Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger confirms Wilshere setback

Arsenal have been rocked by the news that Jack Wilshere has suffered a fresh injury setback.

The England midfielder hasn’t played this season after limping off just a few minutes into the Emirates Cup in late July. Despite the club seeing if rest and physio would fix the problem, surgery was required.

Until this week Jack was on schedule to make a February comeback but reports suggest he has suffered a stress fracture of his heel, which could mean anything from 6-8 weeks out or pretty much end his season.

At his press conference, Arsene Wenger was cagey, but said, “Wilshere had a little setback. We don’t know how bad it is. I can’t give you any definite news on Jack because I could be wrong.

“He has had a little setback that is under investigation at the moment so I cannot give you how long he will be out for. At the moment he is seeing a specialist and as soon as we know more we will communicate. It sets him back a little bit but for how long I don’t know.  It is the same foot but a different problem to the injury he had surgery on back in September.

“But is it an inflammation? We have to wait a little bit.”

There was perhaps too much expectation about Jack’s return and the influence he might have had, but having him back, and fresh for the rest of the season would undoubtedly have been a huge boost.

Arsenal’s midfield problems are compounded by the fact that Abou Diaby is traveling the world seeing specialists to try and save his career, meaning that two of the first team squad will have been unavailable for most of the season.

The news also comes at a difficult time with the transfer window closing on Tuesday night. It remains to be seen whether we’ll react in the transfer market to provide the boost to the team that Wilshere’s return would have provided. Wenger typically played down any transfer moves, saying, “We are not close to signing anybody.”

There was some good news though as Wenger revealed Bacary Sagna could be back in the squad for the Villa game. He’ll have a late test, along with Mikel Arteta and Thierry Henry, while youngster Francis Coquelin has recovered from his hamstring strain.

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How does this keep on happening?!

Cygan's Left Foot

Simple, because he was over played as our squad players either not good enough to fill in or injured.

Ramsey, Kos, Song and RVP needs a rest or they will be next just as we lost Arteta for couple of weeks due to lack of rest. But, who is going to come in with no signing and the injury list?????


No one, it seems. Even Frimpong is out for months..

Maybe it’s time to re-sign Merson.


That drug-taking booze hound? No thank you.
Keown looks like he’s still got a header on him (as shown at the Leeds game).

Cygan's Left Foot

Or use our quality and mental strength to over come this!!!!!!!!!!!

Cygan's Left Foot


You not only don’t know football and have no opinion just follow what Arsene say or does, the sense of humour lost on you too.

How dare you talk about OUR “drug-taking booze hound” like that. He is OUR “drug-taking booze hound”, even with all that he use to give a shit about The Arsenal..


No, David Seaman gave a shit about Arsenal. Tony Adams gave a shit about Arsenal. Dennis Bergkamp gave a shit about Arsenal. Paul Merson blamed all his problems on the club while Tony Adams got himself clean and then started his own charity to help other footballers in that position. My 26 years of following football, level 2 coaching badge and 2 years of teaching kids how to play football says dfferently to a lack of football knowledge. Also, to claim i don’t have opinion just because it’s different to yours and read you turfing out the same useless media… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

Steve. According to you what ever the Bank Manager does is correct, you can’t even see his mistakes tells me otherwise. Now this; “My 26 years of following football, level 2 coaching badge and 2 years of teaching kids how to play football says dfferently to a lack of football knowledge.” Doesn’t this sound like “I have been a football manager for 30 years and made 50,000 subs, I don’t have to answer to you” or “I have been a football manager for 30 years and don’t need a defensive coach” statements??? Here a link to show most of us… Read more »


You have proven my case my excellently with your complete blindness to any opinion other than your own.


Also, that poll shows favs don’t think we should get rid of Arsene Wenger. Bravo, you have made yourself look like a fool with your own link.


What are you going on about? That Guardian Football poll does not at all support the point I think you were trying to make. If it means anything, surely it indicates support for Arsene continuing at Arsenal. Also, note that it was closed before Arsene brought in five players on deadline day.

Just lay off the ad hominem attacks from now on.


Er, my post was in response to Cygan’s, not Steve.

Cygan's Left Foot

No Steve, your opinion is Arsene Knows what ever mess he makes or him putting his personal pride/stubbornness over our great club needs. You never want to acknowledge he is stuck in the past and refused to move with time, refusing to acknowledge that football manager job is to win games and trophies first and for most, that is what we pay him 7 million for. I know what Arsene did for us, that is not up to me to acknowledge it or not. He will go down in our history as our greatest manager EVER., I know Arsene came… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

Jasonissimo said;

“What are you going on about? That Guardian Football poll does not at all support the point I think you were trying to make. If it means anything, surely it indicates support for Arsene continuing at Arsenal. Also, note that it was closed before Arsene brought in five players on deadline day.”

You are right that support for Arsene continuing, here is the link for another poll 4 months later to prove that for you;


Keep hiding your head in the sand/


Your insistence on backing up your arguments with online reader polls, posted in the wake of defeat to a fierce rival no less, shows you up as being generally an unreasonable person. Anyone who knows anything understands that they are proof of nothing, (repeat: _nothing_), and are useful for one thing only–entertainment, or put more cynically, to get click-throughs and eyeballs on ads. There are other problems with you reasoning, but that one is fundamental, and so enough, I think. It does seem like most people do not agree with you, or at least do not appreciate your approach. In… Read more »


Don’t argue with Steve. He has nothing better to do than annoy you via arseblog. He knows everything. Fatgooner actually refers to him as ” arsene”. He’s on my ” ignore” list. Just skip over his posts. It’s easy and make this site much more fun and informative.


And the hypocrite has surfaced

Cygan's Left Foot


Oh shit, I thought we come here to talk about football not you analysing me. As for the thumb up or down, that doesn’t worry me at all, it worries a man like you, coming here looking for approval and say what most of the Arsene knows want to hear so you can go and milk yourself counting how many thumbs up you got today and feel good about yourself.

Now, go and write in your little pink note book, I have got 25 thumb up tonight, and sleep soundly..


Even the ‘mysterious forces’ want Wenger to drill away the crust that has settled on the fax machine and chequebook

Cygan's Left Foot

I am sure our fax machine is broken and it would be fixed in the first Feb the earliest. But look on the bright side it would be LANFM.


it is all AW to blame.
Wastes like Rosciky, Almunia, Dennilson, Diaby should’ve been cleared long time ago.

Diaby has become a benefit scrounger like many muppets in the UK. What else can you say? This bloke keeps injured all the fucking time in the planet.


it is all AW to blame.
Wastes like Rosciky, Almunia, Dennilson, Diaby should’ve been cleared long time ago.

Diaby has become a benefit scrounger like many muppets in the UK. What else can you say? This bloke keeps injured all the fucking time in the planet.


rosicky has been one of our better performers this season.


My god, this is shocking!

Why oh why!

Cygan's Left Foot

The question shouldn’t be why, shit happens. The question should be what are we going to do about it? from previous experience (TV5 last year) with our Bank Manager, he would spin his way out of it and not sign anyone because europe going through economical crisis.


fuck. this means we’ll continue to have ramsey on the pitch. fuck.


Yeah god forbid possibly our hardest working player this season continues to play!


hardest working sure, but the most error prone and least effective.atm he has the quality to be a good impact sub. like walcott


The fact is Ramsey has been terrible since the turn of the year (but works hard to compensate) and has prodcued very little in terms of assists and goals from the main attacking midfield role. It may not be his fault as it might not be his natural position, or a case of too much too soon but as he’s looked so stale and tired recently having someone else there maybe what he needs to recharge his batteries and get his shooting boots back on. Right now we have 4 players in attacking positions, 2 wingers a striker and an… Read more »


Ramsey is blowing out his arse at the moment, so it’s no surprise his form has dipped.

Jack’s return would have allowed some rotation in the midfield, but now that’s gone to rat shit.

If Jack or Diaby are not going to play a part this season, can we not remove them from the squad to free up the space to get another midfielder in? We seriously need the ability to rotate in there.

Cygan's Left Foot

Jack don’t need removing as he is under 21, but Diaby for sure and that would allow us to sign a player among the non home grown 17 out of the 25.

Oh no wait, delisting Diaby would mean we have to sign a new player.


At least the Coq is back to thrust some much needed drive in the middle.

Cygan's Left Foot

Le Coq is great, but known the Bank Manager, he is in love with Ramsey and Theo, he willl never drop them for Ox and Le Coq.

We should move Arteta to Ramsey place and play Le Coq as box to box.

Merlin's Panini

He can spray balls all over the pitch that lad.


Are you suggesting that the Coq can play in the hole behind the striker?


Oh grow up 007! 😀

Cygan's Left Foot

No, Arsene would go out and sign players to replace Diaby and Jack!!!!

Then I woke up.


Mate, none of this bank manager dribble is going to make things any better, all I’ve read so far in this article is your tripe fishing for some thumbs up which your not getting. Yes we need a creative midfielder brought in if jack is out, yes diaby is injured all the time, but fuck me, you’ll give yourself arthritis repeating yourself that many times. Just get on with it, not that I’m agreeing or disagreeing. Surely without jack our chances against AC Milan are slim, but am will I support wenger and the arsenal come mid February without new… Read more »




Very disappointing news, hopefully its not as bad as first thought. I was really looking forward to Jack’s fresh injection to the midlfield for the backend of the season.


I am bloody fed up of Wenger being “cagey”. We are constantly kept in the dark when it comes to anything but positive news from the club and even then we hear very little. I have never been anti-Wenger and would never show the hate you see from some people. I am however starting to feel us fans are being distanced from the club we love.


I’ve been waiting and waiting on this to be confirmed and if it is as they suspect (april) it’s the worst news possible. Forget the fact we’re struggling this season, I just want to see Jack play.

I take it as read that this is the picture from the day he last kicked a ball, because your research is so spot on, If looks could tell a story what??
Wenger Know’s in that particular picture. He know’s 2011-12 is walking down the tunnel right infront of his eyes


Fuck it all.


And some fans wonder why others (like me) keep saying we truly need to spend some money before the window closes and get rid of a few players. How many players over the past few years have been injured, come back, injured again, on the verge of a comeback suffer another setback, etc. It’s a never ending story. Gibbs, Diaby, Rosicky, Theo come to mind most easily. RVP for years couldn’t catch a break. Now Wilshire. I hope Santos, Sagna, etc don’t suffer the same fate. At times I wonder what our medical staff are doing. Is it something they’re… Read more »


Whenever you have to rehabilitation, there is always a 50/50 chance of getting another injury as the muscles around whatever has been repaired need to get back to how they were before. It’s all based on muscle memory and why so many players have a set back.

The only reason normal people don’t usually have the set backs is because we can take as long as we want to get better, while sports people need to push themselves to get back into shape a lot quicker.


Very true. So in that respect though, do you think we rush our players back early? It seems like every player we have that goes our injured for anything more than a minor sprain ends up crocked for months on end.


I think it’s a bit of both. Due to the speed of the premier league/champions league, i think the players need to get back up to speed faster than say a league one player but then pushing them also means more pressure on the body. It can also lead to other problems as the body can get itself into a certain position and this can change posture or make other muscles have to work harder to compensate. As an example: My wife damaged her hip and had to get it realigned but in doing so, this put strain on her… Read more »


Same thing with TA back in ’97. Think he had an ankle knock which meant he had to compensate for it, which caused issues with his back. Sure that’s why he ended up taking 3 weeks off and spending a large part of it in a swimming pool trying to fix it (the injury, not the pool).


This ounds logical but a bit misinformed. There is not “always a 50/50 chance of getting another injury because the muscles have to get back….”. While the type and extent of injury is a determining factor in recovery perhaps even more important is the rehabilation process. When done correctly, the chance of recovery increases dramatically and approaches 100% in some cases, athletes or not. Take American football for example, perhaps one of the most violent sports we know with some of the most horrific injuries yet setbacks after injury are not as common as one would imagine. The key is… Read more »


American football is more impact injury than muscle/ligament injury. It’s quicker and easier to come back from a broken leg/dislocated shoulder than torn ligaments/ruptured tendons




Why the fuck is it only us then?


Once again, its Over!

Cygan's Left Foot

I hope it is over for the Bank Manager too and we find a Football Manager that do what we pay him for is to win matchs not worry about world issues and book balance. Even Mancini at City asking for money to sign players, not to mention AVB already signing and Rosie47 asking the Spuds board to sign player. But, our Bank Manager thinks “we av the gwaliiitttty and mentaal striinth to chaleenge with thiiis pilyers we doont need new sinen as well as the econeemy is in crisees in euroop and we doont waant poor pipl to hade… Read more »


Man City – One of the richest people in the world as the owner. Can afford to spend whatever amounts he wants

Chelsea – Have an oil dealer as the owner (everyone needs oil). Will always have money until fossil fuels run out.

Tottenham – Have a lower wage amount, so can pay bigger transfer fees. The official players they are going for aren’t exactly 20 million, more like 5-8 million.

Also, as said on another thread, the whole bank manager dig wasn’t funny to start with and is tiresome now.

Cygan's Left Foot

Steve, What do you want me to call him, Control Freak? Football Manager he isn’t any more. Would you see any football manager in the world refusing to sign players that we NEED while we HAVE the money????? Would you see any football manager in the world think Almunia was a good keeper for three years?????? Would you see any football manager KNOWING his best defender out (TV5 last season) for the season and has great team to win the league and refused to sign a defender and lie to us supporters that he was coming back????? Would you see… Read more »


Arsene said that we require our top guns to be able to salvage fourth place. If the prognosis is as bad as we fear and Arsene doesn’t act in the transfer market to rectify that, then I think he is signing our own death warrant.

Midfield Corporal

I give up, it’s like one let down after another. Fuck me let’s see some action in the transfer Market now. We’ve got 3 midfielders who are all looking tired or picking up injuries. I’ve always supported Arsene, but if he hasn’t learnt anything from doing nothing last January, or not replacing a left back this one then I will find it hard to back him any mire. It’s negligence.


Fuck this season.


No full backs for 7 games no decent cover for rvp for whole season and now our best midfielder player out for what looks like the whole season and what will do about it, absolutely nothing.

Cygan's Left Foot

He is doing something, he is saving Le cunt and Fab money for when not qualifying for the CL.

Next would be qualifying for the Europa league is like a trophy, as we challenge Vila and stoke for that. Remind me of the story of Benetiz at Liverpool he stayed one season too many after winning them the CL and taking them to the final.


Not a surprise at all. The amount of injuries we get is staggering and most of them suffer a setback. I really don’t know how we can address this but I hope the board seriously look into it. Of course a better squad would also help but when it comes to players like Jack he will always be missed no matter who else we have.

the only sam is nelson

Of course the last time we went out and spurted a load of money in the January window we ended up with the captain of Russia I take it that’s what everyone is hankering after, no? What d’you mean, “fuck off”… A striker is utterly needed but i’d rather see us get the right one than panic and get anyone just becuase the window is open. and for anyone going on about the “boost” effect to help the race for 4th I’d ask whether they’d consider that if the return of the club’s record goal scorer and living legend TH12… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

*Yakubu, even. Feed the Yak. And all that.

Midfield Corporal

I guess the question is’ is doing nothing better than doing something’. In today’s game if you panic you end up paying someone over the odds for 4 years. But I can’t see Patk and Chamakh getting us go 4th. We’re probably screwed because the club aren’t going to gamble on a big money signing with the CL qualification in doubt.

the only sam is nelson

MC you could well be right and as things stand what we have, with the injuries we have, is fucking scary but equally spending onthe wrong players is not only going to fail to make things better, it might actually make things worse. so there are circs where doing nothing might be better than spending. i mean i don’t think that, i think we’ve got a good manager. but what i don’t understand is why a lot of people who don’t seem to think wenger is any good any more are urging him to spend. surely if he’s as shot… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Good point. If AW spends 40m and we still don’t get CL place and he leaves people will ask why he was give the money a new man could have used.

I don’t think AW’s suddenly lost it but it does concern me he doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes.


But we already have the captain of Russia; so no, i’m not hackering after that


i actually think Arshavin was a good signing that season. If he’s helped us at all, then it was definitely his immediate impact that season, even if his form started slowly to dovetail after that. I, personally, would spunk 20m on a world class player, if it meant us keeping us in the CL, because the ramifications of not qualifying are enormous. Look how many millions the mugsmashers have ploughed into their team and they’re still nowhere near….


Is this going to be like Diaby who was due back in “10 days” back in October, wasn’t it?


Jack has a lot more youth on his side and hasn’t really had this injury too many times, unlike Diaby whose career has essentially been ended by thuggery.

I do wonder though if Diaby could be another RvP. Have a load of seasons in and out due to injury and then suddenly become the bionic man and play more games than ever before, while looking like our best player.

john log



The right one ? Who will be the right one, who the fuck knows unless you actually make a signing. Sitting on your hands doing fuck all certainly is not going to help is it. And these cunts that run this once great club ours want to put season ticket prices up. They are having a fucking laugh.
The one quote that will haunt wenger this year is ” Europe is bankrupt the world is bankrupt ” but us poor mugs will be asked to pay even more for the shower of shit that runs this club. Fucking joke.


Did I hear that Jack suffered a fracture on his thumb from tweeting?


Thank God this is happening 4days before the end of transfer window and not 4 days into February. I say Gourcuff or Dzagoev all day: wake me up and say we’ve got both.


We’ve got both Denilson & Bendtner under contract.


Yeh we can bring them back and its 2 LANS. Does anyone else find it tragically hilarious that we loaned out the inept Bendtner only to replace him with someone worse? Personally I’ve lost all faith in Wenger, as I’ve mentioned in another post, how is it possible to have faith in a manager who leaves so much to chance? Especially when he does it season after season making the same mistake. I’ll become a pariah now by saying that as much as I will miss him I now can’t wait till the day he leaves. A brilliant manager in… Read more »


Lets go sign Clint Dempsey from Fulham or trade Rosicky and a little $$$. He’s a quality midfielder, plays 100% and wouldn’t be terribly expensive. I think he’d fit in well at Arsenal. He’s got strength and scores a great # of goals. He said within the last couple of days he wants to play CL football and I don’t think it’s happening with Fulham. He’s not a huge name so neither Manchester will want him and Chelsea are signing De Bruyne from Genk.


I really rate Dempsey. He’ll bring a lot of fire and drive to the squad. Plus he can play centre forward (and would provide cover for RVP) as well as attacking midfield–he’s been used as both for both Fulham and his national team. The problem is that he’s too old for Wenger’s tastes, has 18 months left on his contract, and Fulham won’t sell except for an exorbitant fee because there won’t be time for them to find a replacement.

Pat Viliors

What a waste of money sending Diaby round the world – he aint that great in the first place

Merlin's Panini

They should give him some free Arsenal merch to haul around with him and give out. Could be good for our global brand…

But seriously, I hope he can make a comeback and actually play consistently well in the way know he is capable of.


@ Steve. You seem to be saying that man city and Chelsea is an excuse for us to spend nothing when we clearly need to. Sure we can’t compete with them in the market but that only applies to players that we both go for ie mata. There are many many others players out there that we could and don’t go for. We are in dire straights and are doing nothing about it. It’s not about city etc it’s about us not addressing the problems that we have had now for the whole season. If you use city and Chelsea… Read more »


It was more to say that using those clubs as an example of what we should be doing is in essence pointless. It would be like saying Valencia should spend loads of money as Real and Barcelona do. A number of clubs can now do a ‘Football Manager’ in the transfer market, which is unrealistic for us. Yes we should spend money but trying to back that up by saying ‘look at Mancini asking for more money’ is either misinformed or simply ignoring the economic facts of our club. Those clubs can offer 50 mil for a player who can… Read more »


Gunner16`s grasp of football talent, is only matched in depth by his lack of vocabulry. Why can`t he take his sewer mouth up the road? Though I wouldn`t really wish him on their young readers even.

Merlin's Panini

they get that from their parents anyway, so it wouldn’t make a difference.


Season over.


Finishes in may doesn’t it ;)?


Bloody hell, not seen you around for a bit.


Not being funny but the board or the manager have got to take a look at the medical care the players are recieving and wonder why this keeps happening. I accept that freak accidents happen Eduardo, Rambo etc… however it seems the sheer volume of setbacks we get yet don’t know how to treat is staggering (Rosicky, TV5, Diaby, RVP in recent years). It seems the medial “staff” don’t know what the cause is, so more often than not the specialists are required. I can’t recall if it was Arshavin who questioned the medical setup last season but something’s definately… Read more »


Yawn. Injuries bore me. Doesn’t excuse our paper thin, inadequate squad though


Ive heard some bad news. From sources high up in the club and this was like 3 months ago. My contact said that the injury Jack has sustained could be career threatening. Me and my contact are all hoping it’s B/s but this setback maybe part of it.

My contact knows the people and the top end if the club. Obviously I want it to be false but fingers cross he’ll be back fit this season.


i really relish d fact dt we ought to knw Jack will be out 2ru out d season. bt monsieur Wenger shud help us wit another player fans are gettin upset n fedup. DO SOMETHING AND TGE TIME IS NOW PLS.

Merlin's Panini

erm… what?


Do you reckon they talk like that in reality? A conversation with them would be difficult

Merlin's Panini

I don’t think I want to even try to find out.


Good for you rat face Arsene Wenger you can now take your hand out of Patrice Rice ass….Everything is going against you, signs that your time at AFC is up..Loose on Saturday and the reception will be worst than last week. In Arsene we fail


Who is Patrice Rice and why is our team going to be loose on Saturday? Do we need to tighten up at the back or tie our laces properly?


Furthermore, it’d be rather difficult to lose on Saturday, considering we play on Sunday.


Steve we will have to be a hell of lot more frugal next year without the cl money and drop in revenue from fans through the turnstiles. I’m not saying compete with city in any way but we can sign players if we have the will which we clearly don’t. Villa on Sunday is no where near sold out, Liverpool early in the season was at least 10 k down as have many other games been.Twitter is full of people trying to sell tickets apparantly. We have a huge scouting network and can’t find players to improve on chamakh, park… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

I’d say we are pretty frugal with the money anyway.
I know we don’t spend loads of money but at least we don’t do what Liverpoo do and pay £20million for utter dog shite like Stewart Downing, because they fell for a fake video. What a bunch of morons.
Just needed to watch him on a saturday afternoon to know he’s shit.
I’m not saying every player we ever buy is great, before anyone starts, I’m just saying at least we don’t spunk £20 million plus on cack like them. Andy Carroll anyone?


not a surprise really this is arsenal we are talking about ho well Diaby will be back soon ….maybe ….or not


Get Granero!!! He’s a great squad player, isn’t expensive, has cl experience and is fairly experienced, though still young(24)

Midfield Corporal

On a different note, I’ve just listened to the latest Gooner podcast. There is talk of David Dein coming back in April as chairman when the one year agreement to keep the existing board expires. Personally I think the club needs a supporter on the board, I know he sold his shares but he’s obviously got good connections with top agents and is more likely to get a deal done than our current negotiator. Hopefully he’ll keep his son in check too.


Good thing there’s still plenty of time to address this issue in the January transfer window!



Lets not forget what happened on the last day of the summer transfer window

Cygan's Left Foot

Do you realise there is hospital bed shortages and long waiting list??? Not to mention the Arab spring and the draft in Africa!!!!!!

Don’t you realise Man City, Chelsea and the Spuds (no Manures as the Glazers sucking them dry to pay the interests) have no morals and wanting to win the league over this important world issues???????


What in the world are you babbling about? Usually your comments are hit or miss but this is so far out of left field that you may as well leave it there.

Cygan's Left Foot


AGAIN the irony lost on you man, but I must admit you made me giggle with your comment.

Martin Keown is my hero

AW on The Ox, interesting: “He is alright, it was just fatigue. His calf was not gone or anything like that, he just started to tire a little bit. It is normal for a guy who plays a game at that intensity. But health-wise he has no problem. He will be involved on Sunday. ” Sounds like AW has changed his tune since Sunday. I’m sure that after 75 minutes of intense football he wasn’t the only tired player on the pitch!! All hopes and aspirations are now on The Ox’s shoulders, poor lad. Its not right that Arsenal fans… Read more »


>I’m sure that after 75 minutes of intense football he wasn’t the only tired player on the pitch!!

Yes, but how many of the others had been running around like blue-arsed flies for *all* of those 75 minutes? Factor in that he’s not a regular starter who also plays the full 90 (has he ever at this level?) and the answer’s obvious.

Martin Keown is my hero

Fact 1 – By the very nature of being a professinal footballer, The Ox is extremely fit.

Fact 2 – The Ox was still one of our most effective players when he was subbed.

Fact 3 – The Ox is well used to the exertions of playing 90 minutes of football.

Question – Where is the logic in removing a player who is tired but still effective and replacing him with a player who is fresh an ineffective?

Personally I’d rather have a tired good player on the pitch rather than a fresh shit one!!

Cygan's Left Foot

Arsene plans his subs between 65 to 70 minutes before the match regardless of how good or bad you are.

BTW, the calf of Arshavin looked worse just warming up.


Isn’t this a little alarmist?

I know our injury record (and recovery from injury record) is enough to give Josef Mengele nightmares, but a “little setback” isn’t necessarily tantamount to a “whole season out”.

In any case, I don’t think we should be pinning our hopes of finishing above Sp 3=> rs on someone as young as Wilshere and could do with some reenforcements!

H.P. Arsecraft

A little setback in Arsenes world means anything “between a year and Diaby.”


God dammit. It’s troubling, but more troubling is that we have nearly all of our healthy players in the red zone and no confidence at all in the bench. I understand Arsene’s reluctance to buy players and then have too many, but when we’re dropping points and risking “a disaster” in not qualifying for CL, I’m baffled why not a single signing has been brought in. I’ll be the first to admit I’m no manager, but I really believe that if the choice of two problems is too many healthy players and high placement on the table or not enough… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

It not that simple though is it. There is the option of too many healthy players and no CL football and a wage bill we can’t afford. Anyone remember Leeds Utd business model? Not really disagreeing with you Langston, just throwing it out there.


I agree that it’s a pitfall, but I don’t see Arsenal repeating the Leeds Utd business model. What I do see is the gunners continuing to drop points and a backline of four players who shouldn’t be there, and small mistakes being costly from good players that are good but bound to make mistakes when they’re out of position. There’s a risk taken when a midfielder is placed in the back, and Arsenal has that problem fourfold right now. I’m not a fan that wants to crucify AW or go on a buying spree every time there’s a small setback,… Read more »


Steve you are the eternal optimist il give you that. Hope your right but can’t see it somehow. And worst of all without cl football next year I can see rvp leaving and us sticking with chamakh and park up front with the return of bentner because no one else will have him.


Someone’s got to be to counter the negative doom-mongers. I’m not oblivious to the fact we need more players to at least add depth but i do know that is no point getting worked up over what ‘Arry “my dog has an overdraft” Redknapp and Roberto “£1 billion isn’t enough” Mancini are doing at their respective clubs. If Wenger gets given £5mil by the board, he’ll find a player for £5mil and try to make them into a star. When the board released money for Wenger to spend, he bought Vieira, Petit, Overmars, Henry, Pires, etc… (so essentially the invincibles)… Read more »


On the plus side, Jack and Diaby coming back next season will be like new signings so we won’t need to buy anyone in the summer.


Agree the last point and I guess it’s a question that can’t be answered until arsene leaves. I have no idea if it’s the boards reluctance to release funds or arsenes stubbornness. But whoever is to blame can’t have it both ways in charging champagne money and not expect people to complain when you are being fed watered down Pinot.

Van Ali

Does wenger have any respect left to the club or our brains? Are the qualities of a top level club to fight for a top four spot according to him? Or are they to fight for trophies and being number 1? How our desires and ambitions can get any less?

The dream is ‘BREAKING NEWS: Wenger Sacked’

My expections now that we will not qualify to the CL and RVP out this summer. I wish I am wrong.


Dammit, I just thought back to last season when Vermaelen had a “slight” set-back in January (when he was due to be back) and yet Wenger didn’t buy anyone. Doesn’t look like we’re splurging this window either.


Cygan’s left foot

Why don’t you just fuck off back to le grove and give the real fans a rest


What the hell is going on here Arseblog?
Every Arse~**e who has an opipion seems to get his/her chance to to empty their bile and claim they support our club.
I am not talking about censure, but can you not create a spam page for those who trade insults at each other, our players and our manager.
Aresnal have been in existance for 125 yrs please give respect to the old lady.
Treat her kindly, be more considerate to people.
Peace, Love and COYG!




Now can we try to sign Clint Dempsey from Fulham

Naija Gunner

Are we all been deceived, by Wenger, medical team and the fucking board? Why is it always us, having all our strikers out injured, all our full backs injured all at the same time? And the most annoying thing is the lie or should I say wrong information been fed to him by the medical team. Remember when he said TV5 would be back soon and it took him the whole season and now Jack has a set back, and you all know what he meant we shouldn’t expect him anytime soon. And those liars won’t do anything untill it’s… Read more »


I’m pretty sure the medical team injured Wilshere on purpose during his rehab. Fire them!


@Steve Steve, you can defend Wenger and the Board all you like, but everybody else, even non-Arsenal fans, now realise that something is deeply wrong in the way our club is being managed. I’ve said this before but I’ll repeat it: if there’s significant money there to spend and Wenger won’t spend it then he should be sacked. The squad is no where near as good as it should be for a top-four club. If the case is that there is no money to spend on players and the Board is simply asking Wenger to keep the team competitive while… Read more »


I disagree fatgooner. We are going somewhere. That place is called the Europa league and mid table. Pathetic. Pull the trigger. Make the change before its to late.


The way that we are playing right now, we might not even make 5th.

Totally agree with you: Wenger should go now. Let’s have Steve Bould as caretaker manager until the summer, then a top-quality European boss.


Fatgooner, ok name your fucking “world class” coach

arsene's eyebrow seen fuck all man

Ahh shite, just when we nearly had a full squad to choose from!

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