Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wenger expects Oxlade-Chamberlain to be fit for Saturday

Arsene Wenger says he doesn’t believe Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain will miss Saturday’s game with Chelsea, despite the fact the midfielder seemed to spend a fair part of the final stages of the game limping.

Having already lost Aaron Ramsey to a calf problem, with Mohamed Elneny away with Egypt, Santi Cazorla injured and Granit Xhaka suspended, the Arsenal manager faces a difficult task of putting a midfield together for the trip to the league leaders, but he didn’t sound overly concerned about the Ox.

“He got a kick on his knee,” he said after the game, and when asked if it might keep him out of the visit to Stamford Bridge, continued, “No, I don’t think so. I think he should be alright.”

It still remains to be seen exactly how he pieces together the engine room of the team, with only Francis Coquelin an ‘established’ choice in that position.

He could pair him with the Ox, although it’s a duo you might fear for against the likes of Kante and Matic who have been superb for Chelsea this season.

Other options include Alex Iwobi and Ainsley Maitland-Niles after an assured display against Southampton – but whatever he chooses it’s going to be a long way from our strongest set-up for a game we simply have to win.

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Let’s beat Chelsea… then we can pretend that we beat Watford at home but lost away to Chelsea so in terms of points it’s the same… then everyone will feel better.


Does it really matter? I want us to win every game, I really do, but I just can’t see us getting much from this. Wenger has been a tremendous servant for our great club, and is a gentleman who revolutionised the English game, but if we’re being honest, are we really likely to properly challenge for a title again under him? I do not accept that this squad of players could not do better under different circumstances, I really don’t. I’ll never be vitriolic towards him, as it’s so uncivilised, but I must confess that I’m looking forward to something… Read more »


I’ve always wondered how to phrase my sentiments about the growing unrest at the club but could never find the right words without being disrespectful or controversial.

Spot on, sir. I think many many fans would wholeheartedly agree with all of the above.


I agree this is well put. Except I struggled with this sentence: ” I do not accept that this squad of players could not do better under different circumstances, I really don’t.” If you are saying you think this squad could do better under different management then it is regrettably now hard to disagree. It is bewildering to have so many first halves that a team doesn’t show up for. When you see what Conte has done to Chel$ki with a very similar squad to the one that melted in to mid table last season under the specialist in draws.… Read more »


People keep raving on about Conte like he’s completely transformed Chelsea, but he really hasn’t. Given that this Chelsea team consists of 80% of the same players they had 2 seasons ago, I don’t get why everyone is so surprised they’re doing this well. That Chelsea squad went unbeaten until November if I remember right, and dominated the league that year. So when Jose lost the dressing room with them last season, it’s hardly a surprise that they’d thrive again under a new manager. Conte is a class manager without a doubt, but I don’t feel he had a hard… Read more »


It feels like something has changed since the move to the Emirates. I am not saying that it is because of the move per se, however since the departure of some iconic figures in the club, Arsenal has regressed. It is a pity because the move to the Emirates was supposed to bolster our chances to compete with the bigger clubs however it seems we have regressed. There are underlying problems in the club and one would be a bit silly to deny them. We have issues with player mentality, finances, wages, meritocracies, management, injuries, shareholders and fan unrest. It… Read more »


Dude, spot on, 100%.

Yorkshire Gunner

I think you are right sadly. You have got to accept defeats in any sport but it is the repetition of these type of performances in recent years that saps the spirit. There was surprisingly little anger at the Emirates last night on the final whistle just resigned disappointment. The narrative has to change for everyone.


What particularly galls me is that we often seem to give a sparkling performance, followed by abject calamity shortly afterwards. When we lost to Everton ending the unbeaten run, you have to say “fair enough, shit happens.” Even the Invincibles lost eventually (albeit thanks to the machinations of the spud-faced cheating cunt Wayne ‘Granny-Shagger’ Rooney). But I’m reminded of instances like Danny Welbeck’s last gasp winner against Leicester last year, when it looked like we’d suddenly, dramatically regained the momentum in the title race, only to go on to bollocks it up straight away in the next game. A great… Read more »


Yeah, he’s the one out there missing tackles and letting free kicks rebound off his bum into the goal. We lost, Chelsea will lose to lower teams. We just need to hang in there. Not sack our main man and whinge our way to seventh every season. Harden the fuck up.


I don’t think it likely they will. Or if they do, so will we. The buck stops with the manager, and after ten years of (let’s face it) underachieving, surely it is not heresy to suggest doing something different? There’s no need for us to appoint a Moyes figure; there are plenty of superb managers who could do great things with this squad and our resources. Wenger was the future, once.

Arshavin's fake moustache

I don’t think 10 years of underachieving is fair.

Maybe 3 or 4, but not 10. If anything we over achieved post-Highbury. Finishing top four with Denilson says it all.


Besides, I’m not advocating sacking him. He’s coming to the end of his tenure anyway. And getting rid of him midseason without a plan B, when we look to be in no real danger of missing out of the top 4 would be ludicrous. I’m talking longer term.


Just needed Coquelin to get injured/suspended. Then that would complete the most Arsenalistic preparation for the Bridge we’d ever seen.


If Wenger didn’t sub Coq we would have at least drawn. He was one of the best players in the second half.

Bendtner's Ego

Who was also carrying a slight hamstring injury. Do you want to miss him for 6 weeks?


Sorry I didn’t read the whole comment. I thought you criticized him.


There’s this very popular joke. “I want Arsenal to lower me in my grave after I die, that way they can let me down one last time.”

So true this morning. Sigh.


ur sick


Really hope the ox is good for the weekend.. He’s showing some class in the middle there.. Quick movement and great passing and that bit of drive we’ve been missing without Santi..

Steven Simpson

I totally agree. I think the Ox can be the man to replace Santi, similar skills and can improve. Him paired with Xhaka could be a fantastic duo for the future!


I feel the team have to be set up to play 4.3.3 with Coc,Ox and Iwobi in the middle of the park. Alexis Walcott and Perez up top. Bellerin Mustafi Kos and Montreal at the back. Petr in goal.
The media will have a field day of course and i’ll possibly be thumbed down by you guys but I can’t stomach the thought of watching Ozil being bullied all afternoon. Him Danny and Giroud can come on at some stage later.


Özil bullied Kante for the home game…


I think your right. The likes of matic and Kante will bully Ozil and ultimately frustrate him into becoming the invisible man on the pitch. I think arsenal should go all in and play in a 4-3-3. Allow the ox and imwobi to run at them and keep them on their heels. I think we all know their is very little chance of seeing this formation but on the plus at least Ramsey has no chance of seeing any action.


Just had a read of the 200+ comments on the match report. A decent proportion of the commenters are indicating they want a change of manager.
Give it a couple of days, and these same fickle Wengerholics will have reverted back to type and be claiming we’re going smash Chelsea and win the league. Pathetic!

Petit's Handbag

No they’re not


What’s your point really? I mean which side are you on?

Jim wall

Think its time for wenger to go at end of season,what he has done for this club is unbelievable,but like every sportsman he has had his day,hope for rest of season he doesnt play the starting line-up..also cant understand why perez and the ox are not starting..

Tony Hall

Cech, Bellerin, Mustafi, Kos, Monreal, Coq, Ox, Ozil, Iwobi, Alexis, Walcott that’s about the best team we could play against Chelsea and pray very hard that we improve on the shitfest we saw in the first 45 minutes against Watford and for the record all the players bar Czech stank in the first 45 minutes of that match, Ramsey was no worse than anyone of them on this occasion but he is the whipping boy right now for the fickle fans who have to blame everything on someone. It was Theo for a while and Ox and now it is… Read more »

Tony Hall

On the subject of AW he has been a great manager for us over the years but I do feel it is time for change at the top. We have a team that on paper is good enough to win the PL yet here we are once again, same old story, season fucked up by February for the how many years running now. There are no excuses anymore …

Tony Hall

Cech, Bellerin, Mustafi, Kos, Monreal, Coq, Ox, Ozil, Iwobi, Alexis, Walcott that’s about the best team we could play against Chelsea and pray very hard that we improve on the shitfest we saw in the first 45 minutes against Watford and for the record all the players bar Czech stank in the first 45 minutes of that match, Ramsey was no worse than anyone of them on this occasion but he is the whipping boy right now for the fickle fans who have to blame everything on someone. It was Theo for a while and Ox and now it is… Read more »

Yorkshire Gunner

A brief positive from last night. A mate of mine at work’s son was the Watford mascot last night. He said the club were fantastic in looking after them. He said an official said the Arsenal mascot wasn’t allowed in Arsenal dressing room but Per on hearing this took him in anyway. Class from the BFG.


This season has panned out exactly as expected unfortunately. Still every season we give them the benefit of doubt, Maybe this year it will be different, But it never is. I think if we ever was going to win the league again under Arsene Wenger it would have had to have been last season which was pretty much handed to us on a silver platter. This season the competition is much more fierce, so expecting us to compete now was probably naive. Hope atleast we can challenge for the F.A cup, it would be nice if we could maybe win… Read more »


Slightly off topic, but in all the (mostly justifiable) criticism of Ramsey, Giroud and the other usual suspects, there’s not much directed at Mustafi. In my opinion, he was culpable last night and hasn’t been at all convincing all season. Yes, he can impress at times, but all too often, he’s a bit of a loose cannon. All this “haven’t lost a game with Mustafi” bullshit, is a classic case of more luck than judgement. In my view, Rob Holding is far more assured and a natural defender, who should be starting far more games – even if he did… Read more »

mr D

Iconcur re: Mustafi . I hanker back to a Sky sports show with Paul Merson ( i know he has a chip on his shoulder ) but he had the same reservations about Mustafi ,his point was if he was really really that good and was one of the top top defenders in spain , why did Barcelona and Madrid not go in for him . Ive seen a horse & cart turn quicker than Mustaif at times ,he always gets roasted on the “spin of the shoulder” run.


I don’t think so. mustafi has greater experience than holding. In fact mustafi ball distribution is really good.while rob holding shows his inexperience in 1st prem league match against Liverpool. Mustafi has better game reading and understanding
with koscienly. in my opinion our game against Watford sums up when Ramsey gave away 2 goals and’s a really bad day for us.


If there was a sub left he would of come off but he was able to run it off. Navy that’s the answer to the injury problems. Just grow a collective set of balls and get on with it. Also wake the fuck up at the beginning of a game. Your good enough to be that complacent.


Really torn on whether I think it’s better for Wenger to stay or if we need to move on. Wenger has been unbelievable for the club and football in general in his time with Arsenal and I became a supporter of Arsenal many years ago due to Wenger and the style of play he brought to the club (which I know is what has drawn so many people to support Arsenal from outside of London), but we keep seeing the say issues with the club that we shouldn’t have with so much talent each year. Other top teams drop points… Read more »


Wenger can no longer motivate this team anymore. This team under a better coach will be in first place.thank you arsen for everything you have done for this club but it is time to move on.


It’s that horrible feeling you get when the game starts and it’s oh fuck they haven’t turned up! Why? I’ve seen it over and over it doesn’t matter what players what formation every year with out fail there is that first half crap served up with the usual bollocks to follow. It’s now part of our dna. We no its gonna happen it always does just like our endless won’t stop me from loving my team….but what I’d give for just one season with out it.


It just feels like our squad is too nice. Just think how a Roy Keane would shake things up…


Maybe he can provide better balance with Coquelin.

As much as I like Ramsey, he was insipid.

Not to say Coquerlin was his usual best either. Or Monreal.

The one player I actually like to see involved is Lucas.

Looks like he has found the tempo of his team mates and he seems to make things happen.

Have to say I favour a mobile surprise package against Chelsea with something akin to the Lucas, Walcott or Welbeck and Alexis position switching across the front line.

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