Monday, September 16, 2024

Disappointed Welbeck pledges goals in the future

Danny Welbeck has admitted he’s unhappy with his goal return for Arsenal this season, but says that in the future he’ll score an ‘abundance’ for the Gunners.

The England international says there’s been a transitional element to this season for him, with the move from Manchester to London, and he’s found himself out of the team due to the form of Olivier Giroud, however he’s sure that the goals will come when he’s more settled.

“I’ve been a bit unhappy with goals at club level,” he said, “but it is something that I know will come in abundance in the future.

“I’m pretty sure of that so hopefully the goals will come. I’ve had quite a few good performances where I haven’t scored a goal and if I had, things would be different. I’m happy about the move to Arsenal, and I think things will go well for me in the future.

“When I’m not renting anymore and I eventually buy a place it will be more like home,” he continued.

“I’m getting used to London now and it is very different to Manchester. I’ve grown up in Manchester so I more or less know everyone around the city and in London it is just you and your friends in a small part. Manchester is so much smaller but London is a nice city.”

The former Man Utd man will also have a chance to play in the FA Cup final for the first time as Arsene Wenger’s team look to finish the season with a trophy for the second year running.

“You want to win trophies so I’m thrilled to have reached my first FA Cup final and I’m looking forward to it. But we have got some very important games from now until the end of the season to focus on before that.”

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Finsbury Park Gooner

Seems like such a lovely bloke. I think we’d all like to see him improve and do well next season.


Indeed, there was no reason to treat him like they did at United last summer. A good honest homegrown pro kicked out for not being as good as Falcao, RvP and Shrek… Yeah cause that has turned out so well for them.

David C

I think he needs to work on his shooting power and perhaps be a little quicker reacting to the ball in the box. I like Welbeck because he puts in a good shift any time he plays.

ManURE’s loss IMO.


This isn’t going to be a very popular comment, but a lot of the things Arsenal fans are saying about Welbeck now are what United fans were saying about him for the last few seasons and what we mocked them for. Saying that, I still think he can reach his potential at Arsenal. He just needs to be a bit braver/more selfish when on the ball. Suarez isn’t the most clinical striker in the world but he’s never shy of shooting and trying outrageous efforts or dribbles. Welbeck needs the same attitude. A little more adventure will go a long… Read more »


Come short did you not watch the semi final all he wanted to do was run in behind. If he has more variety in his play he could become a great player.

Az Ahmed

Just hope he can be more clinical in front of goal. Missed a great chance against Chelsea

bims lay

i agree. Although he does seem a bit wasteful of scoring chances right now, He however naturally have all the pre-requisites of a top top striker…….power, pace, talent and high work ethics…..these you can not coach, and for these, i am prepared to back him to eventually come good for us. he is also still young for a striker so i.m.o by no means the finished product yet…….This is his first season with us and Arsene is reknowned for being one of the best coaches around for nurturing talents through. if he believes in him, then thats good enough for… Read more »


when he starts banging them in regularly we will be some team. i just hope it is very soon.


Great attitude and talent, just needs to get his feet speed and anticipation quicker.

Could really take off though has a better chance to do so as main striker.

Rozza the samourai

Welbeck got so much of game time at Arsenal. He is definitely not a natural goalscorer.


I believe so too. It did worry me how we struggled with him up top in the Semi Final though. The team has adjusted to Giroud and his excellent aerial ability, hold up play and link play, so Wenger will need to work with Welbeck as a CF on the training ground more if he is to succeed. If that happens, and with a full pre-season, he could really kick on next season.


i have often noticed that whenever a high ball comes from deep, Welbeck despite blessed with so much pace and power is almost never there to take it down. You know the opposition centre back is calmly heading the ball down to one of his team mates, and welbeck is a few yards away, just jumping in air. i am probably wrong, but It almost seems as if his judgement of the ball is faulty.


Would love to see him do well, and contrary to popular belief I DO believe he will do well for us. He’s got pace, he’s agile with a bit of strength, gets in good positions and times his runs well. The only thing lacking is composure and we’ve seen how players develop this at a later stage in their careers.

Anonymous Physicist

I also really hope he improves, but I’m afraid he’ll have to do so rather quickly. We are currently so much better with Giroud than with Welbeck that it’s a bit scary. If Welbeck doesn’t do more when given the chance to play at centre forward next season we’ll probably have to buy a new striker, as we cannot keep relying just on Giroud.


Yes agreed, it seems to me technically he just needs to get better at lacing it on the run, always scuffs or side foots it when pulling it out of his feet quickly. Seen it happen so many times, a weird balance thing, Henry could teach him, if he didn’t think we need a new striker that is…

just telling it like it is

Well Henry is right we do need another striker since Giroud will not lead us to the title. That isnt to say Giroud doesnt have a role but we need a more prolific centre forward that also turns up in big games.

Mark Hughes

Strange then that our form improved once Giroud was back. Imagine if he had been an amazing striker, those wins could have turned into wins….


Top sarcasm there MH. I like it!

Henry turning into a whiney pundit with nothing good to say is pissing me off. If that’s what he aims to become then fuck him!


The reason we’re 10 points behind Chelsea is not that we have Giroud and they have Costa – I actually prefer him over that dirty cunt – but that we lacked the defensive stability and balance in the first half of the season. If this team on their current form had played then, we would’ve been right behind Chelsea by now in terms of points. So I think we can win the league with Giroud as our main striker, and Henry was talking Bollocks sadly.


After we lost to Man U we were 15 points behind Chelsea. Giroud was missing a lot, and no Coquelin or Ospina.

So we have beaten them since then, having picked up 5 points on them.

If we keep it up over a season (and not just over the calendar year, like 2013, when we were best) we have a great chance.


OOHHH that hurt me but mainly because theres some truth in there. Titi I still love you !

Dan Man

Read the blog this morning…

How so when Giroud’s stats and conversion rate are as good as any strikers’ in the league? Even setting the statistics aside he has been one of our consistent performers this season and is a serious contender for Arsenal’s player of the year.


On the contrary Bayern won 4 trophies in 1 season with Mario fucking Mandzukic leading the line. That same team dismantled a great Barca side to shreds. I think Giroud really isn’t as bad as some people make him out to be.




Oh Danny boy, the bench, the bench is call-a-ling … mind you, said that about Monunreeal ,,, huge improver. even tackles rugby style when needed.


So sensitive in Wellyland … we need world-class striker … and another Coq dm just in case … then we win the league

Noble by Bendtner

The feels that picture still gives me…

Fergie the Gooner

Great photo, I love the Ozil Cazorla high five in the background too!

Jamaican Gooner

Its okay DAT Guy just keep working.. I see big things in our future if we just stay fit and rotate well with the quality we have we still are a bit short on the defensive side….


he sounds like he has a good attitude.Offers more to the team than Podolski


Welbz is wicked on fifa so im sure he’ll be better nx season,


I do think that Welbeck at the moment is more suited to the right hand role than up top. Hopefully the time he does spend up top (when resting Giroud etc) will sharpen up his goal instinct for the chances that fall his way when playing on the right. I certainly dont think he is someone who needs several chances before he will score but his goal threat can definitely be improved, and i think he will work hard to do so. on another note, i wanted to ask if anybody feels that Wenger will not be overly concerned about… Read more »

Anonymous Physicist

I was actually expecting us to sell Martinez the coming summer because he’s too good to be a number 3, but if he’s really getting those kinds of loan offers I guess we should try to loan him out for another full season. If Szczesny leaves and we continue with Ospina, Martinez and some young keeper as third choice I’ll be a bit disappointed though. They’re both very capable, but not at the level of someone like de Gea, or Cech a couple of years ago, or even Lehman, and I feel like of the three Szczesny has the best… Read more »

Dan Man

De Gea was a bit shit a few years ago. No reason Martinez can’t overtake him.

Dave Gooner

Danny’s goal at Old Trafford on that magical Monday night was a highlight of the season.

Always happy to see his name on the team sheet.

AN other

He is a good player. One, I would like to score goals more often. He seems to be in right positions but he is either a touch too slow or too fast. He needs to get his timing right and get killer instinct. He could and should have scored the goal on Sunday. He just needs to take these opportunities to make himself an indispensable part of the team.

Captain Obvious

It is good when strikers score lots of goals, because often it means that you win.

Cliff Bastin

My moment of the season is van ‘genius philosophy’ gaal’s face when welbeck scored the winner in the fa cup game.

Then he goes on to say it was the right decision to sell him.

Whatever you say bro.

Dan Man

What can you expect from someone that looks like he was hit with an iron?


He has huge potential because of his physicality and good technique. One of the problems is that the team is used to playing with giroud, him holding up the ball and making play to others. Welbeck is more of an all round striker, similar to RVP and could use his speed more if the team could find him with through balls. He will surely get his chances next season and hopefully he can take his game to the next level.

Howard's Webb

Great team player, great attitude. I have confidence he will improve.

Would be nice to see him score more but for me he scored one of the most important goals in the FA cup against those wank bubbles he used to play for! Here’s hoping for more of those!


Exactly this, that goal has made me view Welbecks season as a 15+goals one at least. I like him though, Sanchez gets all the praise for his work rate rubbing off on his team mates but you can bet that Welbecks definitely doesn’t go unnoticed, I’d have him starting wide right in our strongest 11 at the moment (not including Ox as he’s injured)


I’ve got a lot of time for Danny and I’m genuinely glad we bought him. He’s a grafter and seems to have everything in his locker except that killer instinct. I’m sure that’ll develop soon enough and then fingers crossed we’ll have that additional 15 goals a season player that Wenger alluded to a few weeks ago. He also strikes me as being very loyal which of course always goes down well at The Emirates. I hope we’ll have the pleasure of his services for years to come and be graced with the complete forward Arsene envisioned when he bought… Read more »


I just can’t see him as a 30 goal a season man. By the time a player is his age it’s either there or it’s not with the odd exception. He’s got every quality for a top striker apart from the most important one. I’d love to be wrong though.


“I’m pretty sure of that so hopefully the goals will come.”

He can’t even sound confident. He’s a hard worker, but the fact is he’s never going to cut it. We all know he’s Podolski level – if not worse, so why are we wasting our time? The miss on Sunday said it all, any top striker would have buried that if they’d focused on the ball rather than whether Ozil was going to bury it or not. It’s called anticipation, and Welbeck has none.

Özil Gummidge

If his finishing was as good as Podolski’s he’d have scored around 30 goals. Welbeck’s conversion rate this season is about 10%. Podolski scores about 35% of his chances. He is an elite finisher though. You can’t compare the two really. Be nice to combine them though

Bendtner's Ego

“Be nice to combine them though.”


Özil Gummidge

He can hardly help improve his conversion rate. He is still going for a goalscorer. He is getting the chances, he has some great attributes, his all round play for us when out wide has been good. Next season if he stays fit I can see him scoring 20 goals from out wide.

Özil Gummidge

*young for a goalscorer.


I think next season will be very crucial for him. If he has a good pre season and works hard on his finishing I can imagine him scoring a lot more next season.

Add to that wenger’s record with strikers like anelka, adebeyor, a certain juventus winger,the guy who had a little boy screaming for utd in him, and even Giroud to a certain extent. So the writing is on the wall upto Danny now.


Surely two weeks wages would get him a top top quality home in the city? What you waiting for lad?


He has the money to spend, but he is looking for the right quality house. It must be top, top, top quality.


I see what you did there.


Out of Theo and Danny, I’d rather see the latter come on.

Dan Man

With Bellerin bossing Hazard the Diver out of the game on could at least think about bringing on Theo these days, but I also prefer Welbz.

Wenger admirer

“When I’m not renting anymore and I eventually buy a place it will be more like home,”

I seriously thought he was talking about his place in the team!

Giovani Rampeloti

i don’t think he can get a place in the start XI Ox is better on the wing

Save 75 cents

The only thing missing from Welbeck is finishing. He gets into dangerous places, with the ball, more than any other player in our team. He improves his finishing by just 25% and look out.


They Offloaded this good guy and pay a Kings ransom per week (close to a million quid) for the great Roonstuber, Robby van Persie lips and some little dark haired chap who runs around a lot.

Mr Gooner

The reason I like Welbeck so much is his technical ability and hard work. At times he’ll glide or just roast a player with his speed, a bit like the Ox. For me he just needs to improve his end product/composure. I prefer Welbeck to Walcott for his ability to actually dribble but we all know an on form Walcott has superior end product at the moment.

But, from what I’ve seen, this current Arsenal team aren’t too willing to playing ‘through balls’ as such.

Imua Gunners

It’s so frustrating for me to watch when one of our playmakers has the ball with several players in front of him and no movement. Often times I see Ozil buying time and space as much as he can, only for the forwards to be staring back at him waiting for him to… not sure, deliver the perfect ball which will beat their man and put them clean through on goal? Not even he can hold up play forever, and the criticisms rain down when it leads to a turnover. What happened to making cuts and runs? When Alexis made… Read more »


No why does he know everyone in Manchester.


Do you live in Manchester and he wouldn’t talk to you?


Welbeck has a good future ahead.

He is still only 23/24yrs. Plenty of pace and technically surprisingly good.

Considering Walcott and Ramsey came good around that age, Wenger will likely be keeping a close eye on his development next season.

We will likely not be in the market for a striker.


i imagine wenger will work over the summer to incorporate welbz and akpoms style of play up front with the rest of the team. it’s clear the team knows how to play to giroud’s strengths but welbz and akpom are a different type of striker. this would make for some great competition up front and different options to break teams down.


Abundance. I like that word Danny.


Welbeck can get behind any defense for fun. I just hope he works really hard on his scoring and fights to stay in the playing eleven.


Watching Welbeck this season, I think he needs to take more risk, Be more forceful around the penalty box. More risks hopefully translates to more reward.

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