Thursday, December 19, 2024

Fears grow over Wilshere as surgery option explored

We’ve held off on the whispers about Jack Wilshere’s fitness over the last couple of days until we could find out a little more, but it seems more and more likely that the midfielder’s setback is worse than first feared.

Last week, at his press conference ahead of the Stoke game, Arsene Wenger revealed Wilshere’s return, believed to be imminent, was going to be delayed.

“He is progressing slowly,” said the Arsenal manager. “He had a little setback and I have to know about it, but I can’t tell you much more as I have no medical information.”

On Sunday, Steve Stammers wrote in the Sunday Mirror about how Wilshere could require surgery to have a metal plate inserted in his leg, but said a decision would be made in the next two weeks. Kinda hedging his bets there in terms of time-frame, but there you go.

Now today, the Telegraph say that the the 23 year old has been provisionally booked in for an operation this week, with club sources insisting no final decision has been taken yet.

What does seem apparent is that Jack isn’t likely to be back any time soon. The most recent injury was sustained in a training ground challenge with Brazilian defender Gabriel, and his previous absence was caused by a shocking challenge from Man Utd’s Paddy McNair.

While there will be those who target their frustration at the player himself, it’s hard not to have sympathy for a young man whose football career has been blighted by injury.

It might well be a case that Arsenal have consider his position in the squad at some stage, but for now we’ll keep fingers crossed that this doesn’t result in another lengthy absence from the game.

More as it’s available.

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Assuming this is true, I think we’ve gone well beyond the point of being able to rely on Jack as anything more than a luxury in the squad. Can’t keep planning around the idea that he’ll be fit.


Maybe this is a harsh thing to consider, but- It sometimes looks like he doesn’t know how to ride tackles. He invites them with his style which he shouldn’t change, but there are a few players that do the same. Hazard is one of the best free-kick winners in Europe, but I don’t often see him taking slide-tackles to the ankle. Jack takes one every game. Maybe he’s just unlucky, but when you’re playing you have an awareness of what’s coming and how it might hurt if you don’t avoid it in a certain way. Either way I hope he’s… Read more »


I am inclined to agree.

It’s harsh, but do we need another spot in the squad being taken up indefinitely, like what happened with Diaby.

….plus, has Shad been sacked yet?


He’s only 23 … but is it too early to think he may be a Diaby case? Since he played that 40+ game season (09/10, maybe?) he has never played more than 20 games a season.

Just sad …


He is our new RvP

Essy baba

@ jo am sure you are the new john terry.simple

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I don’t think he meant the RVP as we knew him at the “leaving like a cunt” stage. He meant the RVP who was very good on the limited occasions he managed to stay fit.

I really don’t think any Gooner should ever call another Gooner a John Terry.


It’s such a shame as this boy has so much untapped potential…however If he doesn’t manage to get fit and put together a run of games by the end of this season we should look to sign an alternative midfielder at least.


This is like diaby all over again. Such a shame if it is true. i was really looking forward to him kicking on this year and watching him play. Great player when fit


Well most of us would agree that this tackle on Diaby made all the problems.
How about Jack? Was he too quickly thrown into the squad at such a young age, tackles?
If he is about to have every year surgery then it’s similar to Rosicky, I think.
Both great players and joy to watch but not to often we can.

Mein Bergkampf

I’ve stopped even factoring him into the equation when I think about how strong we are in terms of squad depth. Very worrying times for Jack. We’ve already seen one potentially world class player waste a whole career on the sidelines. Let’s hope this isn’t history repeating itself. Chin up Jack.


I might be wrong completely here so someone please confirm but doesn’t the fact that he’s home grown mean he doesn’t necessarily take up a space in the squad as such? So keeping him is only going to cost us wages…?

ZA Gunner

You’re wrong. Only uner 21s don’t take up squad spaces (21 or under on 1 Jan 2015 I think).

The rules are a squad limit of 25, of which a maximum of 17 are not home grown.

But our squad at the moment is only 22 players of which 15 aren’t home grown (plus Chambers and Bellerin who are under 21s), so theoretically we could still buy two foreign players and one English before we run into squad size issues…


So regardless of where they come from any player over 21 takes up a squad space though Jack doesn’t use up one of the 17 non-home grown slots.

It’s about 6 years since I played football manager so I’m not up to date with these rules anymore…

Saffer Gooner

Yup. That’s it. Although under 21 is also a bit of a misnomer. You’re under 21 if you were under 21 on 1 Jan of the year the season started in. So for this season anyone born on or after 1 Jan 1984 is considered u21…

Fool of a Took

Well this sucks, are we at the point of actually releasing this player from his contract?
Six years ago this was our future star player, our midfield machine and our own Captain Jack!

But then we have the Arsenal curse of never ending injuries to deal with, how many games has he actually played in the last six years? Enough to fill a season or two, I doubt it..

I know it´s hard and that this will get downvoted, but the team need players who are fit, not another DIaby


Actually, Jack played 22, 35, 36, 0, and 49 in the last five seasons,minutes-wise the 35-games seasons are around 2500 and the 49 one is around 3500. 35 per season is a decent number, not that many players get above the 32-38 games area.

Fool of a Took

Well played sir, please accept my apology. My comment was highly exaggerated due to limited time of writing (at work) and a general feeling of hopelessness caused by the article above.

I just hate seeing players with enormous potentials sitting on the sidelines and as soon as they start delivering they get another injury.

I will go back to my box now..

Gutbukket Deffrolla

It’s no good trying to collect your coat as you leave. I already pawned it 🙂

Abayomi Aje

Get well soon Jack. Hopefully Wenger would have learnt something from this.

The poor lad was over played early in his career. Now we have a Diaby situation in our hands.


How can you blame Wenger for his injuries? Many players have started at his age. We had Walcott, Fabregas who played for us around the same time. It will also be harsh to blame Jack himself for inviting tackles when he tries to dribble past players. We can just hope that he regains his fitness as soon as possible on an humane level. As far as the team is concerned, he is now a luxury player to us. He will influence few minutes of a few matches. It would be wrong to expect more from him anymore until he can… Read more »


Predictable, sadly. Welbeck has a setback in his future too.


Luckily we are well stock in the central midfield. Please dun rush him back.


Can’t we just get the best doctor available in the world to treat him? Setback after setback, it’s like the doctor who treat him doesn’t even know what they are doing. Jack is still human last time I check. There’s gotta be something that can help him recover properly.


Sack Colin Lewin

Hire Eva Carcarneiro


Sounds like an upgrade then. Can we also replace the kit man with a good tailor?


Fuck sake man

Gutbukket Deffrolla

No!! It’s “Drink sake. Fuck John Terry.”


Very well done, sir!


Such sad news this., for Arsenal and for England.

His marauding runs usually cause something to happen and terrify defences – and he has been adding (spectacular) goals to his game.

He has the potential to be the best English player of his generation – the England midfield looks so uninspiring without his name on the team sheet.

Good luck Jack and quick recovery

Easy as JVC

Get well Jack, as long as it takes. We will stand by him because that’s the type of club we are. He still has a huge career ahead of him and it’s still in the red and white.


Well said


His career certainly seems to be at risk with the continue foot/ankle issues. Cannot see him playing much of a role at all this year unfortunately. We do have some depth centrally with Ramsey and Chamberlin being able to go there and of course Arteta and Flamini, but having Rosicky (what is his status) and Wilshere out for an extended spell will make it tough should we suffer another injury or two.


Is it my ignorance or does it happen more often at our club than any other – that we wait and wait for a player’s return, when his return is imminent, there is the announcement of a surgery and a set back for months.

Also, it does seem to happen, just after Wenger gambles on recovery and chooses not to use the transfer window and it shuts!


Do you follow other clubs as closely as Arsenal? This happens all the time everywhere, but I couldn’t give you an example since I can’t be arsed to care about other clubs.


“Brazilian defender Gabriel”

Okay then

Don Cazorleone

Did I miss something here?


Balls. I was looking forward to seeing him score some more top corner screamers this season!

bims lay

Gutted for jack…..given our recent experience with so called “light injuries”, i must admit i am not that surprised.

It’s a shame really because jack has so much God given natural talent, but, he is still young enough and i am hoping this surgery, if found necessary, actually corrects the underlying problem and puts his recurrent ankle issues to bed, once and for all………get well soon mate

Essy baba

Jack get well soon. We gunners love you to tit. There is only one jack and he plays for THE ARSENAL FC. COYG


Can’t think of a better club for Jack to be at carrying a long term injury – we may get more injuries than other clubs but we really do treat players very well when they need looking after. Hope in time he’ll repay the faith!

Jack's little finger

Sad to hear about this but on the other hand is anyone surprised really? Must be heartbreaking for him and his family, regardless of his pay cheque as some would point out. No stories to tell his kids about. Gutted for him. Truth is though. Talented player yes, but sadly drifting towards the luxury player status Jack is… Hope he returns soon but reality is as time goes by, the club will likely be forced to start considering his place in the squad because we simply cannot afford to have another Diaby situation at the club with the league as… Read more »


Well, that sucks. Poor kid.

I’m setting the over/under for his return at April 15. You taking the over or under?


Welbeck, Rosicky, and now Wilshere to miss at least the majority of the first half of the season. It’s utterly incredible this keeps happening to Arsenal. Did we really use up all our luck against Portsmouth in 03?!


Am I the only one concerned that our medical staff tend to wait 2-3 months before deciding on surgery? First Welbeck.. now Wilshere.. Just adds to the time out for the player..

If Welbeck’s problem could have been identified earlier, he would have had the whole summer to recover…

Gutbukket Deffrolla

The problem was identified, but they tried for the low-impact treatment and it didn’t pay off. You can never be absolutely sure that surgery won’t have unexpected or unwanted long term effects.


Diaby has a brother from another mother it seems…

pony tulips

Well, fuck.


Don’t worry guys, he’ll be back soon enough. Gently Arsene will reintroduce him to the squad, a few minutes here, a half there.

Then he’ll score a wonder goal in March and win goal of the season – much to Gary Lineker’s consternation.


There are those that will vent their frustration on the player himself…. says all you need to know.

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