Thursday, December 19, 2024

Arsenal cancel 2016 Emirates Cup

Arsenal have confirmed that the Emirates club will not take place this summer due to player commitments at EURO 2016 and a desire to undertake significant pitch reconstruction.

The Gunners have hosted the pre-season tournament in August of eight out of the last nine years but will instead focus their attention on the brief tour of the US.

Speaking to why the club have taken the decision not to play the two-day event, Ivan Gazidis explained:

“We know how popular the Emirates Cup is with our fans here in the UK and around the world, so we are disappointed that we will not be hosting it this summer.

“The shorter pre-season window and the need to relay our pitch has resulted in this decision being taken. We look forward to hosting the tournament in 2017.”

Arsenal have confirmed that they are exploring the possibility of playing further friendly matches on the continent when they return from the United States. As things stand matches against the MLS All Stars and Chivas de Guadalajara are scheduled for 28 and 31 July respectively.

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Just as well we won it last – means we get to retain it for another year


Squad reconstruction may have something to do with it as well.. seeing how late we normally do our business.


Another trophy we’re excusing ourselves from winning. Bah.


Great…at least they wouldn’t think they have already won a trophy at the beginning of the league. Come on lets get in and win real trophies.


I applaud your optimism.


Can we cancel this season’s premier league too? And FA Cup?


And the CL. To judge from the poll in the Mirror, a fair number of fans think next season’s CL is cancelled as well, with over 90 percent believing City will make the top four but only 51 percent thinking that we will. OK, the day after a bad game polls tend to be pessimistic – Wenger-out always rises to 90 percent on Mondays, only to fall back to 70 percent by midweek – but it looks like the despondency is becoming increasingly widespread and fixed. Dunno who I think will be fourth. Could Liverpool do it seeing as they’ve… Read more »


I stopped reading at “the poll in the mirror” actually I didn’t, I kept going to the end.
That’s 3 minutes of my life I won’t get back!
Just kidding Miranda 🙂


#KROENKEOUT and other parasites of the board – including the inept manager OUT!!



Cliff Bastin

That is a great shot of Cech.


think you’ll find that’s Wallace, of Wallace and Gromit fame – a brief trial during the pre-season. Didn’t pan out.

Delme Jones

So nothing to do with promoting Arsenal in USA? and making even more money for Stan? Hmmm….

Nasri's missing chinbone

Great spot. Lol’d on the train. Now people are looking at me




Lets hope they also upgrade the beer pumps and staff that serve the gassy gnats pee too.oh and drop the prices too.


Optimism and arsenal are like oil and water these days..they don’t mix

Anonymous Kumquat

I think a better comparison would be oil and fire to be honest… They do mix, but will likely kill you in the process!


I think I love you


All jokes aside (was going to make one about a guaranteed top four finish), it’s a shame it won’t be happening this year. It’s a good way for a lot of fans to see their team. Tickets are reasonably priced and often readily available and, for a lot of people, it presented just about the only viable way to see Arsenal play. Last year I took my (now) wife, which as far as I’m concerned counted as a ‘date’ and she had a really good time – knocking a shed-load past Lyon didn’t hurt either. Alternatively, you might read that… Read more »


Comments like yours are the reason I keep on coming back to Arseblog even though Monsieur and his players often disappoint us so much and Mr. Kroenke secretly laughs hysterically at the predicament of us fans at the end of every season.


The club can’t do anything right these days. I was really looking forward to taking friends that will be visiting the UK

Thierry Bergkamp

Only realistic chance of a title gone

Arsene's zip

Will the pitch reconstruction involve digging a large hole?


The arsenal players are experts at doing that …


Danny Welbeck’s face looks completely disproportionate to his body in that photo. I felt I needed to point that out.

Post January Blip

I don’t think that’s Danny, mate…

Lord Bendtner

Good don’t want an Emirates Cup Wilshere injury


What kind of ” significant pitch reconstruction”. Anyone?


The type that means less injuries?


Removal of the cursed spud shirt


No idea but wouldn’t surprise me if Kroenke has asked for lines to be painted across the pitch every 10 yards so he can get some NFL money in. I hate that wanker.


Anybody know what exactly they are doing to the pitch? Seems like a major investment in such a new stadium. Any hope that this is an adjustment to try to limit injuries?


Shad: Arsene, if we rebuild the pitch this way we’ll get less injuries. It’ll be LANSx2, every season.

Arsene: That is something that sounds very interesting. But how much will it cost? I am an economist, you know.

Shad: 8 weeks of Theo.

Arsene: Let’s do London Colney as well. For…consistency, you know.

Mbaks joseph

So no trophy? That’s the only one arsenal can win

Mesut eyes

Just get simione for gods sake


Simione’s current annual salary £2.5m.
Wenger’s current annual salary £8m.

I don’t think we’re getting good value for money.


You know…..when you write a statement like that and misspell the name……priceless!! (Unless of course you are talking about someone that I don’t know who is….in which vase I do apologise…of course…)


You know…..when you write a comment picking someone up on a minor spelling mistake, then in the that same comment you write ‘vase’ instead of ‘case’…….priceless!!

Scott P

No no, I think he is literally inside a vase as he writes the comment


Apologies made inside a vase are not counted…


I don’t think he’d be tempted. The only thing we have to offer him that Atletico haven’t got – though they’re fast catching us up with their success on the pitch – is more money, both for himself and with which to buy players, and I don’t get the impression that’s a big consideration for him. If money was all he was after, he’d surely be at Chelsea by now – hard to imagine they haven’t approached him at some point as he’s virtually the only successful manager left on the planet whom they’ve not already sacked. I’d be surprised… Read more »


Splendid post Miranda !

Bob A

I know some people think of it as a Mickey Mouse cup , But as an OAP living 150 miles from London, so not being eligable for league matches , it was one of the things that I looked forward to. Once a year travelling to London, going to the best stadium, and at least seeing some of my heros even though some of the games were played without the full bloodedness of a league match.


Bob you just broke my heart, you sweetheart.

Here’s to hoping there’s a cup game near you next season so that you can hopefully see the guys do their thing.


I cant see anything past the third paragraph. I’m dying to know what gazidis has said about the pitch!


No additional insight unfortunately. Tis more about preseason activity abroad than anything else.


For me it says Ivan Gazidis Explained: get 50% off at Vista Print. Thanks for the discount Ivan!

Jack Lewis

Oh, shame. Love the Emirates cup, it’s where I went to my first game in 2013. I had really good seats for £9, why couldn’t that happen in the prem?!


Nothing to do with the likelihood of minimal ticket sales for it then…


Why did we even build a new stadium? We’re much shitter than we were at Highbury.
We were lied to, wasn’t it supposed to propel us into the top handful of clubs in the world. Bollocks!

At Highbury we were the invincibles.
At the Emirates we are the incompetents.


the mobe was the right thing to do, its not to blame for the problems we have now. It did hold us back for a while because of repayments but that is not the case any more. We should be flourishing but instead we are wilting.


The only chance of winning any silverware next season already gone..!! depressed..

steveafc forever

Love it spinner they should get shirts with that on sell out in seconds lol


If they relay the pitch they should relay the training ground too.
Hopefully these will result in less injuries.

Thierry Ennui

Clearly the club have decided to dig down to that ancient Indian burial ground and disinterr the bones they will find there.

A shaman will speak the words of contrition to calm the evil spirits’ curse and we’ll have them reburied under the new White Hart Lane in the dead of night.

You know what they say about Shamen after all… they can move (move, move) any mountain


Great song and great era for music


Fucked! That’s just ruined things for me, but the Emirate cup was the way for us to see the team. What Am i going to tell my disabled son now who looks forward to this event every year.


I am sure Arsenal would sort you out if you asked?

He's the soup

Pitch has been dreadful this year. I noticed two blades of grass pointing the wrong way! How are we expected to play on that surface?! It’s enough to damage one’s mental strength


Glad it’s not happening it was a fake plastic tournament anyway!!!!


Ridiculous decision by the board taking away our best chance of silverware…!!


Good!! It’s a fucking awful tournament ! I honestly hope that one day the money falls out of football and the game returns to the one I fell in love with!! No more£6 hot dogs no more posh cunts sitting next to me no more fucking Emirates cup weekends no more fans calling players by there 1st name!! Oh come on hector!! Booing and hissing like a 2 bob panto! Arsenals home form is awful and the new age fans have a lot to answer for!! But what do I know

Mark J

so our turney was cancelled – whereas Leicester will be playing Celtic, Real Madrid and Inter- Milan at Wembley ! god, we have fallen so far in the eyes of Europe

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