings for the manager tonight.

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