Saturday, July 27, 2024

Roller coaster February ends with accolade for Wenger

Arsene Wenger has been crowned the Barclays Premier League Manager of the Month for February after his Arsenal side took ten points from a possible 12 and regained their place in the top four.

Starting the month with a frustrating goalless draw at Bolton Wanderers, the Gunners thumped Blackburn 7-1 at home, before snatching three points at Sunderland thanks to a last gasp Thierry Henry winner. Then of course there was last week’s North London derby – an uneventful game which resulted in another routine dismantling of the Spuds.

In truth I’m sure Arsene will look back on the last 29 days with mixed emotions. While regaining momentum in the league has been vital, watching his side succumb to their ‘worst ever’ European loss (the boss’ words not mine) and then limply succumbing to Sunderland in the FA Cup will not sit well with a man who always takes defeat to heart.

It’s the 12th time that Wenger has won the Manager of the Month accolade since arriving from Nagoya Grampus Eight in 1996 and his first since this time last year.

With an early game against Liverpool tomorrow, Arseblog News crosses its collective fingers hoping that talk of a MOM curse is a load of old cobblers…

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February was defo a bittersweet month. Hope for a good run in!


Presumably this was Frank Carson’s last joke before he kicked the bucket ?

Midfield Corporal

I’ve put a tenner on Squillachi for player of the month too.

gunn cabinet

does it count as trophy? Only kidding. But in truth; another month like this and the spuds will be wondering how they ever thought the acting cast of christian bale and co was the best spud squad in half a century!

Merlin's Panini

sadly for them, it is.

Merlin's Panini

whoever thumbed me down is a stinking Spud.
It IS their best squad in half a century and they’re still shit!

Merlin's Panini

You’ve used that image before Arseblog.
I don’t know if that says I’m on here too much, or if you’re showing a lack of imagination! Maybe both…

Merlin's Panini

what? I like the image. Just saying.

Merlin's Panini

alright… I’m being pedantic.

FFS… grumble grumble. *Mum, they’re thumbs downing me again! Can you tell them to stop?*

Merlin Panini's Mum

What have I tolled you about looking at pictures on the internet son?

Cygan's Left Foot

I hope you can sleep well with all those bad red thumbs down written in your little red note book now.

Normally you judge the mood of the readers so well and you get a lot of greens, March must be not your month!!!.

Merlin's Panini

meh, can’t win em all.


I thought exactly the same (although I AM pedantic!).

It looks like Wenger is testing some piano wire he’s stretched across the pitch (possible spuds game?) with a ‘psycho’ grin on his fizog.


Only the 12th time in 15 odd years? That’s really stingy of the Premier League. You’d have thought he should have won it half that number of times in the Invincibles season alone.


I’m actually quite shocked that this is only the 12th time he’s won it since he’s been here – wow! Would have thought it would be far higher.

Titty Bar Barry

I think this award is an insult to be honest as it is making out that Sp*rs are amazing. To suggest that one, although immensely satisfying, victory makes up for the mess that was February is basically trying to say that Sp*rs are the greatest team ever. Spurs aren’t shit, fuck Spurs. Beating them is no big deal. Well done Wenger all the same, but now the real test begins.

Zach Cotner

Its not all about the spuds demolition. We had two wins with alot of goals and took back fourth place. I think it’s more of an insult that The Proffesor has only won it 12 times. But I’m not trying to start anything, I whole heatedly agree that the spuds are cunts!

Zach Cotner



Just goes to show that if you ain’t ‘pally’ with the media then you get less awards etc.
This is why The Arsenal are always getting rubbish press.

The ‘cocks’, on the other hand, have ‘Arry who sucks up to the media BIG-TIME which explains why the ‘power in North London is shifting’ (“cough”) and that Galan Bale can get away with diving.


The Wenger Out brigade must be rather frothy by now.

He is not perfect, but who is going to replace him and do better?


Is he the first manager to win the award while having his job security questioned by the press for half of the month’s duration?


Half the month? It has been at least 3 years.

Ace McGoldrick

Actually love that photo. Congrats boss.


I feel for the mosquito being squeezed by Wenger. But thats perfection Wenger demands just not on the turf but the all round atmosphere at the emirates.

Merlin's Panini

he’s actually picking up Arshavin by the collar in that picture, whilst stroking an invisible dog, I believe.


12 in 15 yrs??

Are Geoff shreeves & mike dean on that manager of the month panel!!

Celebrity Serb

AW manager of the month?This is a joke!!!!
Out of 2 cups,20 points behind Man City..i mean..WTF!


Hmmmm the only celebrity Serb I know of was some mass-murdering bloke. Slobodan, is that you?


Premier leauge manager of the month….


Seems rather ridiculous that the manager of the month award is exclusively for the league results as if exiting two cups did not happen. How can you separate results out like that. There should just be an overall manager of the month and that’s it. It ended well but no way was that a good month for AFC.

Surprised he didn’t win it a lot more often 1997-2004.

Merlin's Panini

because it’s awarded by the Premier league. Not Uefa and not the Football league, I guess. simples.


My points stands. There should not be an award that separates out results.

Merlin's Panini

the Premier league thinks otherwise.


I dare to think otherwise.

Mr. Hyde

I think they’re right to keep it separate.

Thierry van bergkamp-wright

That’s what the eufa manager of the year award is for,.





My, my. He’s gotten the legendary 12th MoM. Now that he’s finally gotten it, I’m betting he’s retiring at the end of the season.

Gareth Freshwater

It’ll be interesting to see the breakdown over the years of just who has won the MOM title.

Who is top of the pops and so forth.

I sense a STAT PACK calling??


For the full breakdown, you can look it up at

Sir Alex Ferguson came as 1st with 26 awards and then followed by Wenger. Moyes, Redknapp and O’Neill are tied in the 3rd place with 8 awards apiece, and so on.

Some people mentioned that Wenger must’ve won most of his awards during the Invincibles season but the truth is, he *only* won it twice that season, same as in 1997-98 and 2007-08.


I wish to return to gunners!!#&4%5


Here’s the all-time winners list: Red Nose has won it 26 times, Arsene is 2nd on 12. The most suspicious and suspect stat of all is that Stuart Pearce has won it 3 times, the same amount of times as Gerrard Houlier and Jose Miurinho! Stuart fucking Pearce!!!!! Looking at the list, i think the award is designed mainly to communise and show appreciation to mid and low table team managers, lets face it, if it was based on results alone arsene would of had 7 or 8 in 2003-4 and 5 on the trot in the 2002 run-in.… Read more »


Ah I just realized that I posted a similar comment on a different thread…sorry.

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