Sunday, September 8, 2024

Arsenal rule out Jenkinson recall

Arseblog News understands that Arsenal have no plans to recall Carl Jenkinson from his loan spell at West Ham United despite the club’s mounting injury problems in defence.

Allowed to leave the Emirates this summer to gain further first team experience, the 22-year-old has gone on to make six appearances so far for Sam Allardyce’s high-flying Hammers, including three consecutive starts against QPR, Burnley and Manchester City.

There had been suggestions that the current injury issues might result in a recall but it seems the club are prepared to weather the storm, and allow him to continue his season long loan at Upton Park.

Currently without Mathieu Debuchy and Laurent Koscielny, and with Kieran Gibbs taking a knock to his hip at Sunderland, the Gunners are down to the bare bones at the back ahead of this weekend’s clash with Burnley.

Indeed, with only three defenders properly fit – BFG, Nacho and Chambers – Arsene Wenger may have no choice but to play Hector Bellerin at right back with Isaac Hayden likely to be on the bench.

The boss has already promised that he will look to sign defensive cover in January, but until then it looks as though we’re going to ‘literally’ limp through the rest of the year with our current options.

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Love Arsene but his inactivity to get defensive coveris inexcusable – especially knowing that Per had a long season with a WC and Kos having his Achilles problem.


Per didn’t play after the Germans passed the group stages.


Hardly relevant, he was still training and staying match fit until the final. He had very little time to physically and mentally recuperate.


Correct, but he was still training, and getting himself mentally ready to play in case he was needed. Massive difference between that and sitting on a beach somewhere.


doesn’t change the fact he’s shit for our style of play


and that ladies and gents is where we leave our intrepid troll on his journey to ridiculous-opinionland.


Bet Defensive Coveris would be just as good signing as Alexis.

alexis' shorts

Who is D. Coveris and who does he play for? As long as he doesn’t have Barca DNA let’s go for him.


Can he play DM?

#YOLO Toure

I’m of the opinion that Wenger went into this season wrapping up more deals than he’s let on, specifically at CB and DM, but some of the players he wanted couldn’t join until Jan, so he’s gone with what he’s managed to do until January when the others are coming.

By ‘opinion’ I mean I’m praying that’s what he’s done, because it’s the only logical explanation that I can think of.


If we get someone in in January to cover I hope it’s a loan to the end of the season. Nothing permanent, so Jenko can retain his rightful place in the squad next season.

I was about to say a Kallstrom-esque loan for a second but it’d probably be better if the cover wasn’t injured for the first six weeks.

Adam Richards

I respectfully disagree.

If we find the right player to strengthen our squad long term, we should take it. There will still be room for Jenkinson in the squad and hopefully he will be a starter a few years down the line.

We need at least one new CD to challenge Kos/Mert and we also have young chambers as back up, Gibbs and Monreal are fine, then Debuchy and Janko (Chambers until summer also covering).

And then if this ridiculous injury crisis continues, then we dip into the reserves; but only then.


adam – Totally agree. I remember when we signed Monreal, and on an Arsecast, blogs asked (I Think) Arse2Mouse about it, asking who would play if Monreal came in. A2M response was on the lines of “I Really don’t care. Both will play for that one position, and the one who plays better will start, and the other will either fight for his place, or sulk off”.

We need to stop thinking in terms of “3rd/4th” center backs, and sign a CB who is more than good enough to start, and let them all fight it out.

Santi Claws

Love the lad but I don’t think Jenkinson is ever going to be good enough to be our starting right-back. He’s industrious and has a wicked cross but he doesn’t have the skill-set that we need in our wing-backs. Bellerin is a better prospect in my opinion. It’s a shame because there’s nothing better than a dyed-in-the-wool fan making it but honestly, if Jenks wasn’t a diehard gunner he wouldn’t have the cult following he has and would probably be viewed in the same light as Senderos, Traore and all those other players who got a run in the first… Read more »

Lightening Pace

What if Arsene turns him into a centre back?

Scott P

I can’t figure out if this means we don’t want to disrupt his development or that we don’t really want him back. I’d like to think it’s more of the first, but maybe a little of each?


I hope not, but given that after Debuchy (too old to be a long term option), our choices are Chambers and Bellerin who are both around 19, I think the feeling at the club might be we’re sorted at RB long term. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jenko left this summer if a big enough bid came in. I would be sad though.


Just cock.


Didn’t think you could recall a player who is on a season long loan.

Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding

Agreed, I think the clue is in the words “season” and “long”.


Depends on the specific loan agreement. Somebody hasn’t played enough Football Manager, evidently.

Sorry, I have been waiting to use that one for a while. I’ll let myself out.


Hahahahaha good one.


Wenger not calling back Jenk in between the loan spell is probably totally down to his gentleman-policy! Wenger is an advocate of getting rid of the loan clause ‘don’t play against parent club’. Similar to that, calling a player back during a loan spell could definitely be an unsportsmanlike conduct for Wenger, although we are riling severely short of back up.


Get Song instead please. Never understood why you lot hate him so much.


I don’t hate him, and he had some good games for us, but there was a sense when we sold him that we could do better. Admittedly that hasn’t exactly panned out (not sure Flamini is really an improvement on Song), but taking him back would feel a bit of a regression – I’d much rather take some of the other DMs we’ve been linked to.


He was a defensive midfielder who was a defensive liability, and masked that with some nice chipped through balls to van Persie. His supposedly unexpected offensive contributions, which admittedly were decent at times, concealed a fairly plain inability to play dm. Vermaelen was similar in his first season. But I agree, I’d probably rather him than Flamini.


I thought he was good to OK, but that last season, when he thought he was a route 1 attacking midfielder and abandoned his defensive duties, he was a liability. I trust Flamini to do the job asked of him, more than I trust Song.


True. But did you see him play for West Ham Saturday? It seemed to me that he had experienced serious training in defensive mid- field duties whilst at Barcelona, so much so that he got Man of the Match. Maybe that goes to highlight the lack of focus at the Arsenal in the mid- field defense? Not that any focus is needed at the moment, it is glaring in its inadequacies.

And that is directly down to one man.


What I like about Song is his strong presence in midfield but if you look at the numbers, he’s not really better than what we already have.

We sold him because it was good money and we replaced him with Arteta and Flamini for nothing.

If we are to replace our ageing DMs, I reckon we’d go for a much younger one (if we don’t already have him in Chambers).

Neil #2

Wait…what? I thought Song wanted to leave when Barca came for him. My impression was that Song burned many bridge on his way out (correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Wenger accuse him of being unprofessional?).

Andy Mack

Correct. He caused real problems when he came back to ‘pre-season’, got told off and then went on strike to get his move to Barca. I guess he did it because he saw Fabregas do the same and got what they both wanted.


If you ever find Wenger actually criticizing one of his player (good luck with that), let me know. He usually doesn’t go into details and stays objective and professional when speaking about former players. Most of the story was made up by the media as usual. It was reported afterwards that Song didn’t want to leave but Arsenal didn’t want to extend his contract so when Barça came, he took the opportunity. To him, Wenger always was a father-like figure. There’s this interview in French in which he tells his story, I really couldn’t see him leave the club after… Read more »


I don’t hate him (I try hard not to hate people I’ve never actually met unless their name rhymes with J*hn T*rry, obviously) but I don’t think he’s a very good player. Never have done, never will do.

Our defensive problems will not be solved by a defensive midfielder who’s too busy looking to make the hollywood pass to actually defend.

the only sam is nelson

the corporal is going great guns at the boleyn. i really hope he carries on and comes back ready to break into the first team, whether as a regular fulback or more of a utility sub or whatever, it would be great to see a proper gooner back where he belongs after a productive loan and of course we can’t just pluck him back – if the idea is that we want players to develop by getting playing time, what message does it send to a receiving club if we just recall when it suits us, leaving them in the… Read more »



raron aamsey

I would have thought it’s more likely that West Ham won’t let us take him back, as they probably paid a fee?

Ian Ure's Tallywhacker

Bit gutted for Jenks, stuck out there with the fucking goons at West Ham. Its not often you get a kid that’s a lifelong fan playing for the club.

Don’t think he’s done much wrong since being at Arsenal so to be pushed out when we have people like Diaby taking up a squad place for 6 yrs is a tad odd.

You’d think he could cover at RB or CB and then allow Chambers to possibly fit in at DM..

Andy Mack

Who wanted Diaby on loan then?


I fully support the decision not to recall Jenko. From what I have seen so far, I can confidently say he still has a future with us. He should be allowed a whole season of first team football so the flaws in his game can fade off and then we get back the finished product to challenge Debuchy next season.

I only hope Wenger will sign a CB in January because we need one like oxygen.


yes i was thinking the same, at the moment he is in form and rising to his potential and getting experience and he will play almost every week, so why recall him back to play 2-3 games till koscielny is back and in January also debuchy is back and will be 3rd choice cover for RB, and he will play the second half of the season in reserves fixtures, from what i seen till now he will have a great season in westham and he will be much strong defensively with big sam guidance, and next season I think he… Read more »

Ian Ure's Tallywhacker

Also the whole Song thing – many a fan has told me he went because of a bad attitude rather than talent. If that is true then it’s unlikely Arsenal would ever take him back.


Yeah, he’s have to sort out the attitude thing first though if he keeps playing well for West Ham, all may be forgiven



Fuck him!

The Panther

I think the issue of whether there is a possible recall or not lies in the terms of the loan contract. May be in Jenkinson’s case the contract does not provide for a recall option. Just saying.


Or it may be that recalling him is a bit dickish.


we’ll be alright,of course,we gonna be shitting in our pants praying for both a win and injury free games but we’ll be alright,then come january,we get a solid defender,pow! part of the charm supporting arsenal!


We can’t recall him until January anyway. October’s a little early to be making that decision.


get song back? no bloody way! were supposed to be moving up as a club. hes good for west ham (if one game counts ) he isnt good enough for the arsenal that were supposedly trying to be.


Why did we recall Flamini,if song wants to come back,He should be given a chance.


To mow the grass at colney or clean some boots but not get anywhere near this football club again as a player


Getting Song back is not an option. He has a bad attitude out and out which is not good for club. But one cannot deny the fact that he was super good for us in the season before he left to Barcelona. His through balls to the ManU cunt were one distinct feature of Arsenal FC that season. I can understand people saying he has a bad attitude. But I cannot understand the ones who say he is shite.


It’s not that he’s shite it’s that he isn’t a DM. What we need is a DM. So signing yet another person who isn’t a DM is probably not a great use of funds. In his last year with us he got 14 assists. He was a good creator. Not a good DM. He’s never been a good DM.




Here’s a great idea…..let’s help lovely old West Ham, make sure Jenkinson has a nice run of games, so his future is secure, and we’ll struggle on trying to scrape to 4th place with inexperienced kids at the back and players out of position in both the Prem and Champions League.
The “professor” strikes again!
Arsenal FC…the charity that gives to others but bleeds and infuriates it’s own fans.


Does Jenkinson have a recall clause? Because if he does, Arsenal should use it. We need the player, and his priority is to play for Arsenal not West Ham. He can go on loan if we have a surplus of players.


Like to see Jenkinson back full time with us next season but rather he gets a good amount of playing time with WH so he’ll be ready for Arsenal next year. Right now like to see Bellerin at RB Chambers CB with the BFG and Monreal at LB in place of Gibbs for the Burnley game. Also really hoping AW puts in Poldi and Rosicky for the game. Like to see a 4-2-3-1 with Arteta/Rosicky – Podolski/Ramsey/Sanchez – Welbeck formation.


As far as I know, he can’t be recalled yet even if there is a clause. Because of registration window, just as we can’t loan a player now. I might be wrong


To be honest I’d be surprised if it’s even possible to recall him. Like I said after another article on here the other day though, I was surprised that none of the Media had asked Wenger about this before now (in terms of regrets if nothing else). Not because I thought it was a possibility or even because I’d be that interested in the response (what else could he say, publicly?). Just because it seems like the kind of thing that that pack of cunts would normally be all over.


Song didn’t hold properly, that was his problem. Fine man-marker but near useless as an anchor.


Burnley, Anderlecht and Swansea are not Dortmund so I’d trust Bellerin until Koscielny comes back.

Coquelin can do the job too if needed.

Rohith J

If Coquelin’s experience with Frankfurt against Dortmund is anything of significance, he should be at least on the bench considering the lack of defensive cover.


There’s that old ruthlessness le prof is known for.

As for song, he was terrific this weekend. But since he spurned us — he wanted out — there’s no way wenger would bring him back. That said, hes a tweener – an attack-minded defensive midfielder. At west ham, he’s been a creator. We need a proper holding player or dm. These makeshift solutions and trying to force players into roles they’re not suited for are the cause of our midfield ills.


Song’s problem was that he decided he was better than being a simple holding midfielder. Once he got settled into the 1st team line up, he began leaving his duties behind. The ‘rampaging’ runs up field were good to start with, but the increasing instances of not tracking back (kinda important as a DM) started to neagtively effect the team. My guess will be once he starts to feel important to West Ham, the defensive side of his game will slip and the frustration will begin to build. It’s not what we need at The Arsenal, as well as the… Read more »

Man Manny

How reliable is this Pedro rumour? Really coming on strong. I am told he has put in a transfer request and that Arsenal is interested; what do you guys make of it? I don’t know if that would be a priority.
I don’t think he is a holding mid… I think he’s a winger or something.


We can’t actually recall him until the transfer window opens in January anyway. The FA rules on loan transfers state that: “Long Term Loan Transfers shall be for a full Playing Season; or from any date prior to 31st August to any date between 1st and 31st January; or from any date between 1st and 31st January (the January transfer window) to the end of the Playing Season. A Player on Long Term Loan may not be recalled, except for a goalkeeper or where the Player is to be transferred permanently by the Club (or club) holding his registered contract.… Read more »

ramsey's spirit

Id like to see 2 or 3 signings this jan, and let me come right out and admit, these names are derived from 4 or 5 seasons of football manager, its not perfect but there u go. the players: Lars Bender and Luis Gustavo. On the face of it these are both Def mids, but Gustavo is also a decent centreback and fullback, so we get covere in alot of positions and the more creative players in the middle of the pitch like ramsey wilshere etc can be more confident in moving up the pitch, Im not Arsene Wenger, i… Read more »

Andy Mack

Gustavo went to Wolfsburg instead of coming to us.
He won’t be given the chance to snub us again.


Arsenal isn’t the only team involved. Getting jenkinson on a season long loan ment west ham had to pass on the other options that they had available to them. We recall jenks and where does that leave westham?

Save 75 cents

Don’t know why people say we need a DM. Use a DM if Giroud is up top and we are playing possession ball. We need to be playing to our current personnel strengths which is direct play and counter attacking.

Song is not the answer.

Would rather Jenks stay on loan at West Ham and really be able to focus on refining his defending. He will see plenty of pressure at West Ham and will get MUCH more game time which is what we need for him currently.


A DM is useful even if you are playing counter-attacking. For example, look at Matic at Chelsea last season. They weren’t the most adventurous side, but they still looked a lot more stable at the back after he came in. Atletico have built their team around counter attacks and they threw one of their most creative players (Koke) so that they could have two more defensive midfielders in the centre. Song is definitely not the answer, I agree with you there. I’d like to see Khedira come in. He’s not a traditional DM, which everyone knows, but he still works… Read more »


If we can’t call him back before January, and that then coincides with Debuchy getting fit again and Jenkinson sitting on the bench for the rest of the season, then its the right decision to leave him there. Thats doesn’t change the fact it was a bad decision to send him away on a season long loan. There was no 100% guarantee that Debuchy would settle in, and we didn’t have any other adequate cover.


Hope he is coming back to put on an Arsenal shirt in the future. Decent lad


1) Jenkinson: not good enough. Industrious and commited but lacking technical ability and whips crosses in blind. Somewhat panicky in defense Much prefer Bellerin even if slightly inexperienced. Also Chambers covers RW + Debuchy Why do we need another RB? If he comes back, it does nothing to solve our CBack issue Likely RB and LB positions will be covered by Flamini and Coquelin respectively. Not ideal but better than overloading in a position that doesn’t need it. Jenkinson is not calm enough to play at Cback so he is not going to help Song- the thing about bringing a… Read more »

Andy Mack

I usually agree with you but not on the Jenks issue. Much better than most think and although he is a bit panicky, that’s because he doesn’t have that much experience and that’s why he’s out on loan.


I think song is and was a good player,I understand the disdain for the player due to how he exited the club. However, Alex song provided us with bout 85% passing accuracy and a robust midfield presence. Although he was positionally naive sometimes i don’t think that instantly makes him shit. I for one think song would do a better job than arteta or flamini can manage in that position for Arsenal.


Jenko must stay at West Ham he has opportunity to play every week and he can learn much from Big Sam so it’s going to be vital year for him and hope to see him next season in our starting XI

Merlin's Panini

“The boss has already promised that he will look to sign defensive cover in January, but until then it looks as though we’re going to ‘literally’ limp through the rest of the year with our current options.”

Always nice to see the word “literally” used correctly.
Don’t you think, Jamie Redknapp?


I believe we loaned out Jenko with full expectation we wouldn’t need to drop into reserves for defensive cover, had we known we’d need the support i think they’d have kept him. Recall must not be an option at this point. I mean you can’t tell me Bellerin is a much better product right now than him

Naija Fan

Jenko should be allowed to stay at West Ham.He need to play every week and learn from Big Sam. Of what use will he be after january? No panick measures that defeats long term gains please. Let use the promoted young lads and let the senior players double up defensively till we get back our squad. Coq,Bellerin, Hayden and others should be given game time. This is the time when Wenger should show his tactical ability and man management skill to achieve our goals.

American Gunner

Hope Jenko could come in n have Flamini out of the team. #@Flamini suck!#@

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