Thursday, December 19, 2024

Diary of a season: Everton 3-0 Arsenal

A miserable 3-0 defeat to Everton today means our Champions League hopes are out of our hands.

Hayley and Vince discuss.

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I loved Arsenal yesterday. I love Arsenal today. I’ll love Arsenal tomorrow. It’s not about being proWenger or antiWenger.


#Enough with the emotional attachment.


What benefit has finishing been to us the past 10years? What exactly?


Finishing top 4*

The Boy

Clueless and spineless performance.

Time for a change.


Someone calls u a “Specialist in Failure,” and what’s your response??? Go out there and prove him right. SMH.

What a joke!!!

Muyiwa Soares

I get the feeling that Arsenal’s fortunes will change with the exit of Wenger,the dude is clearly out of sorts!


Even if arsenal finish 4th it will be undeserved.
Man, we should have finished 1st.


If we don’t even deserve 4th, why “should” we have finished 1st?


Facts are we got no leaders arteta s was awful yesterday we got out muscled out played out thought we got nothing going forward without Walcott ozil or Ramsey too many players out with injUry and an human statue upfront no mobility ..a defenders dream !!!! Still no goals for u against top 5 giroud !!!!! All the other teams around us have better forwards lukaku Suarez Sturbridge Augero dzeko , back to basics wenger ??? With 5 games to go should this been done in preseason in 2013???? Or rectified in jan ??? When we were top? U r… Read more »


Terrible lost of time for the fans who tirelessly go n watch away games, throughout the season who have had watched at home, wow and many who had watched arsenal games both away n home games, wonder what had happened to yesterday’s game. Litterlly it was one of the most painfull game ever I had watched since 2002. We were already shattered by bits n pies at the hands of our rivals and I expect us to respond but what?… things gone from bad to worst. yuck!..yeah then a moment of realisation:fan for the club for me is like a… Read more »


I just don’t understand the YES Wenger/NO Wenger discussion. I am sick of excuses and I am sick of standing still. This is why we are where we are. We are not trying new things. Arsenal is bigger than AW. Don’t get me wrong he deserves to get his bronze statue more than anyone else, but we cannot continue with a no-change policy and doing what we’ve been doing for the last decade. The reason everyone in the club would be happy if AW extends his contracts is because then they can continue sitting on their fat a*ses and pretending… Read more »


When are the club going to answer these questions we want ambition key signings we have got a lot of second rate players and we all pay substantional match day prices and to top it off 90 pound for the new football shirt from puma !!!!! I love arsenal but there rinsing the people who actually work hard for there money!!!!


The problem I see is that Wenger gives the management on the pitch to his players, he believes they can sort it out themselfs if thing goes wrong, problem with that’s is the players don’t see to have the ability to do it. And I don’t want to make refercence to the adams era but it comes down to he doesn’t have the same mental players that he had back then. I realy thought this was our season with Alex not being there the money we had in the kitty but same old Wenger has proven me wrong again.


After a while and I still haven’t completely cooled off. Wenger has been vital in the stadium move but as the season goes on it seems more and more that he’s out of touch. When he came in teams played long balls, players smoked and drinked and gave fuck all about their fitness, he came in and completely changed everything at Arsenal while other teams lagged behind. He was literally unplayable in the early 00’s, the only way to stop Arsenal was to kick them, a stupid notion introduced by SAF and made legal by inept cunts like Mike Riley… Read more »


Without saying much about it, it seems even Hayley and Pops are turning a little on Wenger. If fans like these are starting to turn on him he’s in trouble. Even I’m starting to have my doubts. If push comes to shove, I still think he deserves the chance to spend the money. If it was my club and he refused to spend it (or farted around over a million or two for a 40m player)…I would thank him for his service and ask him to leave. Please Arsene, listen to the fans. Most disagree on many things so you… Read more »

roof attack

Has anyone elses performance dropped at a job when you know you are leaving soon? I’m talking about mr Wenger.


They say the best things in life are free but I would happily pay 50 quid to see Maureen and John Terry mauled by tigers

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