Saturday, February 8, 2025

Arsenal confirm Elneny signing

Mohamed Elneny has joined Arsenal from FC Basle for an undisclosed fee thought to be in the region of €7 million.

The Egypt international, who started his career at homeland club El Mokawloon, moves to the Emirates on a long-term contract and will provide cover in midfield.

Elneny arrives with plenty of Champions League, Europa League and international experience and, at 23-years-old, still has the best years of his career ahead of him.

It’s the first time Arsenal have signed an established player from the Swiss top flight since the acquisition of Argentine midfielder, Nelson Vivas, back in 1998. It’s a region we’ve more regularly trawled for young talent with the likes of Martin Angha and Sead Hajrovic following in the footsteps of Johan Djourou and Philippe Senderos.

Good luck to Mohamed, we’re intrigued to see him in action.


For more on Elneny, we suggest this profile from Egyptian football specialists King Fut. 

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Welcome Elneny.


He’s a top Giza.


Now watch me whip, now watch Elnaynay


No from me on so many levels.


A second no from me.



Gunnersaurus's Loer

Whips and Egyptians have a bad history together so let’s NOT make that a chant shall we? Also the song in its self is just stupid as hell.


I had to look it up. It’s a very bad song, but then I don’t think it’s particularly aimed at me.


“EEEEEEEEL NEEEEEEEEE ny ny ny, push pineapple shake the tree!”

Titty boo

beyond wonderful

Jimbo Jones

Bosscienly, smart arse. Please don’t do this anymore. Just have a quiet little word with yourselves before you post something like this next. It may just save us all. Thank you

Crash Fistfight

I’m obviously too much of an old man (in spirit at least) to understand this reference – it’s the second time I’ve seen in on this site and I have no idea what it’s about!

sanogo's missed kick

Be grateful you don’t know, I envy you.

Merlin's Panini

ditto, but whatever it is I probably won’t like it.

Anna Chronist

fuckin thumbs up from me and bully your tasteful musical sensibilities not only do “whipping” and “nae-nae-ing” improve both flexibility and agility, performing the “stanky leg” is excellent for strengthening the knee muscles and can of course double up as his goal celebration. (hopefully not followed by breaking his legs). in addition the other dance moves alluded to in salento’s magnum opus, namely the “duff”, “bop” and “superman” – fondly recalled of course by tens of souljah boi fans around the world – are personal favourites of shad forsythe and per mertesacker and are regularly performed, naked, by the entire… Read more »


Good grief, what language is that written in?

Anna Chronist

Fuckin thumbs up from me, absolute tune. Do the stanky leg!


Can this die now please


The internet collectively agreed to let that stay in 2015.

Yankee Gooner

That took about as long as I expected.


Elnono, just fucking no.


Great. I have a feeling that this guy will good for us. Considering that Arsene said we’ll be busy this january, gimme Aubameyang and we’ll be sole favourites for EPL title. Let the good times roll.


don’t believe the papers’ lies ,you only hurt yourself

Yorkshire gunner

It’s not just that, it’s also just an ridiculously obvious point to make, might as well just say, give me ronaldo and messi and well be champions,


I sense he’ll be the only signing this window. He’s a needed addition. #WelcomeElneny


Don’t forget the two 17-year old Nigerian lads if we indeed manage to sign them. Surely at least one of them will provide some much needed depth… in 2021


To coin Fleetwood Mac’s everywhere –

“Ohh Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Mohammed Elneny yeahhh”


Yeah, not my best.


Ozil would be pleased to have a fellow muslim as team mates

Cape Town Gooner

I doubt he gives one single shit, so long as the guy does his job well…


I left what I thought an innocuous comment and didn’t expect the uproar it’ll cause. I live in a multi-racial society, and people are brought up to respect and be sensitive to each other’s faith and religion. I’m not a muslim but i’ve a number of good muslim friends and colleagues. Being the minority there tend to be fewer number of muslims in most work places. I remember in one company I used to work for there was only one muslim in the entire office. The company ensured that there was a dedicated space in the pantry for her utensils… Read more »


Doubt he’s much of a muslim, saw him partying in vegas after the world cup.


How is that relevant?


How is that relevant? Just check the posters name and move on. ..


Well they can for their friday prayers together. Thats the only one I can think of, though.


Well it’s not belligerent or frivolous to say, is it? I think it’s a potentially a good point and I don’t think it was meant with any harm. Imagine playing in a country where you were a devout Roman Catholic while the rest of the players were not. It might not be uncomfortable, but to have another Roman Catholic around might make it a bit easier? I’m not saying you’d seek comfort in each other’s arms at night but you might feel a little more at home. This notion that we can’t even mention the fact someone has a religion,… Read more »

Cech's Hat

Agreed. Having said that, Arsenal have had many Muslim players down the years: Kolo, Shaaban, Diaby, Sagna, Nasri, just to name a few.

Midwest Gooner

Isn’t Santi Muslim?


Van Persie…

Chimichanga Monreal (cuz that's way more fun to say)

Agreed. But I doubt religion ever comes up on the training ground.

I guess it will with Elneny. He says he prays five times a day and always takes his prayer mat to away games.


Flamini would go “Full Muslim” if Mesut wanted him too – so its obviously not a thing

Crash Fistfight

Seeing as how his best mate in the squad is Flamini (who I assume is Catholic, given that his background is Italian-French) I’d concur with Cape Town Gooner in that he probably couldn’t care less.

For a start, they probably won’t be able to converse with each other, seeing as their mother tongues are different.

Crash Fistfight

Just to shoot myself down before someone else does – just read that he speaks English so that should be ok.

Still, I’d like to think that Ozil doesn’t look favourably on others because of their religion. That’s what leads to tensions between people.


They could try English, given Elneny speaks it.


You assume he’s Catholic? Maybe he’s non-religious. I was born to Jewish parents but I have no religion. Don’t assume. We don’t all have to have a religion by default.

Andy Mack

That’s his point, that religion isn’t important in this situation……

Crash Fistfight

Point being that he isn’t Muslim and that hasn’t stopped Ozil from being mates with him.

Also, what effect does assuming someone’s religion (or lack thereof) have on anyone or anything? Would you be offended if someone suggested you were of a particular faith? – I couldn’t care less if someone assumed I was Martian.


“I’m offended”

Merlin's Panini

Apparently Elneny’s English is very good.


It isn’t strange, Egyptians speak English and Arabic.


They teach English in Egyptian schools.

Crash Fistfight

They teach French in British schools – doesn’t mean British people can hold a conversation in French.

The Guardian article linked to below (which I hadn’t read before my comment above) says that he learnt English whilst at Basel (guess it’s the common language that French and German speakers in Switzerland use).


I was surprised to read in the Guardian that he learned English in Basel. Maybe he found German very difficult. It is a tough language to learn from scratch as an adult – I know, I did it. Basel is German-speaking but because it’s on the border of France – it has a suburb in France and the airport is in France – many people there can also speak French. So, no, though English may be the common language of FC Basel’s dressing room – I’d guess they have players from all over – it isn’t what Swiss people speak… Read more »

Gooner Smurf

I am an atheist and I don’t believe that’s appropriate.

Mate Kiddleton

Welcome to Arsenal!

Indian Gooner from Amsterdam

Welcome to The Arsenal Elneny!
The KingFut article is encouraging to say the least.
Here’s hoping he becomes an important player for us in the vein of Nacho and Gabriel!

Man Manny

If Arsene scouted this guy, then I am confident he will succeed. Might not have MOM performances from the go but I see him and Coq forging a partnership that will last for almost forever.
The future is Arsenal!


I think that Stan Kroenke’s sports analytic machine thing did it.

Crash Fistfight

That’s what the £3.5m gets you!

Gunnersaurus's Lover

Really looking forward to see him in action! Tall, strong, good on the ball and a killer longshot apprently. Welcome to the greatest football team in the world.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Tall ? Not specially. Perhaps taller than Santi, lol. I love powerful long range shots and was saddened it was disappearing from football. Hope Elneny will give me a couple of those screamers soon.


Mates got the song already ‘ now watch me whip watch me elneny’


Welcome to my Arsenal.

Thierry Bergkamp

Welcome to The Arsenal


Omg we have a 6ft midfielder! ✋


Wonderful article by The Guardian:

Welcome to Arsenal Mohammed Elneny! 😀


Yessss now we know what we already knew. Welcome Elneny.

Indian Gooner

In Arsene We Trust.
I hope he will turn out to be a terrific player for us, given Arsene’s knack of picking up good players for cheap.
Now with his signing,our squad almost looks complete.
Once all our injured players return back,we have one of the strongest squad in Europe.
Exciting times ahead.

Edu's Braces

He’s not cup tied is he?


I doubt it. FC Basle didn’t enter the FA Cup this year.

Edus Braces

But FC BasEl did enter the UCL. Anyway was just checking.


Yes he is cup tied for Europa


But he’s OK for the CL (I think).


I got it from El ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne neny!


I think he’s going to be a perfect fit in Pyramid formation!


We’re the famous Arsenal and we signed Elneny

Hopefully he’s useful

Vladimir Petrovic.

Well said Giza!


Welcome to The Arsenal, Mohamed!

Anyone else thinks he has a passing resemblance to Adrian Grenier?,_Adrian/gallery/ENTERGE05/

Arsenal Fan

Welcome to Arsenal #Elneny 🙂


Finally – an opportunity for Flamini to move to a comfortable chair.


Am I the only one eagerly anticipating how the club will choose to punctuate his name on the shirt?


A toast to Santi’s successor and Le Coq’s tag-team partner.

Sir Roger Chesney

Could be a good midfield with Elneny and Aaron Ramesses in the holding roles and Mesut making eye-of-the-needle passes to Cleo Walcott.


*To the same tune as ooh santi cazorla*
“Moooooo-Hamed Elneeeeeeeenyy Moooooo-hamed elneeeeeeny”

Alex Partridge


The Car2n Goon

Elneny oh oh
Elneny oh ho ho

To the tune of “Nel blu dipinto di blu”, the refrain is:

“Volare, oh, oh
Cantare, oh, ho, ho”

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