Friday, February 7, 2025

Arsenal sign Romanian youngster Dragomir

It’s been announced in the Romanian press that Arsenal have signed 16 year old Vlad Dragomir from ACS Poli Timisoara. are running a story saying that the young midfielder had been tracked by the Gunners for 18 months and, having liked what we saw, he’s put pen to paper on a deal which will take him to north London.

The deal was signed by the player with Dick Law (pictured above) representing Arsenal. The Under 16 national team captain becomes the first Romanian player to sign for the club (more pics here).

His agent is quoted as saying, “I proposed him to Arsenal a year ago and a half ago, during which they monitored him closely. In my opinion, Vlad is one of the most talented players in Europe at the moment.”

Of course he would say that, but hey. Apparently all the documents are signed and the player will move to London in late June to start his tutelage for the youth/reserve teams.

We don’t know anything about him as a player but as a name ‘Vlad Dragomir’ is pretty damn awesome. We look forward to him impaling the opposition at every opportunity etc etc.

Thanks to @MickTheGooner for the heads-up.

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Erm… Great?


inb4 comments related to announcing the cech signing already


Now I’m really really curious to know how many “1st” comments you get on your articles.


kindergarten, door to the left.


Dragomir, Boromir and Faramir’s younger brother.


You wish now that our places had been exchanged, that I had flopped and Boromir had played for Arsenal.

Yes, I wish that.

ospina's thumb

Hopefully he wasn’t coached by Gandalf.. “YOU SHALL NOTT… PASSSSS!!!”

Bould's Eyeliner

Now we just need him to play against stoke, run up during pre-match warm ups, grab a mic, look at shawcross and go, “Oh, they have a cave troll” and roll his eyes.


Hahahahaaaa…..totally top drawer comment! Keep it up!

kampala gooner

Big name signing? There u go. Doesn’t get better than


vlad this came through. he is a good vlad 😛


Feeling vlad all over…?


Sometimes you can tell from a player’s name that he will be something special. My expert opinion is that this is one of those cases.


Between him and Elias Chatzitheodoridis we are looking pretty good on the youth jersey name front. Now to just start winning games…


Vlad the Impaler – love it.

Wonder if he will play with the U18s or the U21s.

Jeorge Bird would know.


Obligatory Youtube highlight reel :


Thanks for that. I know that there’s a long journey from 16 to making the cut for the first team and highlights can be misleading but these are the things I liked: 1) he’s very confident with the ball at his feet. 2) his crossing into the box and generally seems phenomenal for a 16 year old. 3) not afraid to take a shot 4) he doesn’t shy away from making the tackles or dribbling through opposition. Hope he does well at Arsenal. It’s always great when we identify young talent and they’re able to make it through and represent… Read more »

Me So Hornsey

Looks Decent. Although he Dragged the ball wide a fair few times.


That was Vladdy awful.

Ivan Drago

Great name!

bims lay

definitely awesome name. If we call oxlade chamberlain “the ox”, we should call him ….”the dragon”?

Az Ahmed

Or just run to the top of a mountain and shout DRAGOOOOOOOOO! DRAGOOOOOOOO!


Vlad the Impaler


What’s this kid doing with Rosicky’s shirt?


Exactly what I was worried about. Does the Youth team get their own set of numbers? Hope this doesn’t mean anything about TR7.


”We don’t know anything about him as a player but as a name ‘Vlad Draogomir’ is pretty damn awesome. We look forward to him impaling the opposition at every opportunity etc etc.”

and you already managed to get his name wrong…


But how is the Transplantinho deal progressing Andrew?


Word is we gave an arm and a leg to make the deal happen, but in the end decided not to lose our head.

remember the invincibles

nice that we’ve made our kid signing of the summer so early. Frankly I was expecting this on deadline day. This is so disappointing. Come on Arsene.

P.S.: can someone also tell him to stop listening to Adrian Durham


Erm, yeah!


his name is full of greatness.



Sounds like a great signing for the bright future of the club. Hope he will did well as gorgeous as his name


I read that as we’d been monitoring him since he was 18 months old. I mean I know we take our time with some transfers…


Chatty catty today aren’t you Blogs? You missed this haven’t you?


“Here’s my bank details and my mothers maiden name”.


You spelt Bacon wrong

Andy Mack

Blogs, if you earn only 1 bitcoin then you not doing badly!


I don’t think I’d seen a picture of Dick Law before but that is exactly what I thought he’d look like (he is the guy on the right yeah?)


Better not get too obsessed with trying to take over the iron throne and concentrate on his football.


Brother of dragons?


Yeeeey first Romanian Gooner 🙂 this made my day


I’m suspicious that this is just a photo of three random blokes, one of them holding an Arsenal shirt.


Anyone else miss Tom Cruise? I thought he would at least make a decent back up left back.

I hope our new Dracula/Faramir love child here does not go the same route, we need these sort of big name players in the squad.

Merlin's Panini

Ah yes, Tom Cruise. From Champions League to the Conference. I thought he looked half decent the one time he played for us. All those missed Top Gun headlines…


VLAD DRAGOMIR! What a a name. I assume he’s the one in the middle?

Welcome to the Arsenal.


Isn’t it the old kit from 2014-15?


This from Wikipedia Fresh faced Vlad may look 16 years old but he is vastly experienced , he was born in 1699. When he was 11 he signed for Carpathian Youths F.C. where he played for them for 5 seasons before being scouted by a weird looking noble man. He was invited to the scouts castle and after three nights he emerged with a 300 year contract signed in blood to play for Carpathia United in the East Transylvania Floodlight cup league. having never missed a game Vlad racked up over 12000 appearances scoring 8038 goals. He has played every… Read more »


No fantastic stereotypes where harmed in the production of this bio

Don Cazorleone



Vlad the vampire who ghosts in from nowhere … your yarn was bloody good lol in fact.

Suarez is obviously a distant colleague of Vlad and this is the anniversary of the biting shoulder incident. Spooky



The Mighty Arse



As a matter of fact, Vlad is a pretty common name in Romania 😛 And, from what I’ve seen of him so far (granted, not much), he seems like a pretty good player. Here’s to hoping he can advance at Arsenal.


Wenger: Just Dragomir and I’ll Vladly deal with it.


Good of Richard Gere to personally get the transfer over the line.


Who wants to go to a rainy day in Stoke and play against a hardened Romanian street kid called VLAD? He is just in time to develop and come into the team when order has been restored to the galaxy and we are winning League titles and a few Champs on the regular.


Thought coq did the impaling around here…. I’ll get me coat


Vlad….when he goes to Stoke to play Stoke.

king henry the xiv

Let’s hope he fares better than the Brazil U17 captain we signed a few years back…


great name and let’s hope he makes it!

Sideshow Fellaini

please be good please be good please be good

A Badger

But is he as good as Samuel Galindo?


Arturo – what happened… All Arsenal Youth team players need to study Lupoli
he is teh Gus Caesar of the noughties…

Cliff Bastin

I cannot get over how awesome his name is.

Podolski's Hastag

With great names, comes great responsibilities.


At least this will not Drag on all summer…


Now that’s a nice name. Vlad dragomir. No shit.


I’m still trying to work out whether this is just bait to see if it appears in the metro…..


I don’t want to stake my reputation on it, but I’m a little concerned by how he’ll cope with crosses.


Wen i saw vlad on the jersey , i tot this was a photoshop joke.then i found out his other name is dragomir?? Now am convinced.


Obviously a new strategy to address our piss-poor injury record.

Buy players who regenerate and can even rise from the dead.


Apparently he’s done his first interview:
Not very interesting though, mainly because Google Translate is little bit shit. Nice to see our scouting network has gone a little out of its comfort zone.

Giroud Awakening

Sounds like a game of thrones character


Looks like there’s now serious competition for Giroud’s magnificent hair.

Welcome Vlad, you HRB!

Sam Dallas

I think we will just send Vlad for any future transfer negotiations. “Give us the player we need or prepare to be impaled”.


The Guardian are reporting he cost Arsenal 100,000 Euro. I have it on authority the Romanian side would have taken only 96,000, but that Per believes it is good luck to start the season with an empty club fines jar.


Ivan ought to send Jack and Szcz a thank you card for making his dreams reality.


Maybe Vlad can bring them a carton of cigs. Pay it forward.

Wenger the fashion icon

Typical wenger, while everyone is talking about cech and boom! Announcing an unknown young player with a fancy name.

Gooners & Roses

Vlad Dragomir. Man. That just too awesome.


If he ever plays for the first team we have to sing Vlad the Magic Dragon. It’s the law!

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