Tuesday, September 17, 2024

‘This is a big chance for me to show Jonas and the girls what I can do’ Kyra Cooney-Cross reacts to victory over Rosenborg

Kyra Cooney-Cross starred in midfield during Arsenal’s 1-0 win over Rosenborg on Saturday evening. The Australian spoke to the media after the match. The third and fourth questions are from Arseblog News.

On dominating the game but only scoring one goal…
We made it through, we didn’t make it through last season and our aim is to go through this season. We’ve been playing really well, we didn’t score enough goals tonight but it is what it is and we are through.

On feeling more comfortable at Arsenal now…
Coming in last season, coming into a new team and new club was difficult. I understand now what Jonas wants from me and I am playing more so I am a lot more comfortable. Playing with the girls more, I think I know more what they need me to do too.

On injuries to Victoria Pelova and Lia Walti opening a door for her…
Yeah I definitely think this is a big chance for me to show Jonas and the girls what I can do and what I am capable of. It’s sad that Vic is out and Wally has had a few niggles but it’s an opportunity for me, but I will always be there for my teammates regardless.

On working on the defensive side of her game…
That was definitely a goal coming into this season. Jonas and Wally have been helping me out with that and it has been one my focuses. I now understand what they want from me and it’s a lot easier coming into the games now.

On spraying the ball wide to the right a lot in this game…
Playing as a six that is your role, to open up the play and control it, slow it down and speed it up. Tonight’s game was an opportunity to get those passes out to Caitlin and Foxy and try to open out the game a little.

On celebrating at the end with the fans…
One of the things that is helping me perform at the moment is the enjoyment, I love playing with these girls and there was a bit of a party at the end down there with Mariona’s song. A lot of the girls were saying we miss the Cloe Lacasse song and wish we could still hear it.

On Arsenal having intensity in their play…
That is always part of our game plan, Mariona and Frida combining together, we want to put balls in we want to combine and move the other team, create space in behind and score goals. Unfortunately we didn’t get those chances tonight, we had a lot of situations and we should have finished them.

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Fun Gunner

Well, you’re definitely making a great start to the season, KCC.


Thats fantastic Tim! Thank you very much! Keep it going!


I think she is doing absolutely fine. Has played well when i have seen her, not sure what more we can ask of this likeable Australian.


She is a quality player and great she if finally getting regular playing time

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