Thursday, September 19, 2024

Arteta on his competitiveness, self-improvement and striving for perfection

In the second half of his pre-Wolves press conference, Mikel Arteta was pressed on his competitive spirit, how he’s planning to improve Arsenal and why he’s pushing his players to maximise their potential in the pursuit of silverware…

On being a competitive animal…

I love it, everything I do, I try to win and do it at my best because I’m happier afterwards and feel fulfilled. If I’m not able to do it, I’ll try to learn from it and apply things that will get me closer to doing that. That’s the way I am.

On whether he’ll ever be fulfilled…

I don’t know, if I see no margins [for improvement] or when I squeeze the lemon there is absolutely nothing there, maybe one day. At the moment, I don’t see it that way at all. First of all, me.

On what he needs from himself…

A lot. I think you can evolve a lot. When I see what I used to do, what I do, how I see certain things, how I deal with certain things, I have to improve a lot.

On what perfection looks like to him…

I don’t know, an infinite team. A team that has no roof and can play in any context, dominates the opponent in any circumstance, can play every three days. I don’t know.

On how hard it is to convey the need for perfection to his players…

The only thing we can ask of ourselves is to be the best version of ourselves and maximise that potential. The rest is not in our hands. That one, it is. Do I do every single thing to the best of my capabilities at the service of the team and do it in every context. That’s all we can do. I think if we do that, we’re a great team. To achieve what? Let’s see. Depending on what others days, it does not just depend on us.

On whether he has to have a trophy by next May to be able to claim progress this season…

I would love to [have a trophy]. Have to? I don’t know. Are you going to put a knife on my neck? I would absolutely love that feeling, yes.

On whether it would be hard not to win a trophy this season…

Today, I cannot think about that. I have to think about Wolves.

On Arsenal losing the title during a bad patch in December and needing to avoid such slumps this season…

Yes. For sure, there’s going to be a moment when we lost a point and we’ll have to analyse games and what happens in those games as well.

On whether there was anything in particular that contributed to that festive slump…

In one of the games after 20 minutes, it should be 4-0. Instead, we’re losing 0-2, so these are the margins.

On Kai Havertz overcoming adversity and it being something Gabriel Jesus can follow…

100 per cent. One of the biggest things in this sport is mental toughness. Kai showed an unbelievable one. And when you’re surrounded by people who love you and want to put everything they can to make you better, if people are a little bit patient as well, and you see that person is so willing, everything is doable. Gabi looks like he really wants it, that’s the best start.

On how close Arsenal are to reaching its full level…

I don’t see that. I don’t see that yet. I don’t see that we are close to that full potential. We are still far.

On how many teams will be in the title race this season…

I think it’s going to be a really, really competitive league. There are new coaches, a lot of teams that have strengthened themselves a lot, and some others that have a certain stability and consistency for a few years right now so I think it’s going to be really competitive.

On City’s Premier League hearing (scheduled for later this year) being a possible distraction for his players…

No, it’s nothing to do with us.

On what he can promise Arsenal fans this season…

That we’ll try to be better, take a lot of the things we did really well and try to improve them. It’s not just on me, it’s on everybody in this process.

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Mayor McCheese

Interesting to hear his thoughts on what it means to be fulfilled. I’ve been squeezing my lemon for years now and there is absolutely nothing there.

I’m fulfilled!

Dr. Gooner

The only thing we can ask of ourselves is to be the best version of ourselves and maximise that potential.

This is the meaning of life. Not kidding.


“Are you going to put a knife on my neck? I would absolutely love that feeling, yes.”
Oooff not beating the unhinged allegations with stuff like this 🫣
All jokes aside, COYG!!

Johnny 4 Hats

“Mikel, are you competitive?”

Mikel – “I could ask that question much better than that”

Tom 007

The 115 sinners will be put to the sword by the end of the Year..?????… Will it happen….??? really it has nothing to do with us !!

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