Friday, October 18, 2024

Wenger reveals right-side options for Swansea

Arsene Wenger has confirmed the absences of Theo Walcott and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain until after the next Interlull, and said that the position on the right hand side of midfield is between Alex Iwobi and Joel Campbell.

With 6 options for that role unavailable due to injury, the Arsenal squad is now particularly stretched, but rather than move anyone out of position, he looks set to use a more natural forward for the trip to Swansea on Saturday.

Speaking to the official site about who he has in mind, he said, “Joel Campbell and Alex Iwobi. Santi can play there as well but he has become very important centrally.

“The problem sometimes is that you can destroy two departments if you move one player out. We control the ball better with Santi in the middle.”

It seems most likely that the Costa Rican, due to his greater experience, will be the man to get the nod with Iwobi earning a place on the bench to give us another attacking option.

Confirming the news about the two England internationals, the Arsenal manager said, “Nothing has changed since after the game. They are out but the scans are today – it’s 48 hours afterwards.

“We hope they are light injuries, but they are out until after the international break.”

The next three games are going to be a real test for the team, let’s hope we can take maximum points in the Premier League.


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Agree, don’t destabilize the team to cover one position.


Iwobi is better talent that Campbell. Overall looked more promising than Campbell ever did for Arsenal.

He might pull off a Bellerin. He has it in him.

John C

I’m going to be controversial here and say he looked like Gervinho, all legs and no idea what he was going to do next, i can’t see him having any long term future at Arsenal.

Precocious and physically dominate at age group level but at premier league level he looks well off in my opinion.

Campbell looks like he has better control and at least has experience at first team level.


Tbh I’d like Campbell to keep things simple, not try anything too fancy, not give away the ball cheaply and we’d be fine. I’d be delighted if he gives 7/10 or a 6.5/10 sort of performance.

Corona X

As long as he doesn’t attempt any crosses, I’ll be happy!

John C

I think he’ll be alright, Ramsey and Chamberlain have contributed 1 goal and no assists this season from the right wing position, he can’t do much worse than them!

God's lower left

totally agree. he has seemingly overplayed things this season. If he could do a Rambo and simplify his game a little and stop trying to impress.

Zorro in the Box

I agree he looked out of his depth and nervous, but I tend to think that blooding kids should happen when they’re surrounded with experience. Fabregas blossomed around professionals, so did Bellerin. Capital One Cup is not the place for a raw talent to flourish, they’re far better off doing so when they’re introduced to an otherwise competent team. Iwobi will feel more confident when he knows the rest of the team is strong – would you rather play your first few games with Flamini, Bielik and Campbell making up the spine or Alexis, Cazorla and Coquelin? Give him time… Read more »

John C

I was at Fabregas’s debut and believe me he was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch at 16. His technical and tactical play was well above any player i’ve ever seen at that age so there’s no comparison with Iwobi what so ever.

Obviously playing with better players will improve him but the same goes for Campbell.


I thought Iwobi did okay on the night, but its really hard to quantify his performance considering we got rinsed by a Championship side and lost the game inside 20 minutes. For me, I don’t think he is ready to start away at Swansea – considering we love getting beat there. And as much as I don’t want Campbell to start out wide, I don’t think we really have a choice.

Ozil's eyes

Question is whether Campbell can do a Coquelin or Iwobi does a Bellerine..either way interesting

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Campbell has never done anything special in Arsenal shirt. He got very little game time to prove himself but the raw material hasn’t been too exciting So far.


Stop trying to exhault what is utterly ordinary. Martial at 19 is looking better than these 2 talents combined.

With the direction the club is going these two would have to really reus-quality up their game.


Are you really comparing two reserve prospects with a teenager who transferred for £50 million+?


yes.. by your logic reus would be ready to wait 7th in line for a starting eleven call up 😛


Who would of thought?! Martial at 19 years and 50 million quid? A better prospect then 2 lads from the acadamy. Surely not…

You might as well of said mario gotze looks a better prospect then iwobi.


Everything is shiiiiiiiiittttt


I did not go into price tags. just refuting blinded claims that one is is extra quality than the other when they are really both average joes.

Proff Gooner

Is it me or has everyone forgot when he put the shirt on against Spurs in the Carling Cup… He played his heart out and tracked back along with winning back the ball on several occasions.

I think he is a player that needs to start in the first team knowing he’ll get a few games under his belt.

Let’s prey it’ll be above par on a consistent basis cause we all know what he is capable of.

Forever COYG!!!

Me So Hornsey

Exactly what I thought.

Both our last 2 meetings with Swansea, their left winger Montero has torn our right back a new one. Campbell’s tracking could be exactly what we need.


Why not start bellerin at right side of attack and debuchy at right back? debuchy has more experience than campbell and iwobi put together??

Hairy Arse

Because Debuchy has been fucking awful in every game he has played this season. Hector will keep Montero under wraps


Did you even watch the midweek match. Else you won’t ever suggest Debuchy to put on that Arsenal shirt again.

TR7 > CR7

I have massive faith in ‘Ector against montero, Calum Chambers did struggle though:


Iwobi is a beast. I hope Wenger sees that too and rightly plays him ahead of Campbell.

Third Plebeian

Yup. Cazorla has to stay in the middle. And while I’ll happily trust the manager to make the right call for the…uh…right, I would’ve preferred to hear him mention Bellerin as an option there. For me, he has far better attacking instincts than either Campbell or Iwobi, and he also has the benefit of already having built an understanding with the existing first eleven.

John C

How can anyone comment on Campbell’s attacking instincts when he’s hardly played a game for us?

Third Plebeian

I’m commenting on what I’ve seen from him. That’s all we can comment on. And I’ve never seen him threaten to score or assist on a play.

Besides, I think you rather prove my point. We’ve seen Bellerin attack, and we’ve seen him develop an understanding with his teammates. I think he would be a better option than Campbell, of whom we’ve seen little, but in any case who has never once looked as threatening in the final third as Bellerin.

John C

But Bellerin plays right back not right wing, why change something thats working for something that might not?

Campbell’s an international right winger and if he can’t get a game now when we have so many injuries then why did we keep him?

He might just take this opportunity like Bellerin did!


If you had read the what the manager said, he does not want to disturb two departments if he move Cazorla same applies to moving Hector. Hector should stay at right back especially against Montero and Douglas Costa. Like one commented above Ox and Ramsey only contributed one goal zero assist so anyone can just come in to help the team its not a big deal


And who will play right back? debuchy?

He’s quite shit right now, in case you’ve forgotten.

Third Plebeian

He was quite shit in one game in which he was but one of many shit players, but he’s not a shit player, and I think with Bellerin’s pace tracking down the right, would have a lot of support. With game time, Debuchy’s class will out.

John C

Debuchy shit game was the result of many shit performances but Campbell’s wasn’t?!?

Debuchy has had more shit games this season that Campbell has


Campbell has played enough games for both club and country for us to judge tbf. Bellerin has played fewer games, been on loan i reckon once and if there is quality then it has certainly shown as it has for an older Campbell who imo is just not Arsenal quality.

Joel Campbell's dad

Long time ago in footballing terms, but I watched Campbell at field level vs. Uruguay during the World Cup. He knew he was first team and was secure in his place. And he had the Uruguay back four on the heels during the first half. Up close you could tell they were shook. I predicted Campbell would shine for club. It obviously hasn’t happened.

I think he’s a prime candidate to take the security, though brief, of a starting spot for a few matches and really express himself. Look out for him to do quite well.


I hope very much that you’re right. I fear very much that you’re wrong.

Hope conquers fear.
Hope conquers fear.
Hope conquers fear.
(repeat until convinced)

Third Plebeian

Seems I offended some people by mentioning Bellerin as a better option than Campbell!


Look, Campbell would be a good option for a plucky bottom-table team in La Liga. If his career achieves any greater heights I’ll gladly eat my hat.

Canuck Gunner

I actually agree and think Hector would do fine in a right midfield position. And he wouldn’t hurt is defensively at all. But right now, I’m not trusting Debuchy at rb (Hector better not get injured!). Maybe time to bring back Jenks?


The solution is obvious: just play Bellerin on the right. The whole right. He basically does it anyway.

Then give the other spot to whoever and tell them to run araaaaand a bit, preferably not on the right because they might get in Bellerin’s way.


IMHO, we just need graft from either of these two. The focal point of attack will be through Alexis on the left, and Ozil in the middle. The right side will be used circumstantially or as a last resort and predominantly defending.


Believe, ladies and gentlemen..

because she wore a yellow ribbon.


Lucky Joel didn’t get out while he could


What an opportunity for the lad – glad he’s stuck around – too optimistic to think he could take his chance just like Hector did 13 months ago?

A Gooner

It’s now or never for Joel Campbell. Good luck to him. Would be delighted if he was able to stake a claim given how many years he’s waited for the opportunity…

You just never know what can happen in football. And this proves it. Arguably 6 people ahead of him on the right, and now he’s got a chance!


Agreed. Would like to see Iwobi amongst the big boys in my opinion, but I trust in Wenger so let’s wait and see!


Maybe Joel will do better when he’s not the only creative outlet like Tues. Keep it simple, work hard like he has done whenever called on this season and we could be okay for three games against mediocre opposition…


Agreed, surrounded by people like Ozil and Alexis a bit of graft can compensate for a lack of real technical ability. Who knows, this could be the making of him. I’ve not seen anything to have changed my mind that he’s probably not good enough, but no point going into this game not willing to give him a chance- thought the same about Coquelin!

Wenger has a large Coq

I think “mediocre” is a compliment for the shit-eating cunts down the road

Third Plebeian

Maybe. Sadly, I have a feeling that all this optimism about Campbell’s abilities will sour after we actually see what he can do against PL opposition. Hope is good, but unrealistic expectations are not.


Are you cursing us mate?

Getso gunner

Hope it will work well


Campbell should take this chance with two hands or risk being shipped out in winter transfer.
I hope he succeeds with us.
Alex Iwobi needs a loan move to a prem. Side to garner some experience.

Petr Cech's Helmet

Wise choice to go with Campbell. I think players like Ozil, Cazorla, Coquelin and Bellerin could really bring something decent out of Campbell – not saying I’m expecting a bucket full of goals but he might be able to create some chances, and seems a good finisher when he’s scored goals for Costa Rica so who knows.. If we’d just played Coquelin alongside our second string last season in kind of meaningless games would we be raving about him now? Campbell works hard so it’s not like we’ll be vulnerable with him there.. in fact he’s probably more defensively reliable… Read more »


agreed, I don’t think Campbell is a bad footballer by any stretch, just that he hasn’t really fit into Arsenalas a player, which can happen. fingers crossed he pulls a coq anyway


Can’t agree more. High time someone said this – Ox’s defending is inexcusably infantile. He often loses the ball in dangerous areas resulting in goals against us. Someone needs to help him with hat aspect of his game or he’ll never make it into our folklore

Consice Pete

Here we go again.
Campbell to follow Coq?
One can only hope.

Dale Cooper

Will be interesting to see how JC gets on with the first team playing with him for a full game.

Dale Cooper

Or three…

A Xerioz Gunner

Get out while you still can Joel… Get out there and screw whichever left back is unlucky to meet you.
Here is to hoping that he steps up.


I think Joel Campbell will find it a lot easier with our strongest players around him. He’ll also benefit from some substantial, consecutive game time rather than the odd game here or there.
Let’s hope he can improve on his attacking display from the other night, whilst keeping up that work rate!


Big big opportunity for Joel!

Crouch End Gooner

Time for Joel to step up, lets get behind him.


How about Rosicky? He’s fit, isn’t he?

Wenger has a large Coq

injured for a while yet


SantiSanti – pull your head out of your arse. In case you missed it, Wilshere, Welbeck, Ox and Theo are out injured too.

ZA Gunner

And Rambo… 🙁


This may another case of blessing in disguise. Gnabry, Joel and Iwobi, it will be interesting to see how these players play when creative side of responsibility is on ozil, alexis, santi, giroud and bellerin and not on them as we have seen till now.


This is your chance Joel. NOW TAKE IT!

Rip Van's Winkel

Phew! No tough interlull for Theo & Ox.
They’ll get their chance at the Euros.
Some consolation.


My opinion has always been that JC is better than both the English boys, Ox & TW, so lets see if he proves himself to be the man.
I expect him to because defensively he is far superior than both and offense is simpler and is ussually depends on playing time. Good luck Joel.


No difference between Joel and Ox. Maybe game time so we are not losing much

Santi's Smile

Unfortunate that Andre Ayew is an option for Swansea and not for us.


Here’s hoping we see the next Bellerin/Coq from one of these two.


Hopefully Iwobi can do more when he has a full team of senior players supporting him. I enjoyed his shifty move to create space for his shot against Wednesday, a little flash of what he’s capable of. Also did you see his first goal against Bayern U19? I know it’s just their U19 team, but still probably a higher level than playing Sp*rs.

Ospina's Gloves

I would go with Campbell because of his experience in the world cup and champions league with Olympiacos. Despite his substandard performance against Sheffield his desire to tackle/win the ball back was very encouraging.Against Bayern a team that likes to keep the ball he will be a safer option. I’m sure he can do a job

Perry S.

precisely why we kept Joel around. three matches missed for Walcott isn’t the end of the world. I think Joel will film in just fine.


This is an opportunity to take their chances. Careers are made or broken on situations like this

Welbeck's flat-top fade

Get in while you can Joel.


Both Alexis and Campbell are on wings with no decent backups. So if Giroud picks up an injury we are literally doomed!

Me So Hornsey


Phil Collins' first touch

The end times are coming.

Corona X

You deserve an extra thumbs up for your name!


That is no metaphorical doom, that–it is LITERAL!

per motorcycle

Temple of doom

New Haven Gooner

Can’t we just have Alexis play both sides at the same time? He probably could.


Joel campbell has a real opportunity now. I believe the C1C performance didnt rightly reflect his abilities, since the entire team were playing like head less chickens. What he can do in a steady squad will be an interesting affair. Maybe he lacks the technical ability but he is a hard working player and that is why wenger plays ramsey there anyways, because he is a workhourse. Not to be cynical or anything but i think joel will be more productive for us on right than theo there.


I disagree with your assumption that JC lacks technical ability. It is my opinion that he is more technically apt, than both TW and OC.


As i mentioned, i too believe he will be more effective for us on the RW than theo.

Ramsey's spirit

If its only a short term injury im not too worried, Alexis is our flank danger man from the left, and bellerin covers the right, so long as our right works his arse off we’ll cope

Phil Collins' first touch

All seems a bit melodramatic really the way people are so worried about Campbell. Our back 4 and midfield have been really solid this season, for the most part, and disrupting that so we can play our best right back on the wing and bring in Debuchy who has been nothing short of woeful this season would be ridiculous. Chamberlain has hardly set the world on fire this season. Campbell might not be amazing, but he’s still an international player and one that we can play in position.


Ha “greater experience” good one blogs


I know he hasn’t impressed so far, but I am sure Campbell has got it in him to put in a big performance at some point. He also should play better when part of a proper team and not the circus that took to the field on Tuesday.

Ronnie Pickering

Fuck this shit .

Ted E.

This may not be the time to experiment, but I am drooling with the idea of a permanent move further up field for Bellerin.


That’s bull.


The world doesn’t need another guy who goes from full back to winger coming out of north london. We got the Hairless baboon scratching his armpits in Spain.


Play Campbell at Swansea, he hasn’t looked like he would have a chance of being a first team regular but is more than a decent back-up. He will get to play with Ozil and Alexis and as we saw with Gnabry playing with lads like that makes you raise your game. Also it would be easier for Iwobi to make his debut against a lesser team at home.


Campbell has a lot of incentives right now to step up and be the hero, if he doesn’t he’s not better than Merida, thus he deserves 2nd division football, no more, no less. That said it’s not going to be the first nor the last time that injuries work as blessings in disguise for this club. I sincerely wish Joel the best.

Alexis The Beast Of London

Playing against Montero would be a challenge and that’s where Campbell’s tracking back would really help.

If we can stop them from getting a goal then we would surely have all three points in the bag, seeing how we always find a way to put the ball into the net. Iwobi can come on as a sub while the Campbell should start IMO.


Campbell….ALL that you have been waiting for is in your HANDS..Grab it.


at his feet mate, at his feet….


I have watched Campbell play for Costa Rica in pretty much every friendly, qualifier and World Cup. He has tremendous quality and potential. In general, he has played very well for Costa Rica. Even when he does not score for Costa Rica, he contributes quite a bit with build-up, assists and defensive work rate. When he has played for Arsenal he has not shown these same attributes. It seems that either: a) he feels too much pressure to impress which does not help his performance b) he has been thrown in with just a few minutes to go in situations… Read more »


Oh no….”get out while you still can, Campbell”…….please, please get out!


I think Campbell should start. Iwobi did impress me too but we need a hard worker and Campbell can provide us with that. I think he’ll do well if given the opportunity.


Campbell prolific in taking Costa Rica to last 16 in Brazil last year. Also prolific in Olympiacos last year in CL. His goal and performance against United was really good. Always got plenty of playing time out on loan (if not at great clubs, at least decent ones). Hope this could be his “Coquelin-moment” and that he takes it.


That was “last 8” in Brazil…

Surrey Gooner

Kinda thought Wenger might have recalled Gnabry. He was looking very promising before injury.


Half each?

Mickey Thomas

Where is Serge?! That’s the boy we want!!

Surrey Gooner

I think he’s been blogging it with Pulis who doesn’t fancy him. I’m sure Gnabry’s been thinking what did he do wrong to deserve the Orc & West Brom

Surrey Gooner

Clogging it


Campbell for me. Think Iwobi is one for the future but Campbell has shown he’s willing to track back. Iwobi might not be as switched on or as motivated. If you’re Swansea or Bayern, you’ll look at the squad, see inexperienced right side pairing, and likely flood that channel. Even if Campbell offers less going forward than a youngster who just debuted a few days ago, he’ll work more like Ramsey n help Bellerin out more often. Hector is awesome but even he needs help against multiple runners. I’d be happy to put Campbell in, tell him to run his… Read more »

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