Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger mulling over left-back options

Arsene Wenger says that Kieran Gibbs is not sure to start tomorrow night’s game against AC Milan, despite the fact that his recent deputy, Thomas Vermaelen, will be moved back into the centre of the defence due to the injury to Per Mertesacker.

Speaking ahead of tomorrow night’s game, Wenger said that believes Gibbs is fit enough, but hasn’t yet made up his mind who will play at left back. “To be a player is to come in and show how good you are when you get your chance,” he said.

“I believe physically and mentally he is ready. But if I start him, which is not decided yet, I do not want to put too much pressure on him because we want a good team performance. Gibbs is a good player.

“I will find the most natural [solution], which means I will put Vermaelen back in the middle. Gibbs looks to be ready so I might look to start him but I have not decided completely yet.”

The only other option available to the manager is midfielder Francis Coquelin and perhaps the manager has some doubts as to whether or not a game of this magnitude is the right one for Gibbs to make his comeback after four months out injured.

Does he choose the natural full back or a player who is more match sharp? Clearly he’s undecided at this stage. Johan Djourou is also back in the squad and could play centre-half, leaving Vermaelen at left back. although that would be surprising.

Meanwhile, the boss said the news regarding Per Mertesacker was ‘not positive’ and ruled the defender out for at least a month, with fears growing that his ankle problem could keep him out significantly longer.

“He had a reconstruction of his ankle in Germany before he joined us,” added Wenger. “And the scan didn’t look to positive yesterday.

“He went back to Germany to consult the specialist to see where we go from there and he is supposed to contact me this afternoon to tell me exactly what the specialist told him.

“Certainly in the next month he will not be with us.”

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Jeremy Mathews

Whenever Le Coq is involved, it’s hard to know if you’re making the right decision.


Playing with Coq is probably the best move.


Putting Coq in the rear and getting him to drive forward will produce explosive results.

Merlin's Panini

I have no problem with Coq sitting to the left,
feels a bit uncomfortable on the right.
But enough about me…


Sounds like Perm’s ankle got deconstructed. And here I was thinking we’d all moved on from Derrida already.

the only sam is nelson


that’s one in the eye for all those who say arsenal fans are soy latte-quaffing guardianistas

to the matter at hand. i hope that mertesacker’s ankle is fixed. we certainly don’t want wenger having to worry about the per mutations at centre back

*gets coat, again*


the only sam, just how many coats do you have?

Merlin's Panini

Indeed, now where did I put my soy latte…


So much for German engineering!


Let’s hope Arsene uses Le Coq, he provides better penetration than Gibbs.


Ha ha, it might be my childish mind but that sounds rather…….well……wrong!

Glory hunter

Enough with the Coq jokes, it’s getting boring!
Gibbs is the obvious choice but you can’t go wrong with Coq, full of energy, gets up and down like a ????

*gets coat*

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

For most of their history Spurs have had a cock, but now we have a Coq too!
A bigger Coq.
A better Coq.
The most powerful Coq in North London.
The One True Coq!!!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Bit over the top, eh?

…I’ll just get a job in the cloakroom


A defensive midfielder playing at left back has served us well in the past.


Play Gibbs Asap. He’s a pro and shud know d task ahead of him…


It has to be Le Coq, Gibbs is okay but still not there for me there for me.
He just doesn’t get a good enough run in he team – perma injured.

Le Coq may not be a left back, but he also doesn’t give me the jitters when he’s got someone running at him.

This maybe controversial, but I don’t think left back has been a great position for us since the days of Cashley.


Clichy wasn’t too bad, especially in his first few seasons.

I was liking the work of Santos, once he’d found his feet. Just hope he stays off the fish & chips while he’s mending.


doesn’t look too likely:


What has happened to Miquel who was playing there before when Vermalaen was injured too, is he dead as well!?


I think he played against the Wolves reverves a short time ago.


Note to self : read post before you press the go button.


Gibbs absolutely must not play! Now that he is fit we should not do anything to hurt him. He should be kept in cotton wool until the end of the season, then we should sell him any club stupid enough to buy him.


i reckon le coq is better going forward too, and he’s match ready. i’d go with him on the right and sagna backing up the ox on the left. wouldn’t be surprised if arshavin started though as this is the kind of stage he might shine on…


What about JD in the middle and TV at LB? Zlatan’s a bitch to defend against and I rather see us being more physical at the back to tackle that.

Et tu..Edu

My money is on Bac at left back with Le Coq at right back! Big night for The Ox too if he starts – I have this feeling about Arshavin starting though.

Really looking forward to the football regardless – should be top notch.

[…] clearly not quite convinced that Kieran Gibbs is the man to fill the gap left by the BFG injury, saying: If I start him, which is not decided yet, I do not want to put too much pressure on him because we […]


I make you right on Santos, and to a certain extent Clichy, but he was never a patch on the Dreadlocked Wonder . He was a model pro though, both while at the club and also the way he left. Gotta a lot of time for the guy.


I think we should slip Coq in tonight; Gibbs is a fantastic player but I don’t think throwing him into a game like this after the time he’s been out will be the best move. Also, I think it would be good to see The Ox in with Arshavin as an optional impact sub, alongside Ramsey and Thierry. Rosicky’s experience and near-immaculate passing will pay off, have to start him.

Merlin's Panini

If he scores we’ll see Coq splashed all over the back pages.

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