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- We have a zero tolerance approach to trolling.
- Do not tell somebody to go and support another club just because you disagree with their point of view. That’s stupid. Don’t be stupid.
- Do not use the word rape to describe a football result or performance.
- If your comment is awaiting moderation, please be patient. We often have to sort through a load of nonsense and it’s not personal. If your comment does not appear, you probably need to read through this policy more closely.
- Extremism of any kind will not be tolerated. Football? Wenger? Politics? Biscuits? Doesn’t matter.
- You may not use the term ‘fake news’. It’s really fucking stupid.
- Don’t impersonate, or pretend to be something or someone you’re not.
- We have an entirely separate section regarding comments on posts about Arsenal Women. Read that here.
- Bottom line: don’t be a dickhead. The world is full of them at the moment, and we all need an escape.
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©Arseblog News – Last update: July 2020