Thursday, December 19, 2024

Arsenal 3-0 Burnley – player ratings

A 3-0 win over Burnley saw us take three points, keep another clean sheet, and most Arsenal fans rub one out (footballistically speaking of course) to the phenomenal Alexis Sanchez.

Here’s how the players rated, feel free to add your own ratings and comments below.

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We could have had Fabregas instead of Flamini or Arteta.


… Which would probably have meant no Alexis.
I prefer me some Chilean.


Dear Larry ( November 1, 2014 at 7:32 pm )
Today is not the day for your kind of glum and regret
Hail Alexis
Hail Calum
Hail our players
Tomorrow is another day


Well, I wanted Fabregas too, but jesus man, fuck off already. What’s done is done.

Santi Claws

Yeah, right, and then the defense’d be leaking worse than a Chinese menstrual pad. Jesus wept..


Well, it’s worse without any protection either (Flamini, Arteta)

La Défense

Whatcha smokin’ there Larry?

It sure isn’t the good stuff…

The Ghost of Paul Robinson

In the immortal words of Hank from Club Dread, “There’s always one fuck head who has to shit in the apple pie.”


My gran used to say if wishes were horses beggars would ride. Cesc was (rightly so IMO) an Arsenal hero but then he decided his Barca DNA meant he had to leave. Should we have taken him this year? Well gran also used to say “never boil your cabbage twice” So on balance clean sheet, 3 points, I’m as happy as a butcher’s dog 🙂


I’ve no idea what that means, but yes!


On the subject of Fab, Larry, he wanted to go to Chelsea. Wenger has said as much — “he ended up where he wanted” and, more recently, he said that the deal seemed done before Arsenal really had the chance to consider exercising their option. They would have taken on an unhappy Fabregas if they had done. So they’re you go. We couldn’t really have had Fabregas. End of.


I had no clue Flamini was a Spaniard, you learn something new everyday!

Jokes aside thought the introduction of Ramsey made us more fluid


I was surprised we kept Flamini on instead of Arteta, but seeing how recently Arteta came back from injury, and given our horrific injury rate, it was for the best.

Gooner Smurf

Get over him already. Jesus


This rating system needs to go to 11! Or Chilean just got an Alexis out of 10….. Again


Damn..The reliability of this massive left foot scares the shit out of me…Can’t remember the last time he missed the target with this Hammerfuß..

Gooner from Pretoria.

CaLahm Chambers sounds good…Future Mr Arsenal…

skinny ricky

At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious: Sanchez’s combination of raw desire and pure talent is a rare and beautiful thing. Once (if) we get Debuchy, Kos, HFB etc back, Theo hits his stride and Ozil plays as we know he can, we are going to be some team.


theo came on and looked really sharp and very keen to be involved. what an amazing boost for the squad at a perfect time in the season. giroud back in training, kos due back. could be a good winter for a change.

alexis sanchez. The £50m player we got for £32. what. a. beast.

Tom thumb

Where does sanchez get his energy,I reckon he goes at half time and does push ups during the team talk then jogs home after the game


When he goes to sleep he probably has a treadmill where he does sleeprunning through the night


Blogs – you scammed Alexis a point again, just like last week. He deserves 10 – it’s hard carrying a team, you know.


Podolski more threat in ten mins than wellbeck in 80. If only lukus you would run around and close defenders down as well like danny. Just imagine they’ve run off with your camera smart phone dude:)..cos your left foot is awesome


You got it spot on though mate, Poldi rarely lasts a whole 90 and you have people saying afterwards he had a great game. But he does have a great impact when coming off the bench. I really don’t mind having him as a super sub though, which does seem like what Wenger is using him as atm. Our very own Solksjaer (the ONLY proper player amongst all of Fergie’s cunts), why the fuck not?


So odd to not start Rambo today. How can he get back to top form if he is getting twenty minutes now and then?
Could easily have played alongside Arteta and still have handled the minimum threat Burnley provide.

Sanogo in the squad ahead of Campbell, also very odd.

3pts, clean sheet, well done boys!


sanogo was probably ahead of campbell because there were already enough wingers on the bench but sanogo was the only sub who can play the role of big man up front


sanogo cannot play football in any position on the park. I remember the Leicester game………………….

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

I know everyone have been going on about our performances but the fluency is returning to our game. It was always going to take time with the new additions, the world cup summer, and all the injuries.

das pauly bear

Ur having a laught there was no need to down score flamini to a 5.

Im not a fan of sczc but a 6 for a keeper with a clean sheet is ruff to.
He can only save whats hit at him.

if there wasnt much to save then flamini did good work with arteta.

6.5 and 7.5

Santi Claws

Yeah but Szczes channeled his Fabianski and did an Almunia which doesn’t make him a Gomes but also doesn’t make him a Buffon.

6 sounds about right I reckon

Omo Eko!

I think Szczesny gets unfair criticism sometimes.
If Neuer was an Arsenal player and he does what he does at Bayern, people would be on here saying he’s channeling the spirit of Almunia or some shit.
The things he does very well for us are the things we take for granted.


How do you expect to show up at an Gunner-arena without facing the possibility of getting Gunned down by our most accurate and hard-hitting Gunner, Podolski?


Does anyone have vine of that Podolski shot?

Özil's left foot

ALEXIS>DI Maria. There I said it!

naija gunner

Podolski left foot…..jesus!


When Theo went to hug Alexis after the third goal my brain played the final part of My Heart Will Go On.
That duo can make even Celine Dion sound like Richard Wagner. Killer display by both of them, can’t wait to see more of that partnership.


I remember when sky used to have an ‘individual player cam’ feature on their channel which allowed you to watch the match entirely through one player. I thought it was a ridiculous and pointless idea, (apart from when Thierry Henry was playing against Jamie carragher) because why would you pay the money to watch one player when you could watch the entire match through a normal perspective. I still think it’s a terrible idea, but my word I would happily select that option if the camera was on Alexis Sanchez. He is everywhere and I don’t think there has been… Read more »

Flaminis' Therapist

Ha! Was having exactly the same thought during the match, then thought with technology being the way it is, surely we could have him in the corner/some split screen thing?

Enjoyable last 20 minutes… Podolski’s hammer is something else!

Tobi wan kenobi

Welcome to Alexinal FC. On another note, Carzorla’s missed chances this season are slowly amounting to a youtube-worthy fail compilation.


Another Zero points for Wenger I’m afraid. To keep two holding midfielders out there for so long at home was killing us. When the change came the goals flowed. Make your changes according to the game Wenger!!


In the end, it was him who made the changes..right?


Toasting Chile with a nice Chilean Merlot tonight (from Aldi)…

realserious gooner

Podolski hits the ball harder than any human being alive.

James Reihill

I have no problem with playing flamini and arteta at the minute. The defence needs protected and I think if we keep clean sheets we will win games. Plus it means if things aren’t going to plan we can move to a more attacking system/cause new problems. When confidence and our level of play improves maybe we can go more attacking in appropriate games. COYG.


It’s mind boggling for me that Wenger would use two defensive midfielders against a toothless Burnley team and only one away at Chelsea. Why not use this system when we play tough opposition especially on the road.


Erm because Arteta was injured against Chelsea. Come on, know your facts?


If we do keep playing Flam and Art, why not let Ramsey play in the attacking 3 instead of Cazorla? like he did at the beginning of last season with Ozil and Cazorla, but now it will be with Alexis and Ox, behind Welbeck, for me Ramsey is one of our most adaptable players, Cazorla, not so much. Plus Ramsey is more of an athlete/runner, like sanchez and Ox, not to mention Welbeck. If you’re scared of dropping the defensive mid duo Wenger then give Ramsey a game further up, right, centre, left, he’s done it before and can do… Read more »


If only we could play Burnley every week my hairline would be much healthier. Great win today lads!


Great to see Theo back on the pitch & looking so sharp. Pity Podolski didn’t get the goal he so richly deserved. Must say I enjoyed the last 10 minutes far more than the first 69.


tough to see Ozil cracking this lineup, other than out on the left for Cazorla maybe.

Great to see Theo back!

Sanchez through the middle it is then!



Petit's Handbag

What do you have to do to get a 10, is Alexis our best player since Thierry?


It seems that stat about not having Wilshere in the team and scoring more but not conceding is actually true…


Interesting, and it also confirms my suspicion that the team plays better as a whole when J.W is off pitch. He is IMO, the weakest link at the moment and his inclusion also shuffles Ozil off to the wings. If I had the choice I would choose Ramsey over JW, each time.

Bob A

Has Alexis got 2 other idendical brothers because one minute he was on the left in attack, 30 seconds later he was tackling and winning the ball in mid field , then a minute later he was tackling back in defense. He as proved to everybody what a good buy he is, and all the rubbish this week that he was not happy at Arsenal, he gave as much as I have seen in 90 mins by any player, well done young man.


Alexis Alexis….. and that “hell freeze over” left foot!


Podolskis SHOT is the fiercest i’ve seen so far. He is ridiculous, going around bending goalposts!


I agree with some of your Flamini statement, but the ‘make a wish foundation’ slur is a little unpalletable and unnessesary, you could have found a less offensive way of putting it

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

With Alexis, Welbeck, Theo and Ramsey (if regains the world-class form of last year), our attack will be devastating. Wenger, you just need to fix the midfield and know how to use Poldi and we will become a serious title contender. Chelsea will lose points. Let’s remember their performance the first time the cocky one got fired. Even worse when Scolari or AVB got fired. The front runners are a team that can go downward for weeks.


Thanks alexis!

Better performance from everyone else today. Took awhile to see them off, but im much happier than last week.

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash

Everyone is moaning about Arteta and Flam yet we won 3-0 and kept a clean sheet with two DMs in a 4-2-3-1 / 4-4-2. Everyone said “the formation is not working” when we played only one of the two in a 4-1-3-2: “Arteta’s legs have gone”; “Flamini looks like a guy we picked up on a free out of circumstance,” etc. Seriously I find it pathetic! Because these “easy teams” are exactly the teams that can nick that first shot on target Vs. Arsenal. Wenger is right when he said we have become an emotional society. That first


I don’t think our Dm pairing today was a good choice. It was overkill against Burnley. That said, there is reason to arrest our nervousness at the back by providing more solid cover in midfield so I can see Wenger’s point in using them in concert. But it blunts us going forward. The tipping point for me was the intro of Ramsey which added emphasis toward the attack and brought a bit of uncertainty to the Burnley backline creating space for Alexis to plunder. I don’t think Flamini or Arteta are as bad as many rate them. I remember some… Read more »


Everybody is complaining about the conservative midfield selection but imo it allowed the full backs to push higher up the pitch and provide those assists when there’s more cover in the base of midfield.

Tazmanian Jesus

Sanchez…has anyone ever run more in 90 mins? And at the same time…be prolific in front of goal, and technically brilliant!

Podolski…had anyone ever shot harder than that one that almost sent the post flying into the parking lot? Damn!

Heaton…should be in goal for England…if he’s english. That is one damn fine goalkeeper!
Glad i have him on fantasy PL. (But obviously picked my second choice, Fabianski as the starter for this round).

Walcott…awesome to have you back!!

Flamini…does not deserve all the crap he gets.


Arteta and Flamini provide good cover to our defence but against Burnley we should’ve played a more attacking midfielder instead of Flamini, like Rosicky, who hasn’t had many minutes.

tanned arse

The affectiveness of flamini seems to be over looked in my opinion over the last two games. He’s a combative midfielder not a holding man and has been allowed to play his natural game where he covers ground all over the pitch. He presses and tackles in the right areas. He sprints to get back into the box to fill the gaps (almost scored an own goal today but no other midfielder would’ve got back to stop the free shot in front of goal). Makes himself available for the pass then moves it on quickly hardly ever using more than… Read more »


there’s news that burnley keeper had his hands swollen after saving poldi shot….. And that woodwork hit by poldi had a dent. And only thor’s hammer can fix that dent.. This is what i choose to believe.


If we didn’t see Rosicky get a start in a match like this I don’t think we will the rest of the season. I honestly don’t see why Wenger is sticking with Flamini match after match now that Arteta is back. I’ve got nothing against Flamini, I like him, but would love to see Tomas be given a chance at some point as this was the perfect opponent for him to play against. In terms of those that did play Sanchez is unbelievable, can do so many different things well, but more than that is that incredible motor he plays… Read more »

Aussie Gooner

I am surprised no one is mentioning the OX! He was great today he was hungry, skill full and sharp. It really struck me that he is learning from Alexis how to apply himself in games. Very exciting times to be gooner!

arsenal fan

Podolski is serious impact sub. Just ask the post.
also, wait till Giroud is back. He has an immense work rate too. Him and alexis chasing down opposition defenders is going to cause havoc!


Absolutely Aussie gooner. The Ox has real dynamism- pace and power. When he hits a purple patch it will be a sight to behold.

In fact, when we have Ox, Theo, Alexis and Ozil actually playing well together I honestly don’t think there will be a better forward line in the league. Not to mention Welbz, Giroud etc.



So nobody has mentioned that Nacho (while not up against it from the bLack cats and BURNley) has two clean sheets. He looked so much more comfortable today, even though sordell looked dangerous in the opening exchanges. While I like chambers in the middle as a better player- (he is better in both positions than monreal) he rocked it going forward today.

The opening goal- Sanchez ran 10 yards while the ball was in the air and destroyed those cb that we 6 inches taller. The only person in the squad with that type of thirst every game is rosicky.

Truth hurts

Woke up this morning barely able to scrape half of my body up to roll over and grab the TV remote( Match started 8am Los Angeles time), Watched my age mate run around tirelessly for 90 min and scoring 2 goals. It dawned on me why I am so broke.


Great win. Good three points. But felt Per was a bit nervous and poor with his clearances.

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