Sunday, September 8, 2024

Wenger hopeful on transfers before deadline

Arsene Wenger says he’s hoping to bring in more players before the transfer window closes but says he’s unsure if there will be any further arrivals before Tuesday at 6pm.

So far this season the only purchase has been the £10m capture of Petr Cech from Chelsea, and with Arsenal struggling to in front of goal there’s increased pressure on Arsene Wenger to dip into the transfer market.

The manager said he’s willing to do that, not ruling out a purchase in other positions either, but remained as un-forthcoming as ever when it comes to what might happen.

“We are open and we are in the transfer market,” he said. “If we find an exceptional player in any sector, we will do it. At the moment I don’t know if something will happen or not.

“We’re working on it, I’m not any more or less optimistic than I was last week. You always want more goalscorers, but it’s unpredictable.”

So, we’ll see. Not long to wait now one way or the other.

Also, what do we make of this? Inside info or just using his position to wind people up?

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We are desperate for a striker, as was evident today.

Running Coqmentary

Let’s take Kane from the spuds.


Fuck him.

A friend of mine suggests we should buy Sturridge… fuck him too!


Harry Kane was actually an arsenal player long ago. He is still our property. Just covered in shit that’s all.

Running Coqmentary

Sarcasm guys, sarcasm.


Did anyone see Sako of Crystal palace today? He isn’t world class but he play excellently well. He makes good runs, has speed,can dribble, can hold the ball up and stuff. I think Wenger needs to be objective,if there is a lack of world class strikers, then find someone that has all the qualities we need and develop such one.


Well if you want all such qualities, get Afobe back from the Wolves.


Sako played for years at Wolves, and oh.. he’s 27 years old.


well done to newcastle . they made us look as poor as we are . 2 wins thanks to 2 own goals . its come to somrthing when we have to depend on the other side scoring our goals for us .


I still don’t understand why it is called an own goal. The defender didn’t shoot the ball at his goalie. It was deflected, and barely deflected. A goal that is deflected into the net by a defender should still count as a goal for the offensive player who took the shot.


It is an own goal because if Coloccini hadn’t touched it, the ball would have been wide of the net.

gooner 44

In 4 games so far, we apparently have averaged 20 + chances per match.
Do we need a striker??
Answers on a postcard please! ! !


Looking forward to a surprise of Wenger not buying anybody


He once said: “We´ll do things that will excite you”


Well, he never said excited in a good way.

Giroud's mistress

Oooh I don’t know – I feel a tingle in my pants when Giroud is in the team!


I really can’t see Arsene selling Ozil before the window ends. Ozil (or his team) were on Twitter after the Newcastle game celebrating the win.


This. I’ll be shocked if Ozil goes. No noise of wanting out and very much settled into his role. Give him a natural finisher and he’ll show the world what apparently only Arsenal fans can see.

Too bad there’s very little chance of that happening.

Austin Gooner

Özil’s too important now to the way we play, as seemed clear today. Why would Wenger build the team around him and then sell?


Without him in the lineup today, it almost makes you appreciate what he does even more than when he does play. To me they lacked a certain fluidity.

Bould's Eyeliner

Grats on being featured today on NBC Nashville – and back on topic, I certainly agree. Having Arteta come on, albeit late in the game, to dictate passes and distribution was a real boon in the absence of Ozil.

Also name one time Wenger sold a player before any of the fans wanted him to… Ozil’s our man, for sure.


Do you mean recently? I’m sure Henry, Vieira, Fabregas, Pires etc make that list. He pretty much sold off the Invincibles within 2 years of them going the season unbeaten, which was then followed by selling our best players to fund the stadium move for the best part of the next decade.

I’m certain Ozil will stay, but saying that Wenger doesn’t sell players the fans want to keep, is sadly and painfully untrue.

Bould's Eyeliner

yah i meant recently


What ????

Are you joking . There have been lots of times he’s sold when I wasn’t happy for him to .


If we sell Ozil I’ll be really really really really really disappointed. He’s one of our guaranteed starters. And, I’m happy we’re in the days of not losing our best players and simply adding onto the quality we’ve got bc we have a bigger budget than a couple years before. Time will tell. Cmon Blogs don’t get me worried like that!

Maybe Wenger will use the funds to purchase an Arsenal time machine, and we’ll bring a young Henry back to start up front.


It’s obvious: Ozil has gone to Madrid to convince Benzema to join us


Well it’s a hell of a lot more convincing than us selling him. I just can’t imagine that.

Dope Smoking Pope

Not too many excellent choices left after diddling around for so damn long .


Yeah, we should have spunked 20 odd million on that Korean bloke who went to Tottenham. Or perhaps bought Soldado. Or Adebayor. Or Falcao. Or Benteke. Or Balotelli. Cos any f them would have been fantastic additions.
This buying players lark s a piece f puss. Do t know what all he fuss is about.

Roll on the end of school holidays so the infantile can go go back to being looked after by specialist carers.

Dope Smoking Pope

You’re obviously retarded be a nice boy and go take your meds,you can’t even put together a complete sentence.


That escalated quickly!


He does have a point…
Who would you’ve had? Pedro? To block the Ox and piss off Theo?

Tea Hairy

It’s called competition for places, and we require it as our squad has clearly started the season complacently. Plus we often get injuries.


But you know that we have a full squad. So who would you drop?

Tea Hairy

So far this season pretty much anyone other than Özil, Monreal, Coq, Bellerin and erm, I’m struggling here. Giroud and Walcott are proving they are worth dropping should we find a more consistent alternative. We’re lacking a true winger who plays wide and crosses well. I still think true competition for Coquelin could be wise. And so far Gabriel has probably been our best CB, but given we have 4 CBs I’m really not too worried. Although I’d consider loaning out Chambers who really needs to be playing often, should we go in for a DM like Wanyama who can… Read more »


No, my typing is poor. I do have the merit of understanding how punctuation works though. You may move onto that this term.

Tea Hairy

If these are the best candidates you can think of you blatantly know very little about football, both in this country and across the globe.
Your condescending comment is infantile, as is your ability to type.


Can’t see Wenger selling Ozil. He is creating plenty, its just the crap upfront that isn’t converting those chances.


Santi seems to be creating more quality assist than Ozil and Giroud was saving our bacon last season so what exactly are you calling crap!


Ozil is going no where.

Ex-Priest Tobin

We aren’t signing anyone. It’s pretty obvious.

Stringer Bell

We have 200 million in the bank for transfers. Look at the momentum of city and they have another 50 million player arriving tomorrow. Spend some money wenger, seemingly 80 million might get pogba. Play him alongside coq and let santi battle it out with ozil. That would improve squad would it not??


No we don’t have 200 million to spend on new players. Having 200 million in the bank is not the same as being able to spend it all. Real life is not like FIFA. It’s like saying you have all your monthly wages to spend on cool stuff, when in reality you have to pay rent/mortgage, council tax, road tax etc……

Stringer Bell

Er, let me put it simple for you so you may understand. We do have the money the spend and if you bought pogba 100 million and gave him wages of 100 million you still have 200 million todo end. You clearly were to good at maths hey.


I was much better at maths than you appear to be at English……

Stringer Bell

One more thing try reading what was posted before making yourself look like a complete john terry


The votes have spoken. Back under the bridge with you.

Stringer Bell

Is your full name Burak Owen by any chance. Try reading the post Bur, may I call you Bur!! You will see I said 200 million for transfers. I didn’t say we could buy a player for 200 million.


The fact stands, we don’t have £200m for transfers. So you’re still wrong, no matter how much you dilute your backtrack bullshit.

And it’s Mr. Burak to you.

Stringer Bell

Er me thinks wages and cost are part of transfer silly bollocks.


Arsenal is a multimillion pound company and brand, it has a 60,000 seater stadium and 5,000 employees. It plays an active part in the Islington community with numerous charities. It is a company, first and foremost, that operates within the sports industry. It has a state of the art training facility with an on site team of medical professionals to keep their squad personnel in tip top shape, the club has access to a private jet and of course, a team coach. The Emirates stadium has a fine dining restaurant with a highly rated chef running the kitchen on match… Read more »


Dude you are outrageous. Just stop posting please. You sound absolutely ridiculous. You`re embarrassing yourself.


Or perhaps try reading what you’re about to post in future in future to save yourself all this ridicule. Also, try not believing all that you read in the Mail and the Sun.


I see someone trying to topple “Fat Gunner’s” reputation here.


5,000 employees apparently from a poster trying to sound ‘in the know’.

Accounts show the payroll around 500. Try t keep the lectures facts based.

Tazmanian Jesus

Are you sure real life is not like fifa?
I’d like to think that the fact that Wenger picks me over Özil, and i constantly get a rating over 9 in most maches, to be real life.
Amd i just fooling myself?


Maybe pele fancies coming out of retirement aswell


Please see above. School holidays end soon. Children go back to school and the grown ups breathe a sigh of relief.
Of course for the adult people who are just thick there is no such provision. We’ll have to just go back to ridiculing them.


We do not have 200 million to spunk on transfers.

I doubt we really have half .

Pogba is a beast but come on , wenger Won’t plunder 70 mill on him . No chance


Hopefully we’ll make a needed signing or 2 but not holding my breath.Ozil going no where, rumours of him going are rubbish


Not sure if serious about last point or being sarcastic?


100% not going to happen but just wonder what people would think if Ozil was used in a swap for Lewendowski?


Yeah it would be a great idea to sign Lewandowski and use Ozil as make weight. About as great as that post from Jake.

Let’s sign a striker but get rid of his provider. Sigh seriously?

Who is Besiktas striker anyway?

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

I don’t want to live in a world where Jake from Sportsround is ITK


If he was ITK about football, would be quite nice…


Yeah, he’s acting like a bit of a prat and some of his comments today were Adrian Chiles-esque in twatitude. BT are trying to out-Sky Sky with faux-mateyness, ‘tellin it like it is’ banter etc. When it’s really a lot of Michael Owen and Robbie Savage talking inane bollocks. Even Wrighty is a bit too channel 5 these days.

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

“Fletch and Sav” **boilk**


Ian Wright is just some bloke from Sarf London who was a very good footballer we happened to pay for a few years. He is making money out of this fact after the event just like Terry Henry. Neither of them could give a flying fuck. Both of them pretend they’re life long fans whose very happiness depends upon results. Utter bullshit. They’re part of the same hypocrisy which makes out that Newcastle are a big club and Tottenham will ever win the league without some freak event robbing every other football team in the premiersh of every young man… Read more »

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

Ian Wright and Thierry Henry were just some blokes we paid for a few years? Ian Wright isn’t a genuine supporter of the club and feigns it all for the camera? Must be fun being that cynical…


Yeah, thats unfair on Wrighty. He’s simply a bit fick.

chippy's chip

And he is a feckin legend. Shut up rider.

chippy's chip

Who else came from sarf lundun THE ARSENAL.


Agreed I cannot stand Adrian Chiles, he is one serious TWAT, how does he get so many gigs? Or any air time at at all for that matter. One big pundit’s race to the bottom Chiles, Owen and Savage all up for Twatiest Twat of the season.


I can’t help the but feel that our transfer activity is reactive rather than proactive. We wait for other clubs to make moves then we try to make something happen. A lot of talk about no good strikers available but Carlos Bacca, Jackson Martinez, Paulo Dybala, Luiz Adriano and Benteke have all made moves this summer and I honestly believe they are all better strikers than what we currently have. If we can’t get the aguero, Suarez and lewandowski level striker, these guys are the next level below but we’ve been twiddling our thumbs all summer long and are now… Read more »

Jack Action

Giroud, Sanchez, Welbeck…. those guys are the “next level” below Suarez, Lewandowski, Aguero, Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar et al. Why would you want to bring in more strikers that are flawed just for the sake of adding them?

Only striker that is an upgrade on our players and is semi-available is Ibra. Cavani, Higuain, et al not upgrades, and Benzeme and Reus not leaving their teams.

like a red head Ljungberg

so youre saying cavani or benzema are the same level as welbeck or giroud…

Dale Cooper

Dat reading comprehension.

like a red head Ljungberg

he said only likes of messi ronaldo or aguero are the “next level” and it reads like hes counting cavani and benzema upgrades but still in the same barricade with what we already have, fuck me but i find nothing wrong with my comprehension.


He said Cavani is not an upgrade (second that, would’ve been 3 years ago) and Benzema is not leaving his team (nothing but the truth).
You’re welcome.

like a red head Ljungberg

great players dont just become available, most of the time its money that makes em available, man city got de bryune sterling, barca got suares, real got bale james ronaldo…. these days everyclub knows every upcoming stars, its almost impossible to get a bargain for a world class player, you just gotta pay the price that cant be said no to..


Most great players look for more than money. They want to play alongside the greatest players and make history by leaving their mark at one of the greatest teams. Just take Suarez, who literally chomped his way to Barcelona. Or take Götze and Lewandowski, leaving Dortmund although they were giving Bayern a run for their money. Why would Suarez, Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar et al come to Arsenal, when they are heroes at Real and Barca and have the highest chances of winning the CL there? These players will only leave when they are unhappy/unsettled, as Özil was. And for good… Read more »


. . .or you have a problem understanding his comment

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Wierd wording that “next level below”. In my opinion the second level below strikers need not be useless if we keep Giroud and Walcott (who by today’s showing is more like the next level below below), what we need is a different type of striker. Someone who spends less time than Giroud with his back at the opposition’s goal.


“the next level below below”

Fuck my head, I need a paracetamol.


He better be. Need a striker!


Mesut Ozil is not going anywhere. Wenger loves the guy (I do too) and after two injury hit seasons (where he still performed well, just not spectacularly), he is finally adapted to the country and the team. When I first read this tweet I actually thought it meant Ozil was doing some tapping up for us. (Marco Reus….)

We shall see.


What the heck is that Jake guy talking about!!!

chippy's chip

Alexis can do that job. Give him a go wenger there is nobody better available.


Wenger is all about stats and relatively unknown players according to last season’s stats bas dost was one of the best strikers in Europe I don’t know if he is available but he is relatively unknown. He ticks most of the boxes


I read that as Ozil helping Dick Law negotiate the contract of some top striker.


If we bring in a striker we really need to sell one of the 3 we have. I vote Walcott, and if it’s a part exchange chances are he doesn’t end up at a rival.


I think Sanchez needs to be put up top so he stops playing so far away from goal surrounded by 4 players who thwart him legally and mostly illegally. We are missing his energy and forward thrust. He seems a bit out of sorts, lacking desire. I love him anyway but just want hi to be the best he can be.


I don’t think he’ll exactly be wandering in open space with two CBs and a DM all stomping his Achilles and putting knees into his hamstrings.

Belt 'er in

Feel free to slate and admittedly he’d be overpriced but what about berahino? We could do worse than signing an enthusiastic young striker with an eye for goal. Not to mention it’d piss spurs off no end.

Stewart Robson's therapist

Look, whatever happens, we’re not as bad as Liverpool.


Correct. This victory is sweeter when you see what happened to livpewl and the Chavs. Manure Bashing will start soon too. Citeh watch out


And I actually think we’re better than ManU and Chelsea too this year. Second.


Therein lies the problem. This should be OUR year to shine. The team talked the talk all the way up to the first game…but have been firing nothing but blanks since. With the Chavs, Liverpool & Man U all stuttering along too, we are completely missing the perfect opportunity to really make the League ours. Sooooo frustrating! Love the gaffa (& squad) to bits, but I really believe that unless we either strengthen in what’s left of the window &/or get the team to get its act together (preferably both), then we’re missing out on a near perfect opportunity. Time… Read more »


3 times a day at work I check arseblog news with the hope of a breaking story, a new signing. Maybe soon. Before January please.

Mr Eko

Still don’t see us signing anyone.
Think Arsene has his mind set on certain players. He won’t make a move if that player doesn’t become available.




Won’t make a difference if our wide players don’t stay out wide and our manager knows exactly what change is required but refuses to make it until 70mins are up.

Belfast Gooner

Anyone know how reliable the Inside Gooner is? He is on twitter and claims to be former member of the groundstaff with contacts within the club. Anyway he claims that His source has told him the Club have been encouraged about Cavani and have put a bid in. Also said that we turned down Zlaten as the club is confident of landing 1 of 2 possible targets. Is he reliable or a wannabe?

2003-04-We went undefeated

Look all we need is a world class striker and probably a back up for Le Coq.Fingers crossed.
But just don’t be too surprised if we don’t sign anybody.Tell you what..Wenger is good at surprising people!

Dave B

If ever it was evident how important Ozil is to this side it was today. Don’t understand the criticism he gets.


Why were we shit the last 3 games then.


Not because of Ozil or do you never follow stats?


1 for 83 finishing or something like that. That’s why we’ve been shit. And before fingers point, Alexis has been missing as much as anyone, so maybe start there or don’t start.

If we had our shootin’ boots on the entire picture would look different.


Alexis will naturally get a free pass more than others for two reasons:

1) He was awesome last season
2) He is a good month behind everyone else in terms of fitness

2 should be more of a solid reason, but yes, he has missed a handful of chances lately. But then he also grabbed an assist for our top striker this season against Palace.


If we are to sign this marquee striker it is going to be at a very high price. No one making noise about wanting to leave and after looking lost up front so far this season everyone knows we are becoming desperate.

Sorry really don’t see us paying way over the odds for a player. I’m preparing for disappointment


i’ve never commented on here before but i decided that i’d finally had enough i had to say something. Stringer Bell, you consistently have some of the dumbest comments on here. I’m sorry, im not one to call people on out a message board cause its pretty cowardly but i couldnt just sit and read those comments in silence any longer. You are genuinely the least educated and informed (on arsenal matters) fan that i’ve seen on here. You’re comment about 100 mill for pogba litterally had me in stitches. You should read over your comments before you hit post,… Read more »


I don’t know Mr. Jake Humphrey from Donald Trump’s barber, but I’d guess he’s just a professional shit-stirrer.


In he seventies there was a public service broadcast advert out about these bastards who used to steal milk -“Watch out -there’s a Humphrey about”. Shortly thereafter after this, milk stopped gouing missing and nobody heard from Humphreys again. Just saying….


On a separate note. Who thinks St Totteringham Day will come early this year?

Essy baba

Eat, sleep n enjoy your life. Aw can not kill me.i wish there was a choice but oG will remain our main striker.dont stress out guy!


“We are open” Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Only a couple of days left for some last minute transfer miracle. I think Wenger is still hoping that some move at one of the “bigger” clubs will force them to let someone talented go. Whatever you think about that strategy, it seems to have been undermined a little by the relaxation of FFP rules which means there isn’t quite as much pressure on the larger clubs to sell in order to buy.

If nothing happens – as seems likely – then this could be a difficult season for us.

chippy's chip

A scrappy one nil away win when playing shit?? Its what champions do. And then they click..


Why would anybody give credence to anything that massive tool Humphrey says anyway? I think Tuesday is going to be rather uneventful but I hope I’m wrong.


Ozil in Madrid trying to convince Benzema to sign!! You heard it first here! #Not an ITK


I’d pay no attention to that shithouse Joke Humfreak. He’s just after a few headlines.


Congratulations thomas varmalen


Yeah, he looked bloody sharp today – after what must have been a tough year …


Can someone help Maureen to get some diazepam please? The guy is clearly delusional. He called citeh’s score a fake and now saying he doesn’t deserve to lose after being battered by CP. He is in line for next to manager to be sacked at this rythm anyway


No, he’s not because there’s no one to replace him with – unless Liverpool offer them Brendan Rodgers. Chelsea have already sacked everyone else.

12th Man in The Clockend

Just to throw an opinion out there – I’m not sure if I’d be too upset if Ozil was used in a transfer. He has proven he is world class; just not sure this league is suited to him. Today – Ramsey making space by movement off the ball was refreshing to see. Ozil has had some great games for us – but with our wealth of midfield ‘#10’ players, I wouldn’t mind seeing Ozil leaving for ‘that big name striker’. Controversial I know..


Personally, didn’t think Ramsey was that great today. Sure there were some good moments…but that doesn’t mask the bad moments. Love Ramsey, but the team desperately missed Ozil today. Out of the 2 (especially on form so far this season) would keep Ozil if forced to choose. Want to keep then both though & that doesn’t change.


Ozil holds up the ball better as an outlet – he’s actually been an invaluable outlet – gets out of tight situations much better, frequently before they happen, and doesn’t turn over the ball anywhere near as much as Ramsey.

Oh, and his Hollywood flick ons and back heels actually work.

I really like Ramsey, but he needs another reminder in keeping it simple and balanced.


I’m hopeful that there will be two moons tonight!

Or that the chicken will jump into the oven and grill itself to be my dinner while I work hard late into the night (read watching TV and I’m no reporter or any thing).


Lost me there mate…


Has anyone thought that we should have brought back RvP? Certainly he would have preferred to come back than to go to Turkey

Andy Mack

Do you think we should get him because our medical team will need practice or what?????


A 31 year old declining injury prone traitor who the fans hate ?


He’s burned his bridges for good.


Imagine if Jake Humphrey wasn’t a twat.


I’m afraid my imagination is not that big.


I’m not sure anyone believes you Mr Wenger.


puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh poker face. I’m not sure we will sign anyone before getting rid of one striker. We simply have too many, but we also need goals and even if Welbeck is the second best option at Arsenal he might hit form a little too late. What striker on that market can make an immediate impact? We need a striker that works best in tight spaces. Maybe we should false nine some games when Jack gets back?


We are 5th….chill out! COYG!


I honestly can’t fathom getting wound up by tweets and rumours and all that!
After the window closes then maybe I might have some emotional energy but even then, the season is organic. Look at all the arguing and shouting about a DM then up pops Coq, simalar with goalkeepers or defenders evry year its something.
Its like opening the bbcnews and finding a bunch of shit about the Kardashians and the real stories are secondary

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