Friday, February 7, 2025

Arsenal confirm Nigeria tour looks likely

Arsenal will head to Nigeria as part of their pre-season preparations as the club’s marketing wing look to expand the Gunners brand in Africa.

Having toured China and Malaysia last summer it looks as though the club are committed to strengthening their globetrotting credentials by targeting a region with a passionate love for the Premier League.

Speaking to the BBC after a meeting with DanJan sports, Arsenal’s marketing director Angus Kinnear gave an update on the plans.

“Everything is right on track. Nigeria will happen. We had a successful meeting and covered a lot of ground.

“It’s very important to get the right message across to the fans in West Africa and the entire continent.

“There is a strong desire to connect with our fans in Africa and the first step starts in Nigeria.”

The decision to tour in Africa comes after Ivan Gazidis confirmed that the Emirates Cup would not take place this summer due to policing resources being stretched by the London 2012 Olympics.

The fixtures and timing of the trip have yet to be confirmed, however, with Euro 2012 taking place in Ukraine and Poland during June and July it is possible that any adventure before August could see some high-profile first team squad stay at home.

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I know it’s kind of ignorant for me to say this but is security an issue in Nigeria?

Randy Aboh

you are right there!! but I know by then things should be alot beta coz dats a long time from now!!!!

London Calling

I would think that was the primary topic on the agenda during the discussions to plan the trip. Alos remember there is some element of security fear/issues everywhere, including in good olde blighty.


I don’t think security will be too much of an issue, everyone was worried about this in the world cup in SA and I was there and it was not a problem. I think a lot of people tend to view African countries with a broad brush approach based on what they see in the news about places like Zimbabwe and Sudan etc. Teams have been going to SA for years now, Man Utd and Sp*rs (unsuccessfully haha don’t know any Africans who like the scum!!) to name a few, without problems so why not Nigeria. I think it will… Read more »

London Calling

Innovative and brave…..Expect lots of tears and colour. There will be lots of street parties and happy faces… even with an Arsenal B team.

Randy Aboh

true talk there but we wont mind RVP, Per, Verm and sum odas great faces being there!!!

Randy Aboh

yeah mayne!!!! cant wait to see them in abuja…..


Randy – please read the comment policy –




Johnny Massacre

Every time I meet someone from Africa I ask them what football team they support because 90% of the time they always seem to say Arsenal. Handy especially when an African dude is a doorman and you want to jump the queue! I don’t know why Arsenal is so popular in Africa, but I’m guessing it’s because we were one of the first teams to start using a lot African players like Lauren, Toure and Kanu. Are we the most popular team in Africa?


Was thinking this too – to be honest Man U are super established in South East Asia; us focusing on Africa makes sense to me.


Sadly true.


I thought they were heading to Korea/Japan are they still going there as well? Eg this year they did emirates cup + Malaysia. So if thry’re heading to Nigeria in place of the cup will they still head to Korea/Japan as well ???


ARSENAL had to visit Africa. Everyone knows ARSENAL have a huge fanbase there. Great news for Nigerian fans,they deserve to see their team play there.


It’ll be interesting to see how this pans out. We do have a number of players from Africa or that have African heritage, so instead of this being a tour about improving revenues, it might be more about getting first dibs on young African talent.

Ian allinson's tache

No emirates cup? That’s our only realistic chance of a trophy- it would be nice if we went all out for the fa cup this year

Master Bates

I am glad ,that cup has been cancelled ,I hated it .If we win we get laughed at ,if we don’t win it we get laughed at


The only good thing to have come out of the Emirates Cup was seeing Thierry back in London.


Great news for Nigerian gooners. I can’t wait to see the squad in flesh even if the likes of Van Persie can’t make it.

I am so happy to hear this that I’m commenting for the first time (and I’ve been reading arseblog since 2004 too).



i think if we wait a little bite we can still dominate the england,its me robbysonpaint,…..bye i love arsenal….

Jermaine Pedant

Stadiums certainly won’t lack vocal passion, though it will probably scare the players half to death to play in front 60000 screaming fans.


So the opposite of the Emirates then.


This is great for our Nigerian fans. Would love to experience a game there!


Great news, I will meet them from the airport and watch every game live. Hope they play more than one. Africa says, welcome Arsenal.

HarryPotter's Arsenal

Yes! Yess!! Yesss!!!
I definitely will be there…

Ps: bring Igwe (The King) who has returned along too and Lagos, nay the world would definitely know the passion we have for our beloved team & Igwe.

HarryPotter's Arsenal

Ooh… !st time comment too.


Welcome to the club.


Security issue in Nigeria??? I tell u bro, dem terrorists are arsenal fans too !


I’m not sure about Nigeria but I know in Kenya there are pretty much two teams that are supported – Chelsea and Arsenal.

I went out there a few years ago and one of the first things I saw in Mombasa was a young lad in an Arsenal top. It’s one of the best things about football, it transcends race, colour or creed. Regardless of your background you’ll more often than not find a common love – unless it’s a cock supporter, there’s no excusing that shit.


Arsenal jerseys? Ask the arsenal officials that came to Nigeria, they lost count right on the plane to Nigeria.
They were lost for words right inside the airport. And they told the local press this much.
And, by the way, they didn’t even get to see me!

Toluse Tola

i will be there!


Err, what’s the betting someone in our squad comes back with malaria? Hope everyone stays safe!

harrypotter's arsenal

Not nice…


It’s possible though the probability of that happening is very low. They might not want to come back though 😉


Great news!Arsenal should come feel the love we!!


Awesome news for the Nigerian from SA and i can honestly say that Arsenal have more supporters in Nigeria then anywher in Africa..hope next time they hit South vuvuzelaz this time,lol


No vuvuzelas, just some good old Fela Kuti, I hope.


Fela Kuti was Nigerian not South African.


Gr8 news, I will give almost evryfin 2 b there


I’m shocked Liverpool isn’t going to Africa. :-/


i love arsenal until i die up gunners its me robbysonpaint


seems like this article has attracted all the nigerian commenters that usually haunt


Didn’t know Nigerians aren’t allowed here. I’ll have you know that I’m Nigerian and I don’t haunt thank you.

Zimbabwe Red

Great news!! Would be great if they do follow up with more dates on the continent. Brazil played here in Zimbabwe in 2010, but seeing the Gunners here would be an absolute dream!

Gunz R Us

Africa loves the Gunners. We can only hope for a bigger ‘Africa tour’ soon. Massive!!


I’m happy for the Africans who may soon get a chance to personally see the Gunners in action. Judging from the large number of African FB friends I have by virtue of our common Goonerhood, I’ve formed a notion that the Arsenal is very popular in Africa.

At the same time I can’t wail for the Gunners to make a north American tour. I’d love to be able to go down to LA to watch them against the Galaxy!


Will this generate the 20 million we might lose from not being in the champions league! (Removes tongue from cheek).


Best news this week…..can’t wait to have the team over here….be it lagos or aBuja ama be there


Great news! Although I live in Lagos, I hope to be in Abuja when my belove team set Nigeria on fire.
By the way dearest AW, don’t come here with an Europa Cup team.
Gooner till I get to heaven!


Hopefully, they go to Abuja not Lagos since its closer to me. The only reason I wouldn’t go is if they come with a B side like the youth team.Otherwise,VIP here I come.

Naija Gunner

Great news! I was away on a journey and couldn’t do any browsing, could have commented on the first as the first Nigerian-Arsenal fan. Lol Well have read all the other comments and the issue most talked about is security, you need not worry about that because it depends on two things a) venue and b) time. A) if the venue is not in the northern part, where the bombing is happening there won’t be any cause for alarm, and like someone said earlier most of the northerners supports(I won’t call them terrorists for now) Arsenal, funny! B) the timing… Read more »

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