Sunday, September 8, 2024

Wenger reveals pre-City team news

Arsene Wenger says that everybody who played against Aston Villa will be available for Monday night’s clash with Manchester City.

The boss stressed it is too early to make a firm decision on the inclusion of Alexis Sanchez, claiming there was a ‘slight chance’ the Chilean could feature after confirming he has started running again. He did also mention he’s not yet in full training.

Asked about the striker’s desire to feature, Wenger said: “I believe that it’s normal for a player to want to play. You want him to be keen but he respects the decisions I make.

“It’s not trust in a negative way,” he continued, when asked whether he can rely on his players to be honest with him about their physical state. Some of them are so keen to forget they have pain somewhere. They say they are alright and they are not.

“Some of them are so keen to forget they have pain somewhere that they say they are alright when they are not.”

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Cornelius P. Snuffington III

Would love to der Alexis fit enough to at least be a sub, but I also thin we have enough to get a result without him, City aren’t anything to fear this season. I do miss Coq though.

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

How my autocorrect got “der” instead of see, I’ll never know.

Nasri's missing chinbone

Because you clearly text like a gangster.

Stewart Robson's therapist

They’re worth fearing once they’ve got the stocky midget up front again.

Anonymous Physicist

Aguero is about as fit as Alexis at the moment, I think, so I doubt either will have much influence on the game. One or both of them may play, but it’s unlikely to be at their usual levels.

I’m really curious to see what will happen in this game. The teams should be fairly evenly matched in principle, but I could easily see it being a one-sided affair either way, since neither team seems to be finding any sort of consistent good form so far this season.


I know it’s easy to say, and unlikely given our absences, but if we go after them like we did United we could absolutely hammer them. Even with our injuries we’re a far better team than Spurs and Liverpool, and look at their results against them. I’m quietly confident- can see Everton beating Leicester and if we put a few past City not only will we be top on points, our GD will be vastly superior too. Fingers crossed..


Certainly hope we can take it to them like we did United, but realistically that kind of romp will be tough as we had Coquelin then and United went with schweinsteiger and carrick in the middle where this time we’ll be facing Yaya Toure and probably Fernando (or Fernandino) and we all know that if Toure wants to play he can be dominant still. I think Wenger will look to sit back a bit more this match and concede some possession as has been his strategy more and more against top teams and then look to counter quickly. I am… Read more »


In fairness I think Fernando is capable of as bad a performance as Schweinsteiger had that day.. But yeah, Coquelin is a big miss. Fancy Mesut to sit in the colossal space he and Fernandinho/ Yaya have a habit of leaving between them and the CBs and picking them off, can see a 4-2 or something like that. Confident of a win, not so much of Cech adding to his 169!

Anonymous Physicist

I hope we don’t try too sit back too much. Sittin back makes a lot less sense to me with Flamsey in the middle than with Coqzorla. If we want to get the best out of the players we currently have available, I think we need to be on the front foot.


Yeah, about Everton beating Leicester…


Big match, I’m sure we can get a result at home. Would prefer Sanchez but my City supporting friend says they are mediocre in defence at the moment, without Kompany in particular.

Would be a big statement if we can win, OK if we draw. I’m sure our players will be up for it. Fingers are crossed.

Eduardo Stark

it’s not ok if we got draw. as you said, they have defensive problem that we can take advantage of. let’s aim for nothing but a win.

as for Alexis, maybe a starting xi is a bit too optimistic for his fitness, but I’d be surprised if he’s not even on the bench. you know, just in case we need him.

I tip Ramsey and Ozil to shine in this match.


Obviously we aim for a win, we do in every match.

But it’s December, we will still be in front of them with a draw and they are playing Leicester soon.

I agree on Ramsey and Ozil and also think Walcott could be big for this one, the City defence is sluggish.

Artic Marauder

The Shitty defence is shit. No more than that. Our hope is to outscore them, which we’ll do if Agüero is not fit enough, and if our defence is better. It mostly is. COYG!!!


Agree about Rambo, Theo and Ozil. No need to go all gung-ho on them. Just play our game, play it smart, be patient, and our moments in the game will come. Those 3 alone should be too much or the Citeh defence to handle.


I think first of all it’s a must not lose. Having said that, I I k we need to come straight out of the blocks like against Man U, their defence is shaky.

My main worry is not having Coq, Flamini needs to be sensible and disciplined for the entire 90 or we are going to make it easy for them.

Gunner in Canada

Exactly, the main thing is NOT to lose. A draw isn’t a killer.

giroud fanboy

This is exactly why I think we have a good chance of the league this season despite Citeh’s embarrassment of riches in attack. We have a much more solid defence with better quality backup.


That city supporting friend.. fucking must be a millenial


There were some reports which said that Ozil might need to be rested over christmas. I am so glad those aren’t true. We need Ozil in our midfield to win this one.


No way will they rest him for this one.

Perhaps Newcastle or Sunderland early January, if any.

sixteen swans over ainola

People who are clamouring for Wenger to start Alexis against City are probably the very same people who think there’s some sort of ‘injury curse’ hanging over the club.

If he’s fully fit – he’ll play; anything else and he doesn’t. It’s called 20/20 foresight.


Slight chance means he is definitely playing


Let’s be honest, Citeh are not that scary anymore. With or without Sanchez, I expect the boys to launch a serious assault on their defense. Hart is the significant force at the back.

Sanchez as a sub ain’t a bad thing either. Walcott, Giroud, Ozil and Campbell will give them a run for their oil money. I’d wish to see a very disciplined performance from Ramsey though. Silva, Sterling and Aguero should not be left to roam freely in our half. Let’s respect their talents as well.

Mustrum Ridcully

Start with pace up front. When the defence ges tired, put on Giroud to exploit the weaknesses. Walcott, the Ox, Mezut and Joel to start.

This City team looks beatable. Make sure Ramsey knows his defensive responsibilities but let him go when the circumstances are right. This is a BIG game and a win would be excellent!


You are right, the order is wrong. This is not a boxing game. When defenders are tired, nothing scares them more than a pacy striker. Giroud must start in my opinion as Theo is just returning from Injury and still needs some time but if Alexis is not fit, we may see both Theo and Giroud starting!! Good to have some options for sure ?


I feel giroud scores more from the bench than Walcott does.. No?


Santi, is that you….no?

gunn cabinet

I have to say I have not thought about Alexis since his unfortunate injury. Ok – I may have thought of him when we travelled to Greece. But it was that UCL game that made me believe that we could cope with one of our talismans on the wing. Not to impugn Sanchez in any way, but I love the balance of the team right now – nobody is hanging onto the ball for too long and the passes are coming together nicely. The boys will have had a good rest when we play on Monday night. So if Alexis… Read more »


Chance to start the sprint to the finish line. COYG

Ozil's eyes

Alexis fakes fitness because he wants to play

Hazard fakes injury because he doesn’t want to play for Mourinho

Nice problem to have gooners

David C

and Mourinho just fired!!!


Sad news. I now expect Chelsea scum to rise up the table away from the relegation zone.
Let’s pray that the players really are that shit and Chelsea do get relegated


And Mou fakes the sack becos he wants the moolah


I’d personally keep the team the same as the last two matches with Sanchez for or not we have 11 players playing well. Not like he can come off the bench and influence the game with his energy or anything.


Fit not for!!!!!!!


Ramsey is going to take it too them!

Naija Gunner

Let’s gun them down and get it over with. I believe in the team we have right now.



would be nice to have ALexis playing but i think we have enough in the team to perform well with Giroud’s form, Theo, Ox, Rambo and Cambell i fancy us for at least a point

Lord Bendtner

I think Koscielny will play a huge role, I think his defensive awareness n command will be the main reason we win this
*looks up from Crystal ball

Crystal Balls

*forces head back down


Would love to do them at the Emirates!

I’ve read Agueros back in training for the match. Would love to have Sanchez back, if only as an option from the bench!

Ozil to weave wonders, to dazzle and amaze; David Silva won’t know what’s hit him!


Arsenal hurts

Just lets not underestimate them with fernando out theyll play with 4 offensives which demands more deffensive contribution from likes of ramsey ozil n whoever plays winger (beside campbell of course), their almost clueless centre backs on the other hand are tailor made for us. I have lots of hope we will do it


Oh, he is playing alright.

Martin The Merciless

Step forward The Jeff. Your time has come.


On their side Arguëro has a chance to return.


Campbell-Giroud-Walcott is proving to be a pretty decent combination. Giroud is in top form, Campbell seems to be improving every minute he plays, (and makes a great defensive contribution). And Walcott will tear City to bits with his speed. We are much better off with a recovering Sanchez than City is with a recovering Aguero.

Gudang Pelor

While the “specialist in getting fired” had a player feigning injury so didn’t have to play, Le Boss has a player who is faking fitness so he can play.


I think City is within our cannon’s shooting range. Let’s blow them away and leave them looking up the table at us.

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