Thursday, December 19, 2024

No Kos for concern

Having missed last weekend’s win over Aston Villa suffering from tendinitis, the news on Laurent Koscielny’s troublesome knee is positive.

Speaking on Saturday evening, Arsene Wenger revealed that the player seemed to aggravate a mild problem overnight and despite being included in the starting line-up was withdrawn half an hour before kick-off.

“Koscielny had tendinitis in his knee when he woke up this morning. I don’t know what position he slept in but he could not walk properly. He tried in the warm-up but could not play,” explained the boss.

“We decided in the morning when he woke up. He came to see me and said he was not sure that he could play with that pain.

“So we called somebody up and pushed him in the warm-up. Straight away after the first run he said he could not even move. How bad it is we have to assess.”

The extent of the problem appears not to be serious, with the Daily Star claiming the French international is positive about his chances of taking on QPR at Loftus Road on Saturday.

While the article includes no direct quotes, it seems a strange one to speculate on, so you can only imagine the author must have the inside track on the player’s progress.

Fingers crossed the former-Lorient man is fine. His partnership with Thomas Vermaelen has been the bedrock of Arsenal’s recent revival, and although Johan Djourou didn’t put a foot wrong against Villa, squad consistency at this time of the season is vital.

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Cygan's Left Foot

Our best defender this year by miles.

This coming form a big TV fan.


Completely agree that he’s been our and arguably the premier leagues best defender this season.

I am a little concerned about his yellow card situation though. He’s on nine, so one more and he’s banned for two games. Is it worth keeping him out of qpr game, to make sure he doesn’t miss manc city?

Cygan's Left Foot

It will be a good idea if only that journey man Zamora not having the game of his life against us.

I mean this song was made for him to show how crap he is…

If you are in row Z
and the ball hit you on the head
it is Zamor Zamor Zamor …(as in amore amore amore)


That seems totally sensible – he has more time to get over/not aggravate an injury and Djourou gets much needed practise for when he inevitably has to cover Kos or Verm for whatever reason.


When the player hits the ground and there’s no-one around, that’s Zamora.
When a cross flies in and hits a twat on the chin, that’s Zamora.
When you’re sat in row Z and the ball hits your head, that’s Zamora.
And when all’s said and done and you’ve lost it 6-1, that’s Zamooooooraaaaa!


Get well soon KOS, mission not yet accomplished. Need to gun down a few more teams and cunts like nasri, redknapp, bale etc etc !!!


Djourou played very well against Villa. People forget how good he was last year when he was healthy.

Cygan's Left Foot

I agree, he even looked in a good shape physically just like last season.

I am glad he worked on his fitness and competition for a place is a good thing.


yeah.. because of the troubles he had as a Rb people forget he was a decent CB last year…

it does seem like he lost a bit of confidence playing as a RB..


I wouldn’t take the Villa game to evaluate our defenders. Against Villa I could have played at the back and everything would have been fine!


Tendonitis can be nasty so let’s hope this is just a temporary case


Lads, this isnt spam, I just saw this & thought it was hilarious. Its a dancing Arsene Wenger
I hope the Kos is back for Saturday! : )



Cygan's Right Foot

That’s his celebration when we lift the league trophy this season after both manc clubs collapse due to a series of bizarre Arsenal-esque refereeing decisions


That was fantastic


Quite possibly the greatest thing on the internet.


You just made my day, rayafc…


“I don’t know what position he slept in..”

I couldnt help but LOL at that ..

Arsene has his defenders sleeping in specific positions only I guess.

Cygan's Left Foot

I remember Dived Seaman “stretching out for the remote control” at home and he was off for a while.

That is why women should always keep the remote control closer to a man.

Cygan's Right Foot

and be ready with a sandwich

Cygan's Left Foot

God, now I know why we all the Cygans are still single.


The best one I heard was the alleged reason Prince Boateng couldn’t turn up the second leg the other week: Because his bird sexed him almost to death.

Rad Carrot

Absolutely agree. I nigh on shat myself when I heard about Kos’ injury last Saturday, I was certain that it would destabilise the defence and Villa might sneak something past us. As it was, both Villa’s reluctance to attack and Djourou’s competence served us well, but I still thought he was almost a little too confident – some of the passes he played out of defence were dangerous and would have been intercepted by a better team. I’d much rather Kos were back alongside the Verminator, they’ve made a good partnership and it looks like our defence is starting to… Read more »


Important to remember Liverpool didnt score in that game. It was an OG. Which means 4 clean sheets.


eh… It was a defensive mistake and it led to a goal. I think that’s in some ways the same as a goal, in the context of Carrot’s argument…


Get well soon KOS, we can’t afford to loose any other center back after Per has been ruled out for the rest of the season. Gunner4Life


To be honest looking back it probably did him good to have a breather, so long as he is back with us this week!

Jose Ozorio

He’s 1 yellow away from a ban. So resting him against QPR would not be the end of the world. Having said that, the TV-KOS partnership is really blossoming.

Plus he’s miles better than poor JD atm.


Do not link articles without quotes or videos. Arseblog is my reliable source of news, don’t taint it.


I’m sure Djourou’s delighted to be back in his favored position. He’s a competent defender and a solid Centre Back, though he looked a bit unsettled in the opening stages of the Villa game.
Really hoping that Kos makes a quick and full recovery… Wouldn’t want the Kos-TV gravy train to come to a halt..such a formidable partnership..


Many have expressed a desire for Djourou to be sold because he wasnt percieved to be a good enough defender. I have always maintained that Djourou was not a full back and should not be judged on his performances in that position. Djourou has been inconsistent as a CB in the past but last season he was very, very good. Djourou has had very little time playing as CB this season so let us truely congratulate him for his performance. Many of us couldnt help but fear the worst when he was named as part of the starting 11 –… Read more »

Rad Carrot

Mmm, with no disrespect meant to Johan, I certainly wouldn’t class him as “World-Class”. He’s not a bad player but I still get nervous when he’s put on the pitch. Not judging him on his performance as a RB, which wasn’t terrible all things considered, or on the Villa display, which was fairly confident, but more on his times when he’s been thrown on with 15 minutes to go as a centre-back and made a mistake. He just doesn’t seem to understand that when you’re defending a slender lead with a few minutes to go, that you don’t spray a… Read more »


Yes Djourou has had spells for us when he played great for a few games, but let’s not suddenly forget that he is a multi-millionaire from playing at Arsenal, and as a relatively pacey defender couldn’t do a job at RB even though 2 kids who are midfielders (Yennaris & Coq) did very well, and he was always supposed to be a versatile player. He seems like a nice guy & all that, but for me he’s almost like Squillaci with height & time on his side. Sorry. Maybe he still can learn to cut out his mistakes.. Mert, on… Read more »


Lest we forget, Djourou was very effective for us just last season when he had a decent run in the side. Like any player, it’s hard to play at your best without having a run of games to get your rhythm.


Wonder who the Daily Star’s inside source might be……Sarge? No…Rosemary the Telephone Operator? No….Henry, the mild mannered janitor? No… PHW, the cigar chomping Old Etonian? Could be…


I heard the janitor is a legend at mopping the floor.


Yep. The archetypal Sweeper.


Tendonitis?….that’s what ruined Owen Hargreaves career.

Mr. G

No! Don’t jinx it!

Master Bates

your name ,aaaargh. Arseblood eeeew


If there’s the slightest danger then Kos should not be risked for the QPR game. We should be able to beat them easily without him. And another rest can’t do him any harm.

Man City and Chelsea are the ony two big games that we have left. Wenger should be confident now about rotating players to rest some of the stars. It’s a shame that we can’t rest RvP, though – we don’t have any other strikers.

the only sam is nelson

given that our last 5 goals (that won the last 3 games) were scored by players not called RvP I think it’s safe to say that the Arse are playing well enough to be quashing the “one man team” doubts that the pundits were ragging on (and we all secretly agreed with particularly at those terrifying moments when RvP would go down clutching his leg). plus QPR thumped the scousers at loftus road last week, and liverpool don’t exactly have a shit defence. the “we should beat them” attitude might be something that contributed to some of the defeats we… Read more »


We do have other strikers….they’re just shite.


What?! Are you criticising Nicklas “The Greatest Striker the World Has Ever Seen” shite?

canis lupus

Best four CB’s since the invincibles? Definitely.


Barry ferguson’s reward for his taunt on Kos was to get relegated and play in the championship whilst Kos has since gone from strength to strength and emerged as one of the top notch CB. Poetic justice?


Indeed but I’d like it even more poetic than that… Maybe Barry ‘Thundercunt’ Ferguson could get cunted 100 times right in the cunt…

Rectum Spectrum

Koscielny made a name for himself against Barca last year. Has since gone on to prove he has real ability. Same again next year and he could be regarded as world class. This team is really starting to show some serious magic.


I really, really do not want to rely on Djourou to help anchor our D. I have seen enough this year to know that Villa were just kind of terrible, not that Djourou was amazing. Please come back Kos!!!


I have watched kos closely over past two seasons. He is very good against fast nimble strikers although its fair to say suarez taught kos a lesson. Against bigger strikers Kos suffers so some time in the gym will improve him massively. What Kos has improved on is the offside which he was mistiming earlier on. The defence at Arsenal could still be tighter so lets see how the season ends before judgement is passed


Djourou is an accident waiting to happen. He’s pocketing 50k a week for another four years. Another average overpaid Arsene’s boys a la Senderos.

He falls down so often that one wonders what that big weight is meant for.

We had a chance to get rid of him and sign Cahill, now he is stuck on us like Senderos did.


Cahill? Per-lease. Way overrated.

Plus, how can you trust a man who knowingly signs a contract with the understanding that he’ll partner John Terry.

Fuck him.


Here comes the Cahill brigade. Where is Frog when you need him to hand out the 2 week ban for talking about Cahill?


You must be joking Perry, no-one is that ignorant

arse power

only in arsenal player get injured while sleeping


Heading should’ve read “No Kos for Koncern” 😀


I know Djourou’s not been at his greatest, but its easy to forget that he was one of our best performers for a large chunk of last season.

1 goal conceded against Barca = clean sheet against any other team in Europe.

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