Sunday, September 8, 2024

Szczesny pens emotional Arsenal farewell message

After 11 years at Arsenal, Wojciech Szczesny has departed for pastures new. He may now wear Juventus colours, but he says the Gunners will always be in his heart.

Taking to Instagram on the day his move to Turin has been confirmed, the Poland international paid homage to those he’s worked with at the Emirates, reflected on his favourite memories and wished the club the best with their pursuit of the Premier League.

Here’s what he had to say…


“I remember being a young boy in Poland, watching David Seaman, Thierry Henry, Dennis Berkamp and others play for Arsenal. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get a chance to play for the club I supported as a little kid.

“When I was approached by Arsenal in 2005 my world changed forever. I began my journey as a 16-year-old boy at the Arsenal’s academy, trying to one day become a first team player, going out for evening runs in East Barnet with Jack Wilshere. Little did we know then, that couple years later we’d beat Barcelona in the Champions League and wear the no.1 and no.10 shirts. 

“It has been over 11 years since I became an Arsenal player and I never thought the day I leave this club would come. Everything that I am and everything that I have, I owe to Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, Liam Brady, David Court, Bob Arber, Steve Bould, Neil Banfield, Mike Salmon, Tony Roberts, Gerry Peyton, Pat Rice and many others. Words can’t describe my gratitude to these people and love for this club. 

“Today I move on, ready for the new challenge in my life, taking with me only the good memories and bag of expierience. I leave hopeful that those days of Berkamp, Henry, Seaman and others are soon to return to Emirates Stadium and Arsenal get back to winning the Premier League. 

“I may not be an Arsenal player no more but I will carry the Arsenal name with me wherever I go and I will do so with great pride. Once a Gunner, always a Gunner! ❤” 


Apologies, there appears to be some dust in my eye…

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Cliff Bastin

Got a good gig. Will play in the champions league behind a Defence which knows what the hell its doing. Wish him all the best.


I doubt he will play over Buffon in the Champions League this season. This is Buffon’s last season

The Loon Ranger

Brought a tear to my eye truly

Kampala gooner

Much love and respect. Wish you all the luck in the world. Van persie Cole and Co. That’s Wat it means wearing the red and white.

Glasgow Gooner

One day he shall return ☝️

p.s. Bless his cotton socks.


Very rarely in this age of slapping the badge then moving a few months later do you see true emotion in football, but that’s it right there. Best of luck chez, go be a legend.


Err except Buffon is still there.


There’d better a buy back clause.



Santa Cazorla

Once a Gunner, always a Gunner! ❤


Once a Gooner, always a Gooner
He’s a keeper


Unfortunately we won’t benefit from it. Shocking decision to let him go

Thierry bergkamp

Unless your name is Francesc


This is rediculous letting him go. Chelsea loan out a young immature goalie in Courtois, he goes on to become one of the best GK’s in the spanish league and then they bring him back and reap the benefits. Arsenal loan out a young immature goalie in Szczesny, he goes on to become one of the best in the italian league and then we sell him for absolute peanuts to one of the worlds best teams.
Makes no sense what so ever.

La Cazette with Zest and Zeal

Once a Gunner, always a Gunner! Tell that to Sanchez !


It’s the onions guys. I’ve been chopping onions.


I’m making lasagna,
For one


It’s just been raining. On my face.

Lord\'s Left Foot

Goodbye Wojciech, even through our lean years having you as our no 1 goalkeeper made me think – our glory years will return with all these talented youngsters.

Be a goalkeeping legend and make us proud!


I’m gutted. I think following his two years on loan, and Cech’s decline, he is at least as good, if not better than Cech now, but also has age on his side. Seems clear his misdeamenors in the past have meant he lost Wenger’s trust. It’s a shame, as he clearly genuinely loves the club, and that’s what we want from our players. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him win a Champions League in the future (once Buffon has retired of course). Good luck to him.


Have you actually watched Roma to say that he’s just as good as Cech?


I’ve watched him and he is certainly is as good and much younger and a class above Ospina.


I said Cech

I\'m Professor Ignorance, on this subject

The sentence can be read as, “I’ve watched [Szczesny] and [Szczesny] certainly is as good [as Cech] and much younger [than Cech] and [also] a class above Ospina.”


Becomes even less logical. Loves the club, taking over from one of the best ever goalies in the world at Juve. If he was learning from Cech surely that isn’t much different to learning from Buffon?

Surely it wouldn’t have taken much to keep him?


Totally agree. Shocking decision to let him go.


My sincere hope is there’s some sort of buy back clause that we can execute when Cech decides to call it a day.


Knowing our glorious mgmt, for sure not. And Juve probably would not accept that, we are not Real as they did with Morata.

Ekanem David

Wish him all the best. Wished he could have stayed. Hope he comes back one day.

Kampala gooner

May be its time we see what Emi Martinez is made of.

Tom K

I Szczed a little tear


I’m hoping the club was smart enough to request some kinda buy-back clause in his contract in exchange for the low fee. I know they haven’t though. They’ve just sold him for a stupidly low price.






This seems heartfelt and this side of him, is reason enough to have forgiven him his childish smoke and his jerk of a dad and to have kept him in lieu of Ospina. Like Mr Blogs, I like a bigger goalie and his goals against stats at Arsenal and Roma have been impressive. I will miss him. Had harboured hope he would follow Cech instead of being like Cheech, Up in Smoke

David C

did we put a bloody buy back clause in there? My word, 10 million for a good goalie entering his prime…

Nachos in Montreal

“Good goalie entering his prime”?You mean the goalie scouted by Juventus to be Buffon’s successor?The goalie that has won golden gloves in the Premier League with arguably not the best Defence in the premier league?The goalie that we built,nurtured,and is Arsenal through and through?The goalie that was our first choice for half a decade?


Good luck Szczesny. Except when you play against us in a CL game.


good luck ! You always gave it your all !


Now that’s how you write a love letter to a club that you still carry a torch for.

Well done Szczesny, and good luck in your future endeavours.


????? … I’m fine guys… I’m fine

uncle D

A tree trunk fell on my face that’s why am crying ?


Really seems immature? Why did we not bring him home?


Nice farewell from a true Gunner. He really understands what it means to be a fan of The Arsenal.

Better ask Mrs B to leave the dusting until you go out Andrew.


what a legend. clearly really cares about the club and the people – don’t think I’ve ever seen a farewell message that picks out very specific coaches with genuine gratitude.


Love the man. Our loss, really.


I think he will turn out to be a very good keeper and gutted to see him go but good luck to him and im sure he will get a good reception when he comes back to visit.


I’m not crying. You are crying!


Fucking sorry state of affairs.


Damn these ninja cutting onions.

bob davis

I saw you play on loan at Brentford. I always knew you would make it!

Good luck with everything!


This is so stupid. Why the eff are we selling him

Lone Star Gunner

I salute this fine man! Will never forget the “it’s happened again” video.

I have serious questions about how Arsenal managed this but that is for another day. Best of luck to Sczez.


Who left these damn onions out here


“Once a Gunner, always a Gunner.” unless you’re Robin Van Persie


Form is temporary, Class is permanent.

Thank you for all the memories bringing a smile to my face, Wojciech.


Good enough for Juve, is good enough. Can’t understand how we can let a player with so much love for the club and talent (most cleansheets in Europe) go.

ashburton red

Very rare to hear of such a bond to the club expressed ever, let alone mid-way through a career.

Nice one Wojciech, don’t be a stranger!


The cut-price departure of one of the top goalkeepers in Europe, presumably still over a moment of immaturity that occurred years ago, is simply foolish imo. Since going out on loan, he’s been married, played well enough to attract the interest of Juve, and by all indications has grown as a person. He clearly loves Arsenal, and would be a natural to take over from Cech. Would it be so difficult to bring him back in? Arsène has a reputation for giving young players an opportunity, which is admirable. But he also seems perfectly willing to bin those players, regardless… Read more »

Gooner Yogi

Once a Gunner, always a Gunner! Good luck, mate! Hope that Arsenal put the buy back clause on his contract. ?⚪️❤️


All the best in your new journey, Woj! You’ll be missed.


Gutted, confused, annoyed, and regretful that this bloke is leaving us. He’s one of us, he’s a Gooner. Letting him go has left me as bewildered as when we signed Park.

Good luck W Szcz. I hope we see you in the 18-19 season. In the Champs Lg final and you let a few slip past you ;).




I’m not crying, ive been stabbed in the eye.

Lord Bendnter

Wow! That was beautiful!
I think he did everything right in Serie A. I hope he gets great success at Juventus. I am still 100% sure that when we finish on top of Sp*rs next season (or win the league) we will see him release a brilliant video. Waiting for that 🙂


Whether Players leave or stay, their legacy will be how they conducted themselves on the pitch and off it particularly towards the fans and the Manager and the Club in general. Although not has not displayed his best in Arsenal colours, when Sczezney spoke, he spoke like a Gooner. And he leaves with the dignity and class of a true Gooner. We salute you, our London accented Polak.

Faisal Narrage



Caring Hand Wash

Juve, you’ve got yourself an absolute bargain there.
Gutted for us.


This is one where you want to think there’s something we don’t know about the situation because otherwise it just seems bonkers. We’re letting the best keeper in serie a go for 10 million when man city is signing a comparatively unproven keeper from the portoguese league for 35 million?
And it doesn’t sound like he was committed to leaving or anything either.

It’s a truly incomprehensible thing for the club to do based on what we know.


A lesson in how not to get boo’d by your old team and their fans to any player. Spoken like a fan. Love the bloke.

Gaz kerr

Good luck he had a few dodgy games but I think he is now in his best years and we are letting him go. Way to go Arsene?


I would’ve keep him and make him no 1 because in my eyes having a keeper for ten years who is top quality and who has that kind of connection with funs is better than having Czech who is better goalie and also great man but who has two or three years in hands.All the best man!


Shut up, I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Really classy message. Will miss him.


The same words that Van Persie and Fabregas once in life said, but the good thing is that he’s not like them and his words are honest and sincere. Good luck Szcz. So that means Ospina is staying? or he will leave and Martínez will be the second choice?

Tasmanian Jesus

Van Persie and Fabregas never said anything like this after they left, as far as I can remember.

Best of luck to Szcz.
This sale never should have happened.

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