Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pires: Wenger must buy

Arsenal legend Robert Pires has urged Arsene Wenger to invest in new players to stop the rot setting in at the club.

During his commentary for Canal+ during the Liverpool game, Bob said, “The time has come for Arsene Wenger to think about investing the money from player sales into players with experience and more of a guarantee.

“I think other players have spoken with him and told him the same. The set-up has changed now. Before this, many players wanted to stay at Arsenal for a long time but this has changed now, too. Players leave now at their first chance.

“That goes for Clichy, Nasri and Eboue. Indirectly, Wenger is to blame. Unless new players come in and others stay then the problem will get worse.

“I don’t think that they can rival the likes of Manchester City or Chelsea but you can’t win just with young players.”

And Wenger has insisted the club will be spending, the problem is identifying the right targets. “We will buy”, he said. “People feel I’m stubborn, I’m not, I just want to do the best for the team and to buy the right players.

“If I have shown one thing in the last 15 years, it’s that I have brought good players here. We will bring experienced players. But people just say ‘buy’ but it’s to buy the right player which is difficult”.

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Jeremy Mathews

So dreamy…




Let’s get a time machine and get him back. That will do it.


if only it was possible 🙁

Savage is a Dave

After the scouse game, they were showing the 5-4 win at the swamp on one of the other Sky sports channels. Our Bob scored the 5th with a sublime piece of skill. Ahhh those were halycon days.


At least your TV channel in the UK showed an Arsenal classical win. Over here in America they show the Arsenal vs. Leeds United match from May 4th 2003 when we lost 2-3. Sense we lost Manure won the title and Leeds stayed up. How I hate the American Football (Soccer) Channels here.


Oops that was quick


Everyone by now has read that link on the ‘football network’ about Wenger being at loggerheads with the board, whether it’s true or not the important point is Arsenal must change its wage policy or get left behind FACT.

Jim Deen

Oh Bob, you always know just what to say.


i think its too late,too many players gone too little time left

George Blazenby

I miss you Bob..


Well, 9 days to go before the transfer window closes. At this point we can only expect to buy two kind of players: those who said openly they want to leave (like Bendtner did to us) or those from clubs struggling financially.

So Montolivo from Fiorentina and Zarate from Lazio are a possibility, their clubs said they may leave. And financially struggling clubs are Everton (Arteta, Baines, Faillani) as blogger said, and several spanish clubs who don’t even pay their players anymore.

So there’s still hope that the squad improves, I’m actually confident…


Still swoonalicious, Bobby.


Makes me really bitter to see Mata signing on at Chelsea, would be interesting to know why Arsenal failed in their approach. Is it because they could not match the wages on offer from Chelsea?


eden hazard is just a pipedream isn’t it?


Isn’t HE, not IT.

Mr Teddy Ears

I just don’t get how the Mata deal went through in 4 days and we are pissing arseing around its a bloody joke and where the fuck is Silent Stan or the Russian bullfrog with all their money ?


Silent Stan too busy telling Wenger to sell Na$ri, counting the money like the rest of the board. Sack the board!


I want sneijder to come to the arse, but he just turned down 250k a week from shiteh! The wages are the issue now for “super quality”. We need good premier level players, raid everton now!


250k a week we need a salary cap like they have in america in place to keep the league competitive. Also raid everton for arteta, baines, jagielka, and feillani for a combined price of 25 mil lol.

Postman Pat

A salary cap is a great idea while we are at it why dont we use the play-off system as well and see a team like Wolverhampton as a champion


its unbelievable/ mata gone, young lads in da squad, wenger unwillin 2 spend ‘anyhow’. its al annoyin. what guarantee do we have that within nine days wenger would land at least 4 players of top quality? its bad for our club dis year, hope we dont get relegated.


Really relegation! We have Cheesy, Vermaelain, Van Persie, Gervinho, Wilshere, Sagna, and maybe keep Nasri so with this squad + some other guys I see us top 6 no problem


“Dis” is not an acceptable replacement for “this.” Expressing yourself like that makes you come across as an uneducated ingrate.


who anointed you language police, chris? f off and let people express themselves in the way they see fit.


He never did call me as promised…the bitch


An article about someone NOT telling Wenger to buy would be news. Everyone has said Wenger must buy. Fuck me this is frustrating. 9 days to go!


Not that bad, I was at the game against mugsmahers and we held our own until the sending off and freaky own goal. No. Way this team/squad gets relegated, but no way does this team win the prem or cl.

Mr Teddy Ears

Just read that football network article and if its true I take back what I said about Arsenal and it fits with my initial view of Arsenal which is the board are happy with cheap players and 4th place. As long as we make the quarters of the CL shareholders happy and we nurture the national team of anyone that speak french with the exception of Canada because that’s all fucked up if you ask me.

Maybe its time for a little unrest and some protesting at the stadium since we have paid for it !!!


The Football Network article is deeply worrying if true, and would be at least one explanation of why some of AW’s utterances this year have been as strange as they have.

No matter what you think of him, AW is an intelligent man and I just don’t see any logic in him, of his own volition, sitting on his hands and watching his legacy go to rat-shit. It just doesn’t make sense.

Either way, you get the feeling that come Wednesday night, this could all be coming to a head.

Danny O
davesy jones

that was a kinky read


If that article is true, Arsene should threaten to quit and give an exclusive expose interview to a major newspaper if he doesn’t get his way. Our stingy board can be cowed by a popular uprising. They are cowards who pride themselves on their secrecy. With things out in the open, Arsenal could be a great team again.


I’m waiting for this story to be picked up in by the mainstream sports media. The story from that supposed inside source has two things going for it. It is relatively simple and several heretofore puzzling if not downright baffling events and statements are congruent with it.


For a moment I thought the deadline said; Wenger must buy Pires.

I wouldn’t be suprised if AW didn’t sign anyone in the these last few days. Imagine a result against Udinese that would put us thru to the group stages, Wenger would no doubt praise the squad and said there’s no need for reinforcements.

I predict come january we’ll be scrapping for new players to help us reach for Europa League spots. Good times…


Perhaps a banner telling Ivan gaddafi that NATO will back us in removing him?


You cannot blame Wenger if the board won’t allow an increase in the wage structure. We are owned by the husband of the heir to Walmart. It’s no surprise that we look like we’re shopping there for players.


Jagielka, Baines, Parker, Hazard, Mertersacker, Mata, Cahill, Given. Why aren’t these the right players? For fuck sake man! This is starting to drive me nuts. Jesus.


1) Maybe the transfer fees are to high (even Cahill, 17 million in his last year of contract… FUCK THAT!)
2) Wages to high
3) Once we bid Man City or Chelsea swoop in with money and Manure and Barcecunts come in with “fairly won” trophies


Does he really need to go public with that. I think Wenger knows without old players (as good as they are) gobbing off too. Bad call bobby

She wore

Even Harry barksdale is gonna buy those two dogs that used to play for us, something don t smell right, wengers covering up for the board he must be

Arsenal Whinger

The football network article sort of makes sense with what is going on at the club. The manager and the board are both being stubborn, and in the meantime the team and the fans are suffering. How about actually making some offers and trying to sign some players, and then sorting out the wage situation afterwards? I’m sure they could offer these ‘£30 mil’ signings at least £100K a week, I mean, you should not be getting an average player for that amount of money. Or give them a signing on fee or something. Please, anything, I’m almost ready to… Read more »

[…] Being so quiet today, Pires decides to help the poor fans and voiced out what all fans are crying for. He says: […]

[…] funny thing. Robert Pires has been talking about how Arsene Wenger has to buy if we’re to be successful. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, not even […]


Postman Pat – Wolverhampton Wanderers currently have a more complete squad than us!


the thing with a salary cap is that it would do more than this bullshit financial fair play rules that are very easy to avoid for everyone else. It would curb these ridiculously high wages and bring us back to football.


I heard the last time wenger opened his wallet a moth flew out!


I honestly get the feeling that his hands are tied until we qualify for the champions league. The way i see it though, if they say ‘We do not take Champions league money into account’ when what does it matter if we sign players or not! Get hem in. And no i’m not a ‘Championship Manager’ type of fan and i fully understand and are aware that buying a player isn’t like buying a bag of crisps, but if everyone else manages to get who they want than why on earth can’t we!!!????


A news channel in India here (where football isn’t even a topic of discussion 90% of the time) said something about us being forced to bid large to bring Kaka to the Emirates. I was hospitalised due to extreme dehydration brought about by abnormally excessive laughter.


I wish you a speedy recovery.

Summer loving
Summer loving

Having drunk all the orange cider in Cheddar, I’m now quaffing red wine in the Dordogne which is all well and good but it means I’ve only just read the Football wotsit article. It makes a lot of sense but ONLY if the author’s sources are genuine and I’ve no idea whether or not that’s the case? Who is he anD what does he know? Can we trust what he writes? In many ways I hope we can. Please help me. I’m having a difficult summer. Grammar: you’re wrong re Ad BTW. If you ask me I might just tell… Read more »


I had myself a little rofl when I heard the kaka story. I’d love it to be true but not with this management team.

paul ayo

wenger said he has always been buying quality players.indeed,quality players like justin hoyte,grimandi,bichoff,baptista,senderos,chamack,bendtner squilacci and a host of rotten eggs.wenger is the most quality moron

micky readman

the heat is ON!


“On Tuesday Wenger claimed he feels no pressure to replace Nasri and Fabregas, because he has already purchased Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Gervinho this summer.”
Wenger: what a blind twat. If there are no new DECENT experienced signings by next week – he can fuck off. You can only blame our corrupt board for so long: Wenger has the power to make (very often shit) choices, so he is not completely powerless.

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