Saturday, July 27, 2024

Henry bids farewell with emotional message to fans

Thierry Henry has called on Arsenal fans to once again stick together as he reflected on the disappointment of ending his loan spell with a 4-0 defeat against AC Milan.

Speaking more as a supporter of the club he has come to love, the Frenchman spoke with passion about the challenges ahead and the highs and lows of fanaticism.

You have to remember that you go through moments where it is not always nice,” he told the Arsenal website.

“If you are an Arsenal fan then you are an Arsenal fan, that’s the way it is. Once a Gunner you are always a Gunner, you can’t change.

“I can’t talk for people whose families have supported Arsenal forever. But I am sure if you talk to their parents, and their parents too, they will tell you to enjoy this generation because they had some bad moments.

“I am sure the fans will understand that they have to stay with the team. We all need to be together because it’s the same when the team is winning and also when you lose.”

Looking back on past successes with a revisionist attitude is something we supporters all too often indulge in. Stressing that he too experienced his fair share of disappointment while sporting the red and white, Henry made clear that it is the way that teams cope with disappointment that set apart the winners from the losers.

“Even the generation before that won the Double in 1998 or 1971, they had some very bad moments,” continued. “So that is what I would like to say to the fans: do not forget that.

“It was not always nice and pretty, you have to remember that we had some times where we just wanted to go home at the end of the game. The difference is how this team can react and I think this team can do that.

“We realise it is going to be a hell of a task but who knows? The Sunderland game is just around the corner so we have to go there and win.”

We do Thierry, we certainly do. Unfortunately, we have to do it without you.

Arseblog News would like to formally thank Henry for his contribution over the course of the last six weeks – who would have thought he’d have given us two more wonderful memories to add to his legend.

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Cygan's Right Foot

Could we get Silvestre and stick a beard on him? The Amercians might just think Henry hasn’t had any sun as it’s England……

7 year itch needs scratching

Theo looks slightly similar, Silvestre is worth more in a transfer fee.

Theo it is.

7 year itch needs scratching

I still love Theo really…

Theo will score 5 vs Milan!


Thanks for everything Thierry!


What idiot would give that comment a thumbs down??

Cheers Thierry. See you soon..

What's my name?

Probably a Sp*urs fan? Frigging haters.

Midfield Corporal

A cunt.


Samir Nasri?


3 thumbs down : a’rry, ferguson and joey barton..


One more statue would be fair… massive gold this time.

Merlin's Panini

Yeh, would be nice to have one of him hopping about after his Leeds goal. That will live long in the memory.


Or him hugging Wenger after that.

7 year itch needs scratching

Thankyou one again TH 14.

Come back one day, always welcome.


Josh Mistry

just have to say on behalf of the gooners out there! thank you Thierry and my god i do love you! hopefully one day you come back as manager, maybe one day!

7 year itch needs scratching

Even if he wasnt manager mate, I would chip in just to have him sit on the bench and point fingers etc!

Josh Mistry

agreed but imagine him as a manager he just oozes class and i think that would shine through in his teams if he ever became a manager

7 year itch needs scratching

How muct to buy his contract out at Red Bulls?

Lets make it happen!

7 year itch needs scratching

Much*….Sausage fingers.


We shall miss you Thierry…….

7 year itch needs scratching

Henry, start knocking some Thierry juniors out mate!!!

Henry Jr 14 at the Emirates….

I can dream.


Tink he should hook up wit whichever woman wins the olympic 100m dash n make us a new gunner hehe… We’ll miss you, Titi… Hope you can come back and maybe even STAY next time! And if you go by Netherlands, please teach DB10 to fly n’ bring him along!

7 year itch needs scratching

Yeah i was thinking a sprinter tbf…..If only there was an english sprinter!

Jess Ennis will do!


Thank you Legend and I wish you all the best, you deserve it more than every other professional player out there.


A true legend of Arsenal, the Premier League and football in general. More than the contribution he has made I am pleased his legend has not been tarnished in this time. To think he has literally given us 2 extra points and got us though a round in the FA Cup is quite amazing. I only hope January next season that we have absolutely no need for him to play for us.

7 year itch needs scratching

Best prem league striker.

7 year itch needs scratching

Who is then Mr vote down???….Dennis?


Thanks Thierry for the morale boosting appearance.
Gotta say though, I’m afraid that the current pisspoor performance cannot be put down to fans’ rose-tinted revisionism or the old ‘all fans have a period of going through shite times’.
I certainly can’t remember 7 trophyless seasons, with such a poor team and so few goals, for getting on 30 years now **prepares to be bombarded to death with stats**


1979 – 1987

7 year itch needs scratching

Then look what happened….

Have faith!!


Cygan's Right Foot

You mean to say blogs, that managers before Wenger haven’t won trophies? I am shocked 😉

7 year itch needs scratching

If RVP hadnt played a blinder for the main part this season, Henry would have been our season.

Wow, just wow!


Slow day at work 7?

7 year itch needs scratching

Yeah mate.


I nearly breakdown every time I read/see/listen to his affection for The Arsenal.

In a world where players not only of his calibre, but also his devotion become fewer and farther between it is refreshing and emotional to witness stuff like this.

Glenn Helder

Some Spurs cunt really has come and thumbed down all of these comments, the bastard.


or some irish, still bitter about titi’s hand of God…


This guy can’t say anything wrong, now can he?

Love it.

Cygan's Right Foot

Not sure if he can say sausages properly….

glory hunter

I was going to give that comment a thumbs up!
But 14 thumbs up, seems right 😉

7 year itch needs scratching

A 50 year old Thierry would still stick em away like the vs Leeds goal.

You never lose that.

7 year itch needs scratching

Fernando Torres,11/12 prem league games 20, goals 2, price 50 mil…

Thierry Henry 2012/ prem league games 4 (I think), goals 2 price 0.


Due to my age (18) i cant quite remember the Thierry Henry everyone knew and loved (you know, the invincible kind), But seeing him back in the beautiful colours that are the Arsenal red and white let me have a glimpse of what i missed due to my age, and truth be told, its nice to finally witness some absolutely beautiful moments this man was capable of.

Gotta love the man, really did us proud.
Thanks thierry.


We are the luckiest fans on the planet to have had this man in our team. Not once, but twice.

Legend is a very over-used word these days, but even that doesn’t do him, and what he’s done for us, justice.


Luckier still have had him at the same time as Vieira, Bergkamp and Pires.


*sobs at happy memories….*

Merlin's Panini

Just thought I should say, seeing as I didn’t notice anyone else mention it (probably due to depression), that flick for van Persie to volley against Milan was absolutely sensational and deserved a goal itself.


Missing you already Henry. You will always be an Arsenal legend and the simplicity of that beautiful goal you scored against Leeds will stay with me forever.


In the last decade we have been spoilt. The double. the invincibles. Thierry. Dennis. its been wonderful. We must be grateful. but nothing lasts forever.

its a lean period now. and this lean period wont last forever either.

patience gooners. patience.

the only sam is nelson

I’d go a wee bit further than that and say that compared to 71-79 or 79-87 we’ve enjoyed incredibly beautiful football at times as well as champions league every year. better than mid table shit fights under neill and howe, trophies or no trophies. things could be leaner and who knows perhaps they’ll get leaner. anyhow after tomorrow we’ll know whether we’re still in with a shout at the fa cup. no point in giving up the ghost when there’s still a chance of winning something, and whatever you think about our failures this year, the cup is there to… Read more »

Mr Teddy Ears

What a player and what a great guy to have around the team. I would love to have him Dennis around to help Arsene

Now that would be brilliant


Jomo & Sam – great points. And you know what warms my cockles, even at a time like this?

It’s knowing that this is as good as it gets for the mugs down the road. They’ve not had what we have (not in colour anyway), and are highly unlikely to. Ever.

the only sam is nelson

perspective is great innit

gooners = bitching and moaining about “only” finishing in the top 4 every year, amongst other things

sp*rs = having trouser accidents because they’re still top 4 in February and haven’t yet blown it

personally i hope anus cheeks scores a hat-trick against them this weekend and then accidentally studs his way over the faces of huddlestone, modric and bale. accidents do happen.


Huddlestone the cunt is out for the season anyway.


Thank you Thierry
If there was anything i enjoyed in last 2 months it was your return sir.
Thank you once again.


I’ve supported Arsenal since the late 60’s and I can assure you all that are too young to remember we’ve had worse times than this. It has been an absolute privilege to see such a great man and legend as Henry play for us and seeing him back even for this short time fills me with joy and pride. We will miss you, until you return one day. My memory from this time will be Henry warming up at the Blackburn game and telling the linesman that every ball going out was our throw, can’t think if he ever gave… Read more »


Shit….I feel old.


Great point Mooro. No matter how bad it gets for us and am sure fans of the filth down the road will remind us, and when they do just show em some statistics. 13 titles 10 fa cups and ask the shit faced scratchers if they would like to compare what they have won.
Doubt they will as it just don’t compare.


well, the future doesn’t look great unless we make major changes

Midfield Corporal

Imy wides hidden my belt and shoelaces. Life without Thierry is no life.

Nice to see Theo paying tribute to Him by retiring the No 14 shirt, shame he was wearing it at the time.


Thanks Thierry. I am so proud to have been a season ticket holder throughout your Arsenal career. It will be hard for any future gooner to have the commitment and passion you had for my beloved Arsenal. I salute you and hope that1 day you return in another capacity. TH14 a true legend


I love how gay we all are for him!


There’s only one Thierry Henry!!
Thierry Henry, Thierry Henry!!!


Cheers Henry, yet again you have done us proud and shown that you still have bags of class. You are a TRUE legend and we will miss you!

Aur Revoir Monsieur!


Take a bow Thierry, you were truly magnifique.


Ibra is a giant cunny,ps not all the Irish hate titi thanks for the memories big man.

7 year itch needs scratching

The wag of that finger and the shake of his head nonchalantly lips pouting…..

Thierry Henry’s just scored again.

Arsenal and Henry were meant for each other, and they were made for us.

[…] Henry has gone, with a message for the fans to get behind the team, which is great and I know where he’s coming from. But even Arsene […]


A huge and heartfelt merci Thierry for reminding me what it is to dream again.
Bonne continuation….et bon retour a Arsenal 😀
Giggs is 39 and you are a mere 34……red bull your way back here soon. If nothing else, to coach our fledgling strikers.


i say buy henry in the summer. he can retire at arsenal.


In 1971 we got hammered 5 – 1, I think, in the league by Stoke before going on to win the double. Fanfuckingtastic party afterwards but that defeat made us all think that we had no chance of winning anything that year so when we did it was even sweater. And that is what makes suporting your club so special, we all suffer the unexpected set backs together so that when the good times arrive they are all the more enjoyable.


I’m Irish and I don’t give a flying fuck about the hand ball. That cunt Robbie Keane would have done the same!

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