Sunday, September 8, 2024

Arsenal facing midweek injury crisis

After a horrendous opening to the Premier League season, Arsenal face an injury nightmare ahead of their crucial midweek Champions League tie against Fenerbahce.

The Gunners lost Kieran Gibbs after a first half clash of heads, and Arsene Wenger revealed after the game that other first team players were struggling to make the trip to Turkey.

“We have some problems to get players back for Wednesday night,” he said. “Gibbs has a deep cut, Sagna, Rosicky has a problem. Ramsey has a problem with a kick on his ankle.”

Bacary Sagna could have suffered a very serious injury after a horrible looking landing (GIF), while Ramsey missed Wales game this week because of the ankle.

We assume Rosicky has Rosickyed himself somehow, and with Gibbs, Sagna, Monreal and Vermaelen absent, Arsene Wenger may have to get creative to field a back four in Turkey.

It’s hard not to come back to the summer and the chances we had to make things better.

What a mess.

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I feel ill


Dont worry, we will compete,….come mid february we will launch a title (top 4) push – ARSENE WENGER.


Koscienly should just hand in a transfer request tommorow maybe that’ll get Arsene to wake up.

in all seriousness though if we fail to get into uefa group stages I kinda see players here like kozzer or poldi getting really unsettled before the transfer window closes…..


Arsene Wenger actually said this

” Show me a list of players better than mine & we’ll talk.”

err “begovic, julio cesar > szczesney “

Remember the invincibles because we aren't good anymore

How awful was szczeny today?


Fabianski must be first choice now. I have Always rated Szcz as a talent but Fabianski is a better keeper.

The Communication between the defenders and Szcz seems to be nonexisting and players dont give a shit about him. Lehman would have gone mental if the defence ignored him as they ignore Szcz. He is to Young, to insecure and to fragile for this. If Wenger keeps throwing him in at the deep end he will burn Szcz out and destroy his career.


Does anyone on here know anything about Ox. Heard a depressing rumour that he could be out for months.


“If you bring me tomorrow players who are better than those we have, I promise you we will look at them. It’s as simple as that.” Sánchez, 24 – Not a flop at Barca but not an outright success either. Bet Barca would part with him for the right amount. An improvement on Arshavin, Gervinho and better than Ryo. Eriksen, 21 – Entering the final year of his deal with Ajax, Amazingly no one has made a serious bid, he is ready to leave and holding out for a big club playing in CL (without wanting to be negative we… Read more »


This man speaks the truth. Too long have we suffered under that senile old man.


well, that’s a silly question for Wenger to ask because 40% of the players in the squad don’t even play their natural position.
Here’s an idea Wenger, you should’ve paid up for Gustavo, Higuain, Suarez and Williams. All players who could fill in positions which deeply need to be filled. They have all stated that they wish to play for us!! What more could you want? But if you want a list, I can gladly give you one. Even though all the players you should have shown interest in have OBVIOUSLY joined other clubs now.


No we won’t if we continue like this. Then it will be the hunt for the 10:th Place Trophy.


Read this shite and find out how far from reality this guy is!!!


It is amazing how deluded he is.

“if we do not spend the money, it’s because we do not find the players”

At least sign a decent keeper. There are hundreds that are better than what we have.


if we have a team working 24 hours a day on signings as he says they should all be fired because it really isnt that hard to find someone good enough to get in this team.

The comment about not being able to sign 6 players at 5 to 3 is totally infuriating. we have had months without a competitive fixture


The remark about the team that played should be able to win against Villa is also a gem, what about the that team with Higuan, Fellaini, and Begovic? Would that have had a better chance of winning?


Quick, Lets get a weekly loan deal sorted for Messi and Neymar!


Yes I agree they may well be better


Ah there you go, the Arsenal defence go out of their way to make Agbonlahor look like Messi ofcourse.

just brilliant.


Gunners its time to pray for a miracle.


man…cheech nd chong would do a better job at managing the club….i dont know what to hope for anymore

Bendtner's ego

At least we’d know what they were smoking.


Well Aaron Ramsey gets so much unfair stick from the fans.. Poor chap has played like everywhere on the park.. What’s next ? Goalie ?


I was expecting Frimpong and Fabianski on the wings the way it was going.


Well, Arsene thinks that we fared quite well on the injury front today. I’m not kidding you:

on who picked up injuries during the game…
‘Oxlade-Chamberlain, Gibbs, Sagna. Gibbs has a deep cut. Sagna and Rosicky have problems. Wilshere – I don’t know how he will respond after the full 90 minutes. Ramsey has a problem after a kick at his ankle. On that front, we have done quite well.’


Arsene somehow found it within himself to be sarcastic at that question.

maybe he truely was stumped at how horrendous the day had been.

he could’ve avoided it though by having a stronger bench.

Totally Gutted

It should be really interesting next season for us Arsenal fans going to places like Brighton, Reading, Watford, Blackpool and such to watch Arsenal competing for 4th spot, in the English Champions League……

Totally Gutted

It should be really interesting next season for us Arsenal fans going to places like Brighton, Reading, Watford, Blackpool and such to watch Arsenal competing for 4th spot, in the English Champions League……


Can this really be the same man, le prof 97 – 05 and now … utterly incompetent


What I do not understand is why in the world you would loan Ignasi Miquel out before actually buying another center back? Can someone please explain?


Over to you Arsene


Its so illogical! You have Vermaelen injured, so you only have three fit centere backs. Then you loan one out. Arsene Wenger was practically asking for this to happen.


atleast bcus of these, AW will signing some bloooody new player….

i hope.


Arsenal facing midweek self-inflicted injury crisis



Good thing we have Flamini though.

He knows!


We have TWO defenders. “Some problems” he said.
TWO defenders in the entire Football Club is “some problems” ?
Yes sir.


On a realistic note we have a couple of options: 1. Bring forward the deadline day business to today (pros: long-term solution; cons: unlikely to succeed esp with top-top quality players, financial cost much higher) 2. Recall the loaned defenders (pros: immediate solution; cons: financial cost in contract breach, signifies that the promises of signings made in May have been officially broken) 3. Play the U-18s (pros: immediate solution; cons: just about everything else) 4. Play first team players stupidly out of position (pros: immediate solution, team chemistry; cons: just about everything else incl that we don’t have first team… Read more »


“cons: unlikely to succeed esp with top-top quality players, financial cost much higher”

Sounds like a load of shit.

The only option is to sign players immediately, regardless of the cost.


He did no.4 today it didn’t work, Podolski at left back oh my giddy aunt, there can be no excuses, with our luck it was always going to end up like this, what a shambles


Yes Cele, signing players immediately is the best option.

But its unlikely to succeed as in, which top-top player would want to join us now? How much more will we have to pay now as opposed to on transfer deadline day? I’m not making fucking excuses for Wenger/the board, they have to answer the above questions immediately or face a disaster season. Especially when Anthony Taylor has set the bar of the Premier League Referee/anti-Arsenal hate group to a new low.


no where to hide!


I’m not surprised with what happened. Wenger chose to go into the new season with a weaker squad than that which lost to Bradford

Loop A Hole

I can’t loop a hole now.
Everything that could have gone wrong, has gone wrong.


I had a bad dream, no wait…. I’m awake!!!


Jeebus. Effing. Christ.


Not even Jeebus can save us now…


Of course ,because he is not a god , he is a human ,he is a prohpet.


…aaaannd, Bro decided to get all serious…

Thanks for sharing, Bro.

Cheque please!

[Note to self: next time, don’t invite Bro to pub.]


This the truth , use your brain. How the god die ?????????!


Totts bro, totts.


Sure, sure, Bro, whatever you say. [Desperately hoping he leaves now.]


The god is the mighty, nothing like him, he create this world, he create the humanity,and Jesus is one from his prophets




If there is a god, why would he let this happen to Arsenal, the chosen club?

Also, you officially win today’s “the worst comment on the internet” prize. Congratulations on your inept writing and dubious theological claims.

Aaron Mc

Painful today. We NEED players as we always have.


Horrible refs, but we have ourselfs to blame. Threadbare squad, stubborn manager and impotent board. We almost needed this disaster as a wake up call.

Naija Gunner

Can they ever wake up?

Fat Gooner

For optimistic gooners: 1) There are sufficient funds available to the manager.’ – Edelman, September 2005. 2) ‘…the effect means we can spend more on transfers over the next 15 years.’ – Edelman, May 2006 3) If Arsene came to us and said he wanted to spend £40m on a player we could do that.’ – Edelman, Sept 2007. 4) ‘We remain firmly committed to substantial investment in the playing squad.’ – Chairman Peter Hill-Wood, Sept 2008. 5) ‘We’ve got a substantial amount of money to invest.’ – chief executive Ivan Gazidis, Sept 2009. 6) ‘The club is secure –… Read more »

Dave Gooner

Maybe some of those fucking geniuses can now come and explain to us how we now have AN INJURY CRISIS ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE FUCKING SEASON!!!!!! Including Genius in Chief Arsene Wenger.

There is no such thing as luck, you make your own luck. Ours is always going to be bad as long as our club continues to cut corners.

The players don’t want this. The fans don’t want this. Jesus. I despair.


why blame gazidis? He has sorted out the commercial dept so we have higher income. He cant force wenger to sign players.

Its sad but the problem is wengers unwillingness to sign players thats the problem


Is that your record of green thumbs 🙂


The bunch of Lord Varys’s the lot of them f67king hate eunuchs lol!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait for month end. Just joking – I’m sure Ivan is busy drafting his next speech around ambition right now and Wenger will come out stating that we are mentally strong. However, simple maths by sane people do prove the contrary looking at 1st team players – injuries. Personally I’m not too phased about a home defeat against 11 guys falling around the place plus their cohort, the blind ref. But I am phased with big talk end of last season and the can of worms it has now opened. And what follows next? Knee jerk spending? Wenger out? We… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

I think we have to ask ourselves if Gazidis is at fault at all? Or Edelman before him. If they are making funds available then they are meeting their side of the bargain, perhaps their fault is not being strong enough to demand better from the manager. I have to say today was a sad day listening to the abuse being hurled at Wenger, but I whilst I didn’t join in (in fact I left as i felt uncomfortable having by 7 yr old hearing it) I knew it had to happen to let Arsene and the board understand just… Read more »


Simply put, Wenger should be challenged from a boardroom level. The problem though is there’s no one there with any credibility to do so. And that’s not something you can change by adding anyone out there. Fundamentally, there’s nothing wrong with Arsenal except the football. And we can make this statement because we have long stopped focusing on football as a priority. We’ve been insanely lucky the previous two seasons to retain CL position. Ivan is almost innocent – but he was the one making statements around cash flow. With Arsenal being a business, and it’s paying fans the true… Read more »


A mess in the highest proportion. We can’t buy quick enough to fill the gaps.


We bought like 3 players on the night of september 2 2011 so please son!, we can buy 5 players from now till Wedndsday..


Any signings can’t play wednesday, the deadline has passed and Kos and Carzola are suspended!


oh really?, thanks can I have my heartattack now?


Kos isn’t suspended. EPL red cards don’t affect ECL games. The problem here is that they want Wenger to behave exactly as they know, we know, he’ll behave: back and forth, dither, decide, change of mind, worry, dither. Same crap he’s done since Dein left. No one’s ever replaced him as purchasing agent. Wenger needs someone who knows negotiation, because Wenger can’t constitutionally negotiate anything. Then trot Gazidis out end of last season to say “we have scads of money, we could buy and pay Rooney!” What kind of moronic strategy is that? Right, I am gonna tell you that… Read more »


FUCK. Ever since Higuain this has all felt like a bad dream. Wake me up


…Yaya Sanogo…


…’cause we’re not buying Luiz Gustavo…


…Nor are we spending a single centavo…

N.Carolina gooner

Nice…heard I think it was Paul merson who said that he went out and bought a sandwhich yesterday and so he has spent more money than Arsenal this summer. Got a good laugh out of that even though it’s a bit rubbing it in. So maybe Wenger will get a few top players in at the last minute. That’s all fine and wonderful, but we actually need these players NOW or even before the injuries mounted. Our UCL qual legs are done with by deadline, so what good is it if we get these players we need and we have… Read more »


Is there any hope of signing Ronaldo? Perhaps Coutinho? So we don’t have to re-live this season in slow mo’.


These injuries are unfortunate – even if we would have signed 3 players we couldn’t have done anything against every defender suffering something… obviously we can’t have 3 left backs and 3 right backs, but they lack of signings really make it worse.

I don’t think Wenger will have the dressing room under control anymore. The players’ lack of belief has been visible since Cesc left without replacement.


He won’t have a problem controlling the dressing room there aint any players left in there. Of course its unusual to lose so many players in one game. before this game though we were short of a central defender, a defensive midfielder a striker and most important of all an inspirational leader. Don’t really rate Fenerbache but they must be licking there lips with excitement.


I find it bloody absurd that we don’t pay the bit extra for players early in the transfer window, now our threadbare squad faces more injuries and suspensions the selling clubs know we’re desperate and will still likely sell high. In the end we still end up overpaying. Fucking ridiculous


But don’t you see? Arsenal are in the unique position whereby to complete a transfer they “need the agreement of the club” AND “the agreement of the player” AND they “need to agree a price” which are circumstances unlike those faced by any other club on Earth. Luckily players like Sanogo really only require 1, and with wages arguably 2 agreements. And by that logic, welcome back to Arsenal Flamini

Dave Gooner

Unfortunately, our prices are index linked to 2007.

If they tried to buy their groceries like this, they’d all starve to death.

Gunners Wharf

I am not surprised. They should’ve been planning for this months ago. No contingency plan or forward planning whatsoever. Incompetent management. Shambolic!


Will we be able to field a team above the average age of 18?

I don’t know…..but what I do know is that I need a drink.


I forgot to say arse



GK Szczesny
LB Jenk
CB Mertesacker
CB Frimpong
RB Hayden
CM Jack
CM Cazorla
CM Zelaem
RW Theo
ST Giroud
LW Poldi


There’s sick in my mouth.


Koscielny is not suspended for the CL match.


I think I read earlier today that he has a one game CL suspension from last season – though I may have imagined that.


That’s correct. Santi and Kos both supsended.


2 fit senior defenders


Couldn’t make this up.
What a completely appalling situation to get into.


Heads really need to roll for this. They will, but unfortunately they will probably the heads of Kos and Mert thus ruling them out


True. You know what sums up our summer? That £1 pound extra on the £40m. Ill-informed and ultimately pointless.

Rad Carrot

Nowhere to hide now, Mr Wenger.

One way trip for him to Paris, please. I’m sure we can afford it.


Wenger can’t go to PSG!! If he did he would be the Worlds biggest Hypocrite!


Wenger should never be forgiven for selling the skunk to those up the road, still makes me puke when I see the scum bag in their shirt. What has happened to our club?

Dave Gooner

He’d have gone for free this summer instead.


“he’d have gone for free this summer instead.”

Fine by me. United wouldn’t have won the league with him, and we might have beaten Bayern Munich in the Champions League.


not the point. If Wenger had behaved like a normal manager and bought one or two quality players every year it’s quite possible Cesc Nasri and RVP would not have WANTED to leave because we were capable of winning something

Dave Gooner

Yes Cheroo. But in the current world – the world we actually live in – he would have walked for free this summer.

Fuck him. He didn’t want to play for Arsenal. So fuck him.

Let me get this straight.

Next Premier League game:

Gibbs injured, Monreal injured (both our left backs).
Vermaelen injured, Koscielny suspended, Miquel loaned. Just Mertesacker fit.
Sagna injured. Jenkinson fit.

So we have one CB and one RB. All others injured.

THEN in midfield, Arteta, Ramsey and Rosicky out. This would mean we will play Wilshere as holding, Cazorla and Chamberlain in midfield.

Wenger, you are a prize plonker. It’s not as if anyone couldn’t envisage this happening.

Djourou’s also on loan at Hannover 96…

Tony Adams Morning Breath

That is if everyone gets through wednesday ok. And the odds of that…..


Ox is out for three months


Correction: SIX months

Malaysian Gooner

If you exclude the players that didn’t play a single game for us last season, here’s the list of first team players that will be available for Fulham assuming the players that are injured don’t recover in time:

2. Fabianski
3. Per
4. Jenko
5. Jack
6. Santi
7. Theo
8. Poldi
9. Giroud

That’s it. I’m not even fucking with you.


We don’t need any more players we’ve got mental strenght… Fuck it I’m going to isolate myself from Arsenal news for a few days..


SZCZ actually looked better as a CD than a keeper so he is the solution to the defensive crisis.

It Is What It Is

Training will be restricted to 5v4. Except Bouldy joins in…..then we can have 5 a side! Problem solved.


And scratch Santi from that list for the the CL game this week. We’re going to have to go into a lion’s den with a team full of kids.


This is one of the biggest times in watching this club that I have felt so overwhelmed by our problems that I don’t even know where we should begin. Three signings before the window ends won’t fix this. Our only hope now is to spend that 100 mil on devloping a time machine and go back to better days. Pires you beautiful man you.


Also, Kos and Santi are suspended for Wednesday’s match




How would thumb Rob down for this? These are facts!


Let’s not even bother going to Turkey, let’s not show up, lose 3-0 and then try scrape something at home.. Ok I need a break from Arsenal. What a motherfucking shitty shit. And we saw it comming


This was always going to happen. Wenger needs assistance in the transfer market which he doesnt get from Gazidis who pockets a 7 figure salary each year for nothing notable.

The loan deals were disastrous. Djourou and Coquelin would be very useful right now.

Can’t believe they let our squad get so light without having signed players


It’ll be interesting to see who makes the trip to Turkey, I sense there will be some panic buying to fill some of the gaps. Unfortunately, I think it’s a little late now!


Midweek is the least of our worries. We have to play every 3-4 days over next two weeks. There is no way these players are going to last till NLD.


We all saw it coming, but Arsene didn’t. Feeling ill now

Glasgow Gunner

What a mess indeed. Man Utd lost their 1st game last season but I think the similarity ends there.


1-3? Now I know Suarez aint coming, you know why? coz that’s not the perfect way to say “hey you would absolutely love it at this club”

Even a 10 year old can look at this squad, Wenger and today’s game and say, “This is very, very bad.”

Sp*rs are laughing at us. We are in the stocks and the world can see our shame.

This is the worst day I have ever experienced as an Arsenal fan. Thanks Wenger.


We’re spending some fucking money… with bandages!

Haha! Made me laugh, thanks.


Disaster always seemed inevitable. Maybe we can avert it with some determination and tactical brilliance. If we are denied CL by Fenerbahce what sane, ambitious top quality player would want to sign for Arsenal?


Tactical brilliance? Sorry, this Arsene ‘I don’t worry about the opposition- hence no tactics’ Wenger we’re talking about.


How do you stay optimistic after this? How do you even get the courage to look for a light at the end of the tunnel? Is there even an end of this tunnel? I feel so furious, helpless and confused. I could sit here and insult Wenger and his ‘stubborn old goat’ gene for eternity but many before have done it and it has achieved nothing but more stress and anger. Only one fact remains at this moment. I am an Arsenal fan to death. That is the one thing that Wenger will never be able to take away from… Read more »


He won’t go. He seems to be in complete denial.


Quite rightly said. This is self induced mess!


You can’t help but take a step back and laugh at it all.

A back four composed of spare parts, and yes, why not throw in a 16 year old into the fiery pits of hell (i.e. Fenerbahce away)



You can’t help but take a step back and laugh at it all.

A potential back four composed of spare parts, and yes, why not throw in a 16 year old midfielder into the fiery pits of hell (i.e. Fenerbahce away)



No laughing please as we gave nothing to laugh about!!!

Sunny Patel

Williams + Benteke + Gustavo + Cesar = £45m (ish) and we’d surely have been able to attract them. We’d be so much stronger. Easy to say top players are hard to get, but this would have been feasible! Who will be licking their lips at the prospect of joining us tonight?


Wenger if you need me to play, let me know! I will play anywhere for Arsenal for FREE and give all the passion in the world! I’m not very fit but it’s better than being injured! 😛


Fuck man I hope Sagna’s gonna be alright.

Glen Helders soul-glo

That could have ended up a lot worse, was happy & surprised to see him walk off the pitch after that.

I would not be surprised to hear that be has a broken neck, therefore would miss the next 3months.

Please sign Micah Richards, can play CB & RB.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

I got ‘Sagna 3’ on the back of my shirt because he is a warrior and a tough motherfucker… reminds me of Patrick Viera but with the added bonus of having funky hair.

Thank fuck you didn’t break your neck Bacary… the game was already lost in the 89th minute but you continued to give 100%.

If it really is as fucked up as it looks, whatever you do please don’t risk aggravating your neck/spine/brain on Wednesday just because the squad is thin. We gonna need you for the 2nd-leg at the Emirates on 27th August.


Arsene surely needs to GO NOW.


Have a feeling this is going to be our Liverpool season where we do terribly


The most retarded thing that could have happened, has happened. The sad thing is, we looked every bit as lost as we were for two thirds of last season. It’s pathetic. Name one big club that allows this sort of thing to happen, year after year. ‘We only buy top top quality players’, pfft, we bought Mr.Forehead for 10m. Are you telling me there was no one better at the same price? Same can be said about other players he’s bought. And remind me again why our experienced defenders keep looking like little girls when up against 20-year old strikers… Read more »


please don’t say ‘retarded.’ how old are you?

Dial Square Charity XI

I hope you’re not being ageist


haha! nice one!


We could have bought Victor Wanyama from Celtic for 12.5 mil. Plays DM or CB

Eric Blair

This time….no Arteta, no protection for the exposed back four.


I’m giving up on football and following water polo


Looks like the experiment has gone badly wrong and the lack of depth we have in the squad has bitten the manager hard on the arse. I can’t help it but I am not feeling sorry for one of the highest paid managers in the prem who has the audacity to talk of the lack of top quality when spending our money.

So guys please get your collective heads out of your collective arses and sort this out if not please exit the stadium and take up residence elsewhere.


This fecking penny pinching might cost us 25m+ this time around if we go out the CL and potential better signings who want champions league football. Just stupid, so incredibly stupid by a club with enough money in the bank.

kickin' coconuts

We want top top players, but I’m left wondering how many top top players want to come to Arsenal. Looks like another painful season to endure.


Look we took a beating from very strong Villa side.

We’ve got what on paper was a very tough fixture. I’d have taken a draw before the game .

But at least we have an easy fixture mid week to get some confidence back.

The mighty Fulham will be tough test but at least we know Spurs will be there for the taking the following week. They’ll be totally unprepared and haven’t really strengthened at all ………………….

Nurse , I’m ready for my meds.


“Very strong Villa side”? Are you serious?!?

Unless we do something, (buy some good players, that is) I have a feeling you’ll be saying: “Well, that was a very strong Fulham/West Brom/West Ham/Norwich/Stoke/Sunderland/Newcastle/Swansea/Cardiff/Crystal Palace/Hull side we just played….”


My eternal apologies to fans of any other clubs I failed to mention; Southampton, for example. I hear they have a strong side.

Fuck me with a serrated purple dildo.


Fuck me my sarcasm was a bit too cerebral for you wasn’t it!

You frickin tool.


Hey hey, let’s not take out or Wenger loathing on fellow fans. We are all raw and hurting right now because of that greasy bastard but let’s aim the cannon at the right target not each other.


Apart from the Referee Wenger must take resposibility for purting the team under pressure with only a right back on the bench. Even if Arsenal made no signings, WHY SEND A FIRST TEAM defender (Djourou) and defensive midfielder (Coquelin) away on loan making any signings? Leaves others teams well prepared but Arsenal a world class team unprepared! VERY POOR MANAGEMENT ALL ROUND!


Arsene Wenger has lost his managerial skills.


Look we took a beating from very strong Villa side.

We’ve got what on paper was a very tough fixture out of the way. I’d have taken a draw before the game .

But at least we have an easy fixture mid week to get some confidence back.

The mighty Fulham will be tough test but at least we know Spurs will be there for the taking the following week. They’ll be totally unprepared and haven’t really strengthened at all ………………….

Nurse , I’m ready for my meds.


Villa are not a strong side. See my post above, Crispy. I couldn’t disagree with you strongly enough.

We made Gabriel Agbonlahor look like Gabriel Batistuta today.


Can’t believe you took my post seriously.

Jesus fuckin CHRIST.

Villa are shit. Fulham are shit. The ‘easy’ fixture midweek is away in Turkey where we’re going to get mauled based on today’s performance ( so some more sarcasm there) and finally Spurs are going to be licking their lips at playing us in a fortnight as they have ‘strengthened significantly’ and will be ‘totally prepared’ , so a little extra dose of sarcasm there that was lost on you again.

Sorry mate for correcting you. Shouldn’t be bickering amongst ourselves.

It’s a properly shit day .

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