Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Quality goals in Europe for Arsenal fans to enjoy

Hey folks, Aaron Ramsey scored for Wales tonight. They won 2-0, danced on the pitch, and will go to France next summer (they had already qualified).

Serge Gnabry got his first goal since 1983 for Germany’s U21s against the Egyptian province of the Pharaoh Islands. They won 6-0.

Chuba Akpom scored for the England U21s in a 3-0 win over Kazakhstan.

But the goal of the night goes to Robin van Persie who did this as the Netherlands lost 3-2 to 10 man Czech Republic.

As we said, quality goals for Arsenal fans to enjoy. Nice one, Robin!

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Thomas Gelderd

Excellent post


Petty it might seem..but i checked the website for this very post! After all these years it does still annoy me to see him. Such a pity…


Hahahahaha fuck off Robin, you absolute c*nt. Enjoy life wasting away in Turkey. You sold your soul to that red nosed Scottish c*nt at United, and all their plastic fans. You won one title and then they fucked you off. They cast you aside like a soiled prophylactic. And now you’re shite, you’re not valued by any decent side in Europe, and you’re making a fool out of yourself on the International stage too. It could of been so different. You could of been a legend at Arsenal. But you turned your back on the club that literally gave you… Read more »


So harsh. But so right.


If only he could read this… needs to be perpetually rubbed into his nose…..where is his little boy inside now….


The little boy is frantically dialling the child abuse helpline.


Fuck that cunt. He doesn’t deserve the fucks given as well. Cunt.


This looks like a record for most thumbs up. I love when the gooners can come together and be as unanimous on something that’s actually worthwhile. Can’t wait for the Chelski fans to turn on Cesc and him ending up in some other shit hole too. By the looks of it he’s already been made a scapegoat for their bad form, along with Ivanovic. Good times guys, good times indeed.


Imagooner, I’ll try and tweet your comment to him if it’s okay with U

Santi's Smile

I don’t get the tremendous amount of hatred Van Persie still generates. Anger and frustration with the way he left? Sure. Laugh a little at his current misfortune? Nothing wrong with a little schadenfreude. Why, though, be so downright ugly with such vitriolic comments? Why should the way he left be the way he’ll ‘always be remembered at Arsenal?’ Why not just recall his brilliant goals at a time when he was the only world class player on otherwise average teams? The waaay over-the-top nastiness seems so petty and small. Get over it and move on ffs. And thanks in… Read more »


Excellent post indeed. only thing that beats it, is waking up in the morning and it being the first thing you read. nothing beats that today. Blogg just made my day after this boring interlude.
Oh. by the time am writing this its half time between Peru vs chile. 2-3. Guess who has a brace already? Yes. that’s right. you guessed it!!!!!


I don’t give a f**k about the Metro most of the times, but I will be very very worried if this were to happen –

That contract extension can’t come any sooner.


37M for Sanchez? Really? Do you seriously think we’d let Sanchez go for anything under 60M? Do you seriously think we’d let him go at all? What a load of rubbish.

I had a similar conversation with some Juventus-supporting idiot in the pub last week who told me Juve had offered 22.5M for Ozil and Arsenal had come back saying “we want 30M”. Yeah, right – we ASK 40M for a player we just paid over 42M for. Never going to happen.


Fuck, I hate clicking “Post” just as I realize I’ve made a typo … that should say “ask 30M”.

La Défense

The little boy crying for mama, Robin?

Trex d' Gunner

Hahahahahahahaha, nice one skunky


“The little boy will now quit The Netherlands for Belgium as he does not agree with the direction his Country is going”



I’m sure he won’t mind playing for Gibraltar…???


I dont think he is good enough to play for them …. HAHAHA !!!

BLOODY GIBRALTAR SKUNK – That doesnt roll off the tongue quite as well as “BLOODY DUTCH SKUNK” … 🙂

Joe Dolce

RVP – he scores when he wants. For the other side!


Excellent performance Robin! What a way of sending ur team out of the Euros. Next time stay with Arsenal and you will never have bad days. Just look at Rambo, Theo, Carzola and all making there respective teams proud

Parisian Weetabix

CAZORLA :””””'(


Only trouble for him is,…..the’ll be no next time…ouch!


THEIR** 🙁 🙁


Sorry but it’s there’ll as in there will…..


I was correcting Afor’s original post…


“YOUR”, not “UR”. Ur was a city-state in ancient Mesopotamia.

Xavi's DNA

Far more insulting to let him fade into the abyss of obscurity than to keep talking about him like he matters to this Club.

Move on guys. Don’t get bitter, get better.


I dunno. The guy’s a monumental cunt. I, for one, don’t mind lowering myself to laugh at him all the way to his total obscurity.


What badger said… Besides your confusing username I think you’re also confusing “not moving on” with “an occasion to laugh at cunts”.

An Enthusiastic Gooner

Apologies for not being magnanimous enough to ‘rise above hate’…
And I feel no guilt, no remorse whatsoever over taunting this shameless traitor (whenever opportunities arise) , and I doubt I would ever stop doing that until he hangs his freakin boots somewhere in obscurity (preferably alongside Mr. FranCesc ‘I-love-arsenal-but-I-still dun-mind-diving-to-get-a-penalty-for-chelsea’ Fabregas).


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer, more morally grounded person…




Lol robin just VAN CUNTED the Dutch. Lol. That will haunt that shit stain forever. Lol quality.




bust up with Depay, own goal to help Holland to crash out of Euros, benching for Fenerbache. For everything else there is Master Card


Congratulations, you have won the Internet for today.


Holland not qualifying means we’re also spared from suffering that diving thunder cunt Robben in the Euro Cup. Win win!

good ol' 1 nil to Woolwich

Not so cocky anymore but certainly a cock up of elephantine proportions


Are all the wonderful goals and moments of breathtaking skill RVP gave to Arsenal forgotten about and ignored forever???….
He’s a cunt, so…yes.


He scores for the other team when he wants!

Getso gunner

I really enjoyed it


This international break, just got better. Oh so much better.


Just added a fair few more loops to the Vine count…

Greggs sausage roll

Hahaha we don’t even have to make fun if this clown he does it himself


Cmon guys. At some point you’ve got to feel bad for….. HAHAHAHA. Nope. And i support the dutch! The little kid gets happier and happier each day!

Cliff Bastin

Noooooo the vine died

Tuan Nguyen

Robin will wait to reunite with Cesc in Galatasaray next year

Arshavin's fake moustache



Get back to Fener, you fuckin’ skunk!!!!


The vine is down, but it’s here. And it is beautiful:

Cliff Bastin

You are a good man.


Whoa. It looked like he was thinking to pass ball back to keeper. A costly brain fart.


But what a brain fart it was. He scores an OG when he wants!


The commentator is saying he was under pressure from a defender. That’s not true from this video. He was on his own, acted like a twat. He acted the same way to Arsenal. As they say, once a twat, always a twat. BTW anybody seen the rat recently? Last time, he was spotted trying to get into Roma team photo.


Ppfftt Lolzipops! The weapon!


Thank you good sir!


Best interlull ever.


Are you kidding me? Pharaoh Islands????
It was against the Faroe Islands!!!!!!!! Not the same islands!!!!!! Don’t think Pharaoh Islands even exist?


Yep. He is kidding you.


Some people are really way too serious….:)


The Pharoah Islands may not exist, but there is an Islands Restaurant in Pharoah, Oklahoma.



Ajmal Hamza

I used to love the Dutch team, because they had players like Bergkamp, Overmars and RVP. Now I hate them, because they have players like RVP.

Bendtner's Ego

And Robben.

Must not forget that diving bastard.

Wenger the fashion icon

Haha, karma, what a bitc*, Fabregas next.

Joseph Fouche

Fabregas missed penalty


Walcott scored 1, Giroud scored 2, Santi scored 2, Alexis scored 1, ozil scored 1 (another one incorrectly judged offside), Ramsey scored 1, Ox scored 1, Gnabry scored 1 and Akpom scored 1. No injuries yet (touch wood).
And best of all RVP scored an amazing own goal. Is this our best ever international break?


Oh I missed Peru-Chile match. Alexis scored two more!


Joel Campbell scored too 🙂

Indian gooner

Really good interlull….this own goal will last forever in the arsenal dressing room as a symbol


Also in other news…

Joel Campbell scored for Costa Rica to sink the United States.;)


…and who is the old man in the pic.

He could have been a legend but ended up a season and a half wonder.


Am I the only who feels Arsene Wenger really does know when to let players go? Fuck they do fall flat on their arse one season after their departure from Arsenal. Rvp Cesc Hleb Song ….

Man Manny

When men fall from grace, they land on the grass. What happens when they fall from the grass? Ask Robin Van Per$ie; he’s been there.


the little boy inside didn’t want to go to the euros. schadenfreude!


How the mighty have fallen. Watching the Dutch last night was like watching a team managed by the fat walrus fat Sam. Talk about hoof ball. What happened to total football? Wow they were negative and boring. Also that Depay yet another well overhyped player at Manure!

Rip Van's Winkel

Set my alarm for the end of the interlull; weird dreams…did a thing happen?
What’s this vine thingy….?
Oh YES!!! A thing of beauty.

Soul Kampbell

Away from Van and his down-spiral; Alexis Sanchez is back! 9 goals in two weeks in all competitions, other teams have every reason to be afraid. If Walcott, Ozil, Alexis and Cazorla can maintain this level of fitness this season, there is no reason we cannot win the league.

Soqed Hozi

Alexis got 2 goals and an assist in Chile’s 4-3 win away to Peru.

Santi Caz is Gunning you down

It couldn’t have happened to a bigger cunt.

Gooners & Roses

Sometimes schadenfreude is the best thing to do.


Did EVERY single arsenal forward player score during the break? Save for Ozil (Who gave assists as usual) I think they all scored. ALEXIS: 3 goals 1 assist, Giroud: 2 goals, Santi: 2 Goals, Maybe an assist (not sure) Theo: Scored 1, Ox: Scored 1, Ramsey: Scored 1. I pray they all return with the form and joy and fitness and everything they need to come with to blow our opponents away. COYG

chopra gooner

What if Wenger signs van Persie on loan in January and he helps us win the league?

RvP would score goals for fun in this Arsenal side. Wenger can still get the best out of him. Could you live with that?

My intention is not to hurt the fellow gooners. I want everyone to think about it without any emotions involved.




i know where you’re coming from but personally, i’d rather have TGSTEL than this skunk.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I hope that’s what’s going through his mind when he’s sitting on that cold, hard Turkish bench being ignored by all his teammates. I hope his retirement is plagued by the big “What if…?”

Silly cunt would have had more trophies if he’d stayed with us, and he’d have a good shot at a PL winner’s medal this season.


TGCTEL (the greatest cunt that ever lived)


No, that’s a tie between Terry and Moronho.


I would fucking take bendtner nicklas fucking bendtner mate over rvp.


Im sorry, but I actually havent a clue who you are all talking about.

Saffa Gooner

He wasn’t happy with the direction the ball was taking.

Wilshere's Coke Straw

On top of his exploits on the international stage it appears that RVP is having quite the time of it in Turkey.


I might be a minority here, but I still respect RVP. Yes, he made a mistake with the way he left us (especially that letter where he talked as if he is bigger than the club) but I do not forget that season where he single handedly got us to third place and kept us in champions league for the following year. He recently talked a bit fondly about Arsene and his time at Arsenal and you feel that he still connect to us.


I watched that own goal yesterday at work and couldn’t stop laughing. He deserves everything he’s getting. Still, after reading pretty much all comments I have to say, that I do feel for him. Not because I remember his goals for us, but because we know, and so does he that, really, he fucked himself over properly. It’s kinda sad seeing anybody carrying some sort of burden, so I connect on a human level with RvP (surely we have all made big mistakes in our lifetime), no matter his cuntishness. He’s paying the price and has got to live with… Read more »

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