Thursday, December 19, 2024

Video: Arsenal 0-3 Man City ‘On the whistle’

Another defeat, another defeat to Man City, the second successive 3-0 loss in a week to Pep Guardiola’s side.

James from Gunnerblog was there, here are his on the whistle thoughts.

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You could see James holding his tears


The bottom club in the premier league may finish the season less points behind us than we are likely to be behind the champions!


Ouch. Hard to argue with anything James said. It’s a sad situation, but it’s only going to get worse and more toxic until Arsene goes. When you find yourself considering the next few months and realizing your main hope is that the season ends without further humiliation and damage, you know you’re in a bad place.

In Arse We Trust

You are an amazing consultant

True gunner

I understand that Arsenal is currently second best to Man Cty, but where do these Arsenal players get the effrontery to demand top dollars. Sane, who was the man of the match for me is not paid half as much as Ozil. For the kind of money Pierre Aubameyang is been paid, he should be focus on taking those PKs with a bit more purpose and precision. I think Arsenal payroll is above that of Man City, so why pay them these astronomical figures if they’re nowhere near good enough to compete with their main rivals.


I’m not sure about that. Do you have anything to back that up?


370 M £ for Pep in 21 months. 350 M £ for Arsène in 21 years.


They should be paying us to watch this shit!


In Wenger, we rust.

Lone Star Gunner

Yet again I sit down to watch a game on DVR due to the time difference between London and Texas, yet again I begin fast forwarding after we’re down 0-2, yet again we don’t do anything to stay my hand from the FF key.

Wenger should go. Tonight.


Loosing twice to city in a week is poor especially considering the score lines. And loosing out on a trophy. I don’t think this’ll be enough for the board to let Arsene go though. Having said that if we crash out of the wafa cup then perhaps that’ll be the straw that breaks the camels back.


Well said that man .. but I disagree that another Manager would get any better performances from this group of players .. our squad players range from well below average to bang average to just above average .. over 100 million spent on 2 strikers who if you melted them together wouldnt be as good as Aguero !


James, that 0-3 deficit at halftime was the worst of the Wenger era in the league at home. There were worse halftime deficits at Chelsea and Liverpool in the not too distant past.

Wyn Mills

I think Guardiola told his players at half time to ease up and not to humiliate The Old man. He still has a lot of respect for Wenger. But it’s so sad to see…and even sadly so predictable.

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