Sunday, February 9, 2025

Coffers boosted by Premier League payment

Arsenal’s summer transfer coffers have been boosted after the Premier League revealed the payments it made to clubs this season.

The system which saw Champions Chelsea awarded £99m and last place QPR take home £64m has been described as ‘the most equitable of Europe’s major football leagues’.

The Gunners earned £96.5m from a system which works as follows:

  • 50% of UK broadcast revenue split equally between the 20 clubs
  • 25% of UK broadcast revenue paid in Merit Payments (“Prize Money” per place in the table)
  • 25% of UK broadcast revenue paid in Facility Fees each time a club’s matches are broadcast in the UK.
  • All international broadcast revenue, and central commercial revenue, is split equally among the 20 clubs.

There’s still time before we descend into the transfer window madness, of course, but any earnings which can go towards buying star-man ReusPogLacazette are very welcome.


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just telling it like it is

Great so maybe stop increasing ticket prices?

David C

I think Silent Sam must have thumbed you down 🙂

Coq Au Vin

96 million should be enough to buy ReusPogLacazette.


A lot of dough but not enough for those three. Pogba by himself would be 70m+.

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

You must be new here


I’m still waiting for the mythical DM Schneidogbia.


Thought it was Schneicarvadogbia


I thought Yann M’Villa was the mythical creature? Is he still in our medical room? Haven’t heard of him in awhile.


Ahem we don’t need anyone we have Diaby?

suker 4 punishment

fuck we shouldn’t have lost that match to Swansea, man shitty got a bit more change than us and they don’t deserve it.


One match cost us almost 2million 😮


I want star man Ceschnebale he’s half GK, half def mid and half welsh forward


I thought you meant to say cesc. That almost give me heart attack lol


Who’s this Cesc fella you speak of?


I dont know. Ohh sorry, maybe i mispelled cech to cesc. Never knew someone with the name cesc

Arsene's Selfie Stick

You mean Cech.


3 halfs in one player, gives us a half-man advantage on the pitch.

He along with the ambidextrous Carzola gives an extra man advantage in every game they play together?


I’m sorry, does that last figure say £1.6 billion? Surely either a typo or I don’t know my billions from my millions

Let's purr

The figure is legit – there’s 1000 million in a billion these days


Anyone know how much we got last season? Hence is this more and by how much?


£92.9m according to the excellent swiss ramble

Second article down.


This leapt up from £55m (approx.) the time before and will go even further by £50m the next time.

Makes the PL more powerful versus other leagues but also brings wage and transfer fee inflation.


8 million more than Tottenham.

Coq Au Vin

It happened again…

Joshua Jay

Forever in our shadows.

Woolwich Peripatetic

I vote we spend that £8 million on a Mr Burns-esque sun blocker to obscure the sun over their new stadium. If it goes over-budget, we’ll sell the naming rights.

trophy drought

Whisper it softly lest the FA charge you with misconduct


There’s no excuse for wenger to not buy us world class player now. Go splash out the money on worthy player, boss.

Xavi's DNA

I’m not sure Eboue is for sale.

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

You do understand that it’s not free money, right? You do understand that they have operating expenses they have to pay, like player salaries, and travel expenses. It takes a lot of money to operate these clubs.


And the fact that all the other Premier League clubs are getting more money too, so our position relative to them hasn’t really changed.


But our position relative to almost every other team in Europe has changed and the fact we’ve won the fa cup, are in the champs lge and have some world class players makes us a much more attractive proposition than most.

Come arsene get that cheque book out early and be done with it!

Arctic Troll

Good to see the cunts on the red side of Manchester got more money than us, despite being utter shite.

Naija Gunner

Those scum from the west, are just £3mil better than us. We won the cup and that’s more beautiful.

#WHAT DO U THINK OF Tottenham?

Nick of Gooners

Anyone knows what is “facility fees”? And why we get the same as Chelsea and Liverpool and the Manchester teams get more?

David Seaman's Ponytail

Facility fees are how much they get paid if their game is on tv. Eg. Crystal palace had hardly any games on sky sports/bt sports so got less than say, Liverpool. Must have been more Man Utd/Man City games than Arsenal Games on tv.


Just look at Newcastle! No wonder they post profits if their struggles are perennially on TV.

Nick of Gooners

Thanks. I guess I’d have read the article first before asking questions.


with 96 m and great news coming from Manchester, RvP is available and we need another striker.
We shouldn’t miss the opportunity ………

to laugh at the little boy in his head as he heads to PAOK or cuntsville fc


I could be wrong but Facility Payments are for when your team is playing live on the tele in UK?
So utd played 2 more live games on tele so got more money than us in that segment, which puts then £200k higher. City played 1 more too.
Spurs had less games live on tele in UK than us and Liverpool, that’s why Liverpool got more than them.
Seems a strange way to divy up the money. Money wise it really isn’t that much between 1st and 4th…
COYG!!! 1 Arsenal, 12 Cups, No Equals!!


Meanwhile in Australia…
Chelsea are in Oz playing a local team in a friendly which they won 1-0 (boring). Their fans were insulting everyone from the other team fans and players, once again embarrassing themselves. It’s the badge you see, even Jesus Christ himself would change into a horrible saviour if he were to fall for that club, scientists should study it…
In any case COYG!

Stan 'The Man' Kroenke

*ahem* *ahem*

Full Metal Gooner

How much do we get for winning the FA Cup?

Xavi's DNA

The football equivalent of a cold pie and pack of juicy fruit.


Don’t forget the cost of Kroenke’s cold pork pie. He charges us expenses every time he comes over. Air fare, hotel, hot dinners, taxis, his time – not much profit from the FA Cup final once you’ve taken his gracing us with his presence into account.


1.8 million! But on the other hand, Chelsea got around 70000 pounds 😛

Django unhinged

And YouTube clips in perpetuity of their hilarious home defeat to Bradford City.


While tv money should be distributed equally , I would like to more difference in the money distributed due to league standings. Higher standings -> higher money , on field success should be considered .


Am I the only one who read this as “Coffee boosted by Premier League”? Guess it’s just one of those mornings… Need another coffee…


How I would spend that cash…

– Spend half of that on one Alexis/Ozil type signing
– get Theo to sign da ting
– give Alexis a 30 year contract extension
– buy Koscielny a pair of new achilles’
– give away 1,000 tickets at a pre-game parade (every home game) where we let Jack sing about how Sh*t our neighbours are while the tickets are shot up in the air from a cannon!


I don’t know the financial workings at Arsenal. And I don’t know how much they have gotten from Uefa for their participation in the Champions League. Let me make a guess to be £30m and add it to the £92m they got from the sharings from the TV rights. That sumups to over £120m before tax? And payments for services and bonuses? Assuming Arsenal have a net balance of £60 from these windfalls, they may want to keep £10m out of the £60m plus whatever they got from ticketings and merchandise in the bank as security savings. So, I still… Read more »

Arsene's Selfie Stick

Mate you clearly have a job as the next Arsenal accountant. Your financial analysis is sublime!

Anonymous Physicist

I like the idea of playing a Rhinoceros in central defence. Otherwise you appear to be talking complete nonsense. You ignore more than half our income and most actual expenses, since our actual revenue is probably close to 400 million pounds. I would point you to our latest financial report, but I’m guessing it won’t help. Having read it myself, I can tell you that in the financial year ending May 2014, Arsenal made a total profit of about 6 million pounds, having signed Ozil for 40 million pounds, and having sold players worth about 8 million. Income has gone… Read more »


Wish that this was divided up amongst the entire football league instead. Every team on that list could (or should be able to, at least) lose £10m and not bat an eyelid, and lower division teams could sustain themselves for years on a few hundred grand. Maybe then we’d start seeing some improvement in English players, rather than the ridiculous attempts at that we’re seeing now. All this English quota nonsense really makes zero sense if you think about it- same thing as a teacher making exams easier for a bunch of failing students rather than actually teaching them better.… Read more »

Chimichanga Monreal (cuz that's way more fun to say)

Another gap for Spuds to watch.


Seems a substantial amount of money but still hard to comprehend without much context. Arseblog, do you think it’s possible you could link, or devote a post to Arsenal’s finances? For example, I hear many suggest the stadium has been completely paid off, but has it really? Or are we now just in a comfortable financial position where our outgoings are less than our incomings?

I’d really like to read through our finances in a completely understandable way, possible?

the only sam is nelson

this is as comprehensive as you’ll get – it’s quite dense/academic but worth plugging away at and if you’re new to the lingo of accounting/P&Ls then you’ll learn a hell of a lot


See Swiss Ramble’s website for that.


No, the stadium debt isn’t paid off and won’t be till 2032. We’ll be paying exactly the same in 2031 as we were in year one – that’s how we set it up – though obviously the proportion of capital/interest is getting better all the time and the debt is very easily manageable. What has made the big difference is (1) the Puma deal and (2) the fact that the stadium is increasingly helping to pay for itself. If you’ve a few hours to spare, go to the AST’s annual financial reports, which tell you everything you could want to… Read more »


Cheers Miranda, if all is accurate, that’s some helpful insight indeed. And all 3 of you have recommended Swiss Ramble’s article so I’ll give it a read! I guess I always understood that we ‘were doing well’ but couldn’t fathom exactly how. Additionally, still can’t understand how many suggested our stadium was ‘paid off’ or their logic behind the allegation. In terms of club value, I was recently looking at Forbes rankings and could see Chelsea’s value increased by 58% from 2014 to 2015 and Liverpool by 11% from 2014 to 2015. Arsenal’s Value appears to have hit a stalemate… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

I suppose it depends on what Forbes base their ranking on. I don’t know but by the sounds of things it might not be entirely based on balance sheet? Chelsea owe a billion quid to an oligarch so what “value” they represent to an investor, and how that might move 58% in a year in any direction, is something of a conundrum.


The club’s value is irrelevant. For one, chelsea’s value shouldn’t be anywhere close to our, since their business is dependent on huge inflow of money. Such a company cannot have a value comparable to one that is able to make a profit.

Thierry Walcott

Anyone here wants to use maybe 50 million to reduce the stadium debt or just me?


No. Now it’s necessary to get back to winning ways to get Arsene’s last few trophies and to increase the commercial potential. It’s very dangerous that united is getting some 100m or who-knows-how-much more per year through sponsorship.

Andy Mack

It’s probable that we’ve paid as much ‘extra’ as we’re allowed to by the contract. Extra payments going forward probably aren’t financially viable (no ‘interest benefit’ or the contracts need to be renegotiated but have big penalties if we do that). Otherwise I’m pretty certain they would pay any extra that is left over instead of adding it to ‘cash reserves’.
But we really need to become a winning team again now, so the next commercial contract renewals will get even more money in the coffers.

Hamburg Gooner

That´s simply not possible. Arsenal have to pay up the stadium at a set rate until 2031 (with still around 210 million to go ..). If they would pay less, there will be a fine and there will equally be a fine if they pay more. The last financial report states, that the Club has around 150 million in the bank, but that money only reduces our net debt to around 60 million. So Arsenal are sitting on a lot of cash, which will be even more due to this TV money, but they can´t spend it as freely as… Read more »


No, we’d pay a penalty for making any change to the payment schedule – or so Gazidis said when Usmanov offered to pay off the whole thing. Though it’s hard to imagine that that penalty could be more expensive than another 17 years of annual debt repayments, I suppose Gazidis (who’s Kroenke’s employee and has his job to consider) had to make some excuse for Kroenke’s dog-in-the-manger refusal to allow his co-owner any part in the running of the club. Obviously Kroenke wants total control, even though allowing Usmanov to invest some of his billions, wiping our debt and freeing… Read more »

Andy Mack

He also knows that as the popularity of football grows stateside (together with it’s global appeal) it has the potential to become the biggest income/earner of all his ‘sports enterprises’ eventually.


These monies are only from Premier League. FA Cup is another pot…which we will get more since we went all the way to Finals…probably more than Aston Villa even.
So the more the merrier = another star player on the way to Emirates

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