Thursday, December 19, 2024

Big Pete likes tidying up spilt milk (and coffee)

I think we all sort of knew Petr Cech was an intelligent fella even before he signed for Arsenal. He wears glasses for a start…and it’s a truth universally known that people who wear spectacles are at least 18% cleverer than those with 20:20 vision. That’s just science.

Anyway, we’ve noticed recently that Big Pete has a tip top way with words. And he’s put his linguistic skills to fine use by analysing his debut at the Emirates when he had a bit of a ‘mare and West Ham pilfered three opening day of the season points.

Strapping on a pinny, swapping his goalie gloves for rubber ones and reaching for the kitchen roll he told Arsenal Player:

“I think if you spill the milk or coffee in your kitchen you don’t just let it lay there, you wipe it off and clean it.”

We’d like to think he stopped there leaving the interviewer somewhat perplexed. But he went on to put the comment in context:

“It is the same thing when you do something wrong, you just take the first opportunity to make this right and correct it.

“This is the only way. When you know the world well, you are prepared and if a bad game happens it is probably part of football and you need to understand that.

“I had a great pre-season, I was feeling well going into the game, excited to play my first home game. Then obviously the game did not go according to plan for everybody, particularly me.

“But we recovered from there and it was good to see the reaction of the team because it was a big blow as we had wanted to start on a winning note.”

Arseblog News really hopes Big Pete doesn’t spill milk and coffee too regularly at the London Colney canteen. You don’t imagine it would fill the rest of the squad with much confidence if he’s Mr. Butterfingers every time they sit down for afternoon tea…

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Perry S.

so many puns using his surname, I’m sadly so overwhelmed to even use one.

Perry S.

and in one swift line, you have already outdone my possible puns.


Cech mate then I believe

Saffa Gooner

Petr luck next time.


Cechellent work


Oh well….

Getso gunner

Hehehe….. Big pete make sure you are following arseblog

Me So Hornsey

He Petr Cech the milk didn’t get into any cracks as it really can start to fester.


Imagine if Wenger wore glasses then.


He actually does, a while back during pre season. So following the glasses analogy, He’s far intelligent than most of us.


When it comes to football management certainly more than a lot of us put together.


I don’t think a man of Cech’s class would be drinking coffee at afternoon tea. The Gent would have his guts for garters.


Thibaut Cortois needs a knee operation and will be out of action for some time.
Chavs must be regretting selling Petr to us even more now.
Oh well, no point crying over spilt milk!


Arsene and Petr must have the most wonderful conversations.


He spilled milk? How dairy?


I wear glasses, and I assure you, I’m thick as shit.

chippy's chip

Our keeper needs specs!!WTF?? Better cech the facts and feck i hope your joking.

Ozil's Eyes On Wenger's Hot Thighs

For whatever reason they normally find it hard to admit it as well… I’m sorry there’s no running away from it and you’re still it!

Frankline Ngeno

I too am as thick as you exiled gooner. I once did not notice I’d dropped both of my lenses. Imagine me with just the rim.
Anyway guys please visit Kenya. The only way I get to meet English gooners. I will host you. Oh am drunk..


Happy Ethiopian New Year!!!! And also coyg!!!


I saw the title and thought for a moment the international break (which I for one, unlike many on here, enjoy) had been officially hired by Arseblog.

Hm, will have to make do with gnomic allusions from our keeper instead.


That made no sense whatsoever, apologies (edit function, please!!) : “that the international break had gone on for so long that Rambling Pete had been … hired by Arseblog.”

Trust that makes just as little sense 😉

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