Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Ozil: Family atmosphere will help Arsenal go far

Mesut Ozil says mutual respect in the Arsenal dressing room is a key reason he’s enjoying life at the Emirates and believes such harmony will stand the club in good stead as it chases more silverware.

In comments that could be interpreted as a thinly veiled swipe at former club Real Madrid – infamous for its ‘Galactico’ cliques – the 25-year-old told Arsenal.com of the importance of squad balance and how the support of teammates has helped him overcome recent criticism.

“You can’t forget that people don’t know you away from football,” said the German international after Saturday’s man of the match performance against Aston Villa.

“You can’t really see what a person is really like when they are on the pitch. Sometimes a player will come across as arrogant and another as being a nice guy when in reality it could be the other way round.

“At the club you always have to be respectful towards one another. It doesn’t matter if one player is a world star and the other is a newcomer. Everyone should be treated in the same way and that’s why I’m so happy at Arsenal, because that’s really the case here.

“Everyone is treated the same way and has respect for one another. That’s a big help on the route to reaching your targets – when you’re like a family who make each other feel welcome and at home. That’s how it is here.”

Earlier this week Ozil told German news agency DPA that he has nothing to prove at the Emirates despite being the subject of harsh criticism wherever he plays.

“I don’t play to prove anything to anybody, I play for Arsenal. I have the feeling that I am criticised more [than other players]. That happened to me in the Bundesliga and also at Real Madrid.

“Ten weeks ago I was named in the English team of the season. I was world champion then. It was the summer break and after a few games everything is called into question again. This is strange, but I know what I can offer.”

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North Bank Tom

Our boy is getting his mojo back. Go on son.


Whilst on the topic of being a family club, this is excellent:


Bloke tries to sell Highbury seats on four rooms, dealer gives him a grand and lets him keep the seats. Love this club!


Great stuff from fellow gooners. The lad must have been really desperate to consider selling such an artifact.


Manly tears were shed


amazing! What a legend those dealers are…

Gunner From Another Mother

Damn it I love our club


Reasons why I love Arsenal.


I definitely get the impression that the team spirit at Arsenal is as good as it has been in some time. A good mix of youth and experience with clusters of players from different countries like England, Germany and France to name a few.

I guess it’s only in retrospect that you truly discover about the cuntiness of the likes of Adebayor, Nasri and RVP. The current crop don’t strike me as being cunty at all…I do hope this non-cuntiness endures.


Özil is too introspective and nice. You get the feeling that a little bit of swagger would be good for him.


polar opposite of that chav mourinho who is greedy, loud, uncouth and haughty. A little of me dies inside when some young kid calls him a role model


And John Terry is a cunt…


Never ever tell an introvert that he is too introvert: that’s the point.
Introvert IS NOT being timid. Although is goes hand in hand. We have a culture of needing to be all open all the time full-on outroverts. What if that is wrong? What if Ozil has the right to be just the way he feels?

On that topic:

Yeah I know, TED talks can be off the mark, but that talk is worth it.


Isn’t it really just extroverts? You know.. the opposite of introvert?


Yeah sure it is. My bad, end of the working day stuff.
Still, I got the point accross hopefully


cant wait for OZIL to smack cesc on his face.

Gunner in Canada

I still remember when he scored last year, and as his teammates were congratulating him, Flamini turned to the defenders, who were understandably further away, and encouraged them to come and join in on the congratulations. This to me, was a true sign of team spirit, and how the team supports and wants Mesut to do well.


I think he should feel he has a lot to prove. All players who underperform need to prove something but when you’re a record signing then you absolutely need to respond to the faith shown in him by the club and the fans with performances. Alright, he had a good game at the weekend but one swallow does not make a summer and we need a bit of consistency as apposed to the odd cameo now and then. Must try harder is my verdict thus far.


I hope Özil makes a record number of assists this season. Then posts a picture on Instagram at the end of May with the “Sshhh” pose. Would be priceless

Gooner from Pretoria.

I Love Arsenal…Cant watch other football games because of this club….We Deserve the double…and its achievable..


thats probably why wenger will never sign anyone on a 150k+ a week wages. it will kill of players morale and attitude. Look what happened to Rooney, Torres.. if you lovw your employer, wages should come second.


Good point.

However, that is around the amount he gets paid.

Does that mean he doesn’t love his employer?

I think his famous cautious fiscal philosophy is somewhat “conditional”.

Ant G(ooner)

If Arsenal is a family, can we all agree that podolski is everyone’s favourite uncle?


More like a crazy cousin but yeah definitely love that chap!


OZil oooozess CLASSS !!!


We know the feeling Ozil. It’s a common feeling amongst Arsenal fans, trust me. Most of my friends are gooners and we didn’t start by discussing football.


Love that picture.


Victory Through Harmony!


Just one of the many reasons that I am so happy supporting Arsenal and why our club is the only one with class in London. Even some Chelsea fans must be a bit embarrased at having such a cunt as a manager, an even bigger cunt in defence and now they have been found out to be cheating via third party ownership of players (see the Guardian today). At he end of the season I would love to see Arsene do a massive “shush” In Maureenhos face as the special one fails yet again and we win the league, followed… Read more »


Amazing video. Brought a tear to my eye. That’s why we are Arsenal. Hard to explain to others…

Gooner Stoner

Oh my Mesut. Oh my mighty Arsenal. Lovely. While the Spurs are still shite.


The concept with Arsenal under Wenger is Philosophy while most (so called) other elite managers go for pragmatism. The effect of the former is long term equity while for the latter is near term success. Arsene as a principle always sets his teams up for football irrespective of the opponent. While Mourinho sets his teams for results never mind the quality of football. The effect, Arsenal is known for its expansive playing style and has a stylish image globally. While Chelsea is known to be ruthless winners. But when their resources go dry they will be bereft of either titles… Read more »


For me there can be positive “knee-jerk” reactions as well as negative, and I think Ozil is benefiting from that right now as he should.

But it’s temporary as it should be also.

I just find it funny the positivity preachers and cloud-dwellers don’t realise the irony of it.


I agree to some extent.

But a positive knee-jerk reaction suggests ‘over-praising’ someone for something they did recently. In my opinion, the praise the greatest playmaker of the last 5 years gets at Arsenal has come nowhere near the level of ‘over-praise’.

This is how it should be all the time for him.


PGunner, thumbs up from me for excellent use of the word non-cuntiness.
Of all the variations of cunt, that one is defiantly in my top 3.


Can everyone please stop sucking each other off.
Lets win the big trophies first.


What’s interesting as well is the composition of the squad. There are mainly 4 nationalities. 7 British players 7 French players 4 Germans 4 Spaniards And then 4 South/Centro Americans and 2 central Europeans. That’s it. There is also a great balance of youth and experience. I believe there are 12 players over 25yrs and 16 players 25yrs and younger. Finally in height pundiots like to rate us as a s’mall’ team negating the fact that City persistantly play the very small Silva, Negredo and Aguero in conjunction to good effect I might add. We only have 5 players 5’8… Read more »


Ozil is class, anyone who cannot appreciate that should maybe support Stoke?


Looking forward to seeing the kids and benchwarmers smash our feeder club tonight. Come on you rip roaring reddddssss!


And this is why we love The Arsenal.

One big gooner family.

Victoria Concordia Crescit


Concordia: Check.

Victoria: Watch this space.

johnny bud

Mesut is the rare superstar that seems also a good human being. Treasure him because you won’t see many more like him. 4-2-3-1 Wenger. 4-2-3-1

Louis Vuitton Outlet

clearly you are dressing in leggings taking into consideration everybody can call at your underwear.

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