Friday, October 18, 2024

Arsenal 2-2 Manchester City: Player ratings

So…we drew with Manchester City. It was good. Then it was not so good. But the game was good. So that’s good, unless you think otherwise. Player ratings below. Courtesy of alcohol provided by the Tollington pub, North London.

Sorry to Danny ‘TGSTEL” Welbeck in advance.

PLEASE NOTE: We’ve changed the system slightly, you rate each player then click the ‘Cast Vote’ button down at the bottom, rather than voting for each player individually.

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Am I missing something here?


I think the Tolli hasn’t finished pouring it.

The Ghost of Paul Robinson

Courtesy reminder that Arsenal signed the least players out of any Premier League club this Summer.

The Ghost of Paul Robinson

You can down vote all you want, it’s still true. The team that failed in their challenge last year because the squad was too small and their was no depth. That didn’t change at all over the Summer.


We had depth last season, it’s just our depth was rubbish. Except for CB, we’ve had a great summer’s shopping…

Park replaced by Alexis… Definitely an upgrade
Bendtner replaced by Welbeck… Definitely an upgrade
Sagna for Debuchy… Like for like
Fabianski for Ospina… Like for like
Verm for Chambers… Transfer made sense.

I admit we haven’t necessarily got more first team players, but we certainly have more depth.


“You can down vote all you want…”

To quote The Bug from Men In Black: Well, you’re right about one thing.


ratings, apparently.

Arsene Nose

Changed the system to not being able to vote at all?


Jack should get an extra .5 for flattening N££ri!

Gunner From Another Mother

Here’s a link to the gif…I’ve been watching it all day.


He also caused this excellent bit of slapstick:

Good stuff

Those two are great. Very promising match yesterday. Now let’s kick on from here…


PLEASE bring back the half stars.


Jamie Redknapp can go fuck himself. Jack was fuckin awesome today.


Paul Scholes can go shove one as well.


Jack is our number 10 until Ozil stops sulking and starts to put a fucking shift in. Jack is our no.10!™

So disappointed with the German.

Giroud's mistress

FFS – First refusal on Fabregas for £26m and we buy Ozil for £15m more. We should have cut our losses on the German in the summer and bought back Cesc – can’t stand the sight of him in the blue of Chelsea passing the bullets to Costa!!! Big mistake Arsene!!


Oh god, this is pitiful. I guess we’re gonna have to put up with fans like you until Cesc’s inevitable mid season collapse. Support our players and stop being so melodramatic. You’re embarrassing.

Giroud's mistress

It’s far from certain Cesc’s form will collapse at all – but even if it does half a season of Cesc in form is better than a complete season of nothing from Ozil. The least can do is look like he cares – £42m FFS.
FYI – I don’t boo him I’m just disappointed and annoyed in him (and Arsene)!

Good stuff



He has definitely lost his Mojo, but I’m not really worried about him, he’s world class and we have a ton of very good midfielders. I’d be more worried about our defense still not being able to defend a set play. If chambers get injured we’re fucked.

az ahmed

All people slagging of Özil have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. He can seem pedestrian but that is because of the way he plays. He is world class!!! You don’t get into the German and Real Madrid team if you are not. The point of a world class player is they can play rubbish whole game and it only takes one moment of genius to turn the game on its head. His ability to retain the ball in difficult areas – this is what i saw against city. Chamberlain, Wilshere, Ramsey, even Cazorla would not be able… Read more »


thats is one long comment..
even longer than rory delap’s throwin…

az ahmed

*could = couple
*misusers = midfielders

az ahmed

Thumbed down for correcting myself? That’s a new one

Norwegian gunner

Wenger needs to start playing Özil in behind the striker and not on the wings. Welbeck in front, Alexis left side and when he returns Theo on the other. Then you’ll see the true potential of him as he drifts around with his delicious left foot and just hammers in one beautiful pass after another. He’s a No 10 that’s being played as a winger. It’s not gonna bring out the best in him, same way as Welbeck didn’t really function as a winger either. He’s a striker.


But still not an excuse for not working hard enough for your team, something welbeck always did at man u

Don Cazorleone

That’s exactly it.

There is never an excuse for not putting in a shift. repeatedly.

Drop Ozil. Nobody should start just because of their name.

P.S I love Ozil and recognise him as one of the worlds best


i can’t understand why ppl calling for özil to be played as a number10 when we have cazorla and ramsey who ar better then him at every position on the midfield… Özil was good in his 1st 5 games .. and for me it feels like AW is trying too prove that he was a good signing, but he wasn’t


If Jacky can replicate his performance then chances are either ozil or ramsey will be sacrificed…come on jacky boy shut the mouth of haters with your lovely game…No wonder he is the future of english football

Diawara, Kaba

Can we somehow incorporate the poo meter into the rating system.


Flamini was/is shit.

Ozil needs to step up and stop polishing his medal.

this aint FIFA bitches

Why didn’t he change his boots, he slipped over about 4 times.


Flamini does everything right except his job. one of our best passers but does not fully grasp the meaning of DM i think.

he thinks its just about being tough.


Wish we had a DM that could run to either side to cover for the runs of wide players because our fullbacks are thrown forward for width all the time. This will remain a problem area I feel. Either a DM like Axel witsel/Matuidi that has both the pace and lungs to cover for the fullbacks, or actual wingers up front to provide guile by going wide/cutting in. Thats the only solution. When Jenkinson comes back, I feel we should try and move Bellerin forward into the winger’s role as the backup to Theo because the lad has genuine pace… Read more »

charlie nicholas

Not sure why you’re being marked down. Clear that neither Arteta or Flamini can cut it against the best teams. That’s why a DM was more important than a CB – at least we have decent first choice options there.


Arteta clearly can cut it against the top teams, but it’s a long season and he is getting old so he needs someone to help him out, someone better than Flamini. Falmini was doing a job last season though, maybe just one season too long for him.


Super jackie


Can Wenger play Özil in the middle already. He obviously doesn’t preform on the flank.

jack jack jack

Did a pretty good job winning the World Cup with Germany there.

The Ghost of Paul Robinson

I get where you’re coming from but just because you’re put on the flank doesn’t mean you should suddenly forget how to do the basics like pass and protect the football.

Gunner From Another Mother

And run araaaaaand abit

Don Cazorleone

The “run araaand” comments are so reductionist it begs belief.

Rather than allowing your egos to be bruised a little by facing the fact that Ozil is playing badly, you over exaggerate the fully justified criticism and pedantically cry out “Oh I suppose you just want him to run araaand”.

No, I’d like him to switch on defensively and play the role in the team that he is given. Like a professional should.


I’m sure some of the criticism is justified, after all he obviously isn’t at the top of his game, but I do feel that some of it is from those that only look at goals scored or crunching tackles to gauge a players effectiveness, y’know, guys like Redknapp or Savage.

TR7 > CR7

I’m a big defender of Özil usually, and a lot of the stick he gets is unwarranted but today nothing went right for him.

His individual highlights make for unpleasant viewing but for any masochists out there:

I don’t know if it’s a lack of confidence or maybe he’s still carrying a knock but we need to get behind him regardless. He will be better.

this aint FIFA bitches

pretty depressing when your entire touches of the ball can be condensed into 2 minutes & 80% of them touches end up giving the ball away.

TR7 > CR7

Oh hang on, the devious fiend who made that 2 minute one, cut out the 4 minutes worth of good stuff. My bad (sort of). Here’s a complete highlight reel:

TR7 > CR7

Just had to straighten that out. It’s still not terribly pleasant viewing mind you.


Much better please get off his back or he will go!

Don Cazorleone

I don’t know about you but I will not pander to somebodies sensitivities at the threat of them leaving. (not that he has ever even come close to alluding to that, that’s all you) I sing my heart out for Ozil, and Arsenal. But this is not the game, and nobody should be above criticism* Ozil is not up to par right now and it is something that should be attended to by the boss *By criticism I mean constructively so, not the idiots who think bashing “Ozil is shit” into their keyboards somehow equals a well constructed analysis. No,… Read more »

Hugh Jarse

When Henry lost the ball he had a habit of chasing it around the pitch like a madman until he won it back for the team.

When Ozil loses the ball he nearly always does a bizarre little skip or hop in frustration and then invariably makes no effort to win it back.

That’s the difference between a world class team player and a luxury player.


I wish I hadn’t watched that youtube clip – Ozil played worse than I thought. I’m a little bit worried but I’m hoping he’ll come good like Jack did.


Did anyone actually watch the video? While he was far from perfect there is not much wrong with it. I fail to see what was so bad about it.


Jack was a star, which is the only way to answer negativity.
We looked brilliant when pressing. . Mr ozil was anonymous for a lot of the game.
Alexis what an engine, what a star


I will not get on the bandwagon and criticize Özil.
The lad has played football without a break for almost 2 years. If you want him to have a workrate like Sanchez I’m sorry but you’ll be disappointed.
What he does have is skill and vision. He will gain his confidence and form again and shout his critics mouths. Any player can lose form. We as Arsenal fans should stand by Mesut Özil.
He is a gunner and I love him.


I agree with you that he has skill and vision, and he should regain his form.

But why can’t we expect him to have a work rate similar to Sanchez? Its not a dichotomy, he can be great and also have a great work rate. And he should be, not just for the good of the Club but also for himself.

I want him to be great, to be world class, and I don’t see why he can’t do that alongside with improving on his defensive work.

Commenter Guy

His work rate has to improve, that is undeniable. Hopefully it will once his fitness improves. However, he’ll likely never have Alexis’ level of work-rate: he simply doesn’t have the stamina.


Wenger must be the worst manager to make substitutions. some are as plain to see as the blue sky but no…….not this Arsene.

Don Cazorleone

Heroldgoon mate – let it go

Stop blindly headbutting into well crafted comments with your clichéd, poorly thought out, repetitive bollocks.

We get it, you don’t like Arsene.


Don be an arse


Why is Arteta even subject to a rating for appearing 30 seconds? I’m sure that usually wasn’t the case in the past ratings. Ozil is class but it’ll be difficult to defend him today. He tracked back more today, but always gave it up halfway by leaving his runner. City was passing around the box as if they had an extra man, and that’s what happens when you let your runner go – we’ll always be chasing the ball. When 1 player does that, everyone else has to work doubly hard defensively and get dragged around their positions. Is it… Read more »


Ozil? What a fucking muppet….1/10. If Ozil is worth £42m….Costa must be worth £100m. Oh….silly me, Chels got him for £32m.
Ozil is a flat track bully piece of shit. I’ve had beers, but I know shit when I see it. People say …..”ooooohhhh ,but Ramsey came good”… But I say, Ozil hasn’t got the nuts to stick it out like Rambo and will fuck off to Europe within 18months. Rosicky must be gutted that he’s being overlooked for that piece of turd. Fuck off Ozil…don’t want you , don’t need you.


Come back when you’re sober. 🙂


Thought Mertesacker and Özil were disappointing today – Flamini just not good enough. DM will be a big problem this season egen Arse face decent opposition.

Dave Gooner

I’d like to see Ospina given a chance. That second goal was due to bad keeping by Chez, he was all over the place.

Give Ospina a chance.


Ozil must have the psychology of an infant.

“To be played centrally again let me be shit outwide…….and/or everywhere”

honestly i dont know how else to explain his performances…truly

German Shepherd

Paul Scholes heavily critical of Wilshere again today before the game. Haha, Paul Scholes. Useless pundit/human. Jack was obviously MOTM: great vision, impressive touches and I love seeing him scoring big goals! Encouraging stuff from him.


Can we also get to rate wenger’s managerial performance?? His stubbornness not to sub Ozil and Ramsey cannot be excused


Wenger must be the worst manager to make substitutions. some are as plain to see as the blue sky but no…….not this Arsene.


Ermm why can’t it be excused? So we drew because we didn’t substitute Ozil and Ramsey? Surely we drew because of two horrible defensive mistakes.

Furthermore, Wenger was clearly preparing to bring on Ox and Cazorla when we were at 1-1. Then it was 2-1 and plans correctly changed. If Welbeck didn’t get cramps, I’m sure Ox would have come on for Ozil instead.


I forgot to add that I’m glad ozil took a few shots at goal( twice I think). That was nice. He never does that and I hate it when he doesn’t so I will hi5 everytime he does. If u never shoot u’l never score.


He said he wanted to improve his shooting, so I take that as a positive. He’s trying at least, can’t fault anyone for trying.


Two of our subs were used for injured players and against Leicester we finished the game with two gimpy players so I can see him wanting to hold onto the last one. So what was wrong with the way Wenger used his subs? Do tell.

NY Goon

Also loved how Jack flattened fat f*ck Frank Lampard. Good ol’ Jack.


A bit harsh on Nacho Monreal, this.

Also, Flamini deserves at least one bonus point for his post-goal Basil-Fawlty-in-a-rage impression. Magnificent.


I just don’t like the fact that carzola was on the bench throughout ozils shocker. Carzola has goals and assists in him. If ozil is having trouble then let calm down on the bench. When santi has a bad game he is off at 60minutes.


Ramsey was blowing out his backside for last 20 mins…looked so unfit. How could Wenger not take off the complete crap of Ozil and Flamini for Cazorla and Arteta is a complete mystery….
Wengers ineptitude of not buying another defender will now come back to haunt him (and us)….
And Monreal!…..god, he’s shit….Gibbs is fit? Play the fucker!



Stewart Robson's therapist

I refuse to make excuses for Mesut Ozil any more. When we all said last season that he needs to be surrounded by pace to bring out the best in him, I genuinely believed it. Well, he’s got it now, Alexis and Welbeck are two of the fastest in the league, so now what’s his problem? Today Jack Wilshere showed what a class number 10 should be doing – and I’m so glad he got to play there today, I’ve always said he should – while Alexis Sanchez proved that it’s not that difficult to make the La Liga-Premier League… Read more »

Don Cazorleone

Hopefully we’ll see him in dortmund


Im so sad not to have seen Rozza, he is 33 but man!! Him and alexis on the counter attack! I can just imagine, he doesnt hAve to start ahead of Ozil, but atleast Wenger must give him game time, at the expense of Ozil,

German Shepherd

Ozil just needs to grow out his hair again. When he bursts forward in attack he can’t feel it flowing in the wind so he falls down or easily gives up possession. Why Wenger hasn’t communicated this to him I just don’t know.


Wenger can only take a horse to the river he can’t make it drink. I’m sure he has hinted at it austin powers style. “You can go a long way, MO” “you know u remind me of samson”


It’s easy to let expectations come into consideration when rating certain players. We expect a lot more from Ramsey than Wilshere these days. Don’t get me wrong, Wilshere had a great game and Ramsey wasn’t his usual brilliant self, but over 3 full points between the two? With that kind of gap, Theirry Henry would be getting 32 or something for some of his performances back in the days. Also, we have got to get Ozil back in the middle. This is getting ridiculous. He’s simply not a winger. Germany used him as one because Reus was injured, and because… Read more »


Such a class comment and so spot on, especially on the Ramsey rating and the Ozil form observation. We have adjusted expectations of Ramsey, which is fine because he is of that calibre of player now, but we can’t be unreasonable as well. He is still putting in goals and assists, but playing in a different formation with new players – did we expect him to hit the heights of last season’s form right away? Also against City think of the fact that he got a knock with Wales on Tuesday and only trained on Friday before he played on… Read more »

less rambly pete

Hard to watch Ozil play soo very poorly while cesc is doing what he’s doing for the Cuntskis…. and with Cazorla and TR7 warming the bench.
He quite obviously isn’t handling this role in our set up (irrespective of how he does for Germany). Either play him in the middle or not at all. I’d be fine with either option.

Arteta's Hairbrush

I gave Arteta a 10 just for the lovely hair.


Wenger is truly terrible at making subs. perhaps not this particular instance but let’s not pretend okay?


Than give a particular instance. You’ve made this comment a few times on here. Give an example if you don’t want to sound like a nutter.


Im so very sad for Ozil. Sad because of the amount of hatred thrown at him after a draw with the champions. I watched the game too. The goals we conceded has nothing to do with him. The first…classic sucker punch of a goal from a quick counter attack. Its Flamini fault…from his first rash tackle to losing the man at the last moment. Watvh it again. Second goal was a hoorid mistake by Chambers. Koscielny was going for the ball with two ManCity playwers while Chambers was free & should have marked & jumped with the scorer. Watched it… Read more »


did you watch the game?


It’s stupid to wonder why Özil doesn’t have the work rate of Alexis, two completely different players. Both have tremendous skill and football intelligence, but Sanchez’s game is based on out working his opponent while Özil’s is reading the game and picking passes.

Don Cazorleone

The difference is that if Sanchez has a drop in form he can still cause the opposition problems with his pressing, when Ozil has a drop in form he becomes anonymous


Leave ozil alone man. He will come good


Alesix!!!! 3 goals in 3 games..

starting to worry about ozil, doesn’t look anyway near the player we bought. Hope he can prove me wrong, but for now not signing fabregas seems a massive mistake.


Ozil would have got bullied in central midfield but we played him on the wing still because we want to start him because of his price, ahead of better players for that position.

He is a central player he needs to play centrally he doesn’t work on the wing. We shouldn’t be intimidated from benching him for certain matches at least. But then again today maybe if him and ramsey switched positions they may have played better, so there could be a way to get more from ozil.


All in all.. Wilshere and Alexis looking top top. Love Alexis workrate, makes him so likeable plus his finishing isn’t to shabby either. Sometime on the bench might do ozil some good. Show him that he cant juss walk into this team. Plus a front 3 of ox welbeck and Sanchez with wilshere behind might be our best option atm.

Mach iii

Sanchez is absolutely incredible!!!! Scintillating!! He is definitely the best dribbler fighter footballer in the league!


He is abit like Suarez without his rampaging teeth ofcourse. can see why Liverpool wanted him to replace the cunt.

i can also see why he rejected them. Aston Villa


For the second city goal, Flamini was placed to clear off the line but Szczesny actually tipped it into his own net

Dave Gooner

Yep. And with one of the best keepers of the World Cup waiting in the wings.

Another performance like that from Chez and he’s in trouble. Once Ospina gets the call, he’ll be a permanent fixture, methinks. Ospina is that good.


Youve got hand it jack. A goal, an assist, ran all day, tackled, passed, crunched nasri and bitch slapped lampard. What a guy


Still assuming Flamini has pictures of blogs in suspenders or something. Clichy level blinkers.

Worst player on the pitch again. Both Ramsey and Ozil were poor no question. Flamini was bad at everything he tried to do, again. Kos also had an off day, looked shaky all game…7.5


The best I have seen us play in years! COYG!


Can’t believe thumbs down


That’s because thats not the best we’ve played for 5 years. You only have to go to Napoli at the Emirates last season for a clear cut example and I’m sure there’s more.

Saying that was the best performance in 5 years is actually a disservice to this team because they are capable of so much more.

Giroud's 6Pack

Obviously Ramsey and Ozil are out of form; stick fat with the lads. Quality prevails at the end of the day. We just feel disconnected at this stage of the season as a 11 man footballing unit.


Wenger has to tell Ozil to work on his defensive side or play him were he does’t have to track back so he doesn’t leave the fullbacks exposed like he did numerous times today. And its frustrating when he loses the ball and does nothing or looks at the referee for a foul, even when things are not going for players like sanchez, wilshere, ramsey they all show fight and that helps the team overall. It is unacceptable to say he is not that kind of player, and does wenger need the crowd to shout play fucking Rosicky instead of… Read more »


One of these days Ozil will thread an unbelievable pass for the winning goal in an important game!
Get off his back, he can be world class if we don’t hound him out!


he is world class already remember.?? that’s why we are worried


Your excuse is that he is world class, but when that doesn’t work for him which it always won’t he should resort to simple hardwork and help his team in other ways. And we are not hounding him, simply asking him raise his game.

the blogger

Alexis and Jack MOTM peformances… 4-1-4-1??? got used to 4-2-3-1 last season and believe it allows us to play to our squads qualities at the same time giving us good numbers and balance both going foward and defending. We might have personel problems like England had with Lamps and Gerrard it seems we can’t play Wilshere and Ramsey to their strengths in the same game one’s going to have a good game and the other at best average. Its even worse with the current formation which forces out wide to accomodate Jack and Ramesy in the middle, we all know… Read more »

Mr T

. I know Wenger likes to give his players faith, but come on – we need to use the squad – particularly the midfield! Ozil should have been subbed and kept fresher for Dortmund surely. I don’t hate the guy, it’s all about form. Ox could have had great impact with time yesterday


Ozil is just weak mentally and he doesn’t care. He never really wanted to come to arsenal real didn’t want him his move to United fell thru he arsene was interested in him he didn’t really have much options. We don’t need him. Wenger just went crazy with this one but seriously I think we should sell him next summer not in January but next summer. I’m done defending Ozil. Done

Lloyd Townsend

Starting to lose patience with Özil. Looks devoid of any confidence, constantly makes costly hesitations on the ball and really, really can’t finish chances.

We’ve made so many excuses for him. First it was Ramsey being out who he supposedly needed to function, then it was our lack of pace surrounding him. Now he’s got both and and he still looks terrible.

Granted, he’s on the left and right wings often, but he really should still be able to make an impact.

Not good enough so far this year, but wishing him all the best going forward!


I agree with you, but all we can do is try to support him through this patch which will probably more productive than bashing the hell out of him (you’re not doing that)…its up to Wenger to manage the squad I suppose re: Dortmund…we essentially have a 48 hour turnaround on this one.


I enjoyed alexis’ performance as much as the next guy but please lets not make up titles like best dribbler fighter in the league..just don’t

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