Sunday, September 8, 2024

Wilshere: I can’t imagine Arsenal without Wenger

Jack Wilshere says that because Arsene Wenger been at Arsenal for as long as he can remember, he cannot imagine life without the Frenchman in charge.

There were more questions today about the Frenchman’s future – and once more there were few answers – but the midfielder, currently on loan at Bournemouth, had nothing but good things to say about the manager.

Speaking to Sky Sports ahead of Bournemouth’s game against Sp*rs, the 25 year old was asked about Arsenal’s season and the pressure Wenger is under.

“He has always been great for me,” he said. “He put me in at a young age which you don’t see a lot at top clubs with all the pressure for trophies.

“He stuck with me and showed faith in me. So for me he’s great and I can’t imagine Arsenal without him. He has been great for me and that’s all I can say.”

As for what’s going on this season, he continued, “I’ve been away for a year so I don’t know what’s happening there, in the dressing room or what training has been like.

“It hurts me more [than Sp*rs doing well] to see Arsenal struggling.”

Like others who have contracts heading into the final 12 months, Wilshere’s future is in question, but didn’t have a lot to say about that.

“I’ve said before. I have to wait until the end of the season,” he said. “I’m a Bournemouth player and we’re still not out of trouble.

“I’ve got a year left. So I’m sure I’ll sit down with the boss and whoever it may concern and we’ll sort it out.”

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Shere Willpower

Come back Wilshere


I can! Stability, teamwork, spirit, a designated captain who plays…


Aka he knows Wenger is staying and wants to come back too


The last time he came back from a loan, he was brilliant for us. Hope it’s the same story for next season.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

1) “He has always been great for me,” he said. “He put me in at a young age which you don’t see a lot at top clubs with all the pressure for trophies.” – Wilshire But the thing Jack is that Wenger is blissfully free from any pressure to win any trophy. Esp. the two that really matter. 2) “He stuck with me and showed faith in me. So for me he’s great and I can’t imagine Arsenal without him. He has been great for me and that’s all I can say.”- Wilshire Yeah I know he has been great… Read more »


-Too Drunk To Be Offside You kind of stand out from most of the commenters here, because of your username, and because of how blunt you are with your criticism of Wenger. I know you have been a Wenger critic for a very long while and at first I just found you to be an ignorant idiot. I was very firmly in the pro-Wenger camp, like Wilshire I couldn’t imagine the club without Wenger has the manager. As this season went South, for a long while I just loathed your posts. However, I later realised it was only because each… Read more »

Too Drunk To Be Offside

The frustration against Wenger my friend comes from the fact that apart from Fergie, there is no manager in the world who has had as free a reign with the team, like Wenger has had at Arsenal. There was no interference from the board in any on field decision. Wenger was free to do what he wanted, no questions asked. Such degrees of freedom should be a springboard for stronger team building. Wenger has been the envy of managers around the world, who constantly have to fight over-enthusiastic chairmans to get what they want. None of that with Wenger. To… Read more »


Everyone is a Wenger out, everyone has a breaking point where the mediocracy of our club becomes too much! Apart from the board who clean up of course and it’s with the greates disrespect to them and the greatest respect to Arsenal that they can genuinely fuck off! With regards to Arsene, go back to 2006 and if you were to be asked if Wenger has not won a championship or a European cup in the next 11 years should he still be manager would you have honestly said yes?? That’s the reality of the situation… those who do not… Read more »


A whole load of thumbs down but no credible response from anybody….


In the last 5 seasons, we have spent the 3rd most in the league, and coincidentally came up with the 3rd highest point total. Since 2003, the beginning of the big money era, we have spent 4th most in the league and come up with the 3rd highest point total. And this is spreading our squad across Champions League matches every single year as well. Something no other team has had the pleasure to claim. So if you think Wenger is the problem. Guess again.


if you think money is the solution look at table right now or just look at who won last year


Of the teams above us in the table only Tottenham and Liverpool have spent less in the last 5 years. And Leicester isn’t that far off on spending! They are 9th in the league in spending over the last 5 years , and yet haven’t even made it out of the Championship for 2 of those 5! If you think money spent isn’t a huge factor in success in modern sports then you’re deluded, and look where Leicester are right now! Of course it is possible to overperform slightly in the long term, just like Wenger and Arsenal have done.… Read more »

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Wenger spent nearly 100 mil last season and the club has declined to ludicrous lows. That alone should be enough.

Too drunk\'s Keyboard

Leave me alone.


its a myth than arsenal is not spending money . even if we’re not spending the same as city and united level we are certainly amount the top four or three , as chelsea has been spending about the same as arsenal for few years . we spend about 100 million in last transfer window alone and look where we are right now . sitting above arsenal are liverpool and tottenham whoose netspend is much lower than us. and if you think that is an anomaly you are the deluded one. they are clearly outperforming us in every phase of… Read more »


I am with Jack on this one. I have been an Arsenal fan basically since Wenger showed up with Titi. Will I be an Arsenal fan afterwards? Not sure. If they sign a manager like Mourinho, absolutely not! I am not from London, I wasn’t born an Arsenal fan. Arsenal earned my attention by playing beautiful flowing football, and having one of the classiest, most intelligent managers in football. I am not a fairweather fan, as I watched the most football in the years right after Henry left for Spain. No, we didn’t win anything, but we had some moments… Read more »


Right, piss off then

Another 2 years(it hurts)

Well, it means you are Arsene fans, not Arsenal. LOL

Why not

Each to their own. Plenty of room for both in the world.

Wyn mills

Ryan, you are the sort of fan who sits silently in the stands. Yes you watch Arsenal , but you don’t LIVE Arsenal. Perhaps if you knew Arsenal before Wenger took over you would understand.


I can


We’ve heard all this before.

What’s everyone had for tea?


Fiorentina pizza … v nice


I had tea for tea


Jack’s one of the few who can carry the ball at feet through the middle. In truth, considering injury to Santi persisting, we could have used his services as Wenger has yet to find adequate balance in deep midfield next to Granit. I’m sure the gaffer tried to keep Jack but he simply wanted assured playing time which wasn’t going to be the promise at Arsenal. OTOH, I’d personally rather have had Jack than say an Elneny who adds nothing special. The problem is Jack is not content to come off the bench where as the Egyptian was signed for… Read more »


Haha, do you just trawl arseblog waiting for an article that you gives you an angle to slam elneny with? I swear it’s all you comment about


Wilshere is zero, whether in midfield, in 10 or on the wing, Wenger trusts him far too much and it sinks the team. The “Egyptian” as you say is a very devoted player who has always been strong and efficient. Yes, he is “Egyptian” and Jack is English, but let’s consider quality for once ! But don’t worry, this is not Wenger’s business: the British core is his motto no matter what!


The prospect of spurs finishing above is does not please me

Too Drunk To Be Offside

We can always hope for the team from Sh!te Fart Lane to remember who they are and plummet, like they did last season.

Unfortunately that is what it has come to now. Just cross fingers and hope Sp*rs do us a favor. *Pukes*.


I guess it will raise their expectations and then they will be that much more gutted next season when we win the league and they implode and sell all their best players to real madrid

Matt P

Personally, I am probably in the minority, but I don’t give a shit about how spurs do. I do give a shit very much about how we do.


No neither do i when it comes down to it. It’s just banter 🙂


Well you’ll have to because you’re coming back son and ain’t no manager in the world gonna want to sell you


Bring back Jack…. and Szczesny. I just think both would be a help.


Both of them are amazing players with bright future they will do well next season.

Another 2 years(it hurts)

I have unpopular opinion about Jack, i think he is overrated, pretty average.

Matt P

I agree. I don’t get his popularity. I think it’s cos he’s an Arsenal protegy. And a ‘lad’. Yawn

But he’s decidely average. Like many English players, he lacks technical quality and just as importantly his decision making is often poor


Arsenal fans are so fickle, we lose a few games here and there and it’s the end of the world. Spurs haven’t won anything for donkeys neither most of the premier league teams, but guess what their fans stick with them. Support them through bad times, ever wondered why the team is at such a low point? Because our fans don’t give a shit, players see how the fans are on match days with their banners and their chants, what player wants to play when the fans don’t give a damn. You all come on here and give your 2… Read more »


What a lot of people forget is that our glory years were a culmination of 3 different managers. George graham (created the best defense ever), bruce rioch (if nothing else, he brought in bergkamp and platt) and then of course, wenger. I have always been pro-wenger, but in the real world where would you stay in the same job for 20 years without stagnating? I think if he goes we’ll have a few “man utd” years where we rot in midtable, but could be better things ahead. Love you arsene xxx


and I cant imagine jack playing one whole season.

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