Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arsenal confirm ‘early’ Eisfeld capture

Arsenal have confirmed the signing of 19-year-old midfielder Thomas Eisfeld from Borussia Dortmund.

News broke yesterday afternoon that the youngster was in London undertaking a medical and matters have moved very swiftly. It is thought believed that the German Youth international will cost in the region of £600,000 and has signed a 4 year deal.

Speaking about his move to the Emirates, Eisfeld told the Arsenal official website:

“I feel very proud to have signed for Arsenal. This is a great club, with many great players, and I’m so happy to be joining Arsenal.

“It’s a real honour to be team mates with the great players at Arsenal, and also training everyday with players like Tomas Rosicky – who I grew up watching play at Dortmund. I will give it everything I have here and do my best to make the manager, players and fans happy.

“I would also like to thank Borussia Dortmund, where I played for the last seven years, for everything they have done for me. I had a great time there, and there were many wonderful coaches who helped me get to where I am today.”

Arsene Wenger, in that inimitable way of his, confirmed that the Gunners had been keeping a close eye on Eisfeld for some time, while also revealing that the original plan had been to swoop in the summer.

“Thomas is a player we have liked for some time. We’ve watched him closely this season, where he has excelled for Dortmund’s youth team.

“He is young but has proven to us that he can play, that he has the attitude and technical ability to be a valuable addition to our squad. We’re very pleased to welcome him to the Club and look forward to his contribution in the coming seasons.

“He is a young prospect with good footballing talent,” continued the boss.

“He has the good ingredients that could allow him to integrate into the quality of our team – the basics are technique, good movement and skill. We believe that he has a chance to develop well here.

“How much first-team football he has depends on him. Basically we planned to get him at the end of the season but we got him a bit earlier because he was at the end of his contract. We will use this period for adaptation.”

…and you thought we weren’t going to sign anybody.

(Picture courtesy of Arsenal.com)

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Josh Mistry

we went in for Gotze and came out with Amaury Bischoff oh no Eisfeld!

Cygan's Left Foot

He looks more natural in red and white than Cotze.

Lets support the boy he is OURS now.

why is my name required

Give him a couple of years, hopefully he’s be ready for the 1st team

and hopefully he’ll be as exciting to watch as the ox

Josh Mistry

it was only a joke course im going to support him!


Holy shit Cygan – you on the happy pills or do I perceive a glimmer of positivity here?!

Cygan's Left Foot


I always support our players when they put the Red and White on. The only thing I don’t support is being lied to, messed around and kept like idiots in the dark by the manager and the board.


Well when we signed bischoff Wenger had admitted it was a risky signing because of his injuries and didnt end very well but dont think it will be the same with this kid.



now i’ve got to eat my hat

Merlin's Panini

Classic Wenger signing. I hope he’s amazing.
Seeing as he’s on a long term deal he can’t be bad… right?


God damn you Wenger

Cygan's Left Foot

I dislike this man more than you, but now this player is ours got to support him.

Master Bates

Wenger is ours too, I think


Ah! Back to a bit of AW digging. So the pills wore off then. Pretty quick too. Don’t mix ’em like they used to hey.

Cygan's Left Foot


Did I hurt your feeling saying I dislike your beloved Arsene?


Nice of you to say that about Arsenal’s greatest ever manager.

Cygan's Left Foot

We are here not talking about him, we talking about our new boy and why we should support him even if we disagree or dislike our manager.

It is becoming boring for anyone wanting the thumbs up start to defend Arsene for reason or no reason in here.


I was not replying to your post.Everyone is entitled to their opinion about Wenger,but I can stand people getting disrespectful.


– can
+ can’t


Wow, this is so exciting (vomits).

Master Bates

Am I the only one who Eisfeld up with kids signings ? I kiiiid

Welcome to Arsenal Thomas!!!!!!

Merlin's Panini

i dunno, but on another note Eisfeld down the stairs earlier and nearly broke my Coqsics…



Good luck to the kid.

I’m waiting for Wenger to field 10 attacking midfielders at once now. He’s like the kid with the cheat activated on sensible world of soccer.


TYpical numb nuts moaning about a signing that wesnt even on the cards till the summer anyway.


Eisfeld down when i heard the news.


I thought your comment was funny.


It’s no Coq joke, but it’s about as good as I can come up with now.


I love that name makes me want to play FIFA hahaha


What’s a “Stong Tackle”?

Merlin's Panini

sorry. I just saw you beat me to the same joke. Eisfeld so embarrassed when I noticed…


Was going to sign him this coming summer…. Does this mean he’s our only signing of 2012 then.


We probably stepped in quick because Wigan, Blackburn and and Bolton were probably going in for him.

Master Bates

you’ll fell so stupid when he turns out to be the next Ljurnberg or something…


Oh, I doubt he’ll feel stupid. He’ll probably feel something like, “well that’s a awfully nice surprise…I was expecting another Bischoff!”

Master Bates




Geez, it’s like I’m an ESL Slavic person the way I use those articles.

Instead, I’m a Piers Morgan clone.


Oh Wenger will you never learn. I guess the youth project, the failed youth project is still on then. For fuck sake!!!!

Master Bates

he is under 21 ,no need to be registered to be included in the first team . You can’t buy seniors without selling or delisting or shooting another senior . So like Wenger said it’s not a supermarket.

BTW the whol transfer window has been very quiet for all club ,Tough times

Glenn Helder

Give him a break, for fuck sake.

Good luck to the lad


I don’t think people are knocking the player himself – let’s hope he turns into a world beater (and then doesn’t sign for someone else) – People have a legitimate gripe with the manager/board’s transfer policy.

hired goons

The ox. Nuff said?


Oh haha! I see what you did there Wenger! Making us think those scouts in Germany were watching Goetze, when in fact they were scouting the BvB youth infirmary. Haha! Joke’s on us, I guess, but I’ll get you next time you silly goose!


In an attempt to appease discontented fans, wenger has disguised jack wilshere, and called him eisfield, to create the illusion of a new transfer. it’s obvious.


Master bates chill for fucks sake was tongue in cheek

Master Bates

so many negative posts, so little time

samuel wilson

IMAGINE all this time we have secretly been in for this guy under the guise that we were interested in gotze 😛 would be cool to know some stats, speed and height. hes a german youth international. its a pretty sure bet. our scouts wouldnt go in for him if his stats in all aspects of his game were not super tight, and at the price we can put him amongst our players and see what happens over the next few years. win win situation. i cant see anyone getting infront of any of our midfield soon with wilshire back.… Read more »


you forgot ALMUNIA!!

Cygan's Left Foot

ASBO boy Ravel Morrison went to Westham for around 300K as he won’t sign a new contract and could not get a first team football at Manure.

This boy is the same situation, he saw his route to first team football blocked, he refused to sign a new contract and we got him for 600K, we can’t go wrong even if he developed to be reliable squat player. Lets all support the boy as long as he is wearing our famous Red and White.

Master Bates

I hear he is highly rated and the reason he didn’t break in the First team is he had serious injury(Arsenal DNA) . He once scored a hat trick against Milan Reserves .that’s something right? no? okay


I am hoping this guy’s story follows one of Cesc Fabregas – lack of opportunities at boyhood club,goes on to make a name for himself,becomes an Arsenal great and most importantly stays with Arsenal

Master Bates

that’s not the fabregas’ story . He should be tapped up by Leitner and Kagawa 8 years later


It seems like people complain about youth signings until they become stars, and then they love them. “Oh, I knew Cesc was going to be a legend! Knew it all along!” Is every other Arsenal fan a Piers Morgan clone? Have a moan now, jump for joy when it all works…

Merlin's Panini

I hope I’m not a Piers Morgan clone.
Otherwise I’d have a big fat stupid head.


I just realised I’m a Piers Morgan clone!


E is felled ya! E is feld ya! E is feld ya!. that could be his song


I welcome any new signing, but is no one curious as to where all of our transfer money gone. The last few years we have sold players for a fortune and not reinvested.
Cesc-30 or so m


Stadium debt?



Andre Santos
wages for everyone

That answer your question?


This wages theory can surely only account for half the story. Maybe we can do the math though?? Add up these players’ yearly wages and judge against sales and other income from sponsorship, prize and sales (tickets, player sales, kit)… I’m never gonna do this. Swiss ramble?


The fed and nasri money went on santos mertesaker arteta the ox Park and Campbell oh and bubbly for the board. Ok bubbly for stan but he’s a nice fella he deserves it, right?


To name but a few, where has the money gone? Plus the ticket prices have been raised. Never mind TV revenue and Champions league revenue. I don’t think Wenger is to blame and we are facing a similar type of position Liverpool were faced with Hicks and co.



Dragon horde?



Though I like the thought of a horde of dragons stealing our money.


“Dragon horde?”

Yeah! Can’t wait to see the oppositions’ faces when we bring *them* on at half-time.


Another case for sixty minutes maybe?

Master Bates

Even though the kid hasn’t played a single game for us ,he already has the same number of goals and assists as the 20Mill Winger Stewart Downing . that’s something ,right?



Oh, man, I love you Master Bates.

You might even say I love to Master Bate.


Chill for fucks sake we have just invested 600k in a 19 yr old kid who’s just come back from serious injury.
If that doesnt get rvp’s heart pumping and running for the new contract nothing will..

Master Bates


New Players = RVP new contract

I didn’t know that ,it’s like they are Robots


No don’t be silly master bates of course it doesn’t but surely even you could see that maybe if the club showed ambition and a bit of foresight the chances of rvp signing a new contract would improve? Am sure if we had bought lets say.. A decent striker as cover for rvp or say an attacking midfield player that may have filled a gap or two in a squad that’s lacking ? Or you presumably beleive we have the right squad and players and that rvp sees this and will sign anyway ?

Master Bates

Maybe there is very good reason for this stinginess ,because it’s very clear that we need another Striker to help RVP.

I think RVP will sign it anyway , he can’t quit in his first year as Captain .If we don’t win the FA Cup or make it in the top 4 ,it will also be because of him as a player and as a Captain . He hasn’t reached the level where he can’t do anything to win us things like Fabregas .It’s his first year as captain and hopefull he’ll remain injury free ,he SHOULD stay.


Why are you moaning about this signing? Would you rather have a £600,000 nobody turn up and potentially blow your minds in years to come, like the £500,000 Nicolas Anelka. Or, would you like to see another £15,000,000 player like Arshavin and watch him over the years become a waste of money.

He’s clearly not a superstar and our expectations are not exactly high, so that means he can go one direction and that is UP.

Welcome to The Arsenal, Thomas!


Could be the new Cesc, Or Bischoff MkII. Let’s hope it’s the former and I wouldn’t be surpised if this lad develops into another Cesc knowing Wenger. Don’t doubt the professor, he’ll lead us to glory again. Watch this space.


His stats for Dortmund are very promising. 12 apps for their U-19s, 6 goals and 6 assists. Not too shabby. Have a good feeling about this lad.

The Gun

… and from what I understand a GREAT work ethic aswell.


Duh, he’s German.


If i find out we have turned down more than £3 for Arshavin I really will get angry!!


When Gervinho returns from Africa, he’ll be ‘like a new signing’…BS3 is back, Gibbs ‘two weeks away’…I’m feeling more optimistic already. The Ivory Coast looks to be going all the way in the competition though


Tomarse. Not moaning about the signing he may be great one day maybe not but it’s worth the gamble at 600k I agree. But this squad needs proven quality at this stage of the season do you not agree? Yeah sign this kid I have no problem it’s the signings we have not made that worrys me. It’s ok saying downing is shit carroll was a waste I money all true of course but all those that think arsene can do no wrong would then surley believe that he would not make such bad signings such as those in the… Read more »


Please. He was signed for mere peanuts in the grand scheme of things, this is hardly a major risk of any sort. If he disappears into mediocrity, then so be it. Would you rather see another Reyes signed instead?



Hope he’s as fearless and terrifying as the Ox, hopefully we’ll see him at some point during the season and he can make an impact.

Welcome and good luck Thomas. (we need it)


Will he play in the centre or out on the wing? We could really do with a little more depth in the centre with Wilshere’s setback and Arteta and Ramsey running themselves into the ground playing every game. Diaby is made of glass and Rosicky never recovered from his time out the team. Has anyone actually seen him play, because we should probably reserve judgement until we do. I have faith in our scouting team, they’ve earned that faith.

The Gun

In the centre from what I’ve read. Should turn out great.

the only sam is nelson

in other news i note that shit team we ought to beat swansea are beating shit team we used to lose against chelsea 1-0 at half time

could all change of course but the only team to go there and score 2 remains the mighty arsenal *ahem*


What the fuck has Chelsea’s score in Wales got to do with us? Great we lost but hey at least we scored two. It wasn’t so much the fact that we lost as was the manner in which that lost occurred. Ie 1 nil up poor defending because we had no full backs, poor performances from some players that had been performing badly for weeks but due to lack of quality in the squad where always going to play regardless. The fact that your now smug that Swansea are beating a shit Chelsea team says it all.

the only sam is nelson

“chill for fucks sakes” <— you, not so long ago

suggestion: take your own advice


Hope it’s not a sequel. Amaury Bischoff II: 2 Slow 2 Spurious.

Good luck to him!


signing a player with no youtube video?!? WENGER OUT !


we can try FIFA profile/stats

Apologist for Hire

Well, it’s a signing.

The Gun

Exciting. In Arsène We Trust.


No youtube video = doesn’t exist.


We all know wenger’s signings, I don’t mind him signing youngsters, its good for the future. But I think his stinginess can easily cost us this seoson. And if we don’t have champions league next seoson, then arsenal will be as bogus and fucked up as an arsene wenger face and sitting style when arsenal have been beaten and he can do nothing about it. We need proven players to replace chamakh and co.


do you know how hard it is to buy and sell players in january, not many teams looking to buy a player like arshavin or chamakh now, also to buy any decent player would mean over paying due to inflated prices in the january window


OK worth the gamble, no problem with that but who is going to score the fucking goals when RVP picks up an injury or gets suspended? Chamakh?


Hopefully he’ll put some pressure on the Coq who will rise to the challenge.

Thomas Eisfeld is an anagram is “Demolishes Fat” or “Halftime Doses” neither of which fills me with great optimism about his long term prospects.

good luck to the lad. The more the merrier I say.


“Demolishes Fat”? I don’t like the sound of that.


Would you rather have Andrei Arshavin, I mean, “Shadier Nirvana”?


FATGOONER, you made me laugh with an intentionally funny comment!


dont forget chamakh now that he’s coming back, nobody is more like a new signing than him, especially as he will be fresh from doing nothing since going on holiday just before the FA cup 3rd round.


why all poeple continue to talk about amaury bishoff or whatever his name was .Lol we brought for free on very small wage for only one year contract to see if he could shake up his injury (he was very highly rated young player as teenager but got so many injuries werder give up on him) .he turn out not and gone the summer after.

we sign eifeld on long term contract (he is not injury prone he has one big injury).Welcome to arsenal

Midfield Corporal



the new boy will offer no contribution to our top four push so his sighing his no big deal to me.he will get my support wen he start delivering the goals.


So the transfer window has closed and there’s no sign of the striker that we desperately needed.

No surprise.

How did this club become so fucked up and unambitious?


It’s not like we actually thought a signing was coming. We’re fucked. Proper fucked. Arsene out, Bould in.


Frog = Fatgooner

Just saying. You always appear together, and always to congratulate each other, and always with similar diction and similar disdain for detractors.

Anyone else notice this?


It’s probably because we take the most shit from other posters here because we have opinions that aren’t in line with the wenger-gazidis- hill wood axis and there blind faithfull drones.

Merlin's Panini

Frog and Fatgooner, if you two turn out to be right then you are true visionaries and you can say “I told you so” to everyone all the time if you like. Though there wouldn’t be much satisfaction in that if the Arsenal were that shite would there? I still live in hope that you are both incredibly wrong, but I do understand why you say the things you do. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I at least respect you guys over some others who just come on here to insult people with different opinions, I don’t think… Read more »


Ummm… Now you’ve made me laugh with a comment that was unintentionally silly. Let me ask you this: among all the teams battling it out for the top spots, who signed precisely what they needed? January window = pretty much useless. Wenger says it, that drunk Scottish guy who likes to throw his shoes up in Manchester says it, Tax Evasion Harry says it, etc. From how many people in the know do you need to hear it to believe it? Who did Real Madrid buy? Who did AC Milan buy? Who did Man U buy? Who did Liverpool buy?… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

only thing i saw was ‘Arry severely weakening his squad. Got rid of four fairly decent squad players and brought in a 33 year old crock. Ha!


Cromulus, are you fucking stupid? We desperately needed a quality striker in this transfer window, any blind brainless arsehole could see that. Our entire season now hinges on whether or not our injury-prone Dutch forward stays fit. If Van Persie picks up a serious knock then we are totally fucked. Both Park and Chamakh are a complete waste of space. We didn’t have to spend massive amounts of money; a decent forward like Yakubu would have been OK for now. Even with RvP we are averaging just one goal per game over the last dozen or so matches, he needs… Read more »


Easy fat ass! If you read my post you may have realized that I did not stoop so low as to call you stupid, even though your posts typically have the cogency of a retarded monkey. I merely pointed out, you fat vat of stale mayonnaise for brains (if we’re gonna play the ad hominem game), that buying in January is difficult. You don’t know if Yakubu was available for what Yakubu is worth. You have no way to divine anything that happened in the transfer market as you are not privileged to any sort of information other than what’s… Read more »


Can any of you honestly say that if you were in RVP’s shoes, you would stay at the club when they show NO ambition? It’s one thing to make an effort and then fail. It’s another to not even try.


Buying in January is usually a pretty fucked up situation, especially this particular window. No internationals want to move before to a club were the might not be guaranteed a start before Euros. Reports say we failed in a Podolski bid. Make of the what you will. We also aren’t privy to information about failed bids, either. We don’t really know what happened behind the scenes in the summer window and this January window. While our summer signings haven’t set the world on fire, they have been pretty solid for the most part. I’m not saying the squad doesn’t need… Read more »


I hope he ‘kills’ Denilson




For all you Dr. Panglosses out there: young Master Eisfeld suffered a cruciate ligament injury when he was 17, and while the lad undoubtedly has talent this doesn’t bode well for the future. I wish him well but I suspect this signing will come to nothing. Better not to have made a signing than such a disappointing one.

Merlin's Panini

yeh but at 17 your body can still recover. If he did this at 22-23 it would be much more of a worry.

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