Sunday, September 8, 2024

Giroud may have broken foot, faces 3 months out

The news about Olivier Giroud’s ankle is not positive this evening, with various reports saying the striker has a broken foot and could be out for a prolonged period.

L’Equipe say the former Montpellier man may miss three months, and the news is being carried by all the UK dailies as well.

It would mean that Arsenal’s need for a striker increases greatly with just Yaya Sanogo to play that lone front-man role which is so important to the way the team plays.

While players like Alexis and Theo Walcott provide a different kind of option, we saw against Everton on Saturday that it doesn’t always work and having a player like Giroud can change the game.

Already names like Danny Welbeck and Loic Remy have been mentioned as possible targets, but it’s impossible to know who exactly Arsene Wenger will go for.

In the very short-term it leaves the Gunners without their best centre-forward for a massive Champions League game they have to win.

Now it’s down to the manager and the board to find the right man to bring in and all we can do is with Giroud a speedy recovery.

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some smart american

That would be brilliant, but Real Madrid gets what Real Madrid wants … especially with Di Maria gone.

Yoyo Sanogoals

Then maybe go for Benzema


I don’t quite understand WHY Real Madrid would want another forward.


Because Benzema is an overrated and very inconsistent striker. Although, I feel like a potential move for Falcao to Real would’ve happended by now if it’s gonna happen, he just might be available. He clearly wants to get out


bc Falcao is really good.


Mmm Falcao sign last year for 60M€ to Monaco. Difficult to see him leaving for less than 80m€ so that way to much for Arsenal and I doubt Real can afford another big transfer like that.


Unlikely we’ll get the money out for Falcao- we’re not exactly Chelsea/Man City.

I would find it highly unacceptable if we let Podolski leave this transfer window after this news, and buy/loan someone who is worse, injured or has a 2-year adaptation period.


It’s Real Madrid. Don’t try to understand them. I mean, why would they want James Rodriguez when they have Di Maria and Isco?


Apparently he’s sponsored by Puma… CHO CHOO!


Giroud finally gets his due recognition what a shame it had to come this way Arsenal fans were always on the poor guy’s back never knew how good we had it until now… Most of us rated Giroud poorly and vilified him for every miss and every poor control….he is not in the class of Suarez or RVP or Messi or CR7 they said….. Well folks we still got Campbell, that new guy Sanchez and….. Sanogo (pls don’t laugh) he might just pull it off wed night assuming he is injury free… Arsene could also play his joker & secret… Read more »

Joel Campbell

They’re right. He is not in the class of Suarez or RVP or Messi or CR7. Fairly obvious.


Guessing it will be Remy and Carvalho and we are done


I think I saw somewhere that Podolski might still be able to play in the playoff and not be cup-tied, but I’m too lazy to look up the rules.

We can beat Besiktas at home without him. It’s the rest of the autumn we really have to worry about.


I recall reading that about Vermaelen, before we sold him. If I’m not mistaken the qualifiers don’t count as CL proper, and therefore players are not cup-tied by playing in them.


F**k tihs injury s**t. Every time a key player is about to come back some other key player has to get injured.


3 competitive matches played, Three 1st team players injured. At this rate with a 25 member squad size, we wont have a full team after 12 more games. God only knows what happens to our team each season…


The way we play i feel Bony would be a good choice, and more realistic target. He also scored 51 goals in 69 games for Vitesse, a top 4 Dutch side. He has not been able to copy that in Swansea, but he still got a respectable 0.5 goals a game average which is very good considering it is for a mid table team with fewer chances coming his way.

He also got a massive presence in the box, and is built like a tank, and the team can utilize him in the same way they do Giroud.



Henry GoonerLegend

Hope Oli G gets well soon. Arsenal’s injury curse seems to be too strong for Shad.

Loic Remy, Cavani, Falcao or Solomon Kalou? Anyone, Anyone?



How did Shad not see this one coming? What happened to his amazing foresight i’ve heard so much about??

Bould's Eyeliner

OLLIE G! as known in the backstreets of paris.


Kalou? Bitch, please!


Falcao, Benzema won’t happen. Why not snare Benteke from Villa. I believe he is getting fit soon…He is surely better than Remy or Kalou


Still hope it isn’t true. Waking up, and everything’s alright.

Creative solution

Can Chambers play centre forward?


Made me giggle.

emir of emirates

Lol me too

some smart american

ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ………….


So pushes the NEED to get another striker.
But please don’t say it’s a blessing in disguise.


That being said Welbeck is the furthest thing from a solution, and Remy would probably only serve as a short term fix. Maybe it’s time to whip out the wallet and spend big on someone of world-class quality.


Anyone who would call this a “blessing in disguise” is a daft cunt. This is a genuine emergency, I don’t see any available striker who will be able to replace him adequately.


giussepe rossi martinez falcao remy gignac hulk seydou doumbia pato so what the fuck is it u sayin?


That almost every single one of these players you mention are mediocre at best. Falcao is the only one who would be great, but he’s hardly a realistic target.


But if you want to settle for a striker who can’t even push Fred out of the national team (Pato), that’s fine with me…


were replacing giroud not fucking Suarez, pretty sure doumbia can hit row z just a little bit less often than giroud does!


I doubt that you’ve seen more than 3 of those players for 90 minutes or more. Am I right? Fifa doesn’t count


Giroud’s scored or assisted 65 goals in 81 starts (102 overall appearances). That’s not exactly a shit record. We aren’t replacing Suarez, but we’re not replacing Chamakh either.

Pato makes me sad, he was ruined by injury. Kinda like Eduardo. Also, he was apparently attacked by the fans for being a bit shit.

Bouldy's Tupee

Falcao is a poacher and is a complete different player than Giroud. As great Falcao is he’s not the type of player that will benefit the rest of the team. Do I want Falcao at Arsenal? Absolutely but I don’t think he’s worth £50 fee + 4 years of wages at £150,000+ a week. Ramsey himself said he likes to play with Giroud because he draws midfielders to play off of him. Yaya Sanogo, Campbell, and Alexis will come thru. Wenger has proven to improve players over time then comes our midfield enforce we’ve all been crying for in a… Read more »

That Genius Bergkamp

Gignac??? Are you kidding me? Please people stop basing transfers on what your doing on your playstation.

Rohith J

I am sure there are a few more that score above 85 in FIFA 14?


I think this could mean we’ll buy a striker but as mentioned in the article it’ll probably be Remy. No interest from elsewhere and a cheap buy out clause.

Joel Campbell's gurn.

inclined to agree


Me ‘3’

*grabs coat*

*and first aid kit*

Burn Baby Burn

and french


if only he were dench too!!!!! (speaking of……where’s frimmers?)


Cracking gags in some other dressing room.


How would he pass our medical, though? Liverpool have already uncovered his heart condition.


We only need his heart to not give out for 3 months. That’s probably not too much to ask. I think Remy is a very likely option if “stopgap” is the way the board chooses to go, and not “move up the timetable to buy an A grade striker and damn the expense”, which seems unlikely given the lack of available options who are worth the overpay. I suspect we will get Remy or similar and that Wenger will try to make Sanchez at CF work. I always thought that Wenger bought Sanchez with the intention of starting him as… Read more »


The only silver lining to this is that it happened now and not a week after the window closed.

Get well soon, Giroud.


I really hope they act really REALLY quickly. We need a striker to qualify for a Champions League place, and I’m not sure what the cut off for registering your team is, but i think we needed that striker signed yesterday….


Of course you’re not forced to register a team before you know if you’ve qualified.


Sorry. Not registering, but naming the team for the next Besiktas match.


Wow. Apologize, and get even more thumbs down. How very Le Grove of you.


‘Thou shall not lead arsenals line’ ……..the injury apparently an arsenal fan said .


Have you ever posted a sensible comment?


Falcao, Destro, Welbeck, Kiesling and Remy are the only available strikers worth looking at. Falcao on loan would be ideal, followed by Destro, Kiesling, Remy and then Welbeck.


We could always gamble on Balotelli as Milan is desperately trying to get rid.

What’s that? Oh.


Ask yourself why Milan wanted to get rid of him so badly.


Welbeck? No Thanks.

Yoyo Sanogoals



Kiesling would be nice, but I doubt that Leverkusen is prepared to let their most prolific striker go.


what about Jackson Martinez he would fit in well


Loic Rémy…


Why not give Podolski the chance he has craved !


He is most likely to leave it certainly is looking like that even if giroud is injured i think podli will leave :L doesnt really have the managers trust does he.


But can we not let him leave until Giroud recovers? Until January maybe? Looking at the injury situation right now, he will most certainly get games (90 minute-games, not 70 minute ones and 5 minute cameos). He will also command a higher transfer fee as someone else’s “panic buy” in January, rather than leaving now and making us panic buy someone right now. I don’t get why some people here are being overoptimistic about our finances and throwing out names like Falcao- we are still running as a self-sufficient club not Man City- one marquee signing per ~2 years is… Read more »


Why not Sanogo and Poldi in a 442 or 4411 or something along those lines as other’s have said.

Makeshift but good back 4
Chambo Ramsey Ozil Alexis
Sanogo Podolski

Rambo has to “stay home” the whole match…until the right moment…to score the game winner.
MOTM: 8/8 Tackles; 8/8 Take Aways; 13 Passes Intercepted; 9 Blocked Shots; 150/150 passes, etc. etc. 1 shot/1 goal.

🙂 Okay, I do live in a fantasy world.


Ramsey is suspended…

some fat bloke

8/8 Take Aways? He’s not Arshavin.

Daan van lith

We are completly fucked if this news and the poldi news is true.
now we have to get a( top class ) striker.


That poor, beautiful, handsome ankle.


I’m confused how his foot could get broken from a ball being kicked at it… I hope it’s just nonsense from the newspapers. If not I suppose Cavani would do as back up to Sanogo.

The Playmaker

No major injury in his entire career. Even survived the Stoke players dancing on his feet last season. I remember thinking that any other player from our team would have gotten injured from that.
And now….. broken foot from a ball being kicked at him?

Height of irony.


Not a blessing in disguise, but I’d rather it happened 6 days before the end of the transfer window rather than 6 days after.


6 days before or 6 days after makes absolutely no difference arsene will not sign another forward regardless.
We have needed another top quality striker regardless of an injury, arsene will make do with sonogo and may push Sanchez into the middle at times. And he will still sell podolski


A worryingly true statement


Balote…..oh wait.


Joel Campbell step up young man. Your chance has arrived.


I don’t understand all the clamoring for Campbell. He scored a nice goal in the same game Sanogo had 4.

He also did this, Unforgivable, even in CONCACAF.


Nightmare before besiktas… Whats bergkamp upto these days?


not flying, definitely.

Pakistan Arsenal!

Noo 🙁 also blogs please in tomorrows blog could you tell who is the most likely and best replacement for Olivier?

Harish P

I think Wenger will rotate between Alexis and Sanogo, personally.


Tend to agree.
I think we’ll ‘fake it til we make it’ with Sanchez and Sanogo taking turns until Walcott comes back. Then Walcott and Sanogo until Giroud comes back. ***

*** Hope I’m wrong


chuba apkom should be playing ahead of sanogo. his cameo vs monaco was a real eye opener.


Girouds importance and quality is always underestimated, will be incredibly difficult to find anyone nearly as good for sale


I can’t believe that someone put thumbs down to the Falcao comment. Like we should only go for average strikers. Wow.

Black Hei

Money bags Monaco wants to loan you their best striker because they are stupid.

Wake up bro!


As much as I’d love to see Falcao at Arsenal, I don’t see it happening. He would command a huge fee if it were a permanent transfer, and even if it were a loan, I’m sure we’d have to stump up a sizeable loan fee + a decent chunk of his huge wages. So for a year of him, we’re forking out a fair chunk of change. Plus he spent a year out injured. Seems massively risky, but obviously if it works the rewards are huge.

AN Other

I will but Remy now if possible. £8m release clause is bargain if he ends up doing well for us in these three months.


It’s a must provided the top-shelf options aren’t options.

Petit's Handbag

In the famous words of Eric Cartman
Could you at least of put lipstick on me…..because I like to look good while get fucked in the ass


The Arsenal curse strikes again. I don’t think Shad Forsythe knew what kind of black magic he’s gotten himself mixed up with…



Holy Smokes Batman

A great loss to both the quality, and eye candy of our sterling team. Sadly for Lukas, I really couldn’t justify letting him go now – purely on footballing terms. Feeling a last week shopping spree of the Primeira Liga: Jackson Martinez and Carvalho anybody?


We aren’t going to buy anyone. Wenger will make do between Podolski, Walcott, Sanchez and Campbell. I do think that this means Poldi isn’t getting sold rather than we are going to buy/loan a new striker.


If Wenger was planning to move Podolski anyways to free up wages and a squad position for an attacking player, why would this affect the deal?


Speechless… Let’s just hope that this isn’t true


I am not saying this is a blessing in disguise because I love Giroud and I see his obvious qualities…BUT I sure as hell get a kick out of seeing one of the youngsters step up and perform. Yaya and Joel will get their chance.


Very sad to see Giroud possibly out for 3 months, but I can’t help but think this moment will show the fans how serious the club is about going for the title. If no replacement striker is bought, we won’t stand a chance in winning the league.


Its not about not buying, its about replacing a quality with equal if not better replacement.. Theres no reason to spend buttload if the replacement isnt up to standard with how we play.

Still think we gonna play Alexis up top, and shift in Ox to right. left will be Pod, Campbell, Santi with Santi can switch to right as well..

Sanogo/Campbell all can play backup to Alexis up front too..

Still all the more reason to get a DM/CB hybrid now. We are in a transitions for offense, so a strong defense are highly needed to survive matches.

ye ma

Has there only been two PL games played? All the optimism we built up over the summer has been steadily wasting away. Haven’t played well, similar problems to last season flaring up. This is going to be a long season.

Tony Hall

Waiting for the inevitable “we have sanogo and sanchez and campbell who can all play up front and walcott to come back LANS”. You don’t seriously expect us to sign a striker even now do you ……. ?


******** Damn it!

Surely Wenger will bring someone else now right??????????

And FFS It’s not like there aren’t options Mitroglou on loan, Max Kruse, Abel Hernandez, etc.

Seriously Wenger probably wont sign anyone regardless so hopefully Sanogo and Sanchez will be enough for a while (Gulp!)


HAHAHAHA Mitroglou? Are you kidding?


Typical. Predictable? Benzema if Falcao is off to Madrid?


well, I guess that would work. Can’t see Real picking up another killer forward any other way.

Burn Baby Burn

Facts and logic have no place in the comments section!

Red Cannon

Or in the workings of Real Madrid.


Benzema does not want to leave Madrid. Nor does Peres want him too.


The wind of injuries came too early this time. Get well soon lad.


There’s one guy’s name that I haven’t seen yet..





Jackson Martinez? Looked good for Colombia at the World Cup.


No he didn’t. He was awful,


he didn’t actually. he was average and was second choice even after the falcao injury.

Tony Hall

Two games into the season and already seven players injured 🙁


This is getting absurd. What is going on with our players? I guess we need to buy even more back ups, despite having a very solid squad. Can we get them with some sort of warranty? Replaced if broken, that sort of thing?


The thing is the injuries have occurred in the positions which we all knew needed to be strengthened even as early as last summers transfer window (CB, CDM, ST) the only place where we are injury free seems to be the attacking midfield 3 where we are packed full of real quality players. It’s very typical of Arsenal’s luck but I still believe these three positions need to be filled before the close of the window otherwise we stand no chance

Dan D

I have never known a club like it, 2 games into the season and injuries to 3 first choice players already plus Sanogo.

Are we cursed?


i think if people know wenger he wont bring a striker thats for sure

Keith in TN

Hate to see more injury news. I feel bad for these players.


I have read that Carvalho will not come if we don’t qualify on this is double bad news about Giroud

We have to believe Arsene will buy some new players, or we are F******





Scott Murray

What about falcao on loan for a season

mach iii

why would a team loan out the best striker in the world?


Podolski….better the devil you know. As long as he doesn’t buy a cunt like Kalou or pay a fortune in wages for Etoo….I’d want Poldi instead any day.


I definitely think we should NOT sell him even if we get a new striker, especially if it is Remy as he is not really good enough to fill Giroud’s shoes on his own


I’m refusing to believe these podolski stories. Just the other day Wenger was talking up how good his attacking options were this season, he clearly mentioned podolski among them as he listed his options. So unless Arsene has just thought “wow, i cant believe how much depth we have upfront, i need to sell one of them” which we clearly don’t have that much depth in the first place, I cant believe he is going to leave. Unless he actually has someone lined up to replace him immediately. But I can tell you right now, if its Eto’o Remy or… Read more »


3 games = 3 injuries! Gibbs, Arteta & now Giroud! FFS! Surely we must hang on to Poldi now unless we get a quality replacement?!




Welbeck is pretty good at holding play. I think he is Giroud type player. Remy is not bad too but is injury prone himself. A headscratcher for Wenger.

Red Cannon

Welbeck is completely shit. He belongs staying in a ManU shirt.


good at holding up play more like it.


No mate it’s DANNY Welbeck who’s been linked with us, not this other Welbeck you’ve clearly been watching.

biafran arse

What a blessing in disguise,time to get a proper striker,bye to link up play. get well soon tho

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