Sunday, September 8, 2024

PFA release statement after Ramsdale is kicked by Sp*rs fan

An unsavoury incident involving Aaron Ramsdale and a Sp*rs supporter soured Arsenal’s celebrations following the 2-0 win over Sp*rs.

The goalkeeper was first confronted by Richarlison at the full time whistle – a reaction to being wound up by our number 1 in the dying seconds – and then was kicked in the back by a member of the home support, who stood on the advertising hoardings to reach him. The moron was immediately pushed back by a steward before doing a runner.

After the match, Ramsdale admitted he’d “given some back” to the home support who’d taunted him throughout the second half but said it was “a shame” that someone had taken it too far.

Mikel Arteta, Gabriel Magalhaes and Granit Xhaka were quick on the scene to make sure Ramsdale was fine before the men in red and white made their way up the other end to celebrate with the travelling Gooners.

After the match, the supporter at the centre of the controversy was criticised by the Preofessional Footballers’ Association (PFA) who released the following statement:

“Violence towards players is completely unacceptable. These types of incidents are happening far too often. Players have a right to be safe in their place of work. When a player is attacked, we expect the laws and regulations that are in place to protect players to be properly enforced.

As the players’ union, we treat this as a priority issue. We will continue working with the authorities to demand that players and staff are better protected in their place of work.”

In a statement of their own, the FA added: “We strongly condemn the incident involving a spectator that followed today’s Premier League fixture between Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal. This is wholly unacceptable behaviour and we will work together with the police, the relevant authorities and the clubs to ensure the appropriate action is taken.”

No doubt CCTV will be able to identify the culprit and they will be handed a stadium ban.

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Logic dictates that Spurs ought to be fined for failure to control fans.


To be honest Spurs should be fined for masquerading as a football club.


Brilliant take!

A Different George

Conte in!

karl g

The Arsenal charges are punishment for Arteta calling out the officials in the Newcastle match.

Just like nobody will ever get two yellows in one action again (Martinelli), we’ve seen many incidents over the last few days of players surrounding the referee and complete silence from them.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

Spot on, they weren’t going to let Arteta calling their Newcastle decisions as scandalous without a response. Wankers.

Alan Sunderland

Ban the cunts from football, they won’t be missed. Ban the weasel faced cunt richarlison from football, he won’t be missed either.

Anders Limpar

Cut out the middle men and just ban the whole disgusting club, bunch of bottom dwelling cunts! COYG!!!!

North for Short

You can’t do that because we wouldn’t gloat when we beat them. you have to have the NLD. I sat through the pain last year when the refereeing was diabolical. this year, it was fair but Romero still should have seen red.


It’s not fair to ban Richarlison altogether! He’s banned himself from scoring goals already by going to Spurs and he’s only on the field for theatrics, so why ban him!


If Sp*rs aren’t fined for Poor-charlatan’s behavior and the fan attack, something is seriously wrong with the FA.


Stadium ban?

They should take the little worm up on to the toilet bowl roof and hang him from a bit of rope tied around that fucking pathetic cockerel.





Brady’s bunch

I’d do the opposite I’d make him turn up to watch them every week 😂

Tomaury Bischfeld

Imagine losing to your rivals and practically ensuring you are banned from football games for life all in one day – woops


Sounds like a good result, not having to watch Spuds again!


Seemed deliberate. He had to have a reason to tell his mates he can’t come to a game anymore


‘We strongly condemn the incident and will be trying to find a way to fine Arsenal for it’


Ramsdale saying that he gave back to them will end his england career as no 1 GK…


No it won’t

Marston Matt

Shout out to the bellend that is Richarlison — any chance of him getting a life ban


I’m pretty certain he gets so wound up against us because we didn’t bid for him and he ended up at that shower of shit

Brady’s bunch

Not to forget Romero either he shouldn’t have been on the pitch


If that was Xhaka


Surely a case for retroactive punishment – red card and extended ban for violent conduct. Well if it was an Arsenal player anyway…

billy bunter

Im surprised the spuds didnt bring on kane and son.


Kane and Son sounds like a shit deli.

Alan Sunderland

sounds like a shit building company.


Sound like shit footballers.

Emi Rates

That’s the amazing thing about Kane and Son, they are all these things. And more!


More like a plumbing company. “When you thought you’d seen all the sh*t in the world. Kane and Son”


Sounds like a rubbish collection business.

Horse breath

They already had a shit Deli, but he went to Everton. 😂


Oh they would have, unfortunately they couldn’t find them anywhere, as our fullbacks had them in their pockets!

In fact, our folks carried them all the way to our dressing room, but good for them, as they finally found themselves on the winning dressing room!


I hope Gabriel charged Kane rent for the 95 minutes he spent living in his pocket


I’m sure I’ll not be the first to say a stadium ban is hardly a punishment…


FA statement means a 10 game ban for Ramsdale incoming…


Wow, who’d’ve thought that a Spurs fan would be a complete fucking wanker.


What was even more surprising to me was that, that lot could actually KICK! Ha, what a shock!

Me from here

It’s all Arteta’s fault for beating Spuds in front of their fans. He allowed his players to celebrate to the point that a Spud fan had to kick Ramsdale to get something on arsenal because his team wasn’t badly beaten. Kane wasn’t allowed to have his customary penalty, Xhaka was allowed to breathe without getting a card, and Odegaard tormented them. Arteta even had the audacity to go 8 points clear at the top of the table and will probably win the league now while Spuds might relegate. As a rookie manager, this is unbecoming. He should be fired and… Read more »


Thanks Mr Keys – hope you are well

Granit(e) hard!

Yeah, yeah, they are quick to throw the books when it’s Arsenal…anyways, my keeper and players are all safe, so not going to let this affect my flow, i will just keep on enjoying the victory, who knows we mighteven be in line fota st Totteringham’s guys?😁

Granit(e) hard!

And from the typos you know I am celebrating this right?😁


Don’t drink and ptye, sir!


A stadium ban for the supporter in question? Why reward them, they should be punished!




For a zillionth time I’ll just say I f’kin LOVE Granit Xhaka!!!
This thrilling bunch of youngsters definitelly need a character like Granit! Extend his contract, make sure we have him.for at least 2 additional years!


He played right up to the line perfectly in this match I thought. Much more mature and aware of how not to cross it, but make his presence known and be there for his ‘mates.

And good on Arteta for catching the pot before it really boiled over.

Sammy Nelsons Arse

Incoming FA charge to Arsenal failure to control goalkeeper, assaulting fans foot with his back

A Different George

It was genuinely funny to watch Arteta, escorting Ramsdale away, suddenly change direction when he saw Xhaka go past him heading towards the problem, sprint after him, grab him, and pull him back. Granit kept looking back, just in case he was needed, but Arteta kept a firm hold.


Seemed to me Granit saying he was trying to get the young guys away, but obviously Arteta was more worried about Granit getting into the mix himself. Good on both of them, I think. ha ha


I absolutely *loved* that. I mean.. I loved that Arteta got Granit out of the way, but I also loved that Granit was on the way back into it. This reminded me of the old games against Man U. When our boys didn’t take sh*t from anyone, and we’d just as soon start a fight as take a shot at goal. After years and years of “Arsenal don’t like it up ’em” and being kicked about (we still are..) that’s becoming a thing of the past. I haven’t felt this connected to the team since .. well.. the Invincibles. Right… Read more »


You have concisely described exactly why the FA is bound and determined to douse us with fines and punishments. Anything they can do to keep the Arsenal from rising.


How about Richarlison who attacked Ramsdale and instigated the fans? The cunt


He should get a ban for striking Ramsdale’s head. But I doubt he will.

I think he should be banned because–to state the obvioushis action was inflammatory and “violent conduct” by the letter of the law even if it doesn’t appear harmful. In any other place, Ramsdale would be forgiven for reacting to it. If the FA doesn’t want him to react on the football pitch, and moreover doesn’t want players slapping opponents in the head/face just as a referee assistant is about to separate them, then Richarlison should be given a retrospective 3-game ban.

Gervinho is Driving

Never seen Arteta run so fast as when he realized Xhaka, alone, was still fronting up to
knot of Sp*rs players after the final kerfuffle. He ran like I do when my two-year-old is playing with the barbeque.

Horse breath

That’s because he was worried Xhaka would do so much damage


The boss was obviously worried for the safety of that handful of Sp*rs players….


Good analogy, but to be accurate, seeing Xhaka strolling towards a heated argument is like spotting your two year old heading for the barbeque while struggling under the weight of a gallon petrol can.

Chuck Felsea

Question is, if a stadium ban for spurs is even a punishment.


What bout richalison ? They are not talking bout him? He started it .cuz without him hitting ramsdale head that muggy cunt wont have the gut to take on ramsdale too

Old Al

I guy called Anthony Riley posted this elsewhere on the web and it made me laugh. A lot!

Spuds have now acted firmly to deal with the culprit.

They have given him a 10 year season ticket.

Serves him right.


I’m eagerly awaiting the retroactive red for Richardson putting hands to Ramsdale’s face / head and the Spurs fine for failing to control their players surrounding the ref.

Neither of which will arrive, of course.


Those muppets on Sky never fail to disappoint, do they?

Morbid curiosity led me to witness the ‘big inquest’ this morning to yesterday’s full time whistle shenanigans, with that fucking waxwork Doctor Who alien monster that is Dermot Gallagher (literally looking like a penis wearing a pair of glasses) taking Xhaka (who else?) to task, whilst conveniently omitting to mention the deliberate provocation being waged by the glue sniffing super cunt himself, Richarlison.

Again, I ask myself, “Why do you watch this shit…?!”😂


Has the FA or Sp*rs actually offered an apology for their lack of professionalism and preventing it from actually happening?

Are Sp*rs being fined?
Are Richarlson being fined for slapping Aaron?
Are Sp*rs being fined for constantly circling the ref every time he blew the whistle


Watch the stewards. They do absolutely FUCK ALL to assist the Police in nicking that dickhead. They just stand there, like a couple of fucking pot plants, allowing him to escape.



Imagine if this was all role reversal and had happened at the Emirates……??

Exactly….. 🙄

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