Sunday, February 23, 2025

Video: Arsenal get behind #rainbowlaces campaign

Kudos to all concerned here: the message is fantastic and it’s brilliant executed by the Arsenal players.

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That’s excellent. Santi’s bit is a whole bucket of win.

Well done Arsenal.


Brilliantly done!


Hahahahahah Giroud part made my day!

Great stuff! Love it! Wanna get my self a pair of the laces!

North Stand

Carzolas bit was the bit that made me laugh!

Bould's Eyeliner

It was a bit part you might say…

the only sam is nelson

Theo – author, actor, footballer

Modern polymath


Lego hair – perfecto!


lol classic. All I’ll think now when the Ox is charging down the line he’s shouting, cowabungggaaaaa!!!

Shit the bed

Love it. Classy stuff from all involved.


Giroud could run a gay nightclub on his own


Ox really does look like a ninja turtle
it’s a bit unfortunate


I’d happily look like a ninja turtle if it meant I could be The Ox!


God I love this group of players!

So much win.

Springbank 1965

Yet another reason to be proud of my club.


I thought The Ox was about to say he couldn’t change looking like Kieran Gibbs


That would have been brilliant 🙂

Alright mate

This is fabulous!

sanogo's miss kick

Arteta you CAN stop your hair from being so perfect, all you have to do is not use so much bloody hairspray! Or at least share the secrets of your impeccable locks so that we can all have them and you’ll become normal by default.


The club and all of the players involved in this deserve a lot of praise. It’s perfectly pitched and one of the funniest things I’ve seen in ages.


Good work. Gotta love Arterta. CERN can fuck right off with their grand questions of the universe, I’m quite happy with our very own LHC (logo-headed captain).


Absolutely brilliant.


This is great. The cynic in me obviously see the viral marketing by a certain betting company, but this is important stuff. Follow & support @gaygooners on twitter.


Haha class, especially the Ox. Brilliant


Love it!
And another reason we have more class than Liverpool.

Come on the Guns!

Mr. White

Arsenal football club is just pure class.

Lukas Podolski

#gaygooners #Legohair #gorgeousGiroud #TMNT #Theobackssoon #Arseblog #aha #bringonmancity #aha


That was great. Reading the comments on Youtube, though, you realize how much more work is needed to rid the world of ignorance, racism, and homophobia.


Indeed. The Youtube comments section is known for its trolling but there’s an ugly reality there too. Some Arsenal fans claiming to be ‘ashamed’ of the club and players promoting this message… wow


Perhaps no surprise that moronic antediluvian attitudes are displayed when you consider the extreme homophobia encouraged by – of all things – certain religious groups – notably fundamentalist Christian groups and some Muslims. Fortunately there are many who are more pragmatic in their interpretation of arcane statements in Leviticus & the Q’uran. It could be worse – you could be gay and living in Uganda.


Blogs are you getting royalties on this? I’m pretty sure half of these bits came from this site. Heh

Great stuff


Anyone else just watch Girouds part over and over?

Tenzo (Theo's secret lover.)

Its all in his face when he’s getting sprayed. I’ve tried replicating that expression for the past half hour, and I fail dismally.


i am abit homophobic. everyone is. the trick is not to show it.

huge congs to giroud and co!


does that mean some people are afraid of themselves?


To paraphrase comidian Ron White

“We’re all a little gay, its just to what extent. Ill Prove it…
So You Watch Porn? So you only watch 2 women together?
If you watch a man and a woman together, do you like the man to have a tiny half flacid penis?”

New Shuttle

That’s a very nice, emphatetic message.

But it is not the whole story, because one can feel their inner gayness as big as they like, but if they are unsubmissive and competitive – like most men – then practising homosexuality is a physical impossibility. Hence they are not gay.

Tibetan Gooner

What else I need. Amazing, I’ve got Arsenal.


In my country is illegal to make snake in brown cave but I give all these player biscuit because is for the best and world should be better

Biscuits for every all!

santi caz is gunning you down

‘snake in brown cave’… funny as fuck


Nice one guys. Perfect pitch!


Sanogo: “I can’t change that I can’t score.”


Excellent! hahaha


I lost my shit when Santi came on HAHA !

Third Plebeian

I’m always surprised when players demonstrate a self-awareness about traits we all sort of talk about as fans (lego hair, gorgeousness, etc.), though this is my first time hearing about Ox as TMNT.

Great stuff from the lads.


Playing football the Arsenal way



Tony Hall

That is very funny. Santi on tiptoes, Olly with that camp little wink, Poldi should have been there as well as I am sure something funny could have been posted about him. Made me laugh out loud, respect!


I don’t want football or cricket or The Arsenal to be involved in any politics whatsoever. I don’t need The Arsenal or a rugby or cricket team to try and preach to me or to try to teach me morals. And if you want to call me a homophobe I suggest that those laces and messages are meant for you’. A football club must either embrace every SINGLE political cause out there or none at all. Is homophobia more important than child abuse? Human trafficking? religious intolerance? Domestic violence? Sexually transmitted diseases? Poverty, child labour or the Israeli predations on… Read more »


Whilst I go along with some of the points you make – there are so many other important issues – politics can not be hermetically sealed off from all aspects of life. It is all encompassing – it impacts on everything, including sport and those who support it. There were similar arguments used against anti-apartheid protests and boycotting pre-Mandela South African sport – the boycott was absolutely right in my view. I do not agree that this is a ‘small’ minority – it’s actually a very sizeable minority. Neither do I feel it is ‘frivolous’. Football especially still has a… Read more »

Springbank 1965

Homophobia affects Arsenal, and sport in general in (direct) ways that other issues do not. And if ever there comes a time when “human trafficking” or “domestic violence” becomes more directly associated with football then I’d expect the club to address those as well.

Homophobia is an issue in football in much the same way as racism is. It rears its head on ‘the terraces’, on the pitch, and in the dressing room.

So, continue to be appalled because this anti-homophobic issue isn’t going to go away anytime soon.


I get what you are saying, I do. However, this speaks to me on a personal level, as my girlfriends brother is gay, and he struggled before he came out, not because anyone in the extended family has any homophobic tendencies or anything like that, but because he was worried how it would be percieved at the workplace, in his extended group of friends, in his sunday league football team. The important thing here is that football & sports remain an area where it’s still not OK to be gay (how many openly gay professional footballers can you name?) Yes… Read more »


@gammhunn – this speaks to me on a personal level also, as I am sure it would to anyone who has seen their child’s life at school made a complete misery by homophobic bullying that has its roots in the bigoted & ignorant attitudes that parents pass down to their offspring reinforced (sadly) by some politicians and some religious leaders who should know better the essential meaning and morality of their faiths. Seeing the impact of such ignorance resulting in destruction of an individual’s confidence and feeling of self-worth, leading to self-harm, (fortunately) unsuccessful attempts at suicide, and long-term effects… Read more »


Just gtfo. Don’t come in here acting like you give a fuck about any of this. Only a homophobe would actually be disturbed by this


hm, it *may* be the case that a particular lobby group is run by a bunch of eejits. However, the cause is separate to the people who have appointed themselves into a particular position. A bit like a group of supporters are not the club, or even all the supporters or the concept of ‘football’. Homophobia affects people every day and like any bigotry needs to be tackled every day by everyone. Totally agree that there are other injustices that also need tackling, but giving them a different relative importance or priority is unhelpful (and possibly does harm in itself).… Read more »

This Is My #aha Tell Me Yours

Weak argument. So if something is ‘less’ life threatening and crucial, it’s a waste of time to address it? The postman’s union is less ‘important’ than the global water shortage, so it’s just ‘fuck you postmen’. And yes, I’m a postman.

The man who would be bling

WTF? Have ever watched a documentary about gay kids in sports. They live in fear and embarassment and shame and can’t be themselves in case they get ridiculed or bullied, driving many to depression or even, on occasion, suicide. Gender issues are just a frivolous problem? Tell that to the hundreds of millions of women who in 2014 are still second class citizens when it comes to employment. I’m glad this issue disgusts you, because I wouldn’t want you around anyway in these discussions.


Would you be so incredulous if this video was about anti-racism or domestic violence? In fact, regarding domestic violence, there are many sports teams around the world that take on this issue. Given the sheer number of knuckleheads who are sport fanatics, it only make sense to create awareness in this forum.


I am sorry but I cannot agree with your premise at all. It is in the end utter nonsense. Embrace no political issues or all political issues? Rubbish. What are all political issues? Have you got the list? With your reasoning no-one would tackle anything for fear they were not able to tackle the others. Your inertia would then lead to a retention status quo which in the end is a kind of prejudice in itself. The wonder that you pre-empt accusations of being a homophobe is interesting, and the description of homophobia as an insignificant issue is weird. No… Read more »


Nice..good usual done with class..

Arsenal Fan #2

I understand that gays want equal rights, but to put them on a pedestal and then use football clubs to promote them… seems wrong to me. Not against gays, but…


Its more of ‘awareness’ than promotion mate. Nothing wrong with this.

Arsenal Fan #2



Sounds the same as, “I’m not racist, but..” to me. Football’s terrible treatment of LGBT employees, to the extent that you will struggle to think of anyone involved in football who is ‘out’, must be addressed. That is, as you identify, about ‘equality’ of treatment, not about “putting on a pedestal” – whatever that implies.


Someone Should have told Santos that!


I knew that a Santos reference was inevitable but I am rather impressed that it was apropos.



Perhaps it may be instructive for those who somehow feel threatened by the idea of ‘gay’ footballers to take the trouble to visit the Science Museum’s Alan Turing display/exhibition (assuming it is still there). This man was a brilliant scientist, one of the founders of modern computing and the internet, as well as crucial to the British code-breaking effort in WW2. He was repaid by his country by being convicted of homosexuality and chemically castrated, leading to his suicide. The point being that your sexuality is absolutely irrelevant to how effective you are at your chosen profession and your value… Read more »

Arsenal Fan #2

I hope I didn’t offend anyone. I’m not against LGBTs.


the fact that you used the words “promotion” and “gays” leads me to believe that you are a homophobe.


I don’t think it’s necessarily a phobia. Probably a lack of awareness and education on the subject matter. If anything, perhaps this campaign would be a good opportunity to educate yourself on the topic, #2. The problem, in my opinion, it’s that the LGBT community is “categorized” at all. The moment there’s “them” vs “us” there’s mistrust and false assumptions from an absence of empathy. I remember seeing a YouTube video where they ask random people if they think that homosexuality is a choice. Some say no, some say yes. But to those that say yes, they ask the very… Read more »


@ arsenal fan #2

You have entirely missed the point made……. its not about pedestals its about acceptance…. bullying.. differences, tolerance. Get a grip.



And how is the promotion of fundamental respect anyway political?

And problems with football being use as a vehicle for this promotion being wrong? That’s nonsense, it is well documented that many gay footballers have been too scared to be honest with even their closest team mates about their sexuality due to the current culture in the sport (and likely other sports). Which all leads to depression and mental anguish, some of the most prevalent and unspoken problems in the world today.

Good on the boys.

The man who would be bling

Exactly. Nobody complains about the anti-racist campaigns (I hope). This is the same thing; keeping bigotry aout of the game.


The club and the players don’t *have* to do anything. The fact that they are standing up for a good cause should be applauded: they’re doing the right thing. Of course there are many other good causes that they could promote, but as previous comments have said, this is a cause that directly affects football, the players’ working environment and their daily lives. Why shouldn’t they see it as a priority? It’s also easy to be cynical about Arsenal and Paddy Power doing this as a self-promoting exercise. But remember that they didn’t need to this: it’ll probably alienate their… Read more »


Hey now. No need to discriminate against Neanderthals. They were a perfectly decent humanoid species.

As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure our homo sapiens ancestors destroyed and raped them out of existence save for a few genetic markers.

You might be able to find traces of the leaders of those times back to Stoke City.

az ahmed

Does this mean I can’t join the gays cos it’s something I’m born with?


Just what ARE you saying? If you are saying that sexuality is something that is (often) inherent and genetically determined, then that may be some sort of advance.

az ahmed

The relationship between biology and sexual orientation is a subject of research. A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated; various studies point to different, even conflicting positions The gene or genes in the Xq28 region that influence sexual orientation have a limited and variable impact. Not all of the gay men in Bailey’s study inherited the same Xq28 region. The genes were neither sufficient, nor necessary, to make any of the men gay. The flawed thinking behind a genetic test for sexual orientation is clear from studies of twins, which show that the identical… Read more »


Respect. You’ve got to fight for your right to party.


I can’t help I am in love with the Arsenal

Tazmanian Jesus

Why on earth would anyone get worked up over the fact that someone else likes something different than themselves?
Why do they care at all that some guys like other guys, some women like other women…I dont really see how its any of their business or “problem”.


It isnt. Its a way for bored middle class social liberals to push their values and morality on society. I have no problem with gay people, but seeing how their lobby organizations have been behaving in their intolerance to religious views I really couldnt give a shit to be honest. The less of the morality preaching, the better.

Dr Funke

Really glad Arsenal made this little video.


I just want to say how heart warming it has been to read all this comments from our fans, you’re good humans. I was a little apprehensive to start reading the comments at first worrying I might feel let down by a barrage of homophobic crap but this has been brilliant. Only a very tiny minority of homophobic plebs who posted some nonsensical drivel, and quickly got cut down to size. love the Arsenal and our fans! P.s. As a gay female football fan I can first hand say there is a LONG way to go with tackling homophobia and… Read more »


the giroud part was best <3 i cant change that i'm gorgeous. no shit dude! and that wink turned me gay.

well done arsenal for this campaign and supporting the rainbow laces. more teams should get behind it and it should be shown at international level too.

Kiddleton Fan

I do not support gay and I’m within my rights to do so.

That said, i just can’t stop loving The Arsenal


Why feel the need to post that you don’t support gay people? It just leads people to believe you’d prefer not to tolerate them, which is completely not within your rights.

Gooner '75

Yeah my spud and chavski mates loved it!!!@#$

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