Thursday, December 19, 2024

Van Persie: Keep Calm and Carry On

Robin van Persie has made clear that there is no reason to panic even though Arsenal’s poor start to the season threatens to end their run of Champions League qualification.

Citing the fine line between winning and losing the Dutchman insisted it was up to the squad to pull themselves together and take positives from a traumatic first two months of the season.

Speaking while on international duty the striker is quoted by the Mirror as having said:

“There is only a fine line between winning and ­losing. Just look at our last match against Spurs.

“We could have won that game with the chances we had. There is no need to panic for anyone.

“Our start is not good. I would have felt better if we had won the derby.

“We didn’t and right now there is a negative feeling. But I assure you, it is not all that negative.

“It is up to us, players and staff, to sort it out on the pitch.’’

Much has been made in recent weeks about Van Persie’s refusal to talk about his future, despite Arsene Wenger admitting that he was eager to sit down with his captain’s advisors to talk about a new deal at the Emirates.

Maintaining that his eight years of loyalty affords him the right to stay quiet, the 28-year-old stated:

“I am not going to make any statements about my ­future. Not now, not for a while.

“I’ve been at Arsenal eight years and that is quite ­extraordinary these days. Which is why I treasure this. What my future will bring, nobody knows.

“I can understand people are curious, but I am just dedicated to everything at Arsenal right now.

“Since November last year I’ve played lots of games, scored lots of goals and made assists.

“Twelve months’ non-stop football is doing me well. I feel that I am still growing in form. It is the first time in quite a few years that I can experience that.

“My future is a private matter and when at some point there could be some news, people will hear it. And I do realise that we have to get things going at Arsenal, but I have full confidence that we are going to do okay.”

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It’s so obvious that he, our captain, is not gonna sign on. And that saddens the hell out of me.

what no one has said

A bit too premature I’d say. I have the utmost faith in Robin to be honest.

The Interlull Madness

Reading through RVP interview above I did not “get the impression “ of his immediate departure from The Arsenal. Just think in two years time we will be considering a testimonial for RVP. RVP main premise/objective is for Arsenal to do well, and he himself owes Arsenal so much (Many injury days especially in international duty). Just because he will not discuss his future contract (which is two years away) certain individuals take this as a sign and panic by saying Oh My! He wants to leave to join his best mate Toure and Nasri up in Manchester. Like Andrew… Read more »

wengers missing cheeks

the contract expires in 2 years but he could sign with any team in two months. Thats what is unnerving


missing cheeks– No, RvP could not. The Bosman rule applies only to the last six months, not the last 18.


Anyone wondering what Stan Kroenke is up to? He participated in this jersey retirement of legendary ice hockey-player Peter Forsberg, shows commitment to his franchise if you ask me:

Jimmy the Saint

Forsberg was a legend for the AVs mind you!

wengers missing cheeks

‘right now’ being the key word


He would do well to remember the support the club and fans have given him not to mention the wages that he has received whilst being on his annual 6 month+ injury leave for the last 5-6 years.


As much as I would love to see Robin stay with us and as much as I would love to see increased player loyalty throughout the game I think the club needs to show some loyalty and ambition to our players. How many promises have we made and broken to our players? Now enough of Devil’s advocate… As a fan speaking, he has to stay and the club need to try harder than they did with Cesc in order to keep him. Personally I’d be devastated if Van Persie left and honestly I think it would be a relative death… Read more »


I agree Northerngoon. RVP gives the impression he loves The Arsenal, and I reckon he’d love to see out his career at the Grove. BUT, the club has to do 2 things. First, convince him we’re still serious about being a force, and that means demonstrating exactly how. And second, don’t nickel and dime the bloke. He is a serious world class footballer, and one which every team in the league would want. Now we still may not be able to match the ridiculous wages paid by others, but in the context of where we are, if there’s a player… Read more »


I agree with everything you said up unroll the tv5 part. He’s not the answer rite now. He’s to fragile and we need consistency in the back in order to “fix” our problems. I think we should sell him while his value is high and replace him with a true stud of a centre half. You know, one who’s legs aren’t made of papier- mâché.


lol frog, every one of your comments i see are loaded with dislikes…


“a true stud of a centre – half”…what, you mean like John Terry? No thanks.


no i didnt mean like john terry. i dont want any of that world renown “english grit and determination” in the back line. i was thinking more along the lines of selling tv5 , and taking that money along with some of the cesc and nasri money, then doing what everyone and there mother wants , i.e. offload the squid and jd. Then, with that pile of cash, we INVEST into three proper centre halves. i dont really like to name names, but it were up to me, id buy Hummels, Subotic and Samba. Let those three and Koscielny, as… Read more »


Frog, I should clarify. When I repeated the phrase “stud of a centre half” in relation to Terry, I was being sarky about his tendency to attempt putting his blue pecker in anything with a hole. On the pitch, he’s Chelsea’s version of Tone – which of course makes him a talented but still massive Cnut…of course, if he’d come through the ranks at The Arsenal and played however – many hundred games for us, I’d love him like a brother….until he’d tried to shag a female member of my family, which would be inevitable from a tossbag like him


Frog, I can see up to a point why you’d say that. Truth is I was very nearly at that point with RVP a couple of years back – yes he’s a top quality striker, but what’s the bloody point when he never plays? Now granted, last season was a write-off for TV5, but this time round it’s different – he’s out because some bloke in a Udinese shirt hoofed him off the pitch, damaging his ‘other’ ankle. So nothing inherent there. We’ve had some quality defenders at this club and, for me, TV5 fits right into that company. And… Read more »

Smeer Na$ri (with shit)

this man talks sense

Jim Deen

The key to keeping Robin is for Arsene and the club to show ambition. There is nothing more attractive in football than an ambitious club. That’s essentially why Nasri left – hurt us as it may, City have more ambition than us right now.

If Arsene brings in some serious quality in January and next summer, Robin will stay. I bet my non-existent yacht on it.

Dave Gooner

City don’t have more ambition than us, they just have more money. Scooping up our cast offs – and it is worth noting that none of them have performed to anywhere near their capability in a City shirt – doesn’t make City ambitious, it makes them desperate and naive. In fact, throwing money at players like Nasri simply disincentivises them, as his headless performances for City amply show, or as that goon Tevez also demonstrated, And I have no doubt at all that the oil despots that own that former soccer club also offered Arsene Wenger a shedload of money… Read more »


Frog, in a sense I agree with you. TV5 is pure quality but can he stay fit for any decent length of time? I don’t think we should sell him but I do think we should sign someone of at least similar quality (because we’d be hard pushed to find a better defender) in order to offer sufficient cover. Cahill in January would be ideal. Jim Deen, spot on mate. People abuse Nasri but all he did was look for a club that offered him a lot more money – and please don’t anybody say you wouldn’t do the same… Read more »

Smeer Na$ri (with shit)

I wouldn’t do the same in my line of work.

If I really enjoy where I’m working and I have a choice of working with a bunch of really great guys, a brilliant boss who gives a shit about his team, or going to another similar job with a bunch of noxious cunts with no concept of reality because they’re earning more money, I would choose the former every time.
Loyalty does still exist in the world, admittedly it’s ever decreasing, but it still exists.

Alpha t

You say that, but what if 2 of your ex-colleagues are now part of this “noxious cunts”, and they convinced you it wasnt as bad as the outside world see’s it? Plus u would be paid more and were joining an organisation that is clearly more ambitious that you’re old one, which more chances of fulfilling your goals and aspirations while earning bucket loads more cash! Its a no brainer mate! Just ask any female in your life and see what they say! Nasri wasnt ever a gooner so dont expect him to act like one, considering he left his… Read more »


Ha ha. We stiffed him good and proper there then. Oh…

Smeer Na$ri (with shit)

Sorry, i just don’t agree. Loyalty is of huge importance to me. If i’m doing something I love in a great environment I would stay there for overall satisfaction over money every time. Depends on your goals, so not a no brainer I’m afraid. It depends on what makes you happy. Whether Nasri was a gooner or not, he’s still a cunt. I’m sorry but who needs £200,000 a week? We were offering him an extension for £90,000 a week and that’s just fucking obscene. No one deserves that much money a week. I don’t really think anyone deserves that… Read more »


He says he’d feel so much better if we’d won the derby, but i had a fiver on the horse that won it, and to be honest i don’t feel any fucking better about our start to the season at all

Eric Irish gunner

Is it true his house is on the Market or is that just bollox talk?


I don’t think rvp would ever go to city. He has too much class for that. I could however see him in an inter/ac Milan or juventus shirt this time next year. At his age, you have too start to look at what’s best for your family, nit just at the moment, but 15 to 25 years down the line. If a big Italian club came along and offered him a 150% pay rise, and he wasn’t defecting to one of our direct competitors , he’d be foolish not to due the rite thing for his future. If we want… Read more »

[…] of the match, Van Persie has called on the lads to respond to recent losses and poor performance with a rousing result against […]


He’ll probably end up at B*rca…

He’s world class, now injury free (touch wood) and Cesc and him probably at least brushed hands during their time at Arsenal so in their deluded little minds that’ll probably qualify him as having ‘Barca DNA’


Hello $author, thanks for giving me some new techniques. I’ll have to bookmark this page now 🙂 – Steve

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