Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lollichon plays down Arsenal link

In all the brouhaha about Petr Cech and his potential move to Arsenal, the future of his mentor and coach, Christophe Lollichon, has also been part of the conversation.

The pair have worked together for 10 years at Rennes and Chelsea, and rumours suggested that the transfer of the player might see the Blues goalkeeping coach move to North London as well.

This was given more credence when the Gunners allowed one of their goalkeeping coaches, Tony Roberts, to join Swansea.

However, speaking to L’Equipe, Lollichon has played down the chances of him joining Cech at the Emirates (if that goes through), and says he doesn’t believe Jose Mourinho would allow the move to happen.

“I do not know if this has been discussed between the two clubs,” he said, “but I do not think Chelsea will be favourable.

“For now, it does not matter. No contact has been made.”

I suppose the first thing to worry about would be signing the player then, if necessary, the bells and whistles can be added, but it’s hard to imagine Chelsea will let their goalkeeping coach leave – especially when we know Mourinho is so opposed to Cech joining Arsenal in the first place.

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Let’s Cech if the transfers goes through. Crossing everyting


“We are not a selling club.” Mourinho, 2014. I’d just like to see this transfer through so that fucker will be put in his place. We all know what happened after the “specialist in failure” quote; most decorated FA Cup team that’s what happened. Karma is served instant nowadays Maureen and there’s more to come! Just ask Van Persie about it

captain gooner

This made me curious, if we’re really into cech or not? Too many rumors made me sick


You forgot to add that John Terry is still a cunt

Me So Hornsey

I didn’t realise coaching staff had the same type of binding contract as players. I just assumed they could hand in their notice like normal people.

So when he says “Chelsea won’t be favourable”, it straight away makes me think of shady ex-KGB agents with poison dart umbrellas or ricin spiked coffee.

Andy Mack

I’d guess they have a contract like most senior people in big organisations where they have a long notice period, rather than a set contract like a player.


Is that…. Almunia’s dad?


If he is then he has some explaining to do.

Getso gunner

Iam glad to hear that Mourinho is so opposed to Cech joining Arsenal…….
Now waiting for the official announcement of us signing Cech and if He start by helping us lift the community shield…….That will be one of my best days as Arsenal fan


What? What winning a pre season friendly.


I think he refers to us actually beating Chelsea and Mourinho and lifting ANOTHER trophy at Wembley while Mourinho watches, looking pissed off and embarrassed at selling his keeper to us. If you use your imagination that is a pretty awesome thought.


It’s taking an age for Cech to be announced but I am hanging on to the fact that if he wasn’t coming there would have been denials from sources and we have had none of those.

Tick tock tick tock…


Gets me worried too mate. But I’m guessing it’s the weekend so nothing really can get done. Let’s wait for Monday.

The Not So Special One

I’m guessing Jose Moron-ho is waiting until he signs a replacement before letting this one officially go through


Mourinho’s a cunt.

True Red

So is John Terry


50% off topic but so is Michael Owen.


He’s a cuntier cunt that Terry, in my opinion.



Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

I know the arrogant one reads this blog and you’ve just made Cech’s transfer much more difficult for Arsene, lol.


The form ospina has been in over in South America seems a shame to be letting him go.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Lot of teams will want Ospina as No. 1 in the PL or Spain.

Cliff Bastin

It’d be funny if we sign Cech and this guy and maureen has a hissy fit and resigns like the little girl he is.


Why would he resign?
He’s selling his number 2 keeper ffs not like he’s being forced into selling Hazard or something


So, if Lolli isn’t coming, who’ll be doing the coaching? I’d assumed when we let Roberts go to Swansea that we’d already secured Lolli as his replacement but, if this is to believed, we just trusted Chelsea to allow us to take him as part of the Cech deal, but without actually having mentioned the matter, either to them or indeed to Lolli himself.

Surely we can’t have been that daft? Surely we haven’t left ourselves coach-less? None of this makes any sense.


Have Garry Peyton. Roberts not the only coach.


Right, so if Cech did want to bring Lollichon (as was once implied on this site) and Chelsea had been fine with it, what would have happened to Peyton? Would we have told him on 1 July that he wasn’t needed any more and should find another employer, or just left him to deduce it from the papers, like we seem to be doing with Ospina? Let’s hope it’s just the news reporting that’s been rubbish all summer and there was never any truth in Cech/Lollichon rumours at all. Either that, or Wenger has had a proper respectful discussion with… Read more »

Andy Mack

Peyton is the GK coaching boss and we have different GK coaches at different levels below. I’d guess Lolli would have become the 1st team GK coach as a straight replacement for Roberts.


The transfer window does not open until Wednesday..Petr Cech will be officially announced as an Arsenal player then…simple.
As soon as the official announcement is made Chelsea fans worldwide are going to get bombarded by us Arsenal fans and they know it.
The worm has turned……

Dick Swiveller

Why wait until wednesday? If it’s all signed and done, then there is no need to wait.

Arshavin's Dietician

Read above thread, transfer window is not open till Wednesday!!


Oh so no announcements in the world until Wednesday?

Dick Swiveller

I read it, I still don’t get it.

Transfers can be announced at any time, and frequently are, so why would we wait for the window to be officially open? It makes zero sense.

Tee Söng

There’s no need to wait until the window opens to announce the deal. Arsenal officially confirmed Podolski’s transfer well before the summer 2012 window opened and it was in fact before the season was over. Memphis Depay’s transfer to ManUre has already been confirmed by all parties concerned because the negotiations are over and the deal agreed. The transfer window only defines when a player’s registration with a team can be changed. Negotiations between clubs and players for transfers can and do happen all year round. Heck, Barca could agree a transfer for a player now and announce it. Their… Read more »


Petr is ours. and I think Christophe should join with Cech


Mourinho is a cunt, true, and at the moment I can’t see this deal going through.


This guy has a big mouth, can’t see him working under Wenger with the same attitude

AN other

Cech has learned everything he needs to. Besides, we have legends here at arsenal that could mentor him – seaman and Wilson.


1. Harry Kane
2. Neymar
3. Cristiano Ronaldo
4. Evra
5. RVP

quite tough to choose only five!


Sorry, false replay.

chippy's chip

We should do all we can to get him. If moronio is pissed at us getting cech then he’d be alot more pissed at us getting his gk coach. Win win.


As there is nothing to talk about right now, and harking back to a few posts earlier, why not list your top five “Cunts”…in no particular order…?


1. Jose Mourinho
2. Ryan Shawcross/Charlie Adam (delete according to preference)
3. Cristiano Ronaldo
4. Piers Morgan
5. Boris Johnson


I need a space for Adrian Durham


1. Harry Kane
2. Neymar
3. Cristiano Ronaldo
4. Evra
5. RVP

quite tough to choose only five!

chippy's chip

1terry 2morinho 3cashley 4rvp 5nasri

chippy's chip

6.shawcross 7.d.smith 8.m.taylor 9.m.owen 10.g.roberts

chippy's chip

11.sheringham 12.nayim.13.b.stein 14.redknapps(2for1) 15. Rodger fuckin osbourne.

chippy's chip

16.brooking 17.hoddle 18 waddle. 19.gazza 20 r.villa….etc etc etc…


Excellent effort!

chippy's chip



Can someone let me know if we can even sign him before the transfer window opens. 1st of July right?



Cornelius P. Snuffington III

Officially no, but the clubs can still reach agreements whenever they wish, even if they have to wait until July 1 for the old contract to end and the new to begin. And obviously that happens all the time.

Andy Mack

I think it’s more about being able to ‘register’ a player with FA/UEFA/FIFA, and the player can’t actually play for the club until he’s registered, isn’t it?


If indeed the deal goes through, I will be more that interested to see how Cech copes without a parked bus infront of him.


So no Cech?

That’s alright, we have Ospina and Szsc.



If this whole thing goes tits up, we still have two very solid keepers…


Hey, am I the first on this Vidal rumour. The Ferrari crashing sob might be headed our way!!!!!


If Vidal is true, then Wenger is a true genius; cech mates mou, tricks manure with a bishop (Morgan. S) and Queens a pawn with Arturo Vidal!

Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding

Are coaches even tied to fixed-term contracts the same way that players are? Can’t they just resign from their job like you and me can?

The DaveOtron

Who cares what Chelsea think of feel !!!

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