Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ozil returns, Sanogo starts: Arsenal v Everton teams

Arsenal: Fabianski; Sagna, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Gibbs; Arteta, Flamini; Oxlade-Chamberlain, Ozil, Cazorla; Sanogo

Subs: Viviano, Podolski, Gnabry, Giroud, Rosicky, Ryo, Jenkinson

Everton: Joel, Baines (c), Mirallas, Distin, McCarthy, Lukaku, Barry, Barkley, Pienaar, Coleman, Stones

Subs: Hibbert, McGeady, Deulofeu, Naismith, Osman, Howard, Browning

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Another 2-0 to the Arsenal!!


In Wenger I trust…. *SqueekyBumTime*

Please no Richard Keys catchphrases *barf*

And actually Ferguscum coined that horrific cliché


The phrase was used in Scotland before that red nosed toad used it.

Shouldn’t blame innocent words and phrases in the english language cos that dour faced tosser happens to use one, else Joey Barton would have bastardised every meaningful and thought provoking saying in history via the medium of Twitter.

up vote Richard keys comment though, because that man never says anything worth listening too.

Up the Arsenal – fantastic result!


Come on Verminator!

Just A Gentleman

Hoping that along with great defending, he scores the winner and takes us to the next round. It’s often forgettable but he is our captain, great to see him in action! <3


I’m likin’ it, I’m likin’ it!


Exciting team. First goal for Sanogo today?


I would have played giroud today, sanogo Tuesday. Risk starting yaya today. Hope it pays off and still think we will win, up the arsenal


I think you’ve still got to look at HFB as first choice therefore he’d be best taking on Bayern. Oui ou non?


I think Wenger’s resting Giroud because he wants him to be 100% fit for Bayern. We need his physical presence against bayern, and we need him to be sharp. I’d love to see Sanogo grab the winner tonight!


Go Sanogo. He’ll score today. Mark my words.

monkey knees

Going for a cheeky Sanogo brace today…

Cazorla's smile

i just noticed noticed that sanogo’s name fits that podolski europop song

ya ya ya
yaya sanogo


Why isn’t that played when he scores? (or just when he plays, because when he plays he scores)


No Kallstrom?

Edu's Braces

I hate to question the boss but Giroud has had his break. He could easily play both this and buyern just as arteta, ozil etc. will. Staying positive though, this isnt a wenger out post 😉


I hate seeing Flamini and Arteta together on the pitch, it makes us very poor in offence.


4-1 says otherwise.


Arsenal 2 – 1 Everton

You heard it here first. Cazorla and Ox to score.


Two bad choices: Giroud must play – he’s our best striker. And Szczney too: he can’t play in Germany. If Fab gets injured today then we’re in trouble for the Munich game.

This is more Wenger nonsense: we should play our strongest side today; this is our best chance of winning a trophy. Fuck the CL game.


you’re meant to be an orc


Not sure of the thumbs down. One injury to Fabianski today and we’re looking at Viviano vs Bayern……….. Sobering thought and bordering on negligence from Arsene.

Edu's Braces

Jesus, what’s wrong with Viviano? Bit much bro


Apparently he’s a bit of a turd. No matter , we won, Fab’ looked good and ready for Bayern. Today is a GOOD day.


Point well made about Fabianski. But consider this his warm before Tuesday. Imagine after we cement our place in the next round, Fabianski will be on one to stop Bayern at every point.


I hope the team will be on 5th gear today. COYG!

Gods left foot

Absolutely huge game today… Come on you gunners!!


Today looking most forward to see Fabianski, Vermaelen, Flamini, Özil and Sanogo.
Hope they all do spectacularly well!


Seeing ox on the right and Arteta and flamini of the dm gives me joy….we can win this COYG


Flamini and Arteta DO NOT WORK together. It’s horrible, negative, and produces zero cutting edge.

Just you watch.


I watched. You’re wrong.

Check our results this year against who played the two CDM positions and you’ll find Flamini and Arteta are our BEST pair in front of the defense.

Springbank 1965

Unless Sanogo does stuff in training that we’ve not seen yet then I’m really not sure he’s anything other than a squad player.

Playing him ahead of the likes of Gnabry, Podolski, or Giroud for at least 65 minutes of a difficult season-defining game is a bit surprising.

Is this Wenger being ‘stubborn’? Is this him saying ‘See, we don’t need a £40m plus striker. We’ve got this guy. he’s the new TH14?”

I really wish I knew what our manager is thinking.


COYG – liking the look of the lineup, hoping the verminator is immense today. Fingers crossed that sanogo scores his first goal today and glad as always to see ryo on the bench cause i got a soft spot for him ngl


A whole week off for Szczęsny!?!?!


No Howard for Everton? How good is this Joel bloke?


Not in the Premier League, not today.
I guess Lord Bendtner will play Champions League then?


Tough matches lies ahead and we ar starting with a win against Everton.C’mon Gooners.

i want to boff bendtner and I'm not even gay

Whatever you do, don’t say anything that disagrees with Wenger

Merlin's Panini

Nice goal Ozil. Looks like the international break has done him a world of good.


It’s actually hilarious that England choose Baines, cole and shaw over Gibbs


We blow the chance to go two nil and we were deeply punished for it….its quite unfortunate that we concede that goal why are we so complacent we just a goal lead??

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