Sunday, September 8, 2024

Arsenal 4-1 Wigan: player ratings

A 4-1 final score might have glossed over the difficulties this game presented, but it was all about the result.

Here’s how the players rated.

Wojciech Szczesny: 7/10 – Like the game against QPR pulled off a big save that proved decisive. Had Kone scored early in the second half the game might have proved a lot more difficult but he came out, spread himself well and made a massively important stop.

Bacary Sagna: 7/10 – On what might be his final home Arsenal appearance it was good to see him look positive and comfortable, aided and abetted by a disciplined Theo Walcott performance too.

Per Mertesacker: 8/10 – Dependable, reliable, efficient, calming and consistent. Can’t ask for much more.

Laurent Koscielny: 8/10 – See above, and add athletic. Made a great acrobatic clearance in the first half. Should be given a wedgie for his miss though.

Kieran Gibbs: 7/10 – Coped well with the threat of the livewire McManaman and got forward well. Some sloppy passing towards the end of the first half contributed to our wobble though.

Mikel Arteta: 6/10 – Looks like a long season has caught up with him, struggled to be as influential as usual and with a season low pass completion rate of 78% he might not have been fully fit going into this one.

Aaron Ramsey: 7/10 – Storming first half, made great tackles and interceptions, before going through a period in the second half where it looked like he was playing on an ice rink. In wellies. Came through that, his effort was top class, as usual, and thoroughly deserved his goal.

Tomas Rosicky: 7/10 – Kept things ticking over and while not on the ball as much as you might like, set the tone with constant chasing and harrying, and a couple of trademark sliders.

Santi Cazorla: 9/10 – Credited with 4 assists (although Ramsey still had plenty to do after taking the ball), he was denied a goal himself by a brilliant double save, and added the necessary creativity to the side. His talent is sublime and it was noticeable how much more effective he is when those ahead of him provide him with something to aim at.

Theo Walcott: 9/10 – His best game of the season for me. Married a decisive attacking performance with a disciplined defensive one. He hasn’t always been so switched on this season, chasing back, winning tackles in our box, and if he could play with that sort of desire in every game he’d be a far less divisive figure. Let’s hope this is his blueprint.

Lukas Podolski: 8/10 – Seems churlish to point out he found it hard going again up front when he scored twice, but he did. That doesn’t take away from his double though and although subbed again played an important part in a big win.


Jack Wilshere: 6/10 – Got a run out in the final home game, was about to come on to save the day just before Walcott scored, but was able to play without the pressure. May well be needed for Sunday in the absence of Arteta.

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain: 6/10 – Came on.

Thomas Vermaelen: n/a – Not on long enough to rate

Bonus rating:

Mike Dean: He gets baldy cheating twat out of 10

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i was at the game…no way was Walcott a 9/10!!!


better go to specsavers.

ziggy meow

I wasn’t at the game… I was watching a terribly laggy , 10fps , chinese commentated stream at 3am
I think he warranted at least an 8.5 …but then again ,from what I saw, when he scored that goal his head became the football and his leg disconected a meter away from his body..also at at one point he chased the ball all the way back to our box to make a good tackle while at the same time absorbing Shezzers into a black hole and replacing him in goal

Finsbury Park Gooner

Performances/consistency/whatever else aside, Theo scores some bloody important goals for us. I’m so glad we have him locked down for a couple more years.

John Murray

@ziggy meow if you’re talking about the shot that kone almost had after being arteta in the box, that was gibbs sliding in for the ball and theo collected it and carried it upfield. theo played a great game but tyler and quinn were wrong about who made the tackle.


If wou were at the game can you tell me what you were on? It must be good stuff.

ziggy meow

I don’t know about you guys but I was tripping balls on wallamphetemines

ziggy meow

wallydelics rather


Nope, I was on the good stuff and even I saw that he had a great performance.

Der Springer

A 10? I am a Theo fan but even I think 9 is sufficient. 🙂


Blogs wasn’t there just a little bit of you that wanted to give theo a five just to see people self implode on here

Percy Dalton

So was I – he does deserve a 9 and I’m one of his biggest critics normally

Adam, Watford

As have I. However, well played Theo !

Joey Sixpack

Awesome performance! Now watch as baba the apeman and his friends prepare to play eastern european pub teams next season. Mentalist FC and

Percy Dalton

If we win 2-1 on Sunday and Chelsea draw 0-0 we will have identical records (goal diff, goals scored, games won). Does it come down to a coin toss?


It’ll be a play-off. Could happen for 1-1 and 3-2 as well, I think. Mercifully they’re not taking head-to-heads into account.

Looking at how squashed Chelsea’s calendar has been this season, I think we’re destined for a play-off!


If that’s the case, they’ll look at head-to-head matches between the two. Meaning Chelsea would finish third.


That’s shit mate.


No, they’ve confirmed that the head-to-heads won’t be taken into account.


Head to head will do the trick


I absolutely pray that they play this match at WHL. Really rub salt in their wounds!

Gunner From Another Mother

haha that really would be quite hilarious


Unlikely to happen but if Chelsea lose 8-0 and Spurs win 8-0 ( yes I know Spurs scoring 8 in a match but just indulge me) then the same applies to both clubs.


I like how out of those two possibilities, Tottenham winning 8-0 is more ridiculous than Chelsea losing 8-0!

Abedayor kiss my arse

Everton has the most DRAWS in the EPL this season at 15. Compared to that, West Brom (another mid-table team) has only 6. The Everton boys must be loyal to Moyes and hopefully they’ll put in a proper effort at Stamford Bridge this Sunday.

That said, would much prefer we beat Newcastle 4-0 (like Alan Pardew openly welcomed) than a play-off with Chelsea.

At the start of the 2011-2012 season, were it not for a fantastic Woijcech Schechny save of a penalty against Udinese away, we might not have even reached the Group Stages.

Bobby Sue

How about each team sees how many ballboys they can beat up in 5 minutes?


Mike Dean: He gets baldy cheating twat out of 10…. Added to that …he can kiss my Arse…

Abedayor kiss my arse


Take a look at the video when Adebayor scored the winner against Stoke in the 82nd minute. If you look closely you’ll notice Mike Dean ‘skipping’ in glee.


Yeah, he’s the type that needs a pat….on the head…..with a hammer!

Norn Iron Gooner

Really? I seem to remember when sp*rs (i think) scored against us last season he did the same thing, saw it on crazy Tonys site. (untold arsenal).

The plot thickens……


Actually his rating is too high.


I see what’s happening here. Blogger gives Walcott series of bad ratings, gets slammed on the boards, feelings hurt and tries to win us back with a 9/10.

Ya big sell out! 😉


Maybe, just maybe…

ziggy meow

would you all stop giving blogs shit about this?? In my opinion he has never said anything that wasn’t visibly obvious.. its not that he’s trying to win you back.. walcott plays shit and blogs says he plays shit.. on the otherhand walcott plays well so blogs gives him the pat on the back that he deserves. In all this time of supposed wallcot bashing, blogs hasn’t failed to give credit to wallcot when he merrits it. I’ve noticed people harping on about it recently , just singling out blogs’s negative vpoints on wally and failing to mention the positive… Read more »

ziggy meow

I apoligise, I don’t think he was either.. but in my defence my rant was aimed more at the people in recent weeks who have been spewing this blogs’ anti wallcot conspiracy theory

ziggy meow

damn winking emoticon which I failed to see….changes everything

Merlin's Panini

…or Walcott


Ziggy take it easy mate. Blogs is a big boy he can defend himself..

He’s not gonna give you more thumbs up if you suck his thumb 😀

Abedayor kiss my arse

I literally had TEARS in my eyes when I saw Walcott tracking-back and hustling-back frantically to guard against the Wigan counter, and managing to NICK the ball from the Wigan left winger.

Way to go Theo, with this sort of dedication you really could be an Arsenal legend one day!


Bloggs caved into the criticism. But all season people have bagged Theo so Bloggs is just going with the flow. I am amazed with all the born again Theo suck ups who were blind to Theo’s contribution all year. I rated Theo all year and got thumbed down for it now here you all are Theo lovers.


Good that we made a massive improvement on our goal difference. Now, Chelsea cannot play for a draw on final day. They need to go out for a win against an Everton side biding goodbye to their long serving manager. I read somewhere that Everton under Moyes has never managed to win at Chelsea.. hey but there is a first time to anything 🙂


Trivial final day trivia.. Everton is one among three teams (others being Liverpool and Wigan) that has ‘nothing’ to play for come final day. Irrespective of their result and results elsewhere, they can neither overtake the team currently above them nor can be overtaken by the team below them.


Everton will be playing to send off their long-serving manager, David Moyes, the right way with effort and heart. Don’t write them off so easily.


I would knock a point of Sagna for his continued inability to cross the ball, as well as that shot which almost went out for a throw.

…I would then reinstate the point, as a thank for you for his long service, as if he isn’t off at the end of the season then I’m not an ill-informed anonymous keyboard warrior.


Just because Ramsey scored doesn’t mean he deserves a 7. He misplace so many easy passes that Wigan failed to capitalize upon which could’ve cost us. Nicely taken goal but very frustrating at times.

Brian Mendoza

Everyone’s score should be at LEAST 10 points lower because they MIGHT have committed a mistake that the opposition could have POSSIBLY taken advantage of.

Give me a break man.

Don Goonervani

I’d agree with all of Blogs’ ratings except for Ramsey, in which I agree with Jedi, in spite of his goal. He made loads of errors, particularly in his passing. I mean LOADS.


I think Rambo ‘s drive and desire to do well has been one of the pivitol reasons for our late good run. When other players just go missing at times, Rambo has the balls to step up to the plate and give his all for the team whether it comes off or not. Yeah there were some misplaced passes 2nd half but given the ground he covered first half and continued in the 2nd half surely this is understandable. I find it unbelievable we have a young British talent like Ramsey who puts a shift in like he did last… Read more »


The guy is just being clinical in his assessment. Nowt wrong with that.

Zorro in the box

Arteta has also been guilty of this at times during the season but notice how both of them immediately turn around and try and win the ball back. Ramsey has been the beating heart of the upswing in Arsenal’s fortunes in the latter half of the season, his bambi on ice moments and misplaced passes shouldn’t detract from an all-round strong performance. On another note, did anyone see Jack urging people up for the corners towards the end of the match? Gives everything for the side, showing leadership that we lacked a few seasons ago. Interestingly, there are a lot… Read more »

Giroud's perfectly chiseled face

3 more points at Newcastle and beers are on me.

You think feo had a better game than against Newcastle? Fair enough, but I thought that was his best match. And Reading in the cup.


chamberlain could have made more of an impact but he held on to the ball for too long. tried to ox through the entire wigan team.


I can’t stand Theo Walcott, I don’t rate him as a player and don’t like his attitude as a person.
But last night was a 9/10 performance and if he played like that every game without fucking about over contracts and stuff, I would soon eat my words and change my opinion of the man.


A lot of people hate Theo because he is young, handsome, talented, rich and popular.


I was also at the game and think you are being kind to Theo, but IMHO you are definitely being kind to Gibbs, who was frequently found wanting in the first half. When Sagna lost the ball in the first half you cold see a potential goal looming, but it was his only mistake – it was funny watching the BFG give him a bollocking afterwards. This says something about Per and the way he has grown in stature during the season. As you all know it is different watching the game at the match rather than on TV, and… Read more »


gibbs had a saving tackle after a counter on a corner when kone.a had arteta turning around in circles in our box in the first half


I’ve seen many commenting on how poor Mike Dean was, but I didn’t notice anything during the game. What did I miss?

Brian Mendoza

Apart from the dodgy free kick that led to their goal? When said free kick was awarded from a foul that when done to us was waved away? Not much really, just alot of Mike Deaning.


That wee thing? I mean, not the biggest of fouls but Mikel appeared to shove his arm in across [dribbler]’s upper body and halting him slightly. Falls firmly into the not-the-biggest-but-we’d-be-livid-if-it-were-against-us drawer. Moreover, once Dean had decided to call the foul, he was perfectly entitled (maybe even obligated?) to book Arteta for it, which he didn’t. And as “Heh” points out, a couple of Tomas’ mistimed slidies could’ve been booked as well. Dean gave us all the wee fouls for Mikel’s expert tumbles and (rightly) didn’t call offside on the couple of goals that looked very tight at first glance.… Read more »



petits handbag

Mike Dean, reminds me of a bad guy ref from the WWF, could of sworn Ramsey was hit with the chair in that second half


Sorry to be pedantic, but its could have or could’ve. If you want to emphasize the pronunciation use could’ve.


I could have let the mistake above slide.
Shuana could’ve sucked it clean but she refused.

English lesson over


Apart from being a befittng cunt everytime he refs us. I must slightly commend him for not booking rosicky; who made some outrageous mistimed tackles time after time.

Btw nobody’s talking about rosicky that’s coz he went about his business with no fuss and let santi take over this one. Still brilliant.

ziggy meow

everything about him just screams cunt, from his facial expressions to annoying shrugging gesture when our players appeal the freekick and get turned down

Double Canister

One instance,
Signalling an advantage for arsenal after a Wigan foul,
Then blowing for arsenal to come bak 30 yards and take the free when we were running through to their goal because of said advantage.
Really only a cunt would do that, that was not an accidental mistake.
Laughing and joking with Wigan players but acting like a high court judge to our players.

We can expect Webb for our last game.


Are you referring to the instance where Ramsey raced through? Ya, I thought about that one, too. The commentators here pointed out that the Wigan-player who was following Ramsey (can’t remember who exactly, sorry) stopped his chase of Ramsey when he saw the foul/Dean’s reaction, quite possibly in anticipation of the stop of play. At this point I guess the referee has two options: 1) allow for play to continue, deeming the circumstances sufficiently beneficial to one team and fair for the other; or 2) either the foul’s too serious or there are other mitigating circumstances that renders the beneficial… Read more »

lance peters

ramsey was awful. when the pace picked up in the 2nd half he was lost. he only looks ok when game is slow and he is passing sideways or backwards. arteta as well together with ramsey they are like training cones in training players pass them with ease. better game by theo but against a tired defense no way a 9/10. if we can create more we have one of the best finishers in the game podolski. on a bad he will score 95% of his opportunities. not a convincing victory we still felt uneasy at 3-1…that says a lot… Read more »

Brian Mendoza

You have just said that is better for the team you support to finish in a lower position on the table. Think about that for a moment.


Ramsey may have misplaced a few passes, some of them left me almost crying but overall he was not that bad. When Wigan marked Arteta in the first half he had to step in and he did. No comment needed about his goal I think.


He did have a 10 minute spell where his passing totally deserted him but came through it..the sight of him running his bollocks off in injury time warmed my heart!


Exactly, and he had a 90% pass completion rate in the first half and was massive in defense as well. I don’t know what happened during that 7-10 minute spell in the second half but he came through it and then some, then scored that sublime goal. Give him credit for getting it together when he started slipping and for putting the game to bed and definitely give him credit for his tremendous first half performance.


Just win the next game by 2 or more goals and we can be totally proud of the effort the lads put in after they had dug themselves into a hole (2-1 at WHL) (Not to say we aren’t proud of the spirit right now)


Yes we have had a great end of season run but is that because we play well when we have no chance of winning anything. Playing for the title and cups is too hard even losing to Blackburn and Bradford. Playing for fourth is our optimum level I wonder.


how come on the iphone app i cant see comments ?


so i cant read or post comments via my iphone


you should implement the comments in the app if possible as its much easier then having to go to safari just to post a comment

Santi Claws

Oh yep, well if you fork out 5 quid maybe they will.

Not so keen now? Didn’t think so. Be grateful an app exists at all.


Tim loves cazorla. We all do. If I were a wigan fan I would still adore Cazorla. What a brilliant player.

The ease to which he can deliver an inch perfect pass through a ton of legs is just mega impressive {see the pass to ramsey in the box} Switches wings with absolute grace, delivers the ball directly to your shoe lace.

The players in the team must just love playing with him!


irrelevant but is it just me or do the sky cunts call cazorla cathorla? is that how it’s meant to be? or they just being cunts?

Bob A

I think that Mike Dean was so biased over free kicks in particular that he deserved minus six score. How the FA allow him to get away with it especially against Arsenal is beyond believe. On another night if we had not played so well and had 4 goals that could not be argued about ,( 5 if you count Theos not offside ) he would have been lucky to finish with a draw, its about time Dean got his marching orders.


Good work yesterday from arsenal and i hope the next game againmst newcasttle will be better than last game up gunners


Who is the ref going to be against Newcastle? Please tell me it isn’t Phil Dowd.

Arsene Wenger

I thought Lord Dowd was nowhere near as bad as Dean. (I think Dowd reffed our game against Manure or Fulham?)

Dick Swiveller

Yep, Dowd seems to be pretty changeable, calling it straight down the middle one day and dreaming up two penalties whilst giving Barton free reign another day, he is but a twat north-by-northwest.


He’s not as bad as Dean but Dowd seems to like Newcastle more than us…


I think its Howard Webb. He’s pretty good, all United related jokes aside.


Why are we getting hung up by player ratings. 3 points. End of. 3 more at Newcastle and pride reatored. I wouldn’t care if we play like drunk stoke players and win.

Merlin's Panini

What a good result that was. It didn’t look like we’d get it at one point but pulled through and took our chances superbly. Credit to the team. They worked hard and weathered the storm early in the second half. Now we just need to beat an awful Newcastle. Shame to see Arteta is out for the final game. I hope Jack is ready and fit enough to step in. Otherwise, perhaps the Ox could start on the left with Cazorla through the middle and Rosicky further back. I also hope Sunderland still play for pride to try to get… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

oh yeh, HFB is back too isn’t he! Forgot about that. So maybe Podolski will play left.
I guess we could slide the Coq in deep as well so there are options…


Coq has not played any football for like forever so think he will stick with the regulars but Arsene maintains we two top players in every position so Coq should play. Mind you what Arsene says and what Arsene does is not always the same.


think ramsey deserves an 8..he’s never gonna be as sparkly as cazorla or walcott..his role is to get the job done..and damn if he didnt get the job the done last night!

The font

It’s obviously sheep time all the blogs are saying Ramsey was an 8 someone on here was taking acid and thought he had a bad game and the sheep follow he was relentless last night wake up and smell the coffee


AAARRTY! …….anyone seen the Art?


Stand out performers last night definitely Cazorla and Theo, honorable mention to Poldi as well, I still believe we will see the best of him next season. Big decision from the boss now on Sunday as to whether or not Giroud comes back in a CF or not? Definitely pros and cons for both arguments but I would be inclined to keep the front three as it is. I back Walcott more to take chances than Giroud right now, Poldi too when they come his way. Midfield will almost certainly change with Arteta out by the looks of it, Wilshere… Read more »

Arsene Wenger

I think Giroud is a better option than Papa Pod at the moment. If Theo can keep crossing and playing the ball in from the flanks then maybe we will see some end product with someone like Giroud in the box to header/finish.



For walcotts assist, how many players can pull off that pass. Just right, accurate: just beyond the keeper/defenders reach but with enough speed which is to walcotts liking. Sublime.

Le Chattelier

Alvaro Recoba, some 10 years ago. He is the first and last one I can think of who could do that (with his left).
Oooh, Santi oh Santi!


While I did think that Rambo had a few slip ups for a BRIEF period in the second half, his 7 is deserved for his overall performance. Had he not gone through that spell he would’ve been one of our best players on the pitch last night.

All I know is that it was freaking sweet to hear ‘1 Aaron Ramsey’ at the Emirates again.


I really do think we should start with a front 3 of Podolski, Giroud and Walcott. Those 3 have scored the most goals for us and could cause some serious damage with Cazorla right in behind them.

Adam, Watford

Exactly this . . .

” Theo Walcott: 9/10 –
His best game of the season for me. Married a decisive attacking performance with a disciplined defensive one. He hasn’t always been so switched on this season, chasing back, winning tackles in our box . . . ”

. . . and in particular this -:

” . . . and if he could play with that sort of desire in every game he’d be a far less divisive figure. Let’s hope this is his blueprint. “


Can we get a special award for the commentator on Sky last night (Martin Tyler??) who, at every possible chance, managed to bring up that we haven’t won a trophy for 8 years and Wigan won the FA Cup. Not to mention that, after we got the first, he (paraphasing) said “Arsenal have gone 1-0 up but still plenty of time for Wigan to turn it around and win the match” It was lucky for him that it was just before halftime that Wigan got that free kick as he had a chance to clean himself up after jizzing his… Read more »


I’m sorry I too was at the game and Walcott was poor in defence. he has a habit of drifting inside leaving Sagna all on his own. A better team would of made us pay. As for Podolski, well I put a black mark against his name when he picked the ball out of the net after Ramsey scored and booted it in the air and went off in a sulk because he didn’t score it. Not long after that he was substituted.

Arsene Wenger

Podolski did that?

I like the player and it’s good to have someone with his experience around but if he’s not happy I wouldn’t mind seeing him leave for a good fee. Sorry, but if he’s not happy, it’s best for everyone if he can leave.


And the ref was shit

A N Other

Yes that’s the Walcott we would like to see day in day out. I think mine and blogs’ criticism for last two games has spurred him on.

If we can put in another shift like this against Newcastle then I can easily forgive for his disappearing acts. Actually I have already.

Sammie 15

reliable, efficient, calming and
consistent. Can’t ask for much more. What an awesome way to describe Per Mert. He took over the mr Reliable honour i gave to Sagna….and i also named Koscielny “KAURA” a name in Hausa that means a rugged hunter.


Blogs – you really need to give two ratings for Ramsey. A Defensive Rating (which has been in the 8 to 10 range lately) and an Offensive Rating ( typically some 5 points lower than the Defensive Rating). Last night could be 8/5 for example.

Arsene Wenger

Actually a very good idea in my opinion. That way we wouldn’t get as many arguments over his rating and it does justice to his whole game.


Ramsey should improve on his finishing ,although he scored against wigan. He needs to be more calm and work on his long shots. He loves to run into the box and playing at the edge of it,so it’ll add much to his game.


well, no not really, unless the long shot improvement is rapid and drastic i think the team would do better with his passing ability utilised, in the box finishing maybe

Jack Jumblies

Every player eventually leaves, I hope Bac is among the ones who is remembered fondly and always feels welcome back at the club. A true Gunner and, on his day, one of the best RB in the world.

In other news, Mike Dean is The Aristocrats of referees. A terrible, inconsistent joke with a lame punchline.

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All Guns Blazing

well played arsenal ……………. I thought cazorla was out of this world ……. Ramsey was magnificant apart from that funny passing problem few minutes…. more of the same against the magpies. and we crash tiny totts hearts again and again and again ……………….COYG


Im a cunt arent I.


If every attacking player we have had the heart desire and work rate of Rambo and the technical skill of Santi we would have some team on our hands.


fully deserved result. COYG!!

Lord theo

Theo 4 striker

Nikhil Popat

I would pop Ramsey up to an 8 as he gelled really well with the team that game. Much more than usual.

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