Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger wants wefs to get it wight

Arsene Wenger has admitted that Arsenal’s failure to win recent games is entirely down to the team and their own performances, but also says that he’d like refs to get more decisions right.

Arsenal have been denied a clutch of penalties over the last few weeks and fell foul of a poor decision last weekend when Nathan Dyer dived to win a spot kick for Swansea.

Laughing off talk of a ‘conspiracy’, the Arsenal manager said, “No, there’s no conspiracy but you want the right decisions to be made. You can still win the game with a bad decision, you are right.

“We had a few things going against us. One of the few things was the decisions of the referee. That doesn’t excuse the fact that we lost the game. We could still have won the game. I would still like the referee to make the right decisions.”

And he also hit out at double-standards in the media. Whatever about the decision being made in real-time, making it more difficult for the referee, every single replay showed that Dyer had dived yet not one media organisation made an issue out of it. The Arsenal manager questioned why it is that some dives are worthy of media coverage and others not.

“If Pires once dived against Portsmouth, OK? For six months it was a story in the newspapers. Dyer dived on Sunday and nobody said a word. You cannot say it is exactly the same and it doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t matter when Dyer dives, why does it matter when Pires dives?”

And he’s right. Either all dives are worthy of hysteria or none are. The Eduardo v Celtic furore was another example of one player being singled out when others get away scot free with their acting.

It remains to be seen Wenger’s comments will have any influence on Mike Dean, a referee under whom Arsenal have not won any of their last 10 games. He tends to give a lot of penalties to Man United, but whatever happens, let’s hope that we’re the masters of our own fortune on Sunday and that we’re not looking to blame the officials for anything.

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I happen to agree with him here. We’re not the only victims, but for Dyer to get that pelanty after a run of about 7 incidents in the preceding games whereby we got FA really stuck in the throat.

I don’t watch enough of the other matches to really comment, but if there’s a team which gets stiffed more on pens I feel sorry for them.


Isn’t this crap supposed to even out over the course of a season? Just doesn’t seem like it ever has to us though.


it sure does. but only for the refs but not the clubs. for as long as i can remember the refs have been giving bad decisions our way and bending over every time they meet demento and his cunts for the past decade. now thats evening out for you

Cygan's Left Foot

It doesn’t happen to us because we don’t put pressure on refs, since Paddy left, our captains are the quietest I have ever seen, Against the Swan I was screaming at RVP , after the ref gave handball on Benny while his back was turned and he wasn’t looking at the ball. Go to the ref and tell him don’t let the home fans referee the game for you. Just put pressure on the ref, all top captain takes time out and talk to the ref to sit him straight. Beside, it is easy for refs to give decision against… Read more »

Master Bates

well this is twewible ,

He should leave the refs crappy and/or biased referees won’t change ,he should just try to improve our performances so much that we too get the biased decisions.

No one is talking about Dyer’s dive because there is a bigger news to talk about ,Arsenal were outclassed and beaten .We shouldn’t even give them the chance to dive ,Just kill the games early and attack constantly make them defend ,keep possesion ,our players should be in positions to dive not theirs .


So whenever Lampard or Drogba dive and yet Chelsea lose to a minnow, the diving doesn’t matter to the media? Conversely, we’ve seen both dive a lot even when Chelsea won in line with public expectation, was the EXPECTED WIN still more important information than the DIRTY DIVE? You are obviously deluded to think that a team losing a match to a minnow is more news-worthy than CHEATING / diving.

I mean, if what you’re saying is true (and it obviously is not), then the media is in a fucking sorry state, and it is.


All premier league refs are crap,& some are worse than others…but if we took half our goal scoring chances it wouldn’t matter!!


Great words, from a ‘great’ man. He wants referees to get it right and wants his players to get it right, which is what a manager should say. But please Mr Wenger, can you try and get it right too in the transfer market?


More whining from the Frenchman – got nothing to do with the fact that his side are the worst Arsenal side in 30 years or the fact that there are a lot of overpaid lazy bastards (Walcott, Arshavin, Rosicky et al) not earning their money – of course blame and responsibility can never be levelled at Wenger because its very unfair to expect a man who is only earning £6 million a year to take responsibility for anything…

Mills N7

Worst Arsenal side in 30 years? Are we talking first team here or squad? Worse than the 1994/95 side or squad? Get some perspective. Even relative to the distortion of the sugar daddy clubs, we are 5th in the League after one of our worse starts in decades, after losing a player approaching his prime (Cesc) who was the best midfielder since Brady to pull on the red and white (hon mentions to Bobby and Paddy), after all that, you think that it’s all doom and gloom? After two defeats? Still being in the Champions League. You think McGoldrick, Merson,… Read more »


Brilliant Mills, couldnt agree more.


Well said Mills, refreshing to see a fan with a sense of perspective. We lost two games on the trot – it happens. I understand the frustration, of course, I just wish some people would step back and look at things realistically before reacting hysterically on blogs, Twitter etc.

Great comment, well reasoned and totally accurate in my opinion. We’re all on the same side – COYG!

Eric Irish gunner

I think you should leave merson out of that group mate was a arsenal legend

the only sam is nelson

Merse and Paul Davis would be regulars at the moment

At least, I’d hope they would – Merse after a 15 pint bender would probably be more effective than poor old Arshavin at the moment, and Paul Davis was pure class. Plus he knocked Glenn Cockerill the fuck out with a sweet left hook for calling him a n***er. Legend. Cockerill was drinking soup through a straw for 2 months after, serves the cunt right.

But apart from that, 100% bang on.


The more i read from Wenger the more I dislike him – what a complete tool of a man….


And this is the polar opposite of Mills’ comment – reactionary, throwaway nonsense with no reasoned argument.


Go and suck ‘arry’s dick then. I’m Sure you’ll find it more to your liking.


To biscuit.


We will never change the decisions of the ref’s, what can change is the attitude of the players to go out there and score goals and defend. Its not Rocket Science Mr Wenger, PAT RICE,start earning your pay and throw a fit in the dressing room before the game starts. beast them if they dont perform.


arseanal are getting screwed, I doubt it is intentional, maybe there are more refs that dislike Arsenal and it is subconciously affecting the results. Check out this website, you can see which teams have benefited the most or suffered the most from decisions, currently, Arsenal is getting royally dicked over


cool site

at least it makes me feel kinda good that we’re still 5th place even while we’re bottom of the decisions table.


Here Here Mills!

That is probably the most sensible thing that I have read on these Arseblog boards for absolutely ages. . . .


There has been a clear cut Arsenal penalty denied in the last 6 games. Swansea got a penalty froma clear cut dive. It’s worth rememebering the link posted by arseblog at the beginning of the season NO refs from london and the south east- 3 from Cheshire alone. 2 Manchester, 2 merseyside.

charles Ariko

I can not believe the Ashavin I saw netting 4 against liverpool some years back! may be tomorrow’s match.


Ya, don’t hold your breath mate.



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