Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arshavin aiming to fill Gervinho gap?

The African Cup of Nations this month robs Arsenal of two players, Maroune Chamakh and Gervinho.

While the return of Thierry Henry, coupled with the Moroccan’s form, means not too many tears will be shed for the former’s termporary departure, Gervinho’s absence leaves the manager with something of a gap to fill.

The Ivorian has been more or less ever-present since his summer move from Lille, relegating the out of form Andrei Arshavin to the bench. But with Euro 2012 nearing it’s clear that the Russian wants to make more of an impact.

On his official Twitter account, he said, “Can’t imagine more important time in my life than 2012. I just cannot afford to relax. So I won’t.”

While Arsene Wenger praised his quality after providing the crucial assist for van Persie’s winner against QPR. “Andrey has that quality that at any moment in the game he can give you a ball to score, and that’s what he did,” he said.

“We know he can be sharper than he was on Saturday but that is linked to the fact I do not play him enough.”

And here we have the issue. He’s not sharp because he’s not playing enough but the reason he’s not playing enough is because his form has been so poor for the last 12 months. He’s scored just three times in his last thirty-three Arsenal appearances and for a player of his renown and stature (not height!) that’s really not good enough.

Wenger has other options for that left sided position. Benayoun can play there, as can Henry, and there are many who would like to see Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain given a chance, but perhaps the upcoming summer tournament might be the carrot at the end of Arshavin’s stick.

It might well be right to question why it should take a desire to represent his country to motivate him for his club but if it has some benefit in the short-term, especially during Gervinho’s absence, then it won’t be a bad thing.

It seems likely that Arshavin will be moved on in the summer and while overall his Arsenal career can hardly be considered a roaring success it would be nice if it went out with a bang rather than a whimper.

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Arsenal > Spurs

Arshavin’s the proverbial enigma wrapped in a riddle set in a mystery – he has undoubted quality and showed it in his first season and a half but has since faded because of his attitude. You’d think that a man as perceptive and intelligent as Arsene would have considered every possible factor for Arshavin’s decline.

Speaking of the Africa Cup of Nations, it’s interesting that the Daily Mail ( has linked the Arsenal with Taye Taiwo, who would be a quality loan signing but wouldn’t he be away at the ACN?


Actually, Taye Taiwo won’t be at the ACN since NIgeria did not qualify for the tournament. But then I wonder, Is he quality? I am NIgerian and I have never been especially impressed by him, but well, perhaps Arsene knows best

gunn cabinet

no. nigeria will not be at AFCON


Yeah, I thought about him as well, could be aq short term fix. But then again he can barely get a game with Milan, so he’s not really matchfit at the moment.


That’s probably true, but at least it’s theoretically possible that Taiwo would be signed for cover as Nigeria didn’t qualify for the ACN.


For a player of his renown and ture (not height!) that’s really not good enough.
Hilarious !!!!
Personally, I dont care is he is moviated by how much of a fucking cunt John Terry is, I just wanted him to play well for Arsenal


I still believe Arshavin can come good, at his best he is far better than Gervinho or Walcott currently.


The problem is he hasn’t been at hist best for close to a year now.

Doubtful he can suddenly come up today and do his best.


Sorry but he just ain’t playing well enough for us at the moment. Ditto Chamakh, Squillaci, Mannone, Fabianski…


No he won’t be at the CAN ‘cos Nigeria won’t participate.

Arsenal > Spurs

You are right (and I should have checked first) Nigeria won’t be participating! Taiwo would be a quality loan signing but would AC Milan loan him out?


Probably not–why would they help the team they’re playing in the CL in February? Why would they risk not having cover themselves at left back?


Daily Mail.



Don’t believe anything unless it’s in the Daily Star. The Hill-Wood’s paper of choice.


Dont make me laugh…this bloke has taken the pee out of our wonderful club for too long. He is lazy and has no loyalty to his mates. He has contributed next to nothing for 18 months. So why keep him or even pander to his potential? Sorry ..I would sell him at the drop of a hat along with 4/5 other ‘take the money and stick to your contract’ players who have failed miserably for too long. Just pray that young Jenks is back soon along with Gibbs and Santos and of cours JACK!


Mate, we got a one-nil win at the start of the season courtesy Arshavin’s goal from a very tight angle. Remember?

He’s not been at his best agreed, but as long as he plays for us, stick by him.

Gooner till I die and beyond.


The way he plays for his home country and The Arsenal are polar opposites. Pack him off to Russia, he’ll be much happier as would we.

The big gooseman

Personally I would give AOC a go in there, he looks fit, has no fear and is up for it. Apart from the assist on the weekend Arshavin has done nothing for well over a year and looks as if his head is somewhere else. Let Thierry coach AOC and turn him into one of the best.


So. Arsenal 2-1 Barcelona. Who was the goalscorer for Arsenal’s second goal?





I’d have the Ox over Arshavin to, but can he or Theo play on the left?


I’d try Theo on the left – he’s a bright kid but he can be pretty useless when it comes to trying to take players on and then providing a decent cross. At least on the left he could cut inside on to his right foot and comfortably pass/shoot, rather than having to wrap his foot round the ball while out far right and providing 1 good cross for every 10 attempts.


Despite his rubbish form, I still want him to play well and influence games like he used to. As Arseblog said, wouldn’t it be better for Arsenal to have Arshavin go out with a bang and not a whimper like some fans so desperately want him to?


If Arshavin does ‘go out with a bang’, why let him go? If he recaptures his magical best form then surely we should keep him!


Arshavin hasn’t been able to fully replicate his first term with Arsenal because he is being played in the wrong position, for me. Sure, when we bought him and he was 28 (regarded as a prime age for many players) we could get away with putting him out on the wing so he could run his socks off every game. But he is now past that point and at 30 years of age i believe it’s time he was brought in just behind RvP to provide more passes and shots, rather than expecting him to replace the lively Gervinho. Put… Read more »


I go to all the games and he just doesn’t put in the effort. I want to like him again!


Whoever plays there, seems to me we’re pretty well stocked while Zhervinyu’s away. If Arsh ain’t doing it, bring on The Ox/Benny or any other combo involving those three.


Fellow gooners, we should stick by Arshavin because he is one of our players. Yes he’s been a bit rubbish this season but give his hardly played this season. As for last season the mercurial meerkat scored 10 and created 17, not to mention the winner against barca at home. Thats not so bad for apparently someone who doesn’t look like he wants to play. We can moan all day long, like we are some body language expert but we need to stick by our players!!

Have some faith, COYG!!!


A BIT rubbish? A LOT rubbish more like. He’s a liability.


Arshavin’s apparent attitude may just be a long sulk due to not being played centrally. To be slightly fair to him, he’d never played on the wing before and it’s not entirely surprising it hasn’t worked out for him.

I think Wenger long ago decided he’d be Gervinho’s replacement once the latter goes to the ACN though. That’s why he still brings him on every game. And once Wenger makes a decision that’s that, form and performance do not alter it for a very long time. Henry won’t start whilst he’s here unless we get more injuries up front.


I agree, i don’t think it’s Arshavin’s natural position. He puts in 2 or 3 gut-busting runs in a game when he starts but then he’s knackered and comes off in the 60th minute (though he mostly comes on as a sub at the moment). People always say he sulks and he’s lazy which i believe is an unfair assessment for me, he’s just being given a hard time for not playing perfectly in an unnatural position.

Big Guns

Arshavin you should be sold asap, you are useless.


Or does he?


He is not useless. He is what, 30. He obviuosly wont be that 4 goals in a game player he was but he can still be a reliablity.


Based on some highly Un-Gooner-like comments of late from Big Gins I felt compelled to check out what Big Guns means, so I consulted the trusted Urban Dictionary.

According to the aforementioned Big Guns can mean either
1) large breasts,
2) a large person, often the group bitch, or
3) somebody doing something stupid or idiotic…….

So, which one is it? What’s your pleasure ” Big Guns”?


So you theenk. You pigdog Top Guns.


You aint Russian, you are German.


It’s time to unleash the Ox!


Having just come back from a holiday surrounded by Russians, they’re all a bit odd in terms of attitude. Maybe if there was a queue to the opposition goal line, he’d hightail it to a scoring position without hesitation, then celebrate by drinking vodka till 4am and having fisticuffs with a blood relative.


Thanks for insight, Mr. Stereotypes!

N7 Gooner

Going to be an interesting shoot-out to fill the gap, that’s for sure. Hoping one of the candidates steps up!

Runcorn Gooner

At least we have various options which will increase as we go
though January with the return of players.
Some clubs would give their right arm for the choices we have
this season.
As for Arshavin I am like most supporters I want him to do well.
I was at Anfield when he scored 4 and he was magic.Good players
can always regain form and I think it has been hard for him with the
limited time on the pitch.
Have faith for the rest of this season and then review for the future.


In the situation we are in we need fighters and grafters we can’t afford to wait for a player who produces every 8 games or so. Want him to do well he’s a likeable bloke but sometimes it just don’t work with certain players no matter how talented they are. It’s not all his fault that’s obvious, without the playing time it’s tough but when he does play he at times don’t seem interested.


Arshavin is shit


Arse-shaving IS shit.


If arshavin continues to play we will see the little russian magician back on form again! Then he can prove himself he is worthy of Arsenal!


He has been poor but does appear to be trying much harder recently, showing glimpses of his old self.

My head says just offload the fellow, but there is a nagging feeling that says there is more to come.


Arshavin is shit in the position AW plays him in. He’s not a left wing player nor will he flourish there. The one time this season he did look like his old self was when he was played in the middle next to Rosicky. They looked deadly together. It all started to go downhill when Russia didn’t qualify and he’s been a damn donkey every since. He puts little to no effort in on the pitch, gives the ball away like it will have no ill effects on his team and then half-asses his shots and puts on that stupid… Read more »

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